Catastrophic Failure, GetLocationEvidence, Winform Startup With Arguments?

Dec 30, 2011

We are running a Winform application with command line arguments via an automation system so we can run scheduled maintenance jobs, etc., it has worked perfectly for years.

<ExceptionInformation><AdditionalInformationProperty MachineName="*removed from post*" TimeStamp="12/29/2011 2:15:22 PM" FullName="*removed from post*, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f1ffc79106150be8" AppDomainName="ARS2.exe" ThreadIdentity=""


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Application Startup Failure - Type Initializer Exception

Nov 20, 2009

The application works fine on Vista but throws this error on Windows 7:
- The type initializer threw an exception.

This is the code that causes it:
Public UserName As String = String.Empty
UserName = Environment.UserName

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Use Of Application Arguments And Overriding Winform Constructor?

May 31, 2012

I was asked to build a winform exe that receives arguments from a web service and decide in which mode the application should start.what is the best way to design and build the application?The application needs to receive 3 arguments.

User name. - stringApplication mode - Boolean (user read write privileges)List on string.
Where do I receive this arguments in the new method ?

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Catastrophic Error During Deployment?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm using VS 2005 and have managed to get my application to run fairly robustly. Now it is time to deploy it and let the rest of the group use it.

New Project
Setup & Deployment
Setup Wizard

I double click Setup Wizard and I get: "Catastrophic failure (exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPCTED)" I've googled a lot of references and read through them but none of them seem to be applicable to my case.

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Hide Form On Startup If App Occurred Because Of Windows Startup?

Jun 20, 2010

I can hide my startup form (or make it appear hidden) on startup. I can start my app on windows startup--through registry values--if the user checks a checkbox.

But if the app starts up on windows startup, I want the form to be hidden, so the program can just keep working without bothering anyone. If it starts up because the user started it, I want the form to be showing, because the user probably wants to change some settings or something.

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Make An Application To Startup At The System Startup?

Mar 4, 2010

How to make an Application to startup at the system startup? and How to enable and disable?

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Passing Value From One Winform To Another Winform?

Jul 7, 2010

A Form is to Accept User Name and Password from user, after verification the form should display another form that will accept user's full data. When a user press the Ok button, the information entered on this form should be display in another form (Showing the user what he/she has entered)

i have Design the Firs Form and the second form, how can i pass the information entered on the second form to third, and also what will the code look like I need help on this or Code Sample?

NB: i am trying create an instance of the second form in the third form and declare a variable in the third form that will holed the value, but still not working I want to learn .NET Programming in VC#, ASP.NET And VB.NET. I am student and really get excited when it comes to programming

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Application Not Starting Wit New Startup Form After Deleted The Previous Startup Form?

Nov 11, 2009

i deleted my previous start up form to be replaced by another one but each time i launch the application,the deleted start up form is still displayed.i dont know from where this deleted start up form is being loaded.

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.net - VB 2008 Opacity Failure?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a 2 files here. One is my main form, and the other is a dialog I made. Now I'm trying to get enter code here the dialog to gradually obtain its transparency from a timer which I have on the dialong form:

If Me.Opacity = "100" Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Me.Opacity = Me.Opacity + 1


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Application Restarts Itself On Failure

Sep 19, 2010

I have an app and it fails randomly sometimes because my internet is not so fast (my app uses the webbrowser). How can I make my app restart itself it it fails? Or make my app click button1 on my form if it fails.

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ASP.Net String Assignment Failure

Aug 16, 2010

I'm having an odd problem with an ASP.Net page.I'm getting an object not set error message when assigning a string literal to a variable. [code] And here is the code that the error is pointing to. The last line in this fragment is the line 10 the error is complaining about [code] It seems it fails on accessing any reference type, even if it is declared locally in the load function. I originally found the problem when Request. IsSecureConnection was nulling out on me. I eventually discovered I could replace it with the above code and fail in the same way. The problem does not always happen. It seems to be triggered by publishing an update from Visual Studio, or when I head home for the day and the server sits idle all night. One or two app pool recycles seems to clear it up, and the page functions correctly. I've been doing desktop development for a few years, but I'm fairly new to web development.So maybe this is something obvious I've got configured wrong. I'm currently using .Net 4 on IIS 6. That code is in a foreach over an IEnumerable(of XElement). The stack trace still points to the string assignment, but all other stack traces are spot on, so I don't think it's a bad pdb.Also, when the error occurred this time, no amount of recycling the app pool or stopping and starting it would fix the error. I finally got it working again by switching the application to a different app pool.

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SQL Transaction Rollback Failure

Nov 11, 2011

I have 2 tables which I want to insert data into, table "CAM" and table "COut", after inserting data in "CAM" it shall return a retAutoID which will be hand to "COut" as one of the parameter required for it's insertion. I implemented a rollback in my Business Logic such that if "Cout" hits an exception error while inserting, the previous insertion for "CAM" will rollback even if successful.With the code below, I am getting this error after trying to do perform insertion:"ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized." [code]

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Webrequest And Response Failure

Jul 29, 2011

I am trying to make a currency converter from a webservicex service - although it does take some time to load

Are there any other services i can use: if not what is the problem here...

The code i use goes to the right URL and displays something like this.[code]...

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.net - Locking - Extent And Modes Of Failure

Jan 9, 2012

I've stress tested the code below and it seems to work fine - what are the dangers of not locking in the simple case where there is a single thread writing and a separate thread reading a simple variable? Have a class that has a public property...


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Auto-Recover When Power Failure

May 10, 2009

I have a project with sql database and customer require to create this function .I mean when user use my program , they can delete, edit... but not still save yet. Suddenly power failure , and i want to recovery database when user turn on program again.

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Changing MDF Prior To Attaching Causes Failure

May 17, 2010

I am currently using the follwoing in my install routine, the idea is to check if the db exists. if the db does exist then leave the mdf name as is and attach it as a temp db then i can run a compare between the 2 db. however if the db does not exist i want to rename the mdf and attach it. however after renaming the mdf i cant attach the file.[code]

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Detect Network Failure In Program?

Sep 29, 2009

How to handle the Network failure error message,and how to simulate it?

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Embedded Email Image Failure?

Jun 28, 2011

I have an email function that needs to embed images into the email. I get the mailinto my pickup but the mail still asks me to "Show Images/Download Images". Some howthe images are not being properly embedded.I'm not sure what needs to be changed the examples I find on a lot of sites is very basic and vague.Additional info for clarity: This function will either download the images via url or embed them. This is determinedvia an external xml parameter. The physical path for the images, which replaces the URLs, is also in the xml.


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Failure Sending Email With MailMessage

Aug 25, 2010

I am trying to send email messages from a Windows based Visual Basic application. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5. The IP address in the config file is correct. But this gives an error message: Failure sending mail.


Dim Mail As MailMessage
Dim MailClient As SmtpClient
MailBody = "Test email"


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Failure To Retrieve A Decimal Number?

Oct 15, 2009

I have two forms. the first form saves a decimal number and could also retrieve it. the second form just retrieves the number from the database. on the first form, i successfully retrieved the number with the decimals included. but on the second form, the number retrieved is displayed as a rounded up whole number. i tried to copy the codes of the first form but it still displays the rounded up number.

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Generic Failure (WMI) While Installing A New Printer?

May 10, 2010

I'm getting a generic failure on line 24 (objPrinter.Put_).

The port creates properly and I have the driver on the target computer.

I have admin rights on the target computer.

Set WSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
set shell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\<<SERVERNAME>>


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Publish Failure - Can't Find SETUP.BIN

Jan 8, 2010

I can't get VB.Net to publish my current project, it can't find SETUP.BIN.It looks for SETUP.BIN in the directory where I have my application, not Program Files Windows SDK .. etc.If I move the ENGINE directory of the SDK path to my directory, it finds SETUP.BIN but not SIGNTOOL.EXE I've got VS 2008 on XP Pro SP2 using .Net 2.0 and Oracle - It all works fine with a BUILD out of VS 2008.

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SMTPClient - Failure Sending Mail

Jul 16, 2011

Inner exception is "Unable to connect to remote server". I don't understand what I did wrong[code]....

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VS 2005 Batch Update Failure

Mar 18, 2010

with 05 + access 03 how can i use parametrized append query via 2005..i don't know hence i used this code but this code is working fine but only the first row is appending equal to the number of records (i loop variable)[code]

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VS 2008 Download A File From Ftp Failure?

Nov 28, 2009

I can download the file in internet explorer, firefox and etc. browser, but when I try the following code to get my file from ftp, it cannot get the file..

Dim clsRequest As FtpWebRequest = CType(FtpWebRequest.Create(""), FtpWebRequest)
clsRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile


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VS 2008 Mail Send Failure

Sep 8, 2010

I am about to put my fist through my monitor!!! I have been working on this for the better part of 2 days. Here's the issue: I'm in an Enterprise environment and am writing an app that will shoot off small emails. I got the settings I needed yesterday and got everything to work 5 times in a row! Then, I went to another task for a little while and came back to the email portion and ran another test and it never worked again! I've written and re-written my code 100 times. I can't get it to work. Here's one version of my


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Why Does Integer.TryParse Set Result To Zero On Failure

Jul 3, 2009

My understanding of the Integer.TryParse() function was that it tried to parse an integer from the passed in string and if the parse failed the result integer would remain as it did before.

I have an integer with a default value of -1 which I would like to remain at -1 if the parse fails. However the Integer.TryParse() function on failing to parse is changing this default value to zero.

Dim defaultValue As Integer = -1
Dim parseSuccess As Boolean = Integer.TryParse("", defaultValue)
Debug.Print("defaultValue {0}", defaultValue)
Debug.Print("parseSuccess {0}", parseSuccess)


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Windows Service Installation Failure

Mar 24, 2011

I am failing to Install a windows service and I cannot see where i went wrong.

Here is the error message I get when installing the Service from the SDK command prompt window.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0>InstallUtil "d:\My Documents\MyNe


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.net - Msmq And Sgen For Xmlserialization Utter Failure?

Jun 27, 2012

I 've been banging my head with this to to avail. Any ideas are much welcome I have a client/listener application in using MSMQ and it works 100% fine when I do not use sgen.exe to generate the serializations on compile time.


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Communications :: Email Image Embedding Failure?

Jun 28, 2011

I have an email function that needs to embed images into the email. I get the mail into my pickup but the mail still asks me to "Show Images/Download Images". Some how the images are not being properly embedded. I'm not sure what needs to be changed the examples I find on a lot of sites is very basic and vague.

Additional info for clarity: This function will either download the images via url or embed them. This is determined via an external xml parameter. The physical path for the images, which replaces the URLs, is also in the xml.

Private Function SendEMail(ByVal fromemail As String, ByVal toemail As String, ByVal format As String, ByVal subject As String, ByVal message As String, ByVal promoMail As Boolean) As String


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