CODE - Reversing My String ?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm having problems reversing my string. For example if the string is "DOG", i want it to be like "GOD"

Here is my code. what to add?

Dim oldpassword As String
Dim newpassword As String
Const Prompt As String = "Please Enter 5 to 7 digits only"


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Reversing A String And/or An Array

Oct 24, 2007

So for an intro to programming class, we use visual basic, and i have to write a program that reverses the characters in a string. I've written a code that (i think) turns the string into an array, and then used the array.reverse method to reverse the characters.

I feel like my code is correct, but clearly it is not....when i run the program, there are no bugs, but instead of giving me any part of the input string, it returns "System.Char"

I'm a TOTAL beginner, and clearly not very good at this sort of thing, but here's my code for my "reverse" button:


I'm open to other methods for reversing strings, but I'd like to stick with this one if at all possible...

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VS 2008 Reversing A String?

Jul 27, 2010

dim str as string = "Today is Wednesday"i want to reverse the string in this order:

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Reversing Order Of An Array Or String

Jun 29, 2010

Im looking to dynamically populate a Placeholder with data sent from a textbox on the same page, but in reverse order i.e. the latest post goes to the top ratehr than the bottom - kidda like Twitter or Facebook.The code I have so far is below but I keep geeting an error stating that "BC30311: Value of type 'System.Collections.ArrayList' cannot be converted to 'System.Array'." [code]

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Invert (or Reverse, Whatever) A String But Reversing Each Word?

Jun 9, 2011

How can I invert (or reverse, whatever) a string, but reversing each word?


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Reversing A TreeNodeCollection?

Apr 1, 2010

I was wondering how it is possible to reverse a TreeNodeCollection. Since it doesn't have an inline reverse function, I've tried several other methods to no avail: everything from copying the nodes into an array (which has a built-in reverse function), reversing it, and then copying it back into the TreeNodeCollection to using a custom reversing algorithm. Nothing has succeeded.


Any ideas as to why, or how, additional nodes are being added? It doesn't make sense to me as to why that would happen. All I'm doing is changing the values of nodes that already currently exist.Edit: In addition to this method, another possible way to approach it would be to sort the treeview in reverse order in the first place (I think by using an ICollection, or possibly IComparer?), but I've no idea how to accomplish this. I'm not even sure where to start regarding using an ICollection to sort the nodes in a custom fashion.

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Reversing #'s In An Array Error

May 9, 2011

I am attempting to reverse the numbers in the array I have below. I was able to set the numbers from 1 - 10, but now I am unable to get the array to work properly when trying to reverse, I keep getting an error "Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to 'System.Array'. [code]

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Reversing #'s In An Array Error?

Feb 14, 2012

I am attempting to reverse the numbers in the array I have below. I was able to set the numbers from 1 - 10, but now I am unable to get the array to work properly when trying to reverse, I keep getting an error "Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to 'System.Array'.

Module Module1im
Sub Main()
Dim array(10) As Integer


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Reversing Lines In A Text File?

Feb 13, 2011

Text file


Want to turn them into e,d,c,b,a

What's the most efficient way to do so? stack? Queue? List?

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Reversing Name In A Message Box On Click Button

Feb 4, 2010

I'm creating this program where the user inputs their name in this one textbox, and they click on the button where it should come up with their name in reverse(Last Name, First Name) in a message box. My message box doesn't work. My code does show I'm using the If statement because I'm trying my make sure the user is inputting letters only and nothing else. But I would fix that later thats not my biggest concerns.

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Reversing Text From A Txtbox And Putting It Into A Label?

Apr 18, 2011

Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

Dim name As String = txt1.Text
Dim backwards As String
'backwards = name.Reverse


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VS 2008 Bitwise Operation (Reversing Bits)?

Feb 16, 2011

I have written a simple application which saves information to an RFID tag. I am now trying to compress my data. The solution I have come up with involves bitwire operation.Basically I store 2 numbers per 1 byte (0-9, 10 being a period, 12 possibly being a negative/positive flag,13,14,15 unused as of yet).The code I am using basically shifts the byte containing a number left, 4 spaces, then 'OR's it against another number.Therefore 12 is now represented as 00010010. The problem i'm having is decompressing. Obviously getting the '1' back is easy, as I just shift right 4, then grab it. I need to append or remove the last 4 bits.My solution after many headaches was to reverse the bit order, shift left 4, then reverse, then tostring it.

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Reversing A Number - Reverse A Digit (Graphics Mode)not Console Based

Aug 29, 2010

Is it possible.we can reverse a digit in VB.NET(Graphics mode)not console based

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Vb8 Code To Open A Txt File - Search For A String In It & Extract String In A Excel File

Oct 11, 2010

i need a vb8 code to open a txt file,search for a string in it & extract string in a excel file.

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Character String Vb Code ?

Mar 5, 2009

I have been making a VB app that adds two text boxes together. This all adds up fine but I was wondering if there was any code to be able to turn the answer into a value such as 10.54 instead of 10.54653

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Character String VB Code?

Nov 19, 2008

I have been making a VB app that adds two text boxes together. This all adds up fine but I was wondering if there was any code to be able to turn the answer into a value such as 10.54 instead of 10.54653Basically turning the answer into a money value?

View 13 Replies

Code For Parsing XML String?

Jan 13, 2009

Have been struggling with parsing XML as there seems so many options. My XML string is formatted as follows



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Converting A String To Code?

Sep 21, 2009

I was trying to figure out how to convert a string (that the user would input to the program via a textbox) into actual code for the program to compile. For example, if the user was to enter: (5*100)+(20-3). How could you take that inputted string, and have the program solve it and return the value?

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Get Line From Code To A String?

Jan 16, 2010

we have Form1 and in this form we have several Subs like this:

Public Sub Sub1
Dim a,b,c as integer


I want to put into str1 and str2 as strings the lines below specifying only the line number of the form where these particular instructions are found


str1="if a+b=c then msgbox("Correct")"
str2="if a2+c2=b2 then msgbox("Incorrect")"

Any function to do this?

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String.format Zip Code?

Nov 15, 2009

What is the right way to use a custom format string on .e.g a zip code?The zip code in the database might have 9 characters, but the program should only output five. Using string.format("{0:#####}","322318825") will output "322318825", the entire 9-digit code.

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.net - Code Returns A Blank String

Jul 28, 2011

Anyone know why the following is not working?


I get no errors, it just returns a blank string.

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Add Password To Connection String In Code?

May 24, 2011

Using VS2010 I am adding a new data source (SQL Server for this app). The wizard asks if I want to include sensitive information (e.g. the password). In this case I answer "no" ecause I don't want the password showing up in the Config file (the rest of the string is fine).

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Change The IsNumeric To String In The Code

Aug 4, 2010

I want to change the IsNumeric to string in the code below but IsString gives an error how can i go round it Private Sub txtprojtypenw_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


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Code For Encrypt / Decrypt String

Nov 12, 2009

i have found a few encrypt/decrypt tutorials online but either they dont work or they only work when the application is running so if i encrypt a string using some code i find and save it (in its encrypted form) and then restart the application and enter the saved encrypted string into a textbox and run the decrypt code it wont decrypt it. i don't understand why en/de-cryption is so hard or why there are so little working examples online. could someone be so kind and show me some code that can let me en/de-crypt a string even if i restart the application or use it on a different computer? and doesn't show the weak key errors all the time.

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Code To Find Subset Of String

Aug 22, 2011

I am working on a function that returns an array of variable-length strings that have a certain starting and ending delimiter. The input to the function is a string. I am able to do this by using if-then statements with InStr(). I was wondering someone knew of a more elegant way. I tried using the split command but I am splitting on one delimiter so I don't really get the result. I could then parse from the results but I am back to the same boat with using InStr().


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Converting A String To Block Code

Apr 13, 2009

I was wondering, is their any way to change a string into a line of math code. I was working on a graphing calculator project and am having trouble splicing up everything into variables and coefficient and operators. Example, having this block of code work


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Evaluating A String As A Line Of Vb Code?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to figure out a way to set a string equal to vb code and then run that string as a line a of vb code.

for example
set string x = "TextBox1.Text =


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Program Code For String Sort?

Dec 30, 2009 program to sort one string without using any built_in functions in either ascending or descending?

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Store HTML Code As String?

Feb 22, 2009

Is there a more efficient way of doing this than adding &""""& for every double quotation mark in the html code when building the string? I need to store the HTML code as a string. I am finding "[tablerow]" within an existing document with StreamReader and want to replace it with my string value (html code) when writing it back using stringwriter.

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Strip Html Code From A String?

May 27, 2010

How to strip html code from a string? I know how to do this in Visual Basic 6 using Regular Expressions 5.5 as a reference, but since I switched to VB.NET 2008 today

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