Launch Program With Arguments Passed From Another Application

Feb 8, 2010

Gentlemen, I have an application made by a Vendor that sends a set of arguments to an application I am working on. I am unsure how to "launch" my application with these arguments. The vendor's app is a service that runs and launches my application when necessary. I'm assuming i need to modify the main form's constructor, but not sure.

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Read Arguments Passed To Application?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm wanting to pass arguments to my application, I believe there is an property called arguments in the ProcessStartInfo class, however how does my application interpret them?

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Launch An Exe With Arguments

Mar 7, 2009

I am trying to build a web page that call an exe with some arguments. It's working perfectly when i launch it on the ASP.NET development server but it's not working well when I deploy it under IIS. He is the VB code source.The log text file is created in both cases but the exe is just launched from Visual Web developer 2008.[code]

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Launch An Executable With Certain Cmd Arguments?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a vb2008 .net2 app that needs to launch an executable with certain cmd arguments. Lets say for example I have 5 variables.

variable1 = true
variable2 = wirelessssid
variable3 = password
variable4 = nothing
variable 5 = username

Each variable represents a cmd args that I need to launch the executable from my app with.


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Deployment :: ClickOnce App Not Update If Passed Command Line Arguments

Jul 9, 2009

I have a ClickOnce application deployed to many workstations in my office. On it's first run it adds a registry key to the HKCU run group that adds itself with a "-minimize" argument. On each login the program starts and seeing the command line argument minimizes itself. However when a update is published the program does not update. If the program is run from its menu shortcut without arguments it runs fine. I then looked up how to update programmaticaly and put that code into my program to run at startup.

But my.application.isnetworkdeployed returns False when command line arguments are passed to the app and TRUE when run without command line arguments even though in both cases it is network deployed. Since my program starts up with command line arguments and stays minimized while the computer is on there is no reason for a user to close the program and reopen it through a menu item but as of right now that's the only way the program updates. Is this a bug or how ClickOnce is supposed to work?

Example: Create a new program. On the form add a textbox. In the Form load event put something like:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath.ToString & "" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"
MsgBox("Is my app network deployed?: " & My.Application.IsNetworkDeployed)
End Sub

Deploy the app. Start it with a menu item and it returns True. Start it with any command like argument (use the path from the box) and it returns false. Why? How is that possible? The app didn't magically become non network deployed because it was passed a command line argument.

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Retrieve Current Function Arguments List Including Passed Value?

Sep 28, 2011

I wrote a Log class that details the exception, including the method name and its arguments list,but I couldn't find any way to programmaticly retrieve the arguments some forums it was said that its impossible mission. I find it very arguments list looks like:

argA As String = ?
argB As integer (Opional, Default value = 2) = ?

etc. only actual values are missing.

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Using Process.Start Method To Launch Another Application From Application?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm using Process.Start method to launch another application from my application. Until today, there was no problem. But I have tested my application in a different OS, Windows XP (SP3), and my application didn't work right on that. I'm also using arguments to run that application. I guess for some reason my application couldn't send arguments to other application correctly under Windows XP. Maybe it is related to my code. But you should know, it works great on Windows 7.


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Can A Generic List Of T Be Passed To Function Similar To Way An Array Is Passed?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to pass a List of T where T is an object I've created that has about ten properties (strings, dates and integers).The lst passes to the function successfully. I am also passing an New T of the Object (itm as T).I can see all the values (see image below), but because it's generic I cannot seem to retrieve the property values and I cannot figure out how to iterate through the properties of each itm as they are retrieved in the For Each.[code]

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Convert Old GW-BASIC Program To A Command Line Program With Arguments?

Mar 1, 2012

This is going to be a lot to ask, but I'd like to convert my old GW-BASIC program to a command line program with arguments. I'd like it to operate as follows:

elapse [drive:][path]filename This is my old code.

10 OPEN "G:Calc.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
20 WHILE NOT EOF(1): INPUT #1, A$, B$
30 IF MID$(A$,3,1)=":" THEN C$="DOUBLE DIGIT":GOTO 50
40 IF MID$(A$,2,1)=":" THEN C$="SINGLE DIGIT":GOTO 120


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VS 2005 Opening A Program From A Link Or Sending Arguments To A Program?

Sep 14, 2009

I want to have a link in an email with an ID number. Then, when the user clicks on the link in the email, it either launches my program, or brings the program to top, depending on whether it is opened or not, and then loads the record for that ID number from the link (the software is a record lookup tool).If I can figure out how to "send" the program the ID, I can figure the rest out.

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Launch Application From .vbs Script?

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to launch a application from a visual basic script. Everytime I run the script it looks for the application in whatever folder the script is sitting in. If I put the script in the folder where the executable is it works. Unfortunatley this script need to run from users temp directories.

' *****Declaring variables*****
Option Explicit
' Comment the next line out if you are not getting this to work and you need to debug.


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Launch An External Program?

May 3, 2009

So I have my form, I add one combobox (combobox1) and a button that says "Launch..."Button 1's


When you select a program from the combobox (combobox1) and click launch, it launches that program, for example, cmd.exe (command prompt) when I click the button, it launches the command prompt, but if I select a game (for example chess.exe, for vista), it says it can't find the file, this is because the search for the file is only: WindowsSystem32, how can I change that? OR, how can I add a reference that searches the WHOLE Disk, not just WindowsSystem32?

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How To Launch A Program In Sys Tray

May 7, 2009

[Code] That codes will execute the "xsentinel.bat". But, is there any ways that I can use to made the "xsentinel.bat" will running in background (Sys Tray)?

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Launch A Program From A Code?

May 1, 2009

I am not trying to make this a hard! How do I?

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Launch Program In Backround?

May 7, 2009

I have this

Dim strAppPath As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


But, is there any ways that I can use to made the "xsentinel.bat" will running in background (Sys Tray)?

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Wait For A Program To Launch?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesAutodeskACADM 2010acad.exe")

how do I make the system wait till the program is fully launched before it executes the next statements? If it doesnt wait, it crashes.

I dont want to use system.threading.thread.sleep as it varies for each computew how long it will take to launch

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Get Array Data Passed Using ByRef From A .COM Program Written In C++?

Oct 5, 2010

VS 2008 VB/I've implemented an interface to a .com program written in c++. I'm trying to access a data structure array(uNewValues) of type PLCCOMMLib.ANALOG_CONTIN. uNewValues should be a datastructure array of several elements (iSigIDCount). My problem is I only get the first array element of the datastructure.I've tried several methods and looked into marshalling but don't understand how to implement marshalling if that is the correct option.

Code below:

Public Sub AnalogContinUpdate(ByVal iSigIDCount
As Integer,


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C# - Launch A Windows Application From A Webpage?

Mar 8, 2011

We have a company intranet and the powers that be think it would be nice to have a collection of icons/links representing the applications that most reps use (Outlook, Excel, few other apps).

The idea would be that if the application is installed, clicking the link/icon would launch the application on the client machine.

Anyone ever had a requirement like that and been successful implementing it?

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Launch An Application And Send It To Second Monitor?

Apr 28, 2009

In VB 2008, I am using the class 'process' to launch and external application with a few parameters. Does anybody knows how can I send it programmatically to second monitor?

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Launch An Application Form Resources?

Jul 13, 2011

I want to launch an .exe file from my resources.?

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Published Application Won't Launch On Other Computers

Aug 15, 2011

I've been working on a piece of software for a few weeks now and I've got to the point where I'm publishing it and testing it on other computers, namely my colleague's. We're both working on the same network and have similar permissions for our accounts, but for some reason the application will launch on my account but not his.

We've tried using the same computer and just changing accounts, but that won't work either; he still isn't able to launch the published application.

I receive the standard "[x] has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." message.

What is baffling me is that we've tried previous versions on his computer and they worked just fine. I can't think of any changes that I've made that would suddenly stop the application from running.

A few extra pieces of information: the application has a splashscreen, which displays for a few seconds before the error message crops up. In this time, the program is supposed to check if certain files and directories exist and, if not, create them. It also changes file attributes. These files exist in a directory we are both able to access and both have permissions to change. It also changes and sets some variables within the program itself, but I don't see that being an issue. It is able to catch exceptions of type IOException and InvalidOperationException (which was being thrown when a computer didn't have access to the intranet).

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Winforms - Launch External Application Using Hot Key?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a windows program which is launched after pressing certain key combination (if its already running). Now i want to do this triggering through code? How can it be done?

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C# - Launch Add New Program Installation Automatically?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm working on the VB.NET VS 2010. We are creating a software distribution list. Currently a user needs to go to the Add New Programs wizard to view their available programs and then click install. We'd like to automate the clicking of the "Add" button to and kickoff the installation via a script.

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Can't Launch Particular Program On Button Click

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to activate Rosetta Stone on a button click (button4). It opens but gives me an error. 2123 is the error code. I guess this may require knowledge of Rosetta Stone more than VB but I have found no luck searching google. Is there alternative code to what I'm trying to do?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Chrome_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chrome.Click


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Get The Path To The Associated File Used To Launch A Program?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a program with an associated file type. However, when I double-click a file to launch the program, I can't figure out where that path was passed to the program.Initially I thought the file path would be in Environment.CommandLine, but the command line only contained the program path.I specified the file association using the Publish Options in visual studio like so: extension: .ext, Description: Some File, ProgId: ProjectName, Icon: SomeIcon.ico.

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Launch VB Program Instead Of Default Browser?

Feb 8, 2006

Is there any way to make Windows call a VB program instead of the default Internet browser?

What I want to do is to use a VB program with buttons down the left-hand side that when clicked will launch that URL in the browser windows of the form. This will prevent users from surfing in places they shouldn't but still allow them to get to the sites they need to get to for their jobs. These buttons could also change based on the username of the person launching the program.

But it all depends on being able to call this program in place of the browser when they click on a link in a email or somewhere else.

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Making Program To Launch .exe In Folder?

Jun 7, 2011

i making program to launch .exe in folder, but send my problem.

I write this:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("WanXAppsDataSoftwareGrizzly_CloudGrizzly Cloud - Beta.exe")


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Unable To Launch And GUI Program From A Service?

Oct 22, 2011

I am trying to startup a simple program that has a GUI from a service. I have tried a few flavors of Process.Start and none of them allow the GUI to work. I can get the farthest using:

And from inside the batch:
start C:TestTestStart.exe

Eventually I get an "Interactive Services Detection" dialog telling me that a message is trying to be displayed and when I click View the message, I see my expected dialog but the program won't run. I am Running on Win7 Home 64 bit. My Simple GUI program was written in VS2008. I set the service properties to "allow interaction with the desktop" but this does not help.Is there any way to launch a program from within a service that will allow you to interact with the desktop?

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VS 2005 Launch A Program In Sys Tray?

May 7, 2009

I have this


That codes will execute the "xsentinel.bat".. But, is there any ways that I can use to made the "xsentinel.bat" will running in background (Sys Tray)?

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VS 2005 Select And Launch Program?

Jul 26, 2010

I'd like to know how you can actually select(highlight) a program from a list of programs displayed in a list box in Windows Form. I've done research and most results end up with openFileDialog condition or have to manually type the directory path. But what I have currently is the display of a list of programs in a list box(like Add/Remove Programs) but I'd like to have the user launch it upon double-clicking or clicking on a button(after a program is highlighted).

In short, it's like selecting a program in Add/Remove Program but instead of the Uninstall button, I want it to be a Launch button. I believe I already have the executable path behind the codes with the registry so I just need to know how you can select, and launch.

(Below contains an example of the kind of code I'm having)

Public Partial Class MainForm
Public Sub New()
' The Me.InitializeComponent call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


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