Combo Box In Datgrid?

Jun 28, 2011

I am using data grid to store the data in database now i have problem in data grid i have added a combo box when i add new row to database all values go to db except the value of combo box how to insert the value of combo box here is my code on btnsave

Dim con As New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)


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Search A Datgrid View For Any Rows With A Certain Value?

May 7, 2012

I am just trying to search a datgrid view for any rows with a certain value in column 2 and return the value of column 3

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Visual Studio Dataset And Datgrid Calculation

Mar 4, 2010

I have a dataset with a table. The table has three columns.The first column is a combo box with 6 company names loaded in it. The second column will allow my user to enter monetary values which are spending from whatever company was selected in the first column.The third column will calculate a percentage.After putting the table on my form, I would like to go through the table as the user enter the values and add the monetary values of the second column if they belong to the same company.Meaning that for example every time company A is detected in the combo box, its spendings will be added and displayed in a textbox in a different form.Every time company B is selected in the combo box, its its spendings will also be added and displayed in a textbox in a different form.and so on, and so on for all 6 companies.

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Datagrid - Filter Combobox In A Datgrid Based On Another Combobox

Oct 19, 2010

I think my question is discriptive, or as Microsoft in the Documentation for Data Grid the question is, How do I have a combo box column display a sub set of data based upon the value of a different combo box column?


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Pick A Word In Combo Box A That Has Specific Words/phrases In Combo Box B Show?

Feb 24, 2009

i wanted to link options selected from Comb box A (general) to specific options in combo box B (specific). I want to pick a word in Combo box A that has specific words/phrases in Combo Box B show. But not all the words to show in the combo box B if they aren't associated with the Word picked in Combo Box A. Ex.When "Soda" is picked in A, only "Coke, Sprite, Fanta" should be visible in combo box b, not everything else.This is the code i used to make the boxes, but i don't know how to link them.

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' fills the combo boxes with values


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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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Object Null Combo - Error When Try To Populate Some Combo Boxes With A Value

Nov 16, 2011

I am getting an error when i try to populate some combo boxes with a value, the combo box has values in and the right amount the code is getting the right number.

the error msg is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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One Combo Box Fills Another And Hits The Second Combo Box's Lost Focus Event?

Jun 7, 2012

Combo box 2 is filled based on a selection made in combo box 1 and a listview is populated based on the selection made in combo box 2.When the LostFocus event completes in combo box 1, it hits the LostFocus event in Combo Box 2 but it shouldn't. How do I prevent this from happening or if I can't prevent it, how do I work around it? The following is the code used.

Private Sub cboCategory_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategory.LostFocus


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Javascript - Change Values In Combo Box By Selection In First Combo Box?

Jan 12, 2012

I've got some code like the following. I want it so that when I chose an item in 'select 1' it changes the in the second combo box but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Does it have to be AJax or can it be done with just Javascript?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Datagridview Combo Box - Set A Single Cell As A Combo Box?

Feb 13, 2009

is there a way to set a single cell as a combo box? it looks to me that you can only set the whole column.

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Forms :: Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box. i have this code for now but it does not work


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Programmatically Add Combo Box Items To A Combo Box In A Datagrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I know how to add the items during design time but how do you add the items through code. I want to fill the combo box in the datagrid with the results of an SQL query?

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Enable/Disable Combo Box From Another Combo Box?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a form with 8 combo boxes and would like to disble certain combo boxes, depending on what was selected in another combo box. The reason is so the user will not have a blank return on a query. The first form I created like this worked great, no issues. This form only allows one combo box (Number_of_Lightheads) to disable any others. Below is the code I have for this Form. why the other combo boxes will not disable the ones that are called out in the code?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub High_Def_AfterUpdate()
If Me.High_Def = Yes Then


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Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box i have this code for now but it does not work

j = 0
Do While j < cmbSession.Items.Count
If (j <> lesson) Then


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Get The Instance Name Into One Combo And The Databases On That Instance Into The Other Combo?

Feb 15, 2012

I have two combo boxes and I am currently using MicroSoft SQL Server to get the instance name into one combo and the databases on that instance into the other combo. I am wanting to switch to System.Data to get these values and I am able to get the instance through enumeration but am having trouble finding where to get the database name values assigned to that instance.Does anyone know the equivalent of SMO Server.databasename is in System.Data?

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Combo Box In Vb?

Apr 21, 2012

If user clicks on one of the options of combo box then another combo box should show only paticular 3 items as options out of 6 items .

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Add A Student's Name To A Combo Box?

Mar 16, 2009

My objective is to add a student's name to a combo box, in proper mixed-case, no matter how the user enters the name.

When any of the following examples are entered:

jones, carl
Johnson, Eric


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Add Combo Box At Runtime?

Aug 2, 2009

How to create Combo box at run Time with its Click events and Key Press events.

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Add Item In Combo?

Jan 9, 2009

I'm having some weird trouble with adding a new value in a combobox.The combobox has a datasource which is a bindingsource.The combobox's list is filled from a different table through a different bindingsource. Combobox.valuemember = "ID" and Combobox.displaymember = "Description".When a user types a value in the list, I want to add the new value to the table which is the source for the list. (Which is not the problem, but I don't get that far) The problem is that when the user types a new value in the box, it totally disappears as soon as the user tabs out of the combobox. So, in the event combobox.Validating the combobox.text property (nor any other property) does not show the new typed value.

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Add To A Database Through A Combo Box

Oct 15, 2011

How i can add data to database through combobox but the data is foreign key

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Alternative To A Combo Box?

Apr 28, 2010

I've encountered a problem in a application that I inherited. It contains a combo box that loads information.The problem is that there are more data that the control will hold (32767

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Break The Value In Combo Box?

Jan 15, 2012

I need to retrive a part of the value present in combobox.Suppose the ComboBox stores the Time values in it.


Then how can I retrive only the hours value or the first two values separately from the Combo Box.Is there any function like Substring to break the values....

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Can't Populate Combo Box

Apr 20, 2010

I have tested the code for the DataSet and DataAdaptor and both work fine, and as test was able to place the MaxRows variable into one of the text boxes on my form so I know thats all ok. But I am now trying to use the function below to copy the 1st cell of each row into a combo box to populate the options and comes up with a null exception error but cant get my head around it.


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Combo Box Add Item With Tag?

Jun 20, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to combo box with tag on each item? All item tag has a different value.

While Reader.Read
cb_rate.Tag = Reader.Item("f_amount")
End While

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Combo Box And A Picture Box?

Apr 7, 2011

Im using a combo box to select a car make and moel. When the user has selected both they have to click on the Search button and the picture of the car should show up in the picture.I cant get the picture to change at all tho. Im not sure if i have to usean 'If' statement or not.

Heres my code:
Private Sub btnFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFind.Click


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Combo Box As Read Only?

Nov 1, 2010

1) I would like to know how do define combo box as read only.

2) How do i cancel the focus on buttens while i press the arrows on the keyboard?

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Combo Box Fires Twice?

Nov 17, 2010

I am using a combo box on a form in vb net 2008. I would like the user to be able to either tab to the control and then select an

item OR the user could click on the combo box and then select the item.

unfortunately it fires twice when the user clicks on the control. This is before any items are selected. I have tried placing it in mouse down , focus , key down etc etc.

It does not fire twice for the enter event so I tried to use that alone, but then there is no dropping down of the combo box when the user clicks on the control. Is there a way to release the combo box enter event on the mouse click event?

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Combo Box In A Datagridview?

Nov 15, 2011

I would like to know if it's possible to have differents items in a combo box in each row. It there is way

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Combo Box In DataGridView?

Apr 29, 2010

I created a data grid view from the datasources list and converted 1 of the columns into a combo box. Unfortunately, the combo box isn't acting like a proper combo box. When I start typing, the combo box does not display the characters I have entered. All it does is begin looking for the entry that matches what I am typing.

This is no good for my purposes, the user needs to be able to see what they have typed. Is this how it works when in a grid? I have tried playing with a lot of the column options but nothing makes it work correctly.

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Combo Box In VB 2008?

Mar 28, 2012

How do you make the autocomplete feature on combo box in VB behave in the same way as one in VBA?

the VBA properties are as follows:
MatchStyle = fmMatchEntryComplete
MatchRequired = True

The VB properties are quite different and i havent got a satisfactory combination. I need it to suggest items from the list as i type but insist on a match with the list. However on VB forms, unlike VBA forms it doesnt show the suggestion in the combo box itself, but in a box beneath.

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