Class That Contains Overloaded Methods?

Jul 16, 2011

In this project I am making a grade calculator; I am modifying an existing code I have to have the following characteristics: I need to modify the DetermineGrade method so that it accepts the maximum number of points that can be earned on both tests (currently, the max number of points is 200: 100 points per test). For an A grade, the student must earn at least 90% of the total number of points. For a B, the student must earn at least 80%. For a C, at least 70%. For a D, at least 60%. If they earn less than 60% of the total points, then grade is F. Here is the exisint code I have for the DetermineGrade method specifically:

Public Sub DetermineGrade()
Dim intTotal As Integer
intTotal = _intScore1 + _intScore2


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Overloaded Vb Methods Not Found At Runtime When Called By C#?

Oct 12, 2010

Not sure if this question belongs here or the Interop forum, but here is the situation. I have a app that was upgraded from vb6. It has an overloaded Login method. A simple method with two string parameters for name/password calls the primary login method with numerous optional parameters. The simple method is for compatibility with C# because, until Visual Studio 2010, optional parameters were not supported.The C# intellisense finds the overload and compiles ok... but throws an error at startup stating that it cannot find the Login method. This makes no sense and appears to be a problem with vb. (I am using .net 4 for both and the c# test harness.)ILDASM shows the following:

Public Function Login(ByVal LoginName As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal Alias_Renamed As String, Optional ByVal LoginFrom As String = "", Optional ByVal ClientIPAddress As String = "", Optional ByVal ServerIPAddress As String = "", Optional


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Overloaded Constructor In Abstract Class

Nov 19, 2010

I have an abstract class in with two subclasses. In the abstract class I have a constuctor that looks like this:[code]I would like to create a second constructor that doesn't take any arguments and just initializes the args to default values.[code]When I attempt to create a new subclass using the second constructor the compiler complains that I'm missing two args to the constructor.Is there a reason I can't overload the constructor in the abstract class?

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C# - Overloaded .NET Extension Method In Class Library?

Jul 20, 2010

It seems that my library of extension methods that was written in VB.NET has problems.I have 2 overloaded extension methods Crop().When i reference the lib from a VB.NET project i see them. If reference it from a C# project i can't see them.

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Making Class Methods Instead Of Instance Methods In .NET?

Mar 29, 2010

I am not sure how clear my question is by the title, but I am trying to make Class methods instead of Instance methods in Visual Basic that way I don't have to waste memory and code creating temporary objects to execute methods that don't need instance variables.

I am not sure if you can do that in VB but I know you can in Objective-C by using either a "+" or "-" sign in front of the method declaration. And in C++ (at least I think, I can't remember) you put the static keyword or const keyword in front of the function.How would I do this in VB if it is possible? Or should I just make a separate set of functions that are not members of a class?

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.net - How To Add Methods To DataGridView Class

Sep 14, 2011

my question is simple. How do i add methods to the standard DataGridView control of VB.NET

I want to add some methods of my own to the class, but i tried inheritance and i get errors. What are the techniques out there to extend native classes in vb net

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Can't Access Methods From Another Class

Dec 18, 2011

Example ^. I must be forgetting something or being really dumb.

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Use Derived Class Shared Variables In Shared Methods Of Base Class?

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to add shared members in derived classes and use that values in base classes...

I have base

class DBLayer
public shared function GetDetail(byval UIN as integer)
dim StrSql = string.format("select * from {0} where uin = {1}", tablename, uin)
end function
end class


currently there is error using the tablename variable of derived class in base class but i want to use it i dun know other techniques if other solutions are better then u can post it or u can say how can i make it work? confused...

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.net - Class Definition Properties Or Methods?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a class definition that I've seen other define properties that return collections of objects.

Public Property GetAllAdults() as Adults End Property I made the argument that this should be a method in the class, because it doesn't define an attribute of the class, and could not be extended with parameters. Is/Are there reasons why this should be defined as a property vs. a function?

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.net - Expose Methods Of Nested Class?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a Public Class called "ClientConnection". Inside that class, I have a Public ReadOnly Property called "FileTransfers(ByVal TransferID)". The property returns an object of the class "FileTransfer". All methods in FileTransfer are set to public.

VS is able to discover the methods inside the parent class "ClientConnection". How would I expose the methods inside the sub-class "FileTransfer" that is returned by the property "FileTransfers(ByVal TransferID)"?

Public Class ClientConnection
'irreverent code removed
Public ReadOnly Property FileTransfers(ByVal TransferID As Integer)


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Add Methods To An Entity Mapped Class?

Jan 24, 2009

I have a database table called Job. I have mapped this table using LINQ to SQL so that I have a class called Job.

What I want to do is add some methods to the Job class. The Job class is defined in the LINQ to SQL classes .dbml file. So, in order to add methods, or anything else to the Job class what should I do?

Should I create a partial class named Job and define the methods in there? Will that then get mixed in properly? Not sure how to proceed on this one.

View 1 Replies - How To Create Instance Of Class In Different Methods

Aug 3, 2011

Do I have to instantiate description every time for different method? Or should I use static? Here's how I'm doing this now: What is the best way of handling this kind of situations. it seems that I repeat this line:Dim description As BLLDescription = New BLLDescription() without any good reasn.

Protected Sub Button8_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
Dim description As BLLDescription = New BLLDescription()


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Derived Class Shared Methods?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a function that 2 derived classes use, but the third doesn't, would it make sense to just leave it in the base class, even though one of the 3 derived classes doesn't use it?The only way I could think of disallowing the third class is to basically create an intermediate class that is derived of the base, then the 2 that use the common function are derived off the second class.

Is it possible to prevent the 3rd class from using the function, while letting the two that are supposed to use it, use it?Does that just seem to go overboard, I mean as long as I don't "try" to call the function from the 3rd class, it shouldn't be a problem, I just was interested if there was a way to prevent it all together without a lot of hassle.

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Get Properties And Methods For Custom Class?

Oct 29, 2009

Is it possible to iterate through the properties and methods of a custom class, getting the details about those properties and methods in the process.[code]....

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How To Add Methods To An Entity Mapped Class

Mar 26, 2010

I have a database table called Job. I have mapped this table using LINQ to SQL so that I have a class called Job.What I want to do is add some methods to the Job class. The Job class is defined in the LINQ to SQL classes .dbml file. So, in order to add methods, or anything else to the Job class what should I do?Should I create a partial class named Job and define the methods in there? Will that then get mixed in properly? Not sure how to proceed on this one.

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How To Add Methods To An Entity Mapped Class?

Aug 22, 2011

I have a database table called Job. I have mapped this table using LINQ to SQL so that I have a class called Job.What I want to do is add some methods to the Job class. The Job class is defined in the LINQ to SQL classes .dbml file. So, in order to add methods, or anything else to the Job class what should I do?Should I create a partial class named Job and define the methods in there? Will that then get mixed in properly? Not sure how to proceed on this one.

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How To Know If Class Has Been Extended With Extension Methods

May 30, 2012

In VB.NET or C#, is there a way to determine if a class has been extended with extension methods?

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Remove The Add / Delete Methods From The Class

Feb 17, 2012

I created a Class that inherits List(Of TKey, TValue) and adds a few functions. Its purpose is not to add items to it at runtime, but when it is initialized. I would actually like to remove the add/delete methods from the class (as it currently exposes them from the inherited class).


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Shared Class With Generic Methods?

Jan 28, 2010

I have created a Interface and a couple classes that implement this Interface. I am in the process of developing a Shared Class that utilizes the functions that each of the individual classes have, due to the interface implementation.What i need to know is how do i develop this Shared Class so that way each of the methods within it are restricted to a single data type. This single data type needs to be restricted to any class that has implemented the Interface.

Some examples:

Public Interface IVector(Of T)
Sub Add(ByVal v2 as T)


As you can see it would allow me to develop one form, since i have standardized the required Subs/Functions for any class the implements the IVector interface. As i am still in developement, i was wondering if my current understanding of the method generics is correct in its current form or what i would have to do to make the Generic Shared Class work in the fashion that i am looking for in the example implementation.

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.net - Reflection Retrieve Private Methods Of A Class?

Sep 13, 2010

I want to retrieve private (implementation and other) methods of a class which implements an interface and also is derived from (inherits) a base class.How can I achieve this using reflection?This is wat m tryin to do. I need to view these private methods and their contents, I don't want to invoke them.

Dim assembly As System.Reflection.Assembly
Dim assemblyName As String assemblyName = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("xyz.dll")
assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyName)
assembly.GetType("myClass").GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic) isn't working

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Call & Use A Classes Type From Methods Within The Class?

Mar 3, 2011

I will preface this by saying Im previously an asp developer and am learning oop programming/Vb.Net

Im working on a 3 tier architecture and trying to abstract my code as much as possible since I have a very large intranet to convert. In my business layer I am defining my classes with management methods. Below is an example of one of my classes.

My question: Is there a way for me to genericaly refer to the class type and object type so that I dont have to continualy refer to the class name/type "ServiceRequest" throughout the class. For example something like:


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Calling Shared Methods From .NET Class Library In VB6

Jan 25, 2010

I have the following class in a .NET class library:

Public Class JasonTest
Sub New()
End Sub


The .AddNumbers call works fine, but the AddStrings call yields the error 'Object doesn't support this property or method'.

Is there any way to call a shared method from .NET in VB6? I was unable to find any documentation on this.

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Class Member Variables Methods And Their State

May 27, 2010

How should class member variables be used in combination with class methods?Let's say I have a class 'C' with a member variable 'someData'.I call C.getData(), which does not return a value but instead puts data in C.someData. The class that instantiated 'C' first calls C.getData and then uses the data by accessing the member variable C.someData.I call C.getData() in the class that instantiated 'C' which is a function that returns data.I myself prefer the second way. But it also depends on the situation and it's a small difference. Is it 'bad' to have class methods that depend on the classes internal state? What are the best conventions?

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Difference Between These Two Initialization Methods For A Class Member

Nov 4, 2011

Whats the difference between these two initialization methods for obj? I've seen both of these, but know know if there is an appropriate time to use one vs the other. I found this post which covers C#, but not sure if the same applies to VB.Net.[code]

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Find Methods In The Same Class From A Passed Delegate?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a method with a custom attribute that lists other methods in the same class that it can call. I'm passing the called method to another class function that will read the attribute and pick one of the methods named in the attribute and return it's delegate. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this with reflection or event if it is possible.

<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, allowmultiple:=False)>
Public Class ExecuteSimiliar
Inherits System.Attribute


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Inheriting A Class With Useful Methods Or A Creating A Module?

Nov 27, 2009

What is neater / better in your opinion? Inheriting a Class with useful methods or a creating a module?

For example:

vb Module Tools_Module
Public Sub Print(ByRef text As String)
End Sub
End Module


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Nested Class Access Methods For Properties In .NET

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to figure out the best approach for setting and getting properties in a nested class I am creating. I have a class, Car which has a nested class ControlPanel and want to make the properties of the Control Panel only accessible to the Car and Control Panel class.


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VS 2008 Writing Methods That Act Upon Class Variables?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm not sure I used the right lingo in the subject header. But, here's what I want to do. Let's say I have a class with some variables:

Class XYZ
Public InfoNo1 As Integer
Public InfoStr1 As String = " ".PadRight(200) 'Hahaha
Public InfoStr2 As String = " ".PadRight(100)
End Class

I've been looking around for examples of writing methods that act on variables defined within the class. What I want to do is make it so that doing something like this:


I don't need to know how to write the method, I think I can do that. I need to now how to make the method cause a ".Fixed" option to be added to the class string variables so that assigning a string using that method will cause the variable itself to be equal to the string plus the padding.

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C# - Does IntelliSense Sometimes Miss-out On Some Framework Class Properties Or Methods

Nov 11, 2010

I came across a DbParameterCollection object, which should have an "Item" property inherited from IList, but IntelliSense does not show this object has the Item property.

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Can't Access Class Library Methods / Properties When Referenced As A DLL

Oct 15, 2009

I've created a class library and built a dll (release build). I've then referenced the DLL in another project (I've tried several). I can see the namespace and classes in Object Browser and I can declare instances of the classes but I cannot use or see any of the methods or properties! there is no IntelliSense whatsoever and calling the methods manualy results in a 'Declaration expected' error.

Within the class library solution I have a unit test project referencing the class library project which works all works fine (and all the tests pass).

Can anyone provide any pointers to what might be going wrong here? I've built plenty of dlls in the past and have had no trouble referencing them at all.[code]...

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