Read Arguments Passed To Application?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm wanting to pass arguments to my application, I believe there is an property called arguments in the ProcessStartInfo class, however how does my application interpret them?

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Launch Program With Arguments Passed From Another Application

Feb 8, 2010

Gentlemen, I have an application made by a Vendor that sends a set of arguments to an application I am working on. I am unsure how to "launch" my application with these arguments. The vendor's app is a service that runs and launches my application when necessary. I'm assuming i need to modify the main form's constructor, but not sure.

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Deployment :: ClickOnce App Not Update If Passed Command Line Arguments

Jul 9, 2009

I have a ClickOnce application deployed to many workstations in my office. On it's first run it adds a registry key to the HKCU run group that adds itself with a "-minimize" argument. On each login the program starts and seeing the command line argument minimizes itself. However when a update is published the program does not update. If the program is run from its menu shortcut without arguments it runs fine. I then looked up how to update programmaticaly and put that code into my program to run at startup.

But my.application.isnetworkdeployed returns False when command line arguments are passed to the app and TRUE when run without command line arguments even though in both cases it is network deployed. Since my program starts up with command line arguments and stays minimized while the computer is on there is no reason for a user to close the program and reopen it through a menu item but as of right now that's the only way the program updates. Is this a bug or how ClickOnce is supposed to work?

Example: Create a new program. On the form add a textbox. In the Form load event put something like:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath.ToString & "" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"
MsgBox("Is my app network deployed?: " & My.Application.IsNetworkDeployed)
End Sub

Deploy the app. Start it with a menu item and it returns True. Start it with any command like argument (use the path from the box) and it returns false. Why? How is that possible? The app didn't magically become non network deployed because it was passed a command line argument.

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Retrieve Current Function Arguments List Including Passed Value?

Sep 28, 2011

I wrote a Log class that details the exception, including the method name and its arguments list,but I couldn't find any way to programmaticly retrieve the arguments some forums it was said that its impossible mission. I find it very arguments list looks like:

argA As String = ?
argB As integer (Opional, Default value = 2) = ?

etc. only actual values are missing.

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Can A Generic List Of T Be Passed To Function Similar To Way An Array Is Passed?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to pass a List of T where T is an object I've created that has about ten properties (strings, dates and integers).The lst passes to the function successfully. I am also passing an New T of the Object (itm as T).I can see all the values (see image below), but because it's generic I cannot seem to retrieve the property values and I cannot figure out how to iterate through the properties of each itm as they are retrieved in the For Each.[code]

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VB Console Application With Arguments?

Jun 9, 2012

I would like to make a vb console application that takes parameters. Particularly, I would like it to save each specifc parameter as string.

For Example:

C:> myexe.exe -t text1 -s text2

I would like text1 to be assigned to a string "type" and text2 to a string "speed".

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VS 2008 Run Application With Shortcut Arguments?

Nov 3, 2009

How would I run an executable with arguments like you can add to a shortcut? Such as:

"C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonarma 2arma2.exe" -window

I want to create a program where I can select these arguments from a list, press a button, and away you go, without having to type them yourself.

Is there any way other than creating a shortcut and then running it?

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Use Of Application Arguments And Overriding Winform Constructor?

May 31, 2012

I was asked to build a winform exe that receives arguments from a web service and decide in which mode the application should start.what is the best way to design and build the application?The application needs to receive 3 arguments.

User name. - stringApplication mode - Boolean (user read write privileges)List on string.
Where do I receive this arguments in the new method ?

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Adding Command Line Arguments To Application

Jun 2, 2011

Any way to add command line arguments to my application so that if someone wants to modify the settings they could run myexe.exe /settings and get the settings form of my application.

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Application.Restart With Different Command Line Arguments?

Jan 27, 2010

Is it possible to restart a VB.NET application, but with different command line arguments than it originally had? Here is the challenge. I want to write a single instance application. If the second instance has the same CL args as the first, then the built-in behavior is fine (second instance never opens, e.BringToForeground=True brings 1st instance to foreground, everything is great). But if the second instance has different CL args, then I would like the first instance to close and the second instance to start. However, once you mark a VB.NET app as "single instance only", it appears that you can never get the second instance. I think: OK, fine, I can just restart my first instance from the StartupNextInstance event. But how do I use the new command line arguments from the second instance? The Restart() method does not take CL args that I can see.

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CommandLine Arguments - Executable Path Of Application

Jan 27, 2010

I have an application that has file extensions associated with it. The application has been deployed using ClickOnce. I have checked the associations table to confirm the entry is there and the association is to the 'ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library'. When the application is triggered using a file with my extension, it does not pass the filename / directory in the CommandLine Arguments, instead you get the executable path of the application.

Which is under ..LocalSettingsApp"Random Strings"MyApp.exe

I have checked the Registry entry to confirm what the extension is set to open with and the application is dfshim.dll. Is there a way to overcome this, or is this just another limitation of ClickOnce deployment?

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Split Commandline Application Path From Arguments?

Dec 26, 2005

I have commandline strings that contains application paths and might contain arguments. Some examples:

1. "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Officewinword.exe" "C:some dirdocumentname.doc"2. "C:Program FilesSome Dirapp.exe" /dosomething3. C:Program FilesSome Dirsomefile.exe4. C:somedirsomefile.exe /whatever5. C:Windows
otepad.exe6. someapp.exe

I'm looking for a simple way to split the path to the application and the optional argument.Sometimes the string contains quotes around the path (1&2) and sometimes, even when the path contains spaces, the string does not contain quotes(3). And sometimes the string does not contain spaces in the path (4&5&6), but a space is used before the argument(4). And (6) is a executable without a path. I have to use the environmentvariables the find the fullpath of the executable. This string (6) can also have arguments.Is there a standard function available to do this split?

Note:I have a regex pattern to handle (1,2,4,5,6), but is doesn't work for (3), because of the spaces in the path."[ ]+(?=(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*(?![^""]*""))"I cannot control the strings. Some of them come from user input and some of them come from the registry.

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VS 2005 : Get The Console Application Arguments As 1 String?

Nov 24, 2009

is it possible to get the Console Application arguments as 1 string instead of a collection of string.For exemple, if I call my Console Application like this : myapp.exe This is a test I would like to get "This is a test" and not


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VS 2010 Pass Arguments To Application After Started?

Sep 4, 2009

how to use Visual Basic to pass arguments to an application after said application was started. Example, "myapp.exe -d" enables debug mode, I want to be able to start myapp.exe then have a checkbox labeled "Debug mode" in Visual Basic. Upon "Debug Mode" being checked, it passes the argument -d to myapp.exe. Upon it being unchecked, it withdraws that argument from myapp.exe.

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.net - ClickOnce Application Won't Accept Command-line Arguments

Sep 28, 2011

I have a VB.NET application that takes command-line arguments. It works fine when debugging provided I turn off Visual Studio's ClickOnce security setting.The problem occurs when I try to install the application on a computer via ClickOnce and try to run it with arguments. I get a crash when that happens (oh noes!).

There is a workaround for this issue: move the files from the latest version's publish folder to a computer's C: drive and remove the ".deploy" from the .exe. Run the application from the C: drive and it will handle arguments just fine.

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Pass Constructor Arguments To Application Main Form?

Oct 23, 2010

I've constructed a custom System.Windows.Forms.Form that requires arguments to New. I want to use one of these as the MainForm in a Windows Forms Application. How do I get the Application Framework to pass those arguments as needed?

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Add Command Line Arguments To A Vb Express Windows Form Application?

Nov 17, 2008

Is there any way to add command line arguments to a vb express Windows form application?

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VS 2008 - Make Application To Accept Arguments From The Command Prompt?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm currently making a text editor, and I wanted to make my application accept arguments from the command prompt, you know <Directory>myapp.exe <textfile>. How can I do this?

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Get List Of All Resolution Of Client Monitor And Check With Resolution Passed By Application?

Dec 5, 2009

How to get list of all resolution of client monitor and check with resolution passed by application

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Read The Same Dbf Two Times With Different Application?

May 15, 2011

i try to read a dbf file with that sub

Public Sub dbf2()
Dim objLigacao As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection


how i can connect and read the same dbf two times with different application???

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Read A 64 Bit Registry With A 32 Bit .net Application?

Oct 3, 2011

[code]After spending hours of research.I finally figured out the version on how to read a 64 bit registry with a 32 bit .net application. The importance of this is when you try to write to one part of the registry, it gets redirected somewhere else in the registry, which is super annoying.[code]

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Read Data From Another Run Application ?

Jan 31, 2010

i want to read data from another run application by vb.net2008 project.i can read from this program by excel by typing in any cell " =MISTWS|SEGS38191C010C1!Dailyhighprice"

the program name MISTWS and with this comand i wants to read the value of daily high price to company code SEGS38191C010C1. i wants to read the same way but not in excel,i want to read it in vb project directly let vb project read data from MISTWS program direct.

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Read The Cpu Temperature In A VB Application?

Nov 3, 2007

i'd like to read the cpu temperature in a VB application.i tried to get it using WMI but that isn't supported by my computer.i used code i found on this forum and what i get from the WMI code creator.this is the code created with the WMI code creator.

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Read The Ip-packages Sent To An Application?

Oct 2, 2009

read the ip-packages sent to my application. Im using a webbrowser and the httpwebrequest. I don't need the packages sent to the other applications, so im not trying to track passwords or something bad, but I thought it would be fun to get some numbers running over my screen.

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The Database In Application Becomes Read-only?

Apr 23, 2010

I've created a project in VB .NET. when i build it and run the .exe everything works fine but when i install it the database becomes read only. I've used the VB 'setup and deployment' project to make and installer and i also tried InstallShield but the occurs in both cases. i looked on google but can't find anything that makes sense atleast. i think the application can not create _log.LDF file. Anyone come across this problem before?

error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Failed to update database "C:........." because the database is read-only.

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C# - Read Sms From Mobile Device With .net Application?

Mar 16, 2010

How can I read SMS from mobile with my .net application? i have a Nokia 5310 mobile phone. Can you tell me from where i can download Nokia SDK or source code or Nokia API etc?

I want to make a custom application which reads SMS and at the same time sends a response to the sender's mobile number.

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Enable Application To Read Barcodes?

Oct 15, 2011

I need to add barcode reading feature to my application. I donot know how to enable my application to read barcodes. I mean a scanner should read the barcode and having matched the article no. in database, info should be displayed on the screen.

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Get My Console Application To Read From Txt File?

Apr 8, 2009

What i want to do, is to get my console application to read from a .txt file (with one word per line), and randomly select a line from that file and declare it as chosenword. However, i am not sure what i must do to do that.

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How To Read Changes In Excel File Into Application

Apr 6, 2011

I have an excel file which is auto generated by third party software..and its readonly file and its data constantly keep changing online. Now I want to use or read that data in my application whenever its changes take place in excel file automatically.

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How To Read Data From XML For 3rd Party Application

Feb 5, 2012

I want to read the data from the following website:[URL]..I have attached an image the details, from which I wish to read the data: getting the details as mentioned above?

And also let me know how the data is supposed to be extracted every time when required.I will be using this XML data in VB10. This will simply allow me to create a widget that will show me the cricket score update that frequently.

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