I was wondering, is their any way to change a string into a line of math code. I was working on a graphing calculator project and am having trouble splicing up everything into variables and coefficient and operators. Example, having this block of code work
Is there a more elegant way to structure the following code, which takes a comma delimited string containing certain values in specific positions and assigns the values to the properties of an object?[code]...
I was trying to figure out how to convert a string (that the user would input to the program via a textbox) into actual code for the program to compile. For example, if the user was to enter: (5*100)+(20-3). How could you take that inputted string, and have the program solve it and return the value?
I'm converting some php code that tries to get a string to a length that is divisible by a certain number, say 10. To do so it appends "�" to the string to make up for the difference. In other words, it does something like:
dim difference as integer = 10 - (str.Length Mod 10) for i as integer = 1 to difference str += "�" next
But the problem for me is that "�", which is the ascii code for the null character, is two strings and I don't believe that when VB loops over resultant string it will view that as one character. what could I append the string with to retain the expected behavior?
I have a structure in VB.NET that has a dynamic array of double as a parameter. I am passing an array of structure (GElement) to a C++ DLL. I tried converting my array of GElement into a block of unmanaged memory, it works in VB.NET but crashes in my C++ DLL. I get the same error just trying to simply pass an array of GElement to my DLL instead of a Intptr.
Here is the error 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004
Here is my function and structure in the DLL: void _stdcall TestGElement(GElement* ge,long& nbge){ nbge=5; } struct GElement { double Step2D; double Step3D ; [Code] .....
I know it is easier if the array inside the structure as an already defined constant size but that can't be the case here...
There has been an Visual Studio addin created by Heslacher based on code by JohnWein which allows one to copy code in Visual Studio and paste it as HTML code block here in the forums.urls...
I want to get a 48 byte block of assembly code from the memory, save that code in a global array or whatever, then I wanna NOP everything from 0xF to 0x16, and write that into the memory, and then later I wanna use the global block to set it back, how can this be achieved in VB.NET?
now if i've written a code, and then wrote that if a certain condition presents then repeat that code again including that if condition, so what is the code for this?
I have a script file which uses code similar to the C# language, using { and } braces to start and close 'blocks' of code. Note that blocks can be nested.[code]...
Is it possible to use regular expressions to parse the code and return the name of each block separately? So in the above example, it should return block1, block2 and block3 but NOT "block 2 contains" or "and another" (no nested blocks).
'This program is to ask for input from a customer as to the type of lift ticket desired, whether it will be for a half 'day or full day and the total number of days desired. It will then calculate the total ticket price plus a slope 'charge of $10.00, a 10% sales tax will be added to the total of both the price and charge.'The checkboxes were designed to order one type of ticket at a time, when one box is clicked the 'other checkbox dissappears. Clicking the box again resets them both to visible.[code]
Add each characted to a String list (List(Of String)), execute the replace function for every type of character (for example: Text = Text.Replace("A", "0AA") Text = Text.Replace("a", "1AB")), but there's a problem: it replaces the text, but it replaces those replaced characters too, so when I replace "A", it will result something like this: "0AAB AAA 0AB"... (a long text)), and then add the characters to the result string
how make the application stop and start the replacing of the next character
I'm trying to use this code block:
Dim ReturnedString As String = GivenText Dim ListToEncode As New List(Of String) Dim curr As Integer = 0
I have a block of code in an application I have written. I have tried two different variations.Below are examples of the method I used: [code] The second example adds only three more lines of code. Yet, the app would run at about 10% of the speed as it would in the first sample.
I'm reading in a binary format. Strings are in a string block at the end of the file.
In the format, each record has an integer that is the offset in the string block where the string is located.
I could use the BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position property to advance to the location of the string and read it, and then set the position back, but that seems like that would be messy to me.
I am using the given code to copy my database files...it works like a charm in debug mode but as soon as I create a setup, it stops working. The error is
"Database Detach Failed"
I tried checking the code line by line and found that the code does not enter the IF block.I have no idea why.
Public Sub bk() Try Dim strDatabasePath As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "LIC.mdf")[code].....
Well, I've read (and learned) that the finally block doesn't always execute its code (even apart from pulling the plug).FYI For more information, see try catch finally question
I have an interface that I've defined and am working through a bunch classes that will implement it. I'm noticing that in 95% of the implementations, I'm only changing a few lines of the code, so I'd like to know if it's possible to have my IDE generate a block of code inside of a method upon implementation, much the same as implementing IDisposable.not mark my posts as answered. It is extremely rude. You have no idea if you've answered my question.I WILL come back and mark the ones that are answers, as answers.
It's just before while I found that expression (see my signature) is possible, so this request is not about what 'I am missing', but what I can think of. It would be nice to have named sections of code in visualbasic, which would replaced almost everything you can miss about GoTo. Imagine this:
Section Compression For Each item ... If Not item IsV...
i am using vb2008: now i can find the parent window with this block of code
Private Sub Button11_Click_2(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click Dim theHandle As IntPtr theHandle = FindWindow(Nothing, TextBox9.Text)
i do know how to use sendkeys, but if i use that and click on something else while i send the keys it picks up that window and trys to send the keys there thats what i dont wantnow using the top block of code along with this module how can i get the childwindow with focus on the "Richcntl" box to send text to itin a diffent click button:in this block:
Private Sub Button13_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button13.Click End Sub
Is it possible to skip a code block when a synclock is active?
For instance:
A object of class Bicycle is used by thread 1 and has a synclock on it.
Then thread 2 comes along and needs to know if the lights of the bike are working. But if there is a synclock active then thread 2 just forgets about checking the lights and goes to make a delicious chocolate pie.
I minimize a block of code, and instead of the text inside the rectangle being "..." I need to write smth of my own. I knew how to do it some long time ago, but I've forgotten it now.
I'm creating some software in visual basic 2005 .Net. My software keeps a log file. If the applications encounters an error, it writes to this log file. Is there a way I can easily produce what sub, function, or block of code that produced the error?
Sub MessageUser() Try msbox("Hello")
Since msgbox is spelled incorrectly this will produce an error. I want to know what sub caused the error, in this case MessageUser.
I m comparing two images in VB.Net..I get the code in C# & dat code is working 100 % Correctly..Now want to convert dat code to vb.net..& i need help in just converting two lines-
I have a button (btnAdd) that adds the content of a textbox (txtName) to a textblock (lblName). I want to add a date to the textblock when btnAdd is pressed but I want it to be a different font size and colour. So far my code looks like lblName.Text = txtName.Text " " + DateTime.Now
I only want DateTime.Now to be a different size and colour. Is this possible? Instead of a label I need to display it in a listBox. My new code: listBox1.Items.Add(txtName.Text " " + DateTime.Now)