Use Of Application Arguments And Overriding Winform Constructor?

May 31, 2012

I was asked to build a winform exe that receives arguments from a web service and decide in which mode the application should start.what is the best way to design and build the application?The application needs to receive 3 arguments.

User name. - stringApplication mode - Boolean (user read write privileges)List on string.
Where do I receive this arguments in the new method ?

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Pass Constructor Arguments To Application Main Form?

Oct 23, 2010

I've constructed a custom System.Windows.Forms.Form that requires arguments to New. I want to use one of these as the MainForm in a Windows Forms Application. How do I get the Application Framework to pass those arguments as needed?

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.net - Adding An Overloaded Constructor To A WinForm?

Oct 14, 2010

I have created a dialog as a winform and am calling that winform like this:

Dim dlgEditChangeOrder As New dgEditChangeOrder
Dim dlgResult As DialogResult
dlgResult = dlgEditChangeOrder.ShowDialog

pretty simple. I want to be able to set the visiblility of a control on the win form when the win form is called. I would like to do this as a constructor so I could write the following. Dim dlgEditChangeOrder As New dgEditChangeOrder(visibleIsTrue)

Can someone give me the contructor code to make this happen? The reason I am concerned is I dunno if its legal to do this inside a winform since the winform is loaded bby the precreated IntializeComponent() function

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.net - Subclass Inherit A Constructor - Error 1 Too Many Arguments To 'Public Sub New()"

Jun 25, 2009

I have a base class, "B", which has two constructors, one with no paremeters and the other that accepts one param, an integer. I have a subclass, "S", which inherits from "B" and does not define any constructors in it. I create an instance of S, attempting to pass to the constructor an integer.

I get the error: Error 1 Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()"

This surprises me because I thought that if a constructor is not defined in the subclass, S, that the base class constructor method, specifically, the one with the single integer param would be invoked w/o an error. why I am getting this error? Are constructors a special case?

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C# - WINFORM Or WPF: Trigger Custom Event Inside The Constructor Of The Class That Emits It?

Nov 17, 2009

I have a userControl11 (either in winform or wpf) which has a ValueChanged custom event. If I put it in client form and in form_load set its value to 100, it will trigger the ValueChanged event. But if I set this value inside the constructor of UserControl1 the custom event won't trigger. How can I force it to do so ?whatever the technical reason, functionally it does make sense. If the object is initializing its value from some sources unknown to the client form and the client form has a textbox bound to this usercontrol value, it is sure convenient that it could refresh its textbox at any time including when the form loads just using one single event handler. Without this the client form has to create another initializer for this bound textbox at form load.

Below the source code of my trials in winform:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;


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Catastrophic Failure, GetLocationEvidence, Winform Startup With Arguments?

Dec 30, 2011

We are running a Winform application with command line arguments via an automation system so we can run scheduled maintenance jobs, etc., it has worked perfectly for years.

<ExceptionInformation><AdditionalInformationProperty MachineName="*removed from post*" TimeStamp="12/29/2011 2:15:22 PM" FullName="*removed from post*, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f1ffc79106150be8" AppDomainName="ARS2.exe" ThreadIdentity=""


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VS 2005 Overriding In Console Application - Warning In The Add Method Of The Class C2

Aug 20, 2010

I did this code to see how the method overriding works;the code runs with a warning in the add method of the Class c2:


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Pass A Delegate Into A Constructor Of An Abstract Class From A Descendant's Constructor?

Feb 15, 2010

I have an abstract class which requires a delegate to function. I pass the delegate into the constructor. Now that I have a non default constructor I need to call the abstract class's constructors from the concrete class which means that I need to use MyBase.New(...). I have included a quick example below.

Public MustInherit Class BaseClass
Public Delegate Sub WorkMethod()
Private _Work As WorkMethod


I have tried to do this but I keep getting the following error: "Implicit reference to object under construction is not valid when calling another constructor".Can I not do what I am trying to do above? I initially had the delegate setup in its own setter method. But then I am creating a deceptive API because it does require a point to a method to work properly.

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Create Application For The BMP Constructor?

Feb 7, 2012

I trying create Application for the BMP Constructor, I already write the code in C# but I can't translate it into VB.NET, because its require pointer, and as far as i know, there are no pointer function in @@ so how I can translate this:

FileStream fs = new FileStream(OJSPathBox.Text, FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(fs);
int width = 555; // its just for example
int height = 555; //its just for example


ptr declaration is using Pointer and I throught, there are no unsafe in, how I can translate to language?

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Why Is Constructor Call Valid Only As The First Statement In An Instance Constructor

Nov 2, 2009

what's the rationale behind this limitation: Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructor i want to pass an argument to my constructor which validates this argument and calls according to this argument but it doesn't let me


Public Class prob
Inherits System.ApplicationException
Public Sub New(ByVal problem As String, ByRef inner_exception As Exception)


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VB Console Application With Arguments?

Jun 9, 2012

I would like to make a vb console application that takes parameters. Particularly, I would like it to save each specifc parameter as string.

For Example:

C:> myexe.exe -t text1 -s text2

I would like text1 to be assigned to a string "type" and text2 to a string "speed".

View 7 Replies

Sort And Pag In Winform Application?

Jun 30, 2012

I'm using paging in a WinForm application (VB.NET) using the code below. This works fine, but when I click on the column header this will only sort the rows from one page. If I move to the next page, the sorting is gone.[code]...

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Read Arguments Passed To Application?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm wanting to pass arguments to my application, I believe there is an property called arguments in the ProcessStartInfo class, however how does my application interpret them?

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VS 2008 Run Application With Shortcut Arguments?

Nov 3, 2009

How would I run an executable with arguments like you can add to a shortcut? Such as:

"C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonarma 2arma2.exe" -window

I want to create a program where I can select these arguments from a list, press a button, and away you go, without having to type them yourself.

Is there any way other than creating a shortcut and then running it?

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Accessing GPS Data From A .Net Winform Application?

Nov 17, 2009

Does anyone out there have any experience programatically retreiving the lat/long from a GPS attached to a mobile PC?team I'm on is currently looking at hardware options--as the programmer who will eventually have to live with whatever is selected I was wondering if anyone out there has had experience writing .Net programs that interface with a GPS?

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Add A Facebook Like Button To Winform Application?

Jul 17, 2011

I am presently working with winforms and I would like to add facebook like button to my winforms.So at present I have downloaded facebook developer toolkit and after that I am trying to add the like button.So I would like to know how to proceed further to achieve in adding the like button.

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Binding Navigator In WinForm Application

Jan 16, 2009

I am a newbie using in VS 2008. I took over a winform application that has a binding navigator in it. The users wanted to add 2 new fields to the form. I added the new fields to the SQL Server 2005 database. I refreshed the Data Source tab in the project. It recognizes the 2 new fields.

I dragged them onto the form. When I go to add a record through the application, it does NOT save these 2 new fields. I check the properties for these 2 new fields under "Data Bindings" and it shows under the "Text" property the correct Binding Source and column name. I need to store these 2 new fields to the table.

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C# - Displaying A WinForm Dialog From WPF Application?

Aug 20, 2010

I am currently developing a WPF application that will utilize existing WinForm dialogs. I'm experiencing a long lag between the time I call ShowDialog() on a WinForm to the time it is displayed.Even when reusing WinForm dialog objects the lag time is nearly as bad on the second hit. Meaning that the problem isn't in the constructor. have a work around to increase speed or know why the speed is so slow?

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C# - Increase Speed Of An Application In .Net Winform?

Sep 19, 2011

I have Created an windows Application in .Net, when i start it first time, it takes lots of time to load. however i have used StoredProcedures to get data from database.So is there any technique to decrease the load time of an application?

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FlowChart Like Treeview In Winform Application?

May 8, 2010

I have hierarchical tree like folders,


I want to populate these folders to tree control. Then if we click any node of the tree control, that should open the related folder. And can we design treeview control like flowchart or powerpoint smartart organisation chart?

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Keep My Winform Application Running After Logout

Jan 12, 2012

I have an application that insert or update Data to an SQL server every 2, 3 hours.I can't use the SQL server itself (creating a new job). Instead I defined a timer which executes the code every 3 hours.The application runs in the server - a winform application.And this is the problem, when I logoff the application is being closed.Is there a way to keep the application running?

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Ship Winform Application To Client Without Net?

Sep 22, 2011

I'm a total newbie in programming. I have question about the deployment of winform application. I have created a winform application. But I'm not sure if the users have installed .Net version 4. I have put my winform application at my website and the users will download it to desktop.

My question is: How to automate the process of downloading and install .Net 4 if users have not install it? What are the recommended ways of deploying winform applications to users?

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WinForm Application Tab Control - Enter Key?

Jun 12, 2009

I would like to make the Tab movement can also pressing the "Enter" Key. I have google and found the code which possible to used. But I found its not running fine with me. When I press "Enter" key,it runs fine for the tab movement. But if I put something into my textbox,it only allowed me to put 1 character and it will move next. Because the Textbox 2 can able to put in any kind of numbers. But after add in the code that allowed "Enter" key move the Tabindex,it will move to the next tab index after I lick 1 character.

Private Sub TextBox2_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox2.KeyPress
If Keys.Enter Then
[Code] .....
How should I do to make the "Enter" key press work as tab?

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Adding Command Line Arguments To Application

Jun 2, 2011

Any way to add command line arguments to my application so that if someone wants to modify the settings they could run myexe.exe /settings and get the settings form of my application.

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Application.Restart With Different Command Line Arguments?

Jan 27, 2010

Is it possible to restart a VB.NET application, but with different command line arguments than it originally had? Here is the challenge. I want to write a single instance application. If the second instance has the same CL args as the first, then the built-in behavior is fine (second instance never opens, e.BringToForeground=True brings 1st instance to foreground, everything is great). But if the second instance has different CL args, then I would like the first instance to close and the second instance to start. However, once you mark a VB.NET app as "single instance only", it appears that you can never get the second instance. I think: OK, fine, I can just restart my first instance from the StartupNextInstance event. But how do I use the new command line arguments from the second instance? The Restart() method does not take CL args that I can see.

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CommandLine Arguments - Executable Path Of Application

Jan 27, 2010

I have an application that has file extensions associated with it. The application has been deployed using ClickOnce. I have checked the associations table to confirm the entry is there and the association is to the 'ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library'. When the application is triggered using a file with my extension, it does not pass the filename / directory in the CommandLine Arguments, instead you get the executable path of the application.

Which is under ..LocalSettingsApp"Random Strings"MyApp.exe

I have checked the Registry entry to confirm what the extension is set to open with and the application is dfshim.dll. Is there a way to overcome this, or is this just another limitation of ClickOnce deployment?

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Launch Program With Arguments Passed From Another Application

Feb 8, 2010

Gentlemen, I have an application made by a Vendor that sends a set of arguments to an application I am working on. I am unsure how to "launch" my application with these arguments. The vendor's app is a service that runs and launches my application when necessary. I'm assuming i need to modify the main form's constructor, but not sure.

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Split Commandline Application Path From Arguments?

Dec 26, 2005

I have commandline strings that contains application paths and might contain arguments. Some examples:

1. "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Officewinword.exe" "C:some dirdocumentname.doc"2. "C:Program FilesSome Dirapp.exe" /dosomething3. C:Program FilesSome Dirsomefile.exe4. C:somedirsomefile.exe /whatever5. C:Windows
otepad.exe6. someapp.exe

I'm looking for a simple way to split the path to the application and the optional argument.Sometimes the string contains quotes around the path (1&2) and sometimes, even when the path contains spaces, the string does not contain quotes(3). And sometimes the string does not contain spaces in the path (4&5&6), but a space is used before the argument(4). And (6) is a executable without a path. I have to use the environmentvariables the find the fullpath of the executable. This string (6) can also have arguments.Is there a standard function available to do this split?

Note:I have a regex pattern to handle (1,2,4,5,6), but is doesn't work for (3), because of the spaces in the path."[ ]+(?=(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*(?![^""]*""))"I cannot control the strings. Some of them come from user input and some of them come from the registry.

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VS 2005 : Get The Console Application Arguments As 1 String?

Nov 24, 2009

is it possible to get the Console Application arguments as 1 string instead of a collection of string.For exemple, if I call my Console Application like this : myapp.exe This is a test I would like to get "This is a test" and not


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VS 2010 Pass Arguments To Application After Started?

Sep 4, 2009

how to use Visual Basic to pass arguments to an application after said application was started. Example, "myapp.exe -d" enables debug mode, I want to be able to start myapp.exe then have a checkbox labeled "Debug mode" in Visual Basic. Upon "Debug Mode" being checked, it passes the argument -d to myapp.exe. Upon it being unchecked, it withdraws that argument from myapp.exe.

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