VS 2008 Run Application With Shortcut Arguments?

Nov 3, 2009

How would I run an executable with arguments like you can add to a shortcut? Such as:

"C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonarma 2arma2.exe" -window

I want to create a program where I can select these arguments from a list, press a button, and away you go, without having to type them yourself.

Is there any way other than creating a shortcut and then running it?

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VS 2008 - Make Application To Accept Arguments From The Command Prompt?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm currently making a text editor, and I wanted to make my application accept arguments from the command prompt, you know <Directory>myapp.exe <textfile>. How can I do this?

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VS 2008 - Creating A Shortcut With My Application But "Target" Line Is Being Cut Off?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm creating a shortcut with my application, and its working successfully, except that the "Target" line is being cut off. Not all the arguments are listed. When I run the target application of this shortcut using process.start and these arguments, it runs fine. Is this simply a limitation of the "Target" textbox? Is it simply not displaying all the arguments, or is it functionally limited in this way?EDIT: I have determined that it is simply not displaying the full string, but seems to work correctly. I would still like to fix this somehow, but if not, not a big deal.There are 259 characters in the textbox, including spaces. Doesn't seem like a significant number to me.Here is the code, but it doesn't really matter, it is working fine:


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Running Application Can Know Name Or Other Info Of Desktop-shortcut That Started Application?

Apr 9, 2011

Let's say 10 desktop shortcuts, all with different names/icons, point to and can start the same exe application from the same directory. Is there any means for the application to know the distinct name of the shortcut that was doubled_clicked. Also is there any means for a running application to know if it was started by command line, by a double_click on the exe, by a double_click on a shortcut that points to it, or by another process' call?

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Shortcut On Desktop Takes To Application Folder Not Running The Application?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to use Setup project. Want my setup to create a desktop shortcut with my application.I donot understand how to do it. Clicked on User's desktop, I created Shortcut to User's desktop, changed the properties Target and Working Folder as 'Application Folder'But it does not connect with MyApplication.exe When I ran the setup and tested Desktop short cut, it took me to the folder where application was installed, instead of running the application.How to make the application run using this shortcut?

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VB Console Application With Arguments?

Jun 9, 2012

I would like to make a vb console application that takes parameters. Particularly, I would like it to save each specifc parameter as string.

For Example:

C:> myexe.exe -t text1 -s text2

I would like text1 to be assigned to a string "type" and text2 to a string "speed".

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Read Arguments Passed To Application?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm wanting to pass arguments to my application, I believe there is an property called arguments in the ProcessStartInfo class, however how does my application interpret them?

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Create A Shortcut Of .exe (application)?

Feb 3, 2010

On form load how would i create a shortcut of my .exe (application) and place it in c:my shortcut ?

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Use Of Application Arguments And Overriding Winform Constructor?

May 31, 2012

I was asked to build a winform exe that receives arguments from a web service and decide in which mode the application should start.what is the best way to design and build the application?The application needs to receive 3 arguments.

User name. - stringApplication mode - Boolean (user read write privileges)List on string.
Where do I receive this arguments in the new method ?

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Adding Command Line Arguments To Application

Jun 2, 2011

Any way to add command line arguments to my application so that if someone wants to modify the settings they could run myexe.exe /settings and get the settings form of my application.

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Application.Restart With Different Command Line Arguments?

Jan 27, 2010

Is it possible to restart a VB.NET application, but with different command line arguments than it originally had? Here is the challenge. I want to write a single instance application. If the second instance has the same CL args as the first, then the built-in behavior is fine (second instance never opens, e.BringToForeground=True brings 1st instance to foreground, everything is great). But if the second instance has different CL args, then I would like the first instance to close and the second instance to start. However, once you mark a VB.NET app as "single instance only", it appears that you can never get the second instance. I think: OK, fine, I can just restart my first instance from the StartupNextInstance event. But how do I use the new command line arguments from the second instance? The Restart() method does not take CL args that I can see.

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CommandLine Arguments - Executable Path Of Application

Jan 27, 2010

I have an application that has file extensions associated with it. The application has been deployed using ClickOnce. I have checked the associations table to confirm the entry is there and the association is to the 'ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library'. When the application is triggered using a file with my extension, it does not pass the filename / directory in the CommandLine Arguments, instead you get the executable path of the application.

Which is under ..LocalSettingsApp"Random Strings"MyApp.exe

I have checked the Registry entry to confirm what the extension is set to open with and the application is dfshim.dll. Is there a way to overcome this, or is this just another limitation of ClickOnce deployment?

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Launch Program With Arguments Passed From Another Application

Feb 8, 2010

Gentlemen, I have an application made by a Vendor that sends a set of arguments to an application I am working on. I am unsure how to "launch" my application with these arguments. The vendor's app is a service that runs and launches my application when necessary. I'm assuming i need to modify the main form's constructor, but not sure.

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Split Commandline Application Path From Arguments?

Dec 26, 2005

I have commandline strings that contains application paths and might contain arguments. Some examples:

1. "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Officewinword.exe" "C:some dirdocumentname.doc"2. "C:Program FilesSome Dirapp.exe" /dosomething3. C:Program FilesSome Dirsomefile.exe4. C:somedirsomefile.exe /whatever5. C:Windows
otepad.exe6. someapp.exe

I'm looking for a simple way to split the path to the application and the optional argument.Sometimes the string contains quotes around the path (1&2) and sometimes, even when the path contains spaces, the string does not contain quotes(3). And sometimes the string does not contain spaces in the path (4&5&6), but a space is used before the argument(4). And (6) is a executable without a path. I have to use the environmentvariables the find the fullpath of the executable. This string (6) can also have arguments.Is there a standard function available to do this split?

Note:I have a regex pattern to handle (1,2,4,5,6), but is doesn't work for (3), because of the spaces in the path."[ ]+(?=(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*(?![^""]*""))"I cannot control the strings. Some of them come from user input and some of them come from the registry.

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VS 2005 : Get The Console Application Arguments As 1 String?

Nov 24, 2009

is it possible to get the Console Application arguments as 1 string instead of a collection of string.For exemple, if I call my Console Application like this : myapp.exe This is a test I would like to get "This is a test" and not


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VS 2010 Pass Arguments To Application After Started?

Sep 4, 2009

how to use Visual Basic to pass arguments to an application after said application was started. Example, "myapp.exe -d" enables debug mode, I want to be able to start myapp.exe then have a checkbox labeled "Debug mode" in Visual Basic. Upon "Debug Mode" being checked, it passes the argument -d to myapp.exe. Upon it being unchecked, it withdraws that argument from myapp.exe.

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How To Add Application Shortcut To Ie Context Menu

Jun 22, 2009


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How To Assign Application Icon To Shortcut

Oct 27, 2011

I'm a VB beginner and trying to create a Setup installer for my first freeware titleThe installer is almost complete.If I execute it, and it will install the application with a Desktop shortcut and a Startup shortcut.

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.net - ClickOnce Application Won't Accept Command-line Arguments

Sep 28, 2011

I have a VB.NET application that takes command-line arguments. It works fine when debugging provided I turn off Visual Studio's ClickOnce security setting.The problem occurs when I try to install the application on a computer via ClickOnce and try to run it with arguments. I get a crash when that happens (oh noes!).

There is a workaround for this issue: move the files from the latest version's publish folder to a computer's C: drive and remove the ".deploy" from the .exe. Run the application from the C: drive and it will handle arguments just fine.

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Pass Constructor Arguments To Application Main Form?

Oct 23, 2010

I've constructed a custom System.Windows.Forms.Form that requires arguments to New. I want to use one of these as the MainForm in a Windows Forms Application. How do I get the Application Framework to pass those arguments as needed?

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Create A Desktop Shortcut To Application On Install

Dec 22, 2009

How do I create a desktop shortcut to my application when the user presses setup to install?

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Desktop Shortcut For Click Once Deployed Application?

Aug 12, 2009

I would like to create a desktop shortcut for my clickonce deployed application.The IDE is VS2005 and there is no need for upgrading to 2008 yet.

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Setup Application Create A Desktop Shortcut?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a project that I've published to a network drive with a setup file that works great but I cannot get it to create a Desktop shortcut. I don't have the option in the publish settings to allow this and I cannot find code that will work for me. Does anyone have any suggestions how to have the setup file automatically create a desktop shortcut? I'm using Visual Studio 2008.

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Add Command Line Arguments To A Vb Express Windows Form Application?

Nov 17, 2008

Is there any way to add command line arguments to a vb express Windows form application?

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Added A Shortcut On Start Menu, That Points To Application?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm running into this one very specific issue:

- I have a VB.Net 2005 Project for which I've created a Setup Project.
- In my Setup Project, I've added a shortcut on my Start Menu, that points to my Application.
- After deploying it, all works great.

- One of my users chooses to *copy* the shortcut from the Start Menu into their Desktop.

- I then create an upgrade for this Application. Again, the deployment works great. They can start my application from the Start menu.

- They double-click on their icon in the Desktop and they get a popup: Title of the message box: Problem with Shortcut Description of the message box: (X) The parameter is incorrect.

The shortcut's Target, is blank ( which I believe is the problem ).I'd love to be able to specify an actual [TARGETDIR]myApp.exe type of string as the shortcut's target in my Setup Project, but I can't do this.Instead I have to point it via UI, to my Target Application ( which I'm assuming is resolved at install-time ). The problem with this is that it appears that the shortcuts get re-evaluated every time you re-install / upgrade the application. Since my previous version is technically not installed anymore, my shortcut gets invalidaded, even though the target path is still the same and I haven't changed my executable's file name.

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Insert Shortcut / Icon Keys On The Web Browser Application?

Dec 30, 2010

the thing is i'm a .net programmer at varsity but i cant figure out how to program or insert shortcut/icon keys on the web browser application e.g back,refresh,stop,go. i'm only able to do this using command buttoms. so i want to use simple icons like those on some web browsers.

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My.settings Not Working When Application Is Opened From Startup Shortcut?

May 30, 2011

I am a beginner using 2008 Express and I am trying to get my application to remember and restore some combobox values. It seems to work fine if the application is opened and closed normally but for some reason it loses the settings if it is opened from the startup folder.

Here is how the startup link is formed:

Dim shortcutFile As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) & "FBNav.lnk"
If Not IO.File.Exists(shortcutFile) Then


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Extract Shortcut Icon Without Shortcut Symbol?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm trying to extract the icon from a shortcut (lnk file), but I end up with the shortcut symbol in the lower-left hand corner of the image. How can I extract a shortcut's icon without this symbol?

Here's the code I'm using:

Dim ico As System.Drawing.Icon = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon("C:shortcut.lnk")

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VS 2008 Run A .exe File With Arguments?

Nov 30, 2010

This is my first time programming with visual basic, but the GUI I'm trying to create isn't complicated. So ,after looking at the tutorial for a bit, I got started.What I'm trying to do is run a c++ program which I created, but I'm making the GUI so that other people can use it easily.The c++ program needs arguments, so I have to text boxes on my GUI that will contain those arguments. One is a file path and another is an integer.I'm trying to run the .exe file for my c++ program with a shell script, but I can't get the syntax right.I don't want anything ecial I just want to run the program and pass it arguments. Here is what I have:I'm trying to use a shell command, as you can see.I can run the program from the visual studio 2008 command prompt by typing "cl DataRedux2.cpp" to compile and "DataRedux2.exe" to run.

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VS 2008 - Updater.exe - How To Pass Arguments

Oct 19, 2009

Ok im going to make a updater for a current program. And I found this code on this website.

Dim OnlineLocation As String = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(0)
Dim LocalLocation As String = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(1)
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(OnlineLocation, LocalLocation)
MessageBox.Show("Update Complete")

But i was wondering, once ive made it. How do u actually pass arguments to it.

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