Converting Array Of GElement Into Block Of Unmanaged Memory?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a structure in VB.NET that has a dynamic array of double as a parameter. I am passing an array of structure (GElement) to a C++ DLL. I tried converting my array of GElement into a block of unmanaged memory, it works in VB.NET but crashes in my C++ DLL. I get the same error just trying to simply pass an array of GElement to my DLL instead of a Intptr.

Here is the error
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004

Here is my function and structure in the DLL:
void _stdcall TestGElement(GElement* ge,long& nbge){
} struct GElement {
double Step2D;
double Step3D ;
[Code] .....

I know it is easier if the array inside the structure as an already defined constant size but that can't be the case here...

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Converting Memory Stream Byte Array To CSV File

Sep 26, 2011

How to convert memorystream byte array to csv file. I have GetExport method that converts rpt file to excelformatted memorystream and then returns that as a byte array. Is there a way to convert this byte array to a csv file? Due to some reasons I can only pass this byte array back to calling function.

Public Function GetExport(ByVal reportID As ReportID) As Byte()
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Nothing
Using expRptDoc As ReportDocument = New ReportDocument()
Dim rptFileName As String = Server.MapPath(ReportCommand.GetXMLReportPath(reportID))
[Code] .....

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Memory Leaks With Unmanaged Callbacks?

Jan 28, 2009

I've been using a simple mouse hook and some accessiblity api stuff to retreive caption under mouse (ObjectFromPoint) and accessibility api for events (ObjectFromEvent).It seems like there is memory leaks with unmanaged callbacks.With the global mouse hook it seems there is 4 - 8k of ram added every time the mouse is just moved even though I only monitor mousedown and mouseup with:

Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As UInteger = &H201
Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP As UInteger = &H202
Private Const WM_MBUTTONDOWN As UInteger = &H207


And with accessibility it seems there is also memory issues with my code. Is this to do with delegates?I only managed to find one mention on the mouse hook issues which led me in to a dead end.A long shot and maybe not even needed but I was wondering, if these mem leaks can't be stopped, would it free up the memory if I used threads which could be exited and new ones started eg.mem usage 3000k of which 1000k is leaked mem (for round figures) I exit global mouse hook thread and start a new m-hook thread.would this free up the memory? If so, how would i do this, not use threading before.

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Write A Signed Byte To Unmanaged Memory

Mar 22, 2012

How can I write a signed byte (sbyte) to unmanaged memory using VB.NET? I can use Marshal.WriteByte() to write an unsigned byte, but there doesn't appear to be an overload for signed bytes.

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Pass String Array To Unmanaged Code In A Dll?

May 10, 2009

First of all; I'm completely new to VB.

Pass a string array from Visual Basic Express 2008 to unmanaged code in a Dll.The array is Dimmed as in DIM myArray(11) as String

I'm developing the dll myself using Powerbasic.

The dll expect a 4 bytes pointer to a safearray's handle. As far as I have understood it; the array's string elements must be passed in ANSI format. The code in the dll will then use OLE Api to get the LBound and Ubound of the array and the address of the first element in array.

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Converting A String To Block Code

Apr 13, 2009

I was wondering, is their any way to change a string into a line of math code. I was working on a graphing calculator project and am having trouble splicing up everything into variables and coefficient and operators. Example, having this block of code work


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Converting System.array To Double() Array?

Jun 12, 2012

just hoping that someone may be able to assist me to convert system.array to double() array.

Declarations are as follows:

Private f_Data As System.Array

Private f_Measures() As Double

Private f_NumberOfObservations As Integer

I then 'fill' f_Data from a range in an Excel worksheet as follows:

f_Data = wsXLSData.Range(wsXLSData.Cells(1,1), wsXLSData.Cells(8, 1)).Value

This seems to work OK. Upon checking f_Data is indeed filled with 8 double type numbers.

I then try to convert this system.array to a double array as follows:

For i As Integer = 0 To f_NumberOfObservations - 1

f_Measures(i) = f_Data(i + 1, 1).value
I then get an error pointing to the line ' f_Measures(i) = f_Data(i + 1, 1).value' of type MissingMemberException was unhandled by user code'

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Converting A String To An Array And Then Using It As An Array?

Apr 7, 2012

Okay I am working on a Voice Recognition Application that has a chat bot in it. When voice is recognized it converts the recognized string into an array and checks if the first or last value of the array is either computer or the Bot's Name. However, I am still very new to VB.NET only been programming in it for a few days. (I know ASP and VBscript really well though) When it goes through the check I get an exception how do I fix this? Here's my code with a comment on the line that it fails on:

Private Sub OnReco(ByVal StreamNumber As Integer, ByVal StreamPosition As Object, ByVal RecognitionType As SpeechRecognitionType, ByVal Result As ISpeechRecoResult) Handles RecoContext.Recognition
Dim recoResult As String = Result.PhraseInfo.GetText 'Create a new string, and assign the recognized text to it.


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Copy Bytes In Memory To An Array?

Nov 12, 2009

unfortunately I cannot resort to C# in my current project, so I'll have to solve this without the unsafe keyword.I've got a bitmap, and I need to access the pixels and channel values directly. I'd like to go beyond Marshal.ReadByte() and Marshal.WriteByte() (and definitely beyond GetPixel and SetPixel).Is there a way to put all the pixel data of the bitmap into a Byte array that works on both 32 and 64 bit systems? I want the exact same layout as the original bitmap, so the padding for each row (if it exists) also needs to be included.Marshal doesn't seem to have something akin to:

byte[] ReadBytes(IntPtr start, int offset, int count)
Unless I totally missed it..

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How To Clear All Memory Used For Item As Array

Jul 25, 2011

Module Dic_Select
Public DicDataSelect() As DicDataList
Public Selected_Dictionary_Name As New ArrayList
Public Function New_Dictionary(ByVal Dic_Name As String) As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To Selected_Dictionary_Name.Count - 1 Step +1
[Code] .....

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Load An Array Of Images Into Memory?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm newb in the .NET framework so how could I go about loading an array of images into memory?[code]...

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Memory Leak In Large Array?

Feb 12, 2010

I need to improve memory performance on my application and I could see that I have problems with memory fragmentation.I've read an interesting article on large objects from Andrew Hunter of Red Gate, and one of the solutions he recommends isow do I implement his suggestion in my code?My program has a very complex form (with an object that leaves residual memory every time it opens. I found a complex list that may be the culprit, and I'd like to implement his suggestion to see if it fixes the issue.

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Conversion Of Byte Array To Memory Stream?

Aug 25, 2010

how to convert byte array to memory stream in

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Convert A File In Memory To A Byte Array?

Jul 27, 2010

I am using IonicZip to compress video files and store in a blob field. I have the zip file created just need to convert it to a byte array. How is this done without writing to the harddrive?

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Randomly Pick A Memory Location In An Array?

Aug 1, 2011

how to have the code randomly pick a memory location in an Array without having it filled, perferably in VB.NET Thinking of the logic, I was thinking

Dim random As Random
Dim tic(2, 2) As String

Would putting the array as a parameter would randomly pick a memory location in an array?

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Converting A String To An Array?

Mar 11, 2011

How can I convert a string into an array?

The values are passed as a string:

Dim strInput as string
strInput = "Tom, John, Jason, Mike"

My error message is: Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Array'

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Converting A String To A Char Array?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a string like this.

Dim str As String = "code"

I need to break this string down to an array of characters like this,

{"c", "o", "d", "e"}

How can I do this?

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Converting A String To An Array Reference

May 20, 2009

I am trying to do a conversion of a sting to an array name. I have a few arrays called "f2250", "f2255", "f2260" and so on. When a user enters say 2.50 into a textbox, the program needs to be able to reference the f2250 array. Now ive managed to sucessfully code the creation of the string ie "f2250(1)" (Ive added the (1) as a test to refrence an index). How can I use that string to now return the value that is in the array? Does the string need to be converted into something else?


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Converting An Array To A String And Back?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to convert a large array to a string, and then back into the array again after sending it over a network connection. No problems with that, but to keep my string as small as possible, I want to convert each array element into a single byte. I know that each element is going to contain a number no bigger than 100, so there will be no problems keeping them all 1 byte long. Problem is, I can't find the correct conversion commands. I think I should use 'Chr' to convert them into a string, but I can't work out how to convert that back into a number at the other end.

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Converting An Int To Little-endian Byte Array?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm converting a stream of bytes from a network packet into a specific struct, and vice versa. For example, when converting a short back and forth, my method looks like this:

myShort = buf(0) + (buf(1) * 256)
or the other direction:
buf(0) = myShort mod 256
buf(1) = myShort 256

When it comes to a 4 byte integer, after some experimentation I found that converting from the byte array to integer is done this way:

myInt = buf(0) + (buf(1) * 256) + buf(2) + (buf(3) * 256)

Basically adding two shorts together. I'm not quite sure to do the reverse of that, to fill the 4 bytes from myInt.

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Converting DataTable Column Into An Array?

Nov 26, 2009

I am having some trouble with creating a simple function that converts a column of a datatable to an array (containing all numbers). Upon running it, it says "Index was outside the bounds of the array"; however, I couldn't understand why my function would create this problem.Also since I do not usually program using VB.Net, I am not sure if my function has other errors (like syntax errors).

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Converting Double Array To String?

Nov 19, 2009

I want to convert an array of numbers to a string with a colon imbetween splitting it. I tried:

StringA = Join(Array(), ":")

I get the error: 'Number of indices is less than the number of dimensions of the indexed array.'I seem to get this error alot in my programming but don't exactly know what causes it. Even if I can fix this error I heard that Join only works for string arrays so this wouldn't work anyway.

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Converting Hex String To Byte Array?

Mar 8, 2011

I am working on a mini project that requires me to take a 8 byte hex string that I received from the Serial Port and convert it into a Byte Array and display it on the screen.An example of the string that I receive is 01050001FFFF8FFB

I am currently using the System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str) to help me achieve this. However I realised that if this does not support extended ASCII so whatever byte that is > 7F, I will not get the right value.My current code is as follows:

Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim str As String


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Hexadecimal Value - Converting To Byte Array

Aug 26, 2009

I have a hexadecimal value
Which I want to convert to a byte array. Is there a built in function in .NET 3.5 that will get the job done or will I need to write a function to loop through each pair in the string and convert it to its 8-bit integer equivalent?

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VS 2008 Converting An Array Into A String?

Feb 19, 2010

[code]There are 5 matches every time. I have another function that needs to use each match but as a string, not an array. I usually just use the .ToString but it is not working.

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Copy Byte Array To Memory Location Of A Instance Of A Class?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to copy a byte array into a Class that is in a third party library

Dim usr As New RSI_USER_RECORD Dim ba(RSI_USER_RECORD.RSI_LEN_USER_REC - 1) As Byte 'populate ba here usr = ba 'how can I do this? Is this even possible?

Here is the definition of the class (from Reflector)


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Once Allocate Arrays Is The Memory Allocated For Them Immediatlyy Or Once Add Data To The Array?

Feb 11, 2012

Once i allocate arrays is the memory allocated for them immediatlyy or once i add data to the array? like say i create an integer with 400 million arrays (lol) would visual basic allocate memory immediately for each of the 400 million arrays or once there is data allocated to one of the 400 million arrays, say when i put the number 4 in the 100th array.

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Set Owner / User Password - Rendering As A Pdf Into An In Memory Byte Array

Aug 8, 2007

I have a reportviewer that I am rendering as a pdf into an in memory byte array. What I need to do is apply an owner and user password for the pdf. I have downloaded the adobe sdk and have scoured the Internet for examples to do this to no avail. with a VB.NET example that will apply the owner and user password for the pdf.

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VS 2010 Get A String From A Byte Array Previously Read From Memory?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm trying to get a string from a byte array previously read from memory

i can get the string like this

dim mem as string= ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(memory) or dim mem as string= UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memory) but when i try to concatenate this with another string i get a strange result dim result as string = "this is you memory string " & mem & " problem string" no matter what comes after mem in the concatenation it seems like it is not there when in fact it is because when i try this (mem has two chars in it) dim result as string = "this is you memory string " & mem(0) & mem(1) & " problem string" problem string appears so what i assume is that there are some vbCrLf chars in the string after reading (or is it from the conversion?)

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Array Of Labels - Converting String Into Object

Apr 2, 2012

So, I'm creating an array of labels. I have labels set up as:

I've declared the array as such:
Dim labelArray(5) As Label

Now, instead of assigning the labels one by one to the array (labelArray(0) = label1, labelArray(1) = label2, etc...), I was hoping to use a loop (there will be more than 5 labels). I have something like this, which obviously doesn't quite work:
For i = 0 To labelArray(i) = "label" & i Next
Is there a function that I can use to convert the labelName string to an object, or have see that as an object instead of a string?

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