Code Access Security On Windows 7

Dec 10, 2010

One of my application is taking a lot of time on Windows 7 compared to XP. What application basically does is it creates some PDF files reads the content and emits on a form and then deletes the files. I ran ANT profiler on both XP and Win 7, and i could notice some differences. On win 7 some CAS related methods are widely called and those method calls were missing on XP.. Is this the reason ? If someone has faced similar issues,

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Where Is Code Access Security Policy Configured

Jul 14, 2008

I recently did a clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium and a reinstall of Visual Studio Professional 2008. I can't find the Framework Configuration anywhere. I have looked on the Start Menu and in the Control Panel and in Administrative tools. I need to find it so I can fully trust the network where my projects are located.

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VS Was Unable To Determine Code Access Security (CAS) Permissions

May 2, 2009

This program is a small ADOX database with a single data entry Form. Originally written in VB 2005, it was copied into the VB 2008 Project folder. Opening the file in the IDE, it went through the Conversion process, nevertheless, because of the following error detailed below, the program will not accept any changes.

Error List: Warning 1 Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store. AppointmentsMissed (<the project's name) Under Security in the project's Properties Window these suggestions are made: Visual Studio was unable to determine the Code Access Security (CAS) permissions that are applicable to your project. The most likely cause is that your project references a strongly-named assembly that defines custom permissions, but that is not properly installed in the global assembly cache (GAC).

To correct this, try the following: 1. Ensure that any custom permissions defining assemblies referenced by your project have been properly installed to the GAC. If any of these assemblies have been rebuilt or have had their version numbers modified, you must install the new assemblies in the GAC. 2. Restart Visual Studio.

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Security Softwares - Hardware - Access To Net But Not To Attach My Source Code

Sep 10, 2009

I have some sorce codes on my comp. and i am employing a few s/w guys for coding at my office i would like to know what type of security softwares / hardware i should install so that the employees do not copy my source codes and i would like to give them access to net but not to attach my source code. i have searched on net ...but as i lack the basics of this i am asking the favour from all u experts. most of the search has sent me to the links for antivirus or antispyware....and like wise.

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C# - What Does The "ApplicaionDirectory" Membership Condition Mean In .NET Code Access Security

Apr 15, 2010

I am not sure about the semantic of "ApplicationDirectory" membership condition. I am trying to use it in the .NET Framework 2.0 configuration tool. The tool's explanation to it is as below:

The Application Directory membership condition is true for all assemblies in the same directory or in a child directory of the running application. Assemblies that meet this membership condition will be granted the permissions associated with this code group.All the other membership conditions such as strong name, hash, allow me to input some criterias, only the Application Directory has not. So how to use it?

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Folder Security On Windows 7?

Jan 29, 2010

I use VB.Net 2003 and in my application I create a folder that I will use to create files in it.My problem is that under Windows 7 this folder dont have a full permissions and the files are not been created.Is there any way that I can give full access permissions to this folder?I can do it via VB.Net 200358 and via my Wise installation system.

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Invoking The Windows Security Dialog In C#?

Feb 16, 2010

I would like to know how to invoke the Windows Security Dialog (press ctrl+alt+del on a windows workstation NOTE: i dont want the task manager!) programatically.ON AN XP WORKSTATION, don't worry about Win7 or Vista with a quick example in C# (or VB.NET if you must)Ive searched many of the DLL's such as msgina.dll and i can't find it anywhere!

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Windows - Get Folder Security Information?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm looking for a straightforward means of pulling all the users who have access to a folder with I need is the user name, not the type of access they have.

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Applying Security On A Windows Form-Based?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm creating a windows application form in vs 2005 for a client.. It's a data-tracking application. I have a few questions.The client wants a logon screen to be added into the application (at least any way or method that'll ensure that security was applied). My question in regards to this topic would be; Is it necessary to create a logon screen (or even a user authorization) for a windows form? I realize that in a webform project, security should always be considered and should be applied in all areas. Although with a windows form, I thought you can authorize who can gain access to the application by defining which workstations to install the final production release of the application (when its time to deploy the file). Is this correct?

My next question is, what is the best method to exporting data from EXCEL to SQL tables? I have many Excel files that I'd like to take portions of data from each file and insert them to there proper table.

The last question is about deploying a windows form application. As you can tell, I don't have much experience when it comes to developing Windows Form projects. Anyways back to the topic, When deploying a project, does it provide a .EXE file (installation package) to install the application on the workstation? Or is it a .EXE file of the application, where you can run it and no need to install anything?

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Security - Storing Windows Username + Password

Jan 6, 2011

I'm writing a backup program for personal (for the moment at least) use.

For some directories (network directories / protected directories) credentials are needed to access them.

I can setup different jobs in the program to run at specific times.

These jobs are stored in an XML file.

I want to also store the usernames and passwords which the jobs will need.

What and where would be the best way to store these?

Changing permissions on the directories is not an option.

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Use Windows Firewall To Control Security Board In .Net?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to control the security board using the Windows Firewall which connects to my server that was made in VB.Net. My only problem is when I open the Windows Firewall my server crashes. It also displays this error: "Error, win%fir%90y4e does not support this server. upgrade you version of Winsock.". So I upgraded myself to the latest Winsock that there is out there. After doing so I try again and my server still crashes, but this time with a different error. The error this time was the following: "Error, no client is available for win%fir%90y4e. try again later.". What do I do?

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VS 2008 Use Code On Security Installation?

Aug 30, 2010

How to use this code on security installation?

Public Function GetHDSerial() As String
Dim disk As New ManagementObject(_


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C# - ASP.NET Directory Access With Role Based Security?

Apr 27, 2011

I have an ASP.Net portal like application with multiple roles. I have placed the subpages of that role in its own directory adding a web config with an authorization allowing only that role. I have css and javascript in the root directory that can not get access inside the protected role folders. How can I allow these folders css/js to have access to all roles. Sorry if this is easy question I have searched but I am rather new to ASP.NET

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Connect VB 2010 And Access 2007 Security?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a file accdb with password, now, i want to connect it and a project in VB 2010

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VS 2010 - Malicious Code Security Feature

Dec 8, 2011

I am creating an application that will compile code at runtime and then execute that code. My worry is this: Someone might make a malicious script, that deletes files for example. Is there an option in VB.NET that prevents Kill statements and other file operations from executing? Maybe a kind of 'security' feature? If not, is there another approach that I should take?

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Model For Application Security And Possibly Internet Access?

Mar 5, 2012

We are in the process of upgrading to WIN7 support and finding issues with the existing impersonant security model we previously used. So i am looking for suggestions before we hit the code.Application ABC.exe is running on a PC with restricted permissions

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Get Windows To Open The Credentials Dialog - Network Folder Security

Jun 2, 2009

I have a treeview control which is being used to browse various folder on the users system drive. It can also be set up to connect network folders using UNC paths e.g "serverfiles". At the moment I'm getting a list of Directories by using My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories however this obviously fails when the folder is password protected.

Is there a way that I can get Windows to open the credentials dialog as you would see in Windows Explorer and deal with the credentials side so then the user name & password is cached as well?

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Winforms - Controls Based Security In A Windows Forms Application Using .NET?

Sep 5, 2011

I need to implement, Controls Based Security in a Windows Forms Application using VB.NET. I tried google but did not get anything much to work with.

I would like if someone, could suggest some books or tutorials.

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VS 2010 - Make A Reset Password Via Security Code

Mar 31, 2012

I made a password protected program, but I wanted to make a reset password via security code. I made this, but it will not work for some reason. It seems like it'll work for the first time, but then when you try to set the password, it stills shows that the password is there and when I go into the reset password form and do it again, but then it say its incorrect.


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Why Is Registry Access Denied - 'System.Security.SecurityException' In Mscorlib.dll

Jan 11, 2010

Trying to read key "HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsU pdateAU" value "AUOptions" and get the following : A first chance exception of type 'System.Security.SecurityException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Error occurs in ReadRegistry key SOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdate AU : Requested registry access is not allowed. This occurs in my application when application is run under an account called OPER in the USERS group. The application :

1/is on my PC's hard drive, its not a web app or on a network share

2/is launched via a desktop click

3/ has a manifest specifying executionlevel "AsInvoker"

It does not occur when the Application is run as an Administrator. It does not occur if I read the value with a non .NET program when logged in as OPER whch makes me think it is a .NET problem not a registry permissions problem. Examining "Effective Permissions" shows that my OPER login has query value permission.I need the application to be able to read the key like the non .NET application while running at USERS level.

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Elevate Security Permissions For Statically Referenced Unmanaged Code?

Apr 25, 2011

In my managed VB.NET code, I am able to write a file out to my desktop. Although, the statically referenced unmanaged code is unable to. I have hunted all over MSDN to find out how I can elevate the security permissions for this library method, but am unableto find anything.I declare the method as...Declare Sub WriteFile Lib "DataLog.dll" (ByVal fileName As String)Although, it throws an exception due to being forbidden from writing to the desktop. Is there an attribute

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VS 2008 Call Access 2003 Database Runtime Without Security Warnings

Apr 7, 2009

I've got this program I'm working on in VisStudio2008. Basically, it accepts a password and executes an Access 2003 database using the Access 2003 runtime. I've got the thing looking up a password and all is good, but there's one problem those annoying Access 2003 and higher warnings about unsafe macros. Does anyone know a way to make sure those don't show up when the program starts?My client has a database that someone else wrote for her. She's not at a point where she could have it rewritten (believe me, I've tried to talk her into that). So I have to stay in Access but it's not very professional to have those warnings come up.

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Creation Of Program To Create Security Code Based On Current Date?

Apr 3, 2012

I need some help in the creation of a program to generate a security code based on the current date. I need to create something that first multiplies the MMDDYY (ie X=MM * DD * YY) then also adds the MMDDYY then finds the remainder and then multiplies but a specified number. I would like to create a small program that sits in the system tray with this code displayed. The code will always need to be 6 characters, so I might need to pad it with zeros. It has been years since I took basic VB, and I am really rusty.

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.net - Translating C Code Using OpenSSL For Public-key Authentication To VisualBasic.NET Using

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying to mimic the results of some C code that uses the OpenSSL library using the library in the .net 3.5 world, and I can't seem to get it right. part of the issue is my understanding of crytography in general.

Here's what is supposed to happen:

I send a request for authentication to a device.It returns a challenge digest, which I then need to sign with a known key and return The device returns a "success" or "Fail" message.I have the following code snippet that I am trying to "copy":


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Use The Windows 7 "Windows Security" Dialog Box In VB App?

Jul 21, 2009

Use the Windows 7 "Windows Security" Dialog Box in VB App?

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VS 2008 Access Windows Form Designer Generated Code In 2008?

Jan 20, 2010

Is it possible to edit the Windows Form Designer generated code in VS2008?

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Error #-2147012721: A Security Error Ocurred Source: Msxml3.dll Windows Server 2008

Jul 13, 2010

the next issue, that is only shown when the server is a Windows server 2008 machine , this is the information that I've found


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Hide Windows 7 Open File Security When Running Certain EXE File?

Jan 24, 2012

I am trying to build a simple AutoUpdate application using VB.NET. It was quite simple. That is, I put the newest ZIP file in my hosting site, and then download it using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync. After it get downloaded, I extract it using [URL]

But each time I run the unzip.exe using Process.start, Windows 7 always show Open File Security.

Is it possible for VB.NET to bypass such security restriction?

Btw, this is my code of using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync, in case any one google about it and landed on this page :

Public Class AutoUpdate
Dim installationFolder As String = "C:Program Filesxyzabc"
Dim updateFileNameTarget As String
Private Sub btnStartUpdte_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStartUpdte.Click


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System.Security.SecurityException: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission?

Jul 27, 2010

I am getting the following error message when I try to call this program from a shared drive on our network;

System.Security.SecurityException: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission
at EMAILVB.EmialVB.EmailVB_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)


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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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