Capturing A Timers Time?

Feb 8, 2010

The below is my program so far

Public Class Form1
Private Display As Boolean
Private WithEvents tmr As Windows.Forms.Timer


Upon clicking the button a series of letters are displayed to the screen.I would like to be able to capture the time taken to press the letter shown.

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Timers.timer Lossing Time When Compared It To System Time

Mar 19, 2012

When I run my app at first its keeps time accurately for the first minute or so there after it starts loosing seconds, and by the end of the day its minutes behind.I've created a class called ServerTimeTimer that has a timers.timer object that elapses every second and adds a second to a dateTime variable, and a property to retrieve the date time.[code]

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Execute 2 Or 3 Timers At Same Time?

May 20, 2011

can i execute 2 or 3 timers at same time if its possible how come?

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VS 2010 Two Timers Running At Same Time

Apr 10, 2012

I'm creating a 2D RPG game, the character moves by pressing the keys A (left) and D (right), this activates a timer that increments the x.position of the character by 1 pixel in case you press D, or decrements if you press A. The movement of the main character is always perfect and smooth and this is how I want to do it, but when I add other character and I animate them using the same method, they dont have a smooth movement, but if I press A or D these characters regain a smooth movement, so, basicly, the second timer (which is always enabled) only increments a value smoothly if the 1st timer (not enabled) is activated.

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VS 2010 Capturing StandardError And StandardOutput In The Same Time

May 31, 2011

I wrote a gui for a console app, wanted to captaure console app standarderror and standardoutput in the same time. I write a code, but it's not executed in the same time. I searched msdn and found that using DataReceivedEventHandler can be asynchronously collect the redirected StandardOutput or StandardError stream output of a proces. But I dont know how to apply it to my code. please help me. i wanted to collect standardoutput and standarderror and append it to a textbox. here is my code,As far as I understand, I have to read one stream synchronously and one asynchronously to avoid deadlock situations.But now it's not output in the same time. having delay issue for standarderror.

Dim start As New ProcessStartInfo("C:WindowsSystem32java.exe")
start.Arguments = "-jar" + " " + "args"
start.CreateNoWindow = True


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Learn Timers And Date Time Picker?

Mar 20, 2012

learn and understand datetime picker and timer that would allow me to create application that is like reminder which would be like an appointment when this certain date and time is now at my computer then this form with listbox would show the appointment for the day that is stored in my database in sql server management studio express and 2008 as my programming language?

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Index System.timers.timer For When Time Has Elapsed?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm creating a multi-threaded application (although it is not at the moment) which will be connecting to a large number of sockets. I've noticed when a connection cannot be made the connect timeout is rather large, so I am trying to make my own. Here is what I have come up with...

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
AssignSockets(0, "", 80, False, False) 'shouldn't connect
AssignSockets(1, "", 80, False, False) 'should connect


Looking at the timeoutOccured() sub, you can see I'm unsure of how to specify which index to set. Efficiency is important since this will be housing a lot of connections at once. Something else that just came to mind, would .theTimer.Stop reset the tick value on the timer?

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Stopping Multiple Timers - Stop Button To Stop Each Timer One At A Time

Feb 26, 2009

Alright, so I'm still working on the slot machine. I have three timers all independently going for my three "wheels" of the slot machine.

My issue, is that I'm trying to make a Stop button to stop each timer one at a time, and I'm not understanding why this code isn't working. The logic completely makes sense, and the first "wheel" stops when I click the button, however, it doesnt appear to stop the other two timers.


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Create Service That Will Create Timers At Run Time?

Nov 12, 2009

I just want to create an service which will on start read my XML file .It gets the number of parameters connected to PC. I just want to know that is it possible to create the timers at run time in my service and the timers should start at the same time but will having different time span to exicute means one timer will start after every one minute while another after 2 or 3 or whatever i set.

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How Many Timers Is Too Many

Mar 9, 2010

is it a good coding practice to keep timers in a project to a minimum, or does it not really matter?

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Capturing .jpg Using A WebCam?

Jun 4, 2011

I want to capture a still picture in any format like .png,.jpg,.bmp etc. using a webcam.And want to save that in directory.

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Capturing Text From Cmd.exe?

Mar 14, 2010

How can I capture text from cmd.exe window? Tried GetWindowText, but this only returns the title.

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Add Timers To A Collection?

Jul 19, 2010

how can I place all timers on a form into a collection

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Get The Timers To Get Activated?

May 31, 2006

I recently upgraded an application from VB 6.0 to VB.NET. This application contains a timer in its form (only one form is there). But after upgrading, the timer is not getting activated. Form is using DefInstance as follows: frmMain.DefInstance.Show()


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How To Multithread With Timers

Nov 17, 2011

how do I multithread using timers. For instance 3 picture boxes that change ever 3 seconds?

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Stop All Timers At Once

Aug 13, 2010

I have a from with various timers. what is the code to turn off all timers in a form at once?

i all ready tried:

For Each crt As Control In Me.Controls<br/>
If TypeOf crt Is Timer Then<br/>
End If<br/>

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Testing The .NET Timers?

Apr 25, 2010

Public Class Form1
Dim SW As New Stopwatch
Dim MS As New MenuStrip
Dim Btn As New ToolStripButton


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Timers Out Of Sync?

Oct 22, 2009

Public Class Form1
Public elapsed_time As TimeSpan
Public start_time, stop_time As DateTime
Public txtBreak As String = "180"


All the code needs to be controled by seperate timers as the user may need to pause timer3 or timer4 at any one time. The problem I have is that after about 5 minutes the time and elapsed time are about three seconds ahead of the two count down timers.

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Timers With For Each Loop

Apr 23, 2012

I'm developing an application to learning purposes only. The application will check some proxies that are in a proxy list.

I did a For Each loop ( to run all the proxies in the listbox ). The problem is some proxies are slow to answer and I must do the application wait some seconds before get the next proxy.

I tired a sleep thread but I don't want the application to be unanswering. There's any chance to help me with the timers?

I tried all possible ways and searched a lot but my problem is each time the timer ticks, it make the full for each loop again instead waiting.

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Waiting Without The Use Of Timers?

Jun 5, 2009

basically what im doing is something similar to this;

Private Sub FirstRoutine()
'This is my first routine, i load a listbox up with a whole
heap of info


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.net - C# DataGridView Capturing Deleted Row?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using a DataGridView, which is bound to a dataset. There is a bindingNavigator as well.

when a user deletes a row by clicking "bindingNavigatorDeleteItem" button, I am trying to get the row being deleted.

private void bindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int crow = gridEventType.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

but it returns the newly selected row AFTER deletion of a selected row.
so, If I have two rows

and I delete 2

crow is 1, not 2.

Am I missing something here?

2. How do I know whether certain rows are modified in datagridview?

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.net - Capturing Error Events?

Feb 9, 2012

I was creating some complex applications in Visual Basic .NET 2008 and since they are in the testing phase right now, people manage to find an error or two every so often that causes the program to crash. The problem is that there is a tracking piece to it that logs who is currently using the programs. When a user logs in, it logs that they are currently logged in, and if the form close event is fired, the log is deleted to show that they have closed it.

Now my problem comes whenever the form crashes from an error since it won't trigger the close event and therefore makes the log become inaccurate. My question is if it is possible to capture any error that the form would have in the form of an event?

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Capturing A Section Of The Screen?

Oct 19, 2006

I am trying to make a simple personal program and cannot figure out how to capture a section of the screen.I want it to work like prt scr does except it captures a specified rectangle instead of the entire screen. I am thinking I have to use Drawing.Graphics but am not sure.

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Capturing And Using Keypress Events

Apr 30, 2010

I am trying to modifying the "Math Quiz" tutorial to be more user friendly.

The initial tutorial does not consider the users efforts to answer the math problems as quickly as possible.

The problem is that you must use the mouse or tab key rather than the "enter" key to move to the next control after answering. I believe using the "Enter key to be much more intuitive.

Therefore, I wish to modify the program to either:

1. Check the KeyPress event of the NumberUpDown controls to watch for the "Enter" key to be pressed, and if it is, check to ensure that the current NumberUpDown control is not empty (= Nothing) and if both are True, to then TAB to the next control in the TAB order; OR

2. Uses the PreviewKeyDown event to transpose the "Enter" into a "Tab" automatically so the application will then TAB to the next control in the TAB order.

With all of the new changes to VB 2010 from the last version I actually used professionally (VB6), things are REALLY different, so I no longer know how to accomplish this same task in the new manner. especially if it contains working CODE, because I have always learned better the first time from an example. here is my version of the tutorial Code:

'--- Create a Random object to generate random numbers.
Private objRandomValue As New Random
'--- The Integers will store the numbers for the
' addition problem.


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Capturing Ingame Screenshots?

Dec 7, 2011

Okay, so I know how to capture a screenshot of the Active Window, but if the active window is a game, then the screen is just black. What do I need to do to be able to also capture ingame screens?

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Capturing Sound Before It Is Played?

Dec 1, 2009

I was wondering if there is an easy way to analyse sound that is sent to the speakers (just before it's played). For example when playing a song in winamp or windows media player. Or is it easier to write plugins for those programs to form an interface with your own program?

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Capturing Value Of DataGridView CheckBox?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a datagridview (unbound). Fields are Name, Family Name and Phone No and a checkbox colum.

There are ten rows in that DataGridView.

There is an OK button

I need to get message of showing which rows user has checked. The message should appear when user clicks OK button. There could be several message, checking each row one by one, in a loop.

I am not able to get this message. I tried following code in OK button

Dim strCB As String = dgvChooseQs.Rows(0).Cells(3).Value.ToString

Cell(3) is my checkbox. Donot consider Rows(0), at the moment I am just checking value at row 0

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DataGridView And Capturing The Enter Key?

Jan 16, 2008

I have read and tried a dozen or more examples of trying to capture the Enter key in a datagrid, but I have yet to find something that works. My scenario is :

dt.Columns.Add("Inventory Nr", GetType(System.String))
dt.Columns.Add("Cases", GetType(System.Int32)) Inventory Nr in the next row.


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DirectSound Capturing Microphone In VB

Dec 18, 2010

I'm currently trying to Capture through DirectSound, I've been trying toying around with WaveLib(Ported to VB) but this is very confusing. Anyway, I cant figure out how I am supposed to do this and would like some assistance. The end goal of this project is to: Record Microphone > Encode with Speex Codec > Send over UDP > Decode > Play on Speakers

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How To Screen Capturing In-game

Nov 18, 2011

i use with this code: Dim bounds As Rectangle

Dim screenshot As System.Drawing.Bitmap Dim graph As Graphics bounds = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds

screenshot = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)

graph = Graphics.FromImage(screenshot)
graph.CopyFromScreen(bounds.X, bounds.Y, 0, 0, bounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
PictureBox1.Image = screenshot

But when I try it in games,it shows only a black picture.

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