Sql - SSIS - Script Component, Split Single Row To Multiple Rows (Parent Child Variation)

Mar 5, 2012


Basically here's what I want to do.

Input data
ID Item Name
1 Apple01,02,Banana01,02,03
2 Spoon1,2,Fork1,2,3,4


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Sql - Inserting Multiple Parent Rows And Multiple Child Rows For Each Parent With ADO.NET In One Setting

Nov 28, 2011

I am looking for a howto or someone expert in ADO.NET who can explain me how to properly solve the following scenario:I have two datatables in a dataset:

ParentTable (ParentID, Name) for user data ChildTable (ParentID, ActivityID, ...) for schedule data

Tables are linked together at the database level by ParentID which is an Identity column in ParentTable.

Both tables are data bound to a separate DataGridView on the GUI. There supposed to be a "1 parent/N children" relationship between the tables, meaning if I create a new entry in the ParentTable (a new user) I get a clean DataGrid in the child grid to type schedule data for the user. So I setup two DataAdapters for each table to fill their result into a DataSet. I also set up a DataRelation object and assign it to the DataSet to link the two tables by their ParentID columns. Also when I add a row into the ChildTable via DataGrid I use SetParentRow to set the parent row.


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Insert SQL 2008 Parent And Child Rows In A Single Transaction?

Nov 13, 2010

First, a little background (greatly simplified): I have two classes, one called Entity and one called Item which a subclass of Entity. They each store their individual properties in seperate SQL 2008 tables using TableAdapters generated by a strongly typed DataSet. The Entity class has a Save() method that looks like this:

Public Sub Save()
End Sub


Indeed, the SQL table does not contain a row in the Entity table with the necessary ID at this point because the transaction is not complete.

My goal is to prevent the Entity record from being inserted if inserting the Item record fails. I could write code to delete the Entity record again, but this does not seem very elegant to me...

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VS 2008 Insert Rows In Between Rows In Gridview Based On The Parent And Child Nodes?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like:

- 31


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Add Rows Inbetween Rows In Gridview Based On Parent And Child Node

Jan 19, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like: [Code] Comparing the Parent Node text and first two digits in the Column values. I want to add rows inbetween the gridview rows based on the parent and Child Nodes. If i expand the First Parent Node Called "31" then according to the Number of Child Nodes (for first parent node(31) there are 5 child nodes.) add rows in the gridview.

These New rows should be add under the 31-xxxx. If i expand the 32 Parent Node based on number of Child Nodes, add rows under the 32-xxxx. [Code] I am getting the rows in the end of the Gridrow not in the Specific row.

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.net - Parent/Child Relationships Failing When Getting Data From Parent Class With Multiple Forms Open?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a main form, and some sub forms, and each sub form can have some sub forms. When I have multiple sub forms open, and I try to get data from the parent form, it returns the data from the wrong parent form.For example I have two instances of Mainform.subform running. If I do something like this in a child form of one instance of the subform. It returns data from the other subform.

dim l = Mainform.subform.listofdata

Edit:I am using visual Studio 2008. Winforms, form designed using designer. In my mainform I am doing this

Protected Friend frmMain as Mainform
frmmain = new mainform

In frmMain I am doing this

Protected Friend frmsub as new Subform'
frmsub = new subform


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VS 2008 Parent And Child Rows In The DataGridView?

Sep 16, 2010

In my DataGridView table i have one column called "Category".In this "Category" column values are like



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Require Assistance Making A Menu From A Single Parent/Child Table?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a single table that holds my Categories

CatID, CatName, ParentID

I have often used this layout to show Root Categories where the ParentID IS NULL. I would like to be able to create a vertical Menu (using a repeater and an <UL><LI> that displays the Root Categories and ideally, a collapse panel that would expand with the subcategories. Given the above Table format, it is also easily possible to make the hierarchy unlimited.

how to make a single dataset that understands the Child relationship.

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Setting A Value In Parent Row For A Column That Is Grouped Sets Child Rows To Nothing

Apr 13, 2012

i have a Janus grid, which has two columns and the rows are organized in a hierarchical order i.e. parent and child rows. One of the columns in the grid is grouped (by dragging the column in the group by box above the grid). I have a cell-changed event that is fired when a cell content is changed. I do this in the cell-changed event:[code]If i change the value, in a parent row, of the grouped column then the child rows are set to Nothing. After the last line in the above snippet, child rows of row are set to Nothing. On the other hand, this problem does not occur if i change the value of the other column (which is not in the group by box). The problem occurs only if i group a column and change its value not otherwise.

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Split A String On Multiple Blankspaces But Not On Single?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a string that i need to split where there are 2 or more blankspaces, but i dont want to split it on single blankspace. For example, a string might look something like this:

"Name of something "five blanks" Name of something else "three blanks" And so on"

And i need the split to be:

Name of something
Name of something else
And so on

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Binding Multiple IDs Into Form With Two Parent / One Child Tables

Apr 3, 2009

I am very new to vb. I have to create a registration form based on the a complainant form and offender form. Complainant form fills out, take the complainant_ID and parse it to registration form to load. Now when the registration form loads, it has registration_Id and complainant_ID, fills out necessary info and add an offender from the offender form and pass back the offender_ID to the registration form..now on this registration form, we have registration_ID, complainant_ID, and offender_ID..complainant and offender can have more than one registration..

Table structures:
Complainant table(complaint_ID, last, first)
Offender table(offender_ID, last, first)
Registration table(registration_ID, complainant_ID, offender_ID, type, desc)

What I have done so far:
Using separate dataset for each form. Complainant/Offender/Registration form load and save fine. But I do not know how to bind these Ids together so they stay in sync.. What I mean, when I add new complainant, take the complainant_Id, parse it to registration to create a new registration for that particular complainant, and also add an offender to that newly created registration, and pass offender_ID back to registration form. I am using visual studio 5 and sql express..

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Format Sql To Allow Multiple Rows In A Single Column?

Oct 11, 2011

i have a project and i want to insert multiple rows into a single column and then display them into a single text box...

this is what I'm going for:

DATABASE: column 1
| column 2 | column 3
| column 4 |


yes i know I've posted this in 3 different forums but no one seems to know either

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Query To Insert Records In A Single Row Rather Than Multiple Rows

Mar 18, 2010

I am using datarepeater on my windows form to populate records from a temp table. I want to write query to insert records for an employee in a single row rather than multiple rows. For example: I am displaying records of one month only. so i know the definite number of columns. Normally if we use select * from Temp ' it will display and i can populate in a datagrid.


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SSIS Script Component - (a String Of CSV)

Jan 16, 2012

I found this piece of code which works fine for my input (a string of CSV). The package runs fine, but instead of getting 5 columns of output, I only get 2 columns. I added additional columns in the Script Component and also changed their data types to the suitable ones. The input is 643492,PV STRIP 1X1 UTILITY UP,,67.5,393446. Out of this entire string, I only get 643492 in one column and PV STRIP 1X1 UTILITY UP in another. Rest of the string comes out blank no idea why. I dont know anything about .net and I am new to SQL Server as well.

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim strRow As String
Dim strColSeperator As String


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Interface And Graphics :: MDI Parent / Child - Child To Check To See If It Is The Last Child Object Before Closing

Feb 18, 2011

Im working with MDI parent/child objects. when closing the child objects i need the child to check to see if it is the last child object before closing. i couldn't find anything on google, maybe im searching for the wrong thing.

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VS 2008 Updating A Single Column, Multiple Rows In An Access Database?

Aug 25, 2010

I have an access table that I'm loading into a dataset, then I'm binding the dataset to a bindingsource. The bindingsource is the datasource for a datagridview. I can use a command builder to update the entire table, but I need to update all the rows (or changed rows) in specific columns. I have a column called "dPrint" which is Boolean. I'm not sure how to use the bindingsource as my datasource in an Update Command. I've tried this:

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Releasing A Child From A Parent Control Without Knowing The Parent(WPF)

Apr 10, 2010

I would like to know if there is some simple code to release a child control from it's parent control, without having to name the parent control. In pseudocode, I'm looking for something like this:


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Creating DataRelation With Parent And Child Tables And Generating Xml With Subnodes For Child Table?

May 21, 2012

Dim obj_DataTable As New System.Data.DataTable("Category")
Dim obj_DataSet As New DataSet()
'Declaring the array of DataColum to hold the Primary Key Columns


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Bind Child/Parent Instead Of Parent/Child?

Apr 28, 2009

Applications_Type is a lookup table for Applications.What I am trying to do is provide a drop down list of applications and a label that displays the selected application type.[code]...

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How To Work On Both Parent And Child Form Without Closing Child

Apr 10, 2011

i have created two forms A and B when button in form A is clicked B is invoked when B is running its not possible to work on A until i close form B. How can i work on A without closing B

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Passing Data From Child To Parent Form Which Is A Child Of Another One

Apr 17, 2012

i have three forms

when i click button1 on form1=====> form2.showdialog()
then click button 1 on form2 =====> form3.showdialog
then click button 1 on form 3 =====>


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"truncate" Command - Databse Manipulation - Delete Multiple Rows In A Single Table

Jun 2, 2011

How to delete multiple rows in a single table i used "truncate" command.

This is my code for deleting:

Private Sub tranc()
Dim dbconn As OleDbConnection
Dim dbcom As New OleDbCommand
dbconn = New OleDbConnection(cnnstring())


I used access database on it. when i run my prog. i got this error "Invalid SQL statement; expected 'delete','insert.... or 'update'.

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Filter Parent / Child Table In Linq Query Based On Entities In Child Table?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a table (Projects) which is linked to projectVersions on projectID..projectVersions contains several columns on which I'd like to filter a returned project (and associated projectVersions) list. For example there is a "capacity" column and a "country" column. I am doing a filtered list of projects on one page and I'd like to include all projects where any one of the associated projectVersions has a capacity of 750ml and a country of "France" for example.It may be that a particular parameter is not set and so I pass a zero to indicate not to filter on that.I guess this needs some kind of subquery as when I try and do something like this: [code] it doesn't work as the "xxx" bit, being one-to-many, expects me to specify an item to get at the entities within and yet I want to query where ANY of the associated versions match one of the criteria.

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Sql Server - Create Application To Modify SSIS Variables And Start SSIS Package?

Aug 23, 2011

My DBA has several SSIS packages that he would like the functionality of providing the end user with a way to input values for variables in the package. What would be the best solution for creating an application that would take the user input and pass the data through to the SSIS package variables?

I can get this work locally using this code

Dim packageName As String
Dim myPackage As Package
Dim integrationServices As New Application


Problem is this requires that the user have SSIS installed locally.

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Asp.net - How To Pass An ID From Parent ListView To A Child Repeater Inside The Parent ListView

Oct 12, 2011

I have a listview "CategoriesList" and i have a repeater "NewsRepeater" inside the listview "CategoriesList"

<asp:ListView ID="CategoriesList" runat="server" DataKeyNames="CatID" DataSourceID="CategoriesListODS"


how to pass the catID from the listview and make it as SelectParameters in ObjectDataSource "NewsRepeaterODS"?

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Place A Label Box / Other Component In The MDI Parent?

Dec 15, 2011

I have an issue when I place a label box / other component in the MDI Parent form and then open any child form the label box/ other component displayed in child form (Show in SpanShot),

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Component Detect When Parent Form Is Running In The IDE

Dec 1, 2010

I have developed a Component and I want it to be able to detect when it's running in the IDE.

Or, let me rephrase that - I want my component to be able to detect when its parent form is running in the IDE.

I can use .DesignMode and a few other methods to detect when my component is running in the IDE (For example when my component is placed on a form etc)

But when the parent form is executed from within the IDE then .DesignMode returns false.

Is it possible for a component to detect if its parent (the form) was started via an IDE/Designer ? or via the command line/start menu or what ?

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MDI Child Maximized - The Child Form Shows Maximized In The MDI Parent But Behind The UserControl

Nov 12, 2010

Note: I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. Note: There are a lot of MDI Child posts, but none (that I have found) that apply to my scenario... Scenario I have an MDI form with a UserControl docked at the top. The UserControl is for navigation and is ~50 pixels in height. When I show a child form with its WindowState property already set to 'Maximized', the child form shows maximized in the MDI parent, but behind the UserControl.


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Is Running Multiple Threads Faster Then A Single Thread On A Single Core Cpu

Dec 23, 2009

Say I have a code with 3 methods that do some pretty intensive work. Would executing these methods on 3 seperate threads be faster then executing them one after the other on a single core cpu? And what if it's a dual core or HT?

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Change Component Attribute On MDI Child?

Feb 6, 2012

If I want to chand the background color of all the child windows opened i would use this:

For Each chld As Form In Me.MdiChildren
chld.BackColor = Color.LightGray
Next chld

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