Clear Tables In Database?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a sql database and am using VB express 2008 in WPF and I want to know, how do I clear every record from a table in a dataset?

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VS 2005 : Clear Tables/Ctrls To Open New File?

Oct 21, 2011

I am using TextFieldParser to read a .txt file and create a DataTable I then filter the table and create 4 new tables I then bind those tables to BindingSources Then Bind ComboBoxs to the BindingSource Then bind TextBoxes to BindingSource I like the user to be able to Open a new file without having to close the program So upon opening a new file I have a sub routine that clears the tables the rows and the columns of each table as well the DataBindings to each control The problem is once I do the Text Binding as such

Me.list1_MLStxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", Subject_Values.BindingSource1, Form10.mls_txt.Text)

Then when I open a new file I get an error message conversion from string"""" to type double is not valid.If I never perform the binding I can open and reopen different files without a problem. So this is causing me to think that the problem is with the way I am clear something? But I am obviously not sureIs there something I am missing to clear everything properly in order to open and read and bind a new file?

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Timeout Using SQLite - Create A Database And Several Tables - To Populate The Tables With Data From Arrays

Jul 25, 2012

I am using VS2008 and SQLite. I have created a database and several tables and am attempting to populate the tables with data from arrays.

The following code (example) works fine but stops after it inserts 30 to 50 records. I am running the VB code in debug mode and when it stops, I press pause to see where it is. It stops on "SQLcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()" and when I press continue (F5) it will insert another 30 to 50 records.

I do not get an error message. Is this a timeout issue? How do I keep the loop running to the end of the array?

Following is example code.


SQLconnect As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection()

Dim SQLcommand As SQLiteCommand


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Clear All Data In Database?

Jul 24, 2010

i'm trying to come up with some code that can clear a database.

I've tried to loop the "delete" code that i have, tought each row in that database, but i get error at last row saying somethink like "row do not exist" and when i got back and look, there is still one record left in the database. Here is the code i used.

con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "\Filmer.mdb"


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Make A Database Fill It With Tables And Then Fill Tables

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to make a database, fill it with tables and then fill the tables. I am having problems connecting to the server and am really not sure why. I have posted this thread in two areas of this site because I was not sure what was the best area to put it in. [code]

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Clear A Database Connected Form On Load?

Jun 21, 2010

I have connected a form to my database, which displays info when the form loads, butttt it displays them from load, which is not what I need, can someone tell me how to clear the form upon load so that none of the textbox fierlds have data within them? Untill I request them to.

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DB/Reporting :: Database Can Only Add Stuff, Not Replace Or Clear?

May 29, 2010

I'm quite new to databases so this might be a very basic question: How does one replace a table in a local MS Access database with a new dataset?

I'm able to read the contents from the database into the dataset DatabaseDataset, change it so it looks perfect, but when I update the Access database, it only adds the dataset instead of replacing the existing contents. I tried to clear the contents of the database, but that doesn't work either.


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Sql - Clear A Combo Box When Pulling Information From A Database?

Mar 29, 2012

We are writing a program that pulls a Teacher from a database, then you select the "period" 1 - 7. What is happening is if we pick period 1 on teacher john doe. Then when you pick another teacher it doesn't clear the period that we selected before. How do we clear this information every time we select a different teacher?

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Create A CLEAR BUTTON Loop To Clear All Textboxes?

Dec 13, 2011

this is currently my code to clear my 5 textboxes

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End Sub

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Clear Text Boxes Once Data Is Inserted Into Database From A Addbtn?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a button that inserts data into a database.With that button I want it to serve two functions.One for insert and one for clearing the textboxes after the insert is done.I did a little bit of digging around and her is a code snippet that i found online:

Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then ctrl.Text = ""


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Design A Control Database That Allow Me To Add, Insert, Remove, Clear And Close?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm having trouble with visual basic 2010 since this is my first project, I'm assigned to design a control database that allow me to add, insert, remove, clear and close I designed a software but there are quite a lot of problems in it so I need fixing these problems.

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Clear Dataset But Get Error Sometimes If It Is Empty When Try To Clear It?

May 17, 2009

I have a timer that runs every time by itself, and for the code the runs in it I would like to have it clear the dataset before it does anything, the timer runs every 10 seconds, so I tried to do dataset.clear but it would crash if the dataset had no values

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Get Tables From Database?

Mar 12, 2010

how can I get all Tables from a Database, which I'm connected to. By the way, this is a MSDE Database.

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Get Two Different Tables In Database?

Mar 7, 2011

I've got two different tables in my database. One is Class and other one is LAREACT and both of them have a key field of MAIN FACILITY USED. In the following part of my code a DataTable will be generated based on the sum of the records on both tables.Based on the bellow code ACTIVITYLOOKUP datatable is having "MAIN FACILITY USED","Description","TypeName","Type","Id" columns. The issue happens when there is a row with the same MAIN FACILITY USED entity. The datatable will not show it (filter it?). Do you know where the problem lies? and how it will be fixed without any modification in database?


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Bind A Database Having 2 Or More Tables In It Using VB?

Oct 7, 2010

How to bind a database having 2 or more tables in it using

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Bound To Tables In A Sql Database?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a form with 3 datagridview controls that are bound to tables in a sql database. When the form loads for the first time the data is displayed correctly. If I add data to the db on another form then show the first form again the data displayed does not include the new data. If I close the app and then open it again then the new data is displayed.I cannot figure out how to manually refresh the gridview. I have tried calling the fill method of the adapter, using the refresh method of the gridview and parent control and form with still no luck. I have a project I'm working on also and it is so easy to refresh the sqldatacontrol and the gridview and I would have though a win form would have been just as easy if not easier.

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Database With 3 Tables Which Depend On Each Others ID

Sep 27, 2011

I have a database (acces) with 3 tables Table one has Id nr 1000 table 2 1000000 table 3 Id nr 1000000000 First table makes Id nr from 1001 to 1999. On Id nr 1001 i have multiple ID nr on the seccond table 10010000 to 10019999 and on the second table ID nr 10010001 i have multiple ID nr on the third table. This will last a while but the tables will fill up. Now i work with the Max value to find the highest ID number and add one to it.


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Database With Multiple Tables?

Mar 26, 2009

how to create a local database, create some tables and set relations between those tables (just like in access) and I can show, add, edit and delete that data from a form.

but what I have yet to figure out is if I have 2 tables (i.e: tbleName, tblFood) and I want to have multiple tblFood items show for every 1 tblName item.

I've found that if I add a txtbox of the name table and a datagrid of the food table, the datagrid view shows all the food records, not just the ones for the name txtbox.

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Delete Two Tables From Database?

May 28, 2009

this is my code but is not correct

Public Sub ChangePosition()
If Me.BindingContext(DataSet1, "t_bul").Position = -1 Then
Label1.Text = "Record 0 from 0 "


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Get All Entries In One Of The Database Tables?

Nov 5, 2010

My first method is trying to get all entries in one of the database tables. However when I try to build the solution this is the error I get:

<div style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;" id="_mcePaste">Error
1 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String'.[code]....

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SQL Database - Looping Through Some Tables

Oct 9, 2008

I am trying to connect to a SQL DB and loop through some tables. My tables are linked on the EMPLOYID field between UPR00100 and UPR00102. I want to write data as follows:
Level1, EMPLOYID, EmpName (from UPR00100) Level4, EMPLOYID, Address1, Address2,etc..
(from UPR00102)

Here is my data access code. I don't know how to code the loop. I know how to do it in SQL using a cursor but not VB 2005
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Data
Imports system.Data.SqlClient
Module Module1
[Code] .....

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SQL Database Connect To Tables?

Jun 11, 2011

I dont know how to link my table to the database yet i already finished connecting to the application itself. i have four fields on the form as well in the database table. that is


the same fields appear in the database tables. i have to fill and hen after extract the data and display it on another form in four labels

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Add Data At Different Levels From Different Tables In A Database?

Jun 12, 2009

hello everyone, i m using treeview control in vb .net . How do we usee a recursive function to add data at different levels from different tables in a database.

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Bind TWO Different Database Tables To ONE Textbox In VB?

Mar 20, 2011

I was wondering if there is any way to bind TWO different database tables to ONE textbox in VB? I've spent the whole day going through tutorials and different webpages and I've found nothing at all on this...

Well let me try to explain what I want to do exactly: basically I have multiple buttons on 'Form 1' and a textbox on 'Form 2' asking the user to insert a value which will then go to an Access database. But here is where it gets tricky for me: IF the user presses Button 1, the Value inserted on Form 2 will go to a field in the database whereas if the user presses Button 2 to open Form 2, then the value will go to somewhere else and so on.

This would be easy to do if I was to create multiple forms or multiple textboxes, 1 for each button but what I really need is 1 form/1 textbox that would work for all of them... [URL]

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Cant Get The SQL Statement To Show All The Tables Within The Database

Jun 21, 2010

The problem I'm having is that I cant get get the SQL statement to show all the tables within the database.

The code im using is as follows:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmtables
Dim objconnect As OleDbConnection


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Connecting Access Database With Two Tables?

Jul 23, 2011

I am using visual studio 2010 with vb environment, I am connecting to a microsoft access database with 2 tables, one table per form, i can add a record and save it no problem, but when I update a existing record i receive the error, this happens on both tables, i am using the standard navigation buttons on the forms.

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Retrieve The Data From Two Tables In A Database?

Oct 29, 2011

This is my coding in I have used two database (1) party (2)partydup. Structure of the tables: party table: fields :code, name1,add1,add2 etc. partyduptable: fields: code, description

In both tables i have common field ("code"). I tried to retrieve the value of "description" field from partydup table when the "code" field in both the tables are same. I run the below coding but it is showing the error as "No data exists for the row/column". But i have a record which contains the code field value as 123 in both the tables. Still it is showing the error.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection


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Retrieve Two Tables From Database To One Form?

Jan 15, 2012

I was just wondering if I can retrieve two tables from my database to one form? because i'm trying it but it doesn't seem to be working. just the first table i'm trying to retrieve is working.

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Updating Data In 2 Tables In The Database?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm Using vb 2008 and an access DB.I have 2 tables in the DB which is transaction and products.When a Customer Buy product the transaction will record and the stock of that product will deduct accdg to the quantity bought by the customer. Myproblem is products table didn't update. Stock of that product still didn't change.

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VB 2010 Timer To Database/Tables?

Nov 17, 2010

Is it possible to insert/put a Timer inside the Database?Let say in my Database/Tables i have MemID, Name, Membership Date and Status (Active/Expired).for example MemID [ 1 ] Name [ Juan Paolo ] Membership Date [11-17-10] Status [ Timer ]in Status is it possible to save the time even while the program is close?..or code like if MemID 1 reach 2 Days all of the information of MemID 1 will be clear and Status will become [ EXPIRED ] , while timer is running the Status is Active, and if the Timer Reach 2 Days the Status will become [ EXPIRED ]

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