Code For A Program - Converts Weight ?

Jun 14, 2010

Code to make a program in visual basic that converts your weight from Earth to you weight on the Moon.

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VS 2010 Bar-code Font With A Library That Converts Text To Proper Format For Bar-code Readers

Jan 18, 2012

I had a weird series of errors involving e.Graphics.DrawString() when painting a panel.I am using a barcode font [Code 128] with a library that converts text to the proper format for Barcode readers.That's fine, however, when I draw it to the panel, that's where things stop being fine:But, here's where things get funky. When I put it into a TextBox instead of drawing it via Graphics.DrawString(), everything is peachy:In fact, the TextBox one looks much better than the Graphics.DrawString() one! Am I doing something wrong?[code]

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Program For Weight Converter Pounds To Kilograms

Aug 4, 2009

So I am trying to write a program and I don't even know where to begin. I am trying to make a program where you enter the persons weight then pick (from radio buttons) "convert Pounds to kilograms" or "convert kilograms to pounds" and then it should convert the weight when you click display weight button to display the converted weight value. Any ideas?

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Write A Program With Converts Pounds Into Dollars?

Jan 20, 2011

say pounds to dollars is £1 = $3

how would i write a program that allows the user to enter the amount of pounds then it converts to dollars??

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Voice Synthesiser Code In .net That Converts Text To Speech Using An Application?

Aug 12, 2009

I have written this voice synthesiser code in that converts text to speech using an application. I need to include emotions using rules I dont know if anyone can help with what to do..

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VS 2008 Random With Weight

Jan 8, 2010

I'd like to ask you a programming problem which is bothering me for quite some time now. Here is the problem


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VS 2008 Random With Weight?

Apr 13, 2010

I'd like to ask you a programming problem which is bothering me for quite some time now.Here is the problem

I'd like to pick random names from:


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Calculate Ideal Weight For Height?

Aug 25, 2009

How can we calculate ideal weight for a given height in vb 2005. If weight is given in Kg and height is given in inches..

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Converts A List To A Printable String?

Aug 17, 2011

I have the following code:

Public Shared Function GetListAsString(ByVal data As List(Of String)) As String
Dim retVal As String = "| "
For Each obj As String In data[cod

It converts a List to a printable String. Right now it is set up to work with just Lists. I feel as if it should be able to work with any type of Collection. I am new to Collections and generics.When I attempt to do something like

Public Shared Function GetListAsString(ByVal data As Collection(T)) As String
Dim retVal As String = "| "
For Each obj As String In data.ToString()[code].....

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Programing Planet Weight Calculator In VB?

Jun 4, 2011

I am trying to make a program that converts the weight of objects on earth into other planets. i have trouble with naming things like weight ratio and planet because VB program doesn't accept the coding. i don't know where to put theh data in the disk so that the program can access it when it runs.

Imports System.IO
Public Class weightcalc
Private planet structure


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VS 2005 - TableLayoutPanel - Does Using It Add Weight In Application

Aug 8, 2009

Does using it puts any degradation in the performance of an application like the loading of the form/usercontrol is slower since the TableLayoutPanel has to be instantiated and the controls has to be added to it? I use it extensively and from time to time I combine it with a Panel also so I would like to be enlightened if there is no cause of concern in using it.

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Accept Weight Data From Detecto AS-350D?

Oct 27, 2010

I've found a scale, Detecto AS-350D [URL].. that hooks up to a computer. I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to get the information (weight) from it. I've looked around but can't seem to find any information on it. I've never wrote a program where I accepted data from a device likes this so kind of confused where to look.

Update: I'm coding in VB, and the device connects to the computer via serial port.

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Adding Numbers From Repeater (Weight Field)?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a Repeater... And it has a Weight field. the weight it displayed in a textbox. I have this piece of code:
lblTotalWeightCalc.Text += NewDV.Item(i)("Weight")
This will get the Weight and display it in my label. But when I select more than one item (which will have two weights) it will show: For Example:
Item #1 : Weight = 20
Item #2: Weight= 50
The total Weight= 2050 (it doesn't add them together) I need them to be added together....

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Function That Converts A String With Spaces To An Array?

Apr 7, 2012

I saw a built in function in VBscript a while back that converted a string with spaces to an array. However I can't remember the name and I looked it up in a few function listings and couldn't find it. Since almost all the functions that are in VBcript are in VB.NET I was wondering if anyone remembered the name of the function.

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How To Change The Line Weight In A The Chart Control

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using Visual basic with service pack 4.0. I'm using the built in chart control to generate a line graph. I have a series plotted on the fastline graph. Is there a way of accessing the weight/thickness/boldness of the line and changing it? I was able ton change the colour and I could even change the point size on the fastpoint graph.

Private Sub DisplayGraph_frm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Converts A Data Stream From A Picoscope Muscle Sensor

Apr 1, 2009

I am looking to create a VB 2008 Express program which converts a data stream from a picoscope muscle sensor into a power output board which controls a mechanism. In simple terms when the Muscle sensor reaches a value of 0.8 V or higher I want the programme to send a text file to the power output control programme, and likewise when the sensor is below 0.2 V I want the power to be zero.

So 0.8 V > = send text file (0O=100%)
0.2 V < = send text file (0O=0%)

so when muscles being senced move the device turns on and off. I think I am successfully getting the data stream from the Picoscope which is plugged in the usb. I am using codes and examples that the programming guide for the device provided. [Code] I just need to now how to get the data to be displayed or how to tell the programme to do something with the data. The device also came with an example of how it can record data to an excel sheet if anyone needs the code to gain a better understanding.

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Converts A Decimal Number Of Inches To A Text String Like 5'-6 1/2?

Apr 11, 2012

I have place 3 textboxes in my form Private Sub TextBox1_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Leave


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Converts Characters In String Using A Case Select Statements

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to write a code that converts characters in string using a case select statements. For instance if I type the word "aeiou" the the word "<>[]/", also if I type "AEIOU" then <>[]/" should print but its not working here is a sample of my code so far.


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Project Topic Is On Data Conversion For Length And Weight

Mar 11, 2010

[code] My project topic is on data conversion for length and weight. There is something wrong with the code.

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Capture Weight Of A Mettler Toledo Truck Scale Using Serialport

Aug 31, 2011

I got a code online to read via rs232 using serial port ,the code uses readExisting() to get the data(im geting data form a MettlerToledo scale connected at com3,9600,8,N,1)problem now is that i change it to ReadLine() but it captures the weight once and i need the weight updated all the time!

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Creating A Website - Put It Through A Conversion Process That Converts The Software To A Format?

Sep 2, 2011

I am planning to create/write a new website. I don't have much web design experience.What I wanted to know is, can I create a webpage using visual basic .net? If I design the VB forms can I put it through a conversion process that converts the software to a format that can be hosted on a web server.

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VS 2008 Calculate Delivery Charges Depending On Weight Of Item

Jan 1, 2010

i am making a progrom to calculate delivery charges this depending on weight of the item.i enter the weight of the item in a text box i need it to calculate the shipping cost, currently i have something like this but it is wrong. [code]

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.net - Microsoft Chart Control Converts In File Names To Newline Characters?

Mar 30, 2010

I am using a Microsoft Chart control ( in a Windows forms application, 2008. I use folder paths for the x values in a pie chart. Chart control converts a name like c:ewfolder into c:[newline]ewfolder. I tried adding a slash, making it c:\newfolder, but this only changes it to c:[newline]ewfolder. Is there a workaround for this behavior?

some code:

Chart1.Titles.Clear() : Chart1.Titles.Add("Largest Folders in " & txPath.Text)
Chart1.Series(0).ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Pie
Chart1.Series(0)("PieLabelStyle") = "Inside"
Chart1.Series(0).YValueType = DataVisualization.Charting.ChartValueType.Double
Chart1.Series(0).XValueType = DataVisualization.Charting.ChartValueType.String


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DB/Reporting :: Export The Current Record To Crystal Report Which In Turns Converts It To A PDF File?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a database app where on a button click, I export the current record to crystal report which in turns converts it to a PDF file. Upon application startup, I export one record into PDF just fine but when I move ahead to the next record and I click the export button, the new PDF file that was exported is now blank. If I restart the app, I can then export the one record again but any subsequent record will export to PDF as a blank PDF file.

To sum up:I can export one record once using the below code snippet but when I try it for a second time on another record, I get a blank PDF file (only the crystal report formatting is in the PDF).


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Read The Data From Barcode Weight Scales By Serial Port And TcpIp Port?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm mohammed from Oman ,I'm visual programmer How I can Read the Data From Barcode Weight scales By Serial port and TcpIp port

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Server And Then The Server Converts That Word File To A .TIF And Sends The Image Back?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a client/server application set up that the client sends a word file to the server and then the server converts that word file to a .TIF and sends the image back.The stuff I have now works.Say if I sent the size of the file and the actual file byte() to the server back to back, would the NetworkStream contain both back to back? This what I though would happen. So I implemented a kind of 'turn' based interaction during the duration of the conversion process.


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.net - Do "heavy" Properties Carry Weight Even If They Are Not Populated

Sep 11, 2009

Let's say you have a user class. When the user is logged in there are properties representing basic user info, an associated address and, say, 5 profile pictures, the last a generic lsit like this: Private _photos As List(Of Photo). However, instead of carrying the weight of the profile pictures in a session vairable, to reduce resource usage, I only want to populate them if the user needs to acces them. So, for the most part, the generic list of photo's is empty. Will it carry weight anyway? I'm trying to decide if I should just not populate ituntil needed, or if I should create an alternative "light" user class which doesn't have this property.

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Code A Button That Changes The Underlying Code Of Your Program?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm wondering if it is possible to write the code for the button so that, when pressed by the user, it would add whatever text is in the text box to the list box and change the code of the form load to add that text to the pre-existing listbox.items.add's that are in the code of the form load.

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Function - Method Or Routine That Converts Currency String In A Databound Textbox To Decimal And Ignores Empty Strings ""

Jun 12, 2011

As the title says I have a form with many databound textboxes. some of these boxes have data in them and some are empty. I need to add them altogether, so far all of the conversion methods I have tried err out when they run into an empty string, except Val, but then Val won't handle the string with a $ in it. I've tried decimal.parse which handles the $ but not the empty string. So I seem to be in circle that I can't get out of.

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Use File To Converts Name As Defa And Where The Converted File Will Reside Same Dir As Original File?

Dec 23, 2010

I have an app I created in Vb2010 (my 3rd VbApp) it is a file converter which works but all it does after convert is... I have a converted file but no file name plus it converts within its own directory as opposed to convert in dir where original file location.

So any clues as to how I always use file to converts name as defa and where the converted file will reside same dir as original file?

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