Close All Forms But One?

Nov 14, 2009

The database application starts from the login form, and if the username and then password are correct, the main form with buttons for other forms opens.One of the buttons is logoff button, which should closes/unloads all the forms open at that time and then opens the login form.[code]...

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Close() Puts Forms Into Crazy Open/Close Loop?

Mar 4, 2011

In a program I'm working on, I want a "Loading..." dialog to close when it can't log in to a site using the username and password provided by the user. Basically, I have the code set up right because the function it is supposed to carry out when that occurs does work, but for some reason it ends up in some really weird stuff happening. In the Loading form, I have it set to do "Form1.Show()" and then "Me.Close()", assuming it would simply show the login form and then close the Loading form. However, when this happens, the Loading form closes, and then for only an instant Form1 shows, and then the Loading form shows and Form1 closes. This happens forever until I stop the debugging, and I can't seem to figure out why. Am I using the wrong method? What exactly does Me.Close() do anyways? All I want to do is close the form and open another

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VS 2008 When Close The Main Form All The Forms Close?

Aug 30, 2009

my web browser is my main form and it has a number of sub forms , how can i set it that when i close the main form my sub forms dont close ?

At the moment when i close the main form all the forms close

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Forms :: When Me.close() Doesn't Close Form

Mar 2, 2009

I have a situation where me.close() doesn't close the form. I have a form with a button with the code seen below. What happens when the button is clicked is the new form shows, but the original form(calling form) is still there. When I go into debug mode, I can see the me.close() execute, but nothing happens (calling form stays open). When I close the second form both forms close. If I comment out the call for the second form to open the first form closes without problem.

Private Sub cmdNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNext.Click
Dim f As New frmOrder3


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VS 2008 : Get 2 Forms To Close At Different Times Using A Timer On Each Of The 2 Forms?

Apr 21, 2010

i have a problem with trying to get 2 forms to close at different times using a timer on each of the 2 forms.

This is my form layout:


Frm1 and Frm2 are identical to each other. FrmMain has 2 buttons on it. One button to call Frm1 and the other to call Frm2.Frm1 and Frm2 each has a timer. It counts down to 0 and then does a .close(). However, if i pause between clicking the second button they both seem to always disappears at the same time.I would do something like this...

Click on the first button (showing the Frm1 form)

wait about 10 secs...Click on the second button (showing the Frm2 form)they both are shown on screen...hen they both disappear at the same time.... which shouldn't happen since i clicked the Frm2 box 10 seconds AFTER Frm1... So Frm1 should hide before Frm2 does...but it does not.


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Forms :: Multiple Forms Open And Close

Apr 16, 2009

I have two forms frmMain and frmNew, and one module modMain. In modMain I hold public variables which are needed for application. My question is how to open and close those two forms when needed? I ask this because if i set frmMain as startup form, then when closed, application will end, and one of those two forms will always be displayed. Also if I set frmNew as startup form, then when I close this form, application will also end. Is there a way to do this from module or something so my application won't end after closing and opening any of those two forms?

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Get 2 Forms To Close At Different Times Using A Timer On Each Of The 2 Forms

Apr 21, 2010

i have a problem with trying to get 2 forms to close at different times using a timer on each of the 2 forms. This is my form layout:


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.net - Close All Forms In Vb?

Oct 19, 2010

How can i close all forms I use wpf vb 2010 To load other form i use like Private frm As MainWindow = New MainWindow to open the window i used frm.Show()and to close it i use frm.Close()Now I have two forms like form1 and form2 I want to open form2 when i click on the button - ok it's easy The Question How can i closed form1 from form2 when i open form2 using button when i user Private frm As form1 = New form1 frm.Close() It like a cricle and can't closed

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RTF Close - Add A Close Button To Menu Strip That Will Just Close The Currently Opened File

Jan 16, 2009

I'm currently in the process of building a text editor type program, and have run into a brick wall. I haven't done VB in years, so I may just need a little reminder on some things. I have coded everything so far as far as opening files, saving them, changing fonts, colors, etc. However, I'm looking to add a Close button to my menu strip that will just close the currently opened file, and not the entire program, while also ask the user if he/she would like to save before closing the file, and then if they select yes, it will show the save dialog, and if not, it will go ahead and close the currently opened item.

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Close All Forms Except For One Form?

Mar 8, 2011

how can i close all forms except for one form? 2003

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Close Forms And Open Other Ones?

May 20, 2012

I want to close form and open another one without termination of the application, when I try to open second form and close first one the application terminate.[code]...

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Close Forms In Program?

Oct 5, 2006

I made a project on working with multiple forms.Now,from the main form, I activated the 2nd form.then hide the main form. My problem is when I directly close the 2nd form, my project is till running.I closed it trough the "Close Button" of the form.Any way i could interact with that so I could go back to the Main(first) form when i close it there.

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Completely Close All Forms?

Jun 4, 2010

Is there a command that closes an application completey down, including any hidden forms, etc?

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How To Close Forms Properly

Aug 23, 2010

I have couple of forms can be opened on the screen but how can close all forms properly when i click the "x" button from the main form?

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C# - Close All Opened Forms Which Are Created On The Fly?

Sep 10, 2011

How do I close all opened forms which are created on the fly?

Sub OpenForms
dim F as new frmForm1


I want to close all opened frmForm1?

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Close A Number Of Forms Using The ControlBox?

Mar 19, 2011

I was looking for a way to close a form using the ControlBox and it close a group of forms with it, without closing the whole program (only a certain number of forms) [code]...

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Close A Program If It Has Multiple Forms?

Jan 18, 2010

how do you close a program if it has multiple forms? Me.close doesn't seem to be

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Close Forms Created Programmatically?

Feb 21, 2009

In my program it detects if there is more than one monitor connected. It then creates a form on each monitor screen and you just click on the screen that you want the program to run on.

Here's where I'm having a problem. Everything works great, but when I load my MAIN form how would I call those programmatically created forms? I can't just do frmYou.close.

Here's the code I use to create the forms.

Public myScreen As New Point
Public ScreenReady As Boolean = False
Public sX As Integer'holds screen x width
Public sY As Integer'holds screen y height


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Close Parent And Child Forms?

Oct 5, 2009

I have been looking around at how I can close my parent form and my child form. This article: [URL] has some information but it either doesn't work for me or I am putting the wrong information it. What I want to happen is when a button is pressed I want to close both parent and child forms and then go to another form (frmResults). Then there will be a button on frmResults that will take me to the beginning form (frmPTCalculator). With this code below when I click the button on frmCalculator it goes to the MDI form and both parent and child forms are there.

my Parent form is called: frmGender
my Child form is call: frmMale & frmFemale

Below is what I have tried from the example in my Child form frmMale:

Private Sub btnResults_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnResults.Click
Dim frm2 As frmMale = New frmMale()
AddHandler frm2.FormClosed, AddressOf frm2_FormClosed


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Forms :: Form Refuses To Close?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a method where I am making a trial period.When the date has exceded its trialperiod the program will not close.The code looks like this:

Public Sub DemoRestrict()
If My.Settings.dteStartDate = Nothing Then
My.Settings.dteStartDate = Now


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Forms Does Not Close When Press (x) From Title Bar

Jun 26, 2011

I am beginner. When ever I close the form it reopens. I am closing it from the title bar (X). if we add a button and code it end or me.close(). it is working but when we try it from title bar (X) it reopens.

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How Does A Windows.forms.form Close Itself

May 30, 2012

I created a new windows form application using VB 2010. I added no controls to the form. This is right "out of the box" app created by the VB windows form app wizard. I next added a FormClosed event handler. The handler gets called whenever I click the "x" on the form.Later I needed to close the form programatically in response to an event from an automation client. So I did something apparently farily dumb. I called "Me.Close()" Nothing happens. The form stays up on the screen. My FormClosed event handler is NOT called.The MSDN entry for "Close" doesn't give me a clue as to why this call doesn't work. Indeed, it seems to imply it should work.So I added a couple of lines of code after calling "Close()" since when I stepped across that line of code it appears that no other code would execute. Sure enough, as soon as I step over the call to Close(), I cannot step through any other lines of code.

Then I found another piece of form code while searching around and I found the code had what appeared to be an odd keyword just dangling in the code. The keyword, colored by the IDE as a VB keyword?So I typed "End" into my method and intellisense shows me "End Statement. Stops execution immediately". And it does. But is my FormClosed event handler called. No.I added "Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form" to see if that had any effect. No change.So how does a form close itself programatically?

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Open And Close Multiple Forms?

Apr 24, 2009

I have an application that has multiple forms. The "main" form within this application can be accessed from other forms. However, each time this "main" form is accessed throughout the application, a "new" instance is created, resulting in multiple instances of this form being open.

I would like to have "only" one instance of this form open at one time. If it is currently opened, I would like it to be brought to the forefront, instead of opening a new instance.

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Use A Button To Close All Forms And End A Program?

Dec 3, 2011

this might seem a fairly stupid question to ask, but how do you use a Button to close all forms and end a Program?

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VS 2008 Close And Dispose Forms?

Jun 2, 2010

In VB.NET when I am closing a form and no longer need to use it, do I do a me.Close() and me.Dispose()? Does the dispose erase the form from memory?

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Way To Close Or Minimize Multiple Forms?

Apr 15, 2009

I have an application that has many forms in it. I am familliar with me.colse() form87.hide(), etc.But what I would like to be able to do is:

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Why Do All Of The Forms Close When Click Ok Button

Sep 9, 2009

Here is the code if someone can fix my mistakes

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =


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Close Forms In Reverse Order They Open?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm developing software using I want to do following things in my application.

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Forms :: Close A Module In A Multiform Program?

Nov 26, 2004

I have a quick VB.NET question.a) How do I close a module in a multiform program.I tried Me.Close() but it says it can't use it in modules.b) How do I control little red X button on forms? What if instead of closing the program I want to hide the form when the user presses on red X in the top right corner?

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Forms :: Disabling Close Button(X) Of Window?

Apr 15, 2009

I am trying to work on an application that disables the close button (X) on the upper right hand corner of a window. In order to do that I need to use calls to API methods like GetSystemMenu, EnableMenuItem and RemoveMenu. I can figure out how these methods work but there are certain parameters that these methods have whose values that need to be passed to them as argument is unknown to me. How can I know them.

E.G.- for EnableMenuItem, the parameters are- hMenu (handle to the menu), uIDEnableItem (The menu item to be enabled, disabled, or grayed), uEnable (This parameter must be a combination of at least two of the following: MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITION MF_ENABLED, MF_DISABLED, or MF_GRAYED)Now when I call this method from my application I supply the current window handle as the first argument, the item no. to be disabled/enabled as the second argument but I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT TO SEND AS THE THIRD ARGUMENT. What exactly are the possible values for those parameters- MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_DISABLED. I checked certain examples where they are supplying hexadecimal values like &HF060, &H1, 0x400, 0x1000, 0x2 etc. or integer values like 1024, 2 etc. But how would I know what exactly these values are and when to use which value.The same problem arises in case of calling RemoveMenu method.

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