Caldayrender Event With Range Of Dates In A Loop?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to get my calendar to render with all the dates in my database, using ranges. Only problem is, I got it working fine, but it has shifted everything one day to the future.

Protected Sub CalDayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayRenderEventArgs) Handles Calendar1.DayRender
Dim strConn As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SiteDataConnString").ConnectionString


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Set The Start And End Dates For A Range Of Dates?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm using two datetimepicker controls to set the start and end dates for a range of dates I'm searching for.I want to make sure that the start date selected is not greater than the end date. This code works, but it runs the messagebox prompt twice for some reason. I've tried to ignore it from doing this, but it's not working. Can someone tell me what's wrong?

Private Sub dtpStart_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dtpStart.ValueChanged


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Determine Range Of Dates?

Feb 15, 2009

How can I determine if a varable called "date1" is within the range of variables "date2" and "date3"?

For example, if date1 is 12/31/1999, and dates 2 and 3 are 12/31/2001 and 12/31/1997 (or the other way around), then first date is between the 2nd and 3rd dates.[code]...

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How To Determine Range Of Dates

Mar 19, 2012

how can I determine if a varable called "date1" is within the range of variables "date2" and "date3"?For example, if date1 is 12/31/1999, and dates 2 and 3 are 12/31/2001 and 12/31/1997 (or the other way around), then first date is between the 2nd and 3rd dates.

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C# - Linq Query Summing Dates In Range?

Feb 9, 2011

Trying to work out if there's a nice way of doing this, preferably in Linq rather than loops, which is what I've done for now.

I want the number of days my Product is active between two dates.

Product has many ProductHistories, ProductHistory has values for DateActive and DateInactive. DateInactive can be null, and often will be, to show that this history is ongoing. Histories won't overlap.

I want to sum the maximum of my startDate or the ProductHistory's DateActive, and subtract that total from the sum of the minimum of endDate or ProductHistory's DateInactive (endDate by default if DateInactive has no value).

Worked example:

Get active number of active days between 2011-01-01 (1st Jan) and 2011-02-01 (1st Feb)


Active 2010-12-25 : Inactive 2011-01-05
Active 2011-01-15 : Inactive 2011-01-20
Active 2011-01-25 : Inactive null


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Count Days That Fall Between A Given Range Of Dates?

Jul 28, 2009


this is for a single date..but i have list of date ....and i want to check how many days fall from march 20 to apr 10 between jan 4 to apr5..

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How To Retrieve Data From Datagridview In A Given Range Of Dates

Jun 8, 2011

im doing an employee attendance monitoring system, and i need to have a search feature which shows an employee attendance record in a given range of dates


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VS 2005 Check If A Date Falls In A Given Range Of Dates

Sep 1, 2009

I need to figure out whether a certain date falls within a range of dates. For example the date 11/07/97 (MM/DD/YYYY) falls within the following range of dates formatted as shown below:

01-Apr and 31-May
01-Jun and 31-Oct
01-Nov and 31-Mar

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VS 2005 Count Days That Fall Between A Given Range Of Dates

Jul 28, 2009

Dim myDate1 As DateTime = datetimepicker1.value
Dim myDate2 As DateTime = datetimepicker2.value
Dim myDateToCheck As DateTime = datetimepicker3.value


this is for a single date..but i have list of date ....and i want to check how many days fall from march 20 to apr 10 between jan 4 to apr5..

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Compare Dates And Select Matching Records Betweem A Selected Date Range

Jun 5, 2011

am using sql 2005 and vb 2008.i need to compare dates and select matching records betweem a selected date range.say records between 11/13/2010 and 11/20/2010.e.thing is working ok except when it comes to selecting dates between 11/1/2010 and 11/9/2010.this is happening because when am retrieving the dates from database,its being retrieved in the format 11/01/2010 instead of 11/1/2010 and so it reports no records found,and knowing the limits of sql 2005 this is the only way i can retrieve the date. [code]

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Using Dates In A For, Next Loop

Feb 20, 2009

Why can't I do this?

For myDate As Date = startDate To endDate

where startDate & endDate are Date types. It tells me 'For' loop control variable cannot be of type 'Date' because the type does not support the required operators. Is there another way to loop through dates?

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While Loop With Dates?

Dec 13, 2008

I am trying to do a while loop with dates but I an getting an error:Here is my loop:

Dim SDate, EDate, iDate As
Dim DateString


Here is my error:

System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

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While Loop With Dates - Getting An Error

Nov 15, 2009

I am trying to do a while loop with dates but I an getting an error:

Here is my loop:

Here is my error:System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

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Make A Loop In A Table Using Dates?

Mar 14, 2010

I try to make a loop in a table using dates i have this in a asp kode but can't make it work in vb

For i = CDate(strfradato) To CDate(str2tildato)Error1'For' loop control variable cannot be of type 'Date' because the type does not support the required operators.

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Datetime Range .net For Loop?

Jan 26, 2011

I have 2 DateTime values in a VB.NET application.

Dim startDate as DateTime
Dim endDate as DateTime

Now i want to make a loop for each day between startDate and endDate like:For Each day As Integer In

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VS 2010 Loop Through A Date Range?

May 22, 2010

I'm wanting to loop through a range of dates set by date time picker. This is my code and as the SD.Value.Date is 23/05/2010 it shows Sunday for me. However on the Loop it keeps showing Sunday and Never stops.

Dim SD As Date = StartSearchDate.Value.Date
Dim ED As Date = EndSearchDate.Value.Date
Do While SD.Date <= ED.Date

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Get A List Of Dates Using Start Date And End Date Range

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to get a list of dates from a provided StartDate and EndDate in my database, and use these dates to link to dates in a database (to display another variable on the y-axis of the chart) and to populate the x-axis of a chart (with the list of dates). Is it possible to get a list of dates in VB and pass them into a chart this way?

View 2 Replies Event Calendar Display Date Range

Feb 15, 2012

I have a calender which highlights the selected date from the database. It currently highlights the start date only...I would like it to highlight the range of dates (start date - send date)[code]I think the query and where statement used is not pulling through the correct information but not entirely sure where or how to correct it ...

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Event Calendar Display Date Range?

May 2, 2009

I have a calender which highlights the selected date from the database. It currently highlights the start date only...I would like it to highlight the range of dates (start date - send date)

My current code as follows:
Function GetCurrentMonthData(ByVal startdate As DateTime, _
ByVal enddate As DateTime) As DataSet


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Select The Event At Date 24 It Would Automatically Add Two Events At The Calendar At The Dates 17 And 10

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to make a reminder, but i can't figure out one thing. Anybody out there knows how? I would like my reminder to have a function when you select one date it automaticaly adds 2 reminders up to the day of the event. For example if you select the event at date 24 it would automatically add two events at the calendar at the dates 17 and 10.

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Never Ending Loop While Setting Focus To Control On Validating Event In Cantrol Validating Event?

May 9, 2012

I am writing below code for validating compulsary field account no. in form.User's requirement is set focus back on field when error comes :

If txtAccountNo = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Account no filed can't be left empty")
Exit Sub
End If

It's working properly. But suppose user don't want to fill form and exiting from application.Message box keep on appearing till user enters account no.

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VS 2008 - Array - Error Report Shows An Event Type Of Clr203r And An Index Out Of Range Exception

Aug 12, 2011

I have one user that is having a problem with my application, the error report shows an event type of clr203r and an index out of range exception. From what I've read this seems to have "something" to do with arrays or lists. (What that something is, so far, is beyond me or anything I've researched). I do have one array in my program -- myarray(13) as byte and I do have the syntax right as far as noting 20 elements in it. in my other bits of code.

I'm reading those bytes in the serial port, deciphering them and performing some actions. (to be vague). But just with what I've said, can anyone point me to a possible problem? Is the index out of range exception ALWAYS concerned with just arrays or lists? Or could it be something else?

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Office Automation :: Loop Through Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Oct 4, 2009

I have user form that copies data form on excel sheet to anther after the paste takes place.I need to perform a cleanup process. If the cell Value = N/A or the Cell formating is Strike thruIt need to1) Cut the Entire row 2) Shift the Row up3) Then paste the cut row into an anther sheet in the workbook

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Loop Thur Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Sep 30, 2009

I have and form that Copies form on excel sheet to anther after the Paste takes place I need to perform a cleanup process. I need to cut the entire row, Shift Rows up, and paste it in anther sheet in the workbook if the value is N/A or the formatting is strike Thur. I am having trouble figuring out the code here is where I got to.

'Declared Stuff
Dim wbTemplateSAS As Excel.Workbook
Dim rangevalue As String = LastRowtx.Text - FirstRowtx.Text + 9


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VS 2008 How To Print All Dates Between These Two Dates In One Listbox

Feb 20, 2010

I have two dates. [code] How to print all dates between these two dates in one listbox, for example: [code]

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Breaking A Loop With An Event?

Feb 16, 2010

I am running a simple DO loop that I would like to run until terminated by a button click event. But, once the loop is running, all events of all controls in my form are ignored.How can I have a button click event break the loop?

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Endless Loop To Wait For The Next Event?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a VB2005 application where the PC waits for data packages from a target. Part of the data package contains what to do next. I am using SerialPort1_DataReceived thread to pickup this data package and "looking" at and extracting the "next step" data from the package then go do it. The issue I have is I must exit the SerialPort1_DataReceived thread to do this and not do everything inside the SerialPort1_DataReceived interrupt routine. In C there is something like this:

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Event Stop Firing In A Loop?

Mar 19, 2010

I have 2 subs like below, and when I make a loop with 1000 iterations and capturePicture() in it. after 700 iterations the event is not raised anymore.

Public Sub capturePicture()
AddHandler capturePic.FrameEvent2, AddressOf CaptureDone


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Event To Break Out Of An Indefinite Loop?

Nov 3, 2008

How would I go about in a loop if the user hits the escape key the program ends?

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For Loop Convert To TIMER Event

Aug 21, 2009

I have a For Loop, how can I convert that by using Timer event. I want to use Timer so I can add a 5 sec, 10 sec and 15 sec pause (interval) for each every loop. [code]

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