ComboBox - Populating All Date For Specific Month Selected By User

Apr 21, 2010

I need to populate all date for an specific month selected by the user from a combobox where I added all months name. How I can create array of any months of the year, very new coder in vb.Net.

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Detect Month According To Date Selected?

Mar 21, 2011

I have two label in webform Label1 and Label2

Label1 displays the date as 1-Apr-2011

I want to display month as April in Label2 if date in label1 is in between 1 to 30 Apr 2011.

I want to display month as May in Label2 if date in label1 is in between 1 to 30 May 2011.

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Parsing Date Without Specific Month Format?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way to do so? Say sometimes I see March 2nd, 1921

Latter I see 2 March 2010.Is there a function GetDate(SomeString as string) as Date?That will sort of recoqnize all those different format and "try" parsing.

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Using Month Calendar - User To Enter A Bill And Pick The Due Date Via Month Calendar?

May 5, 2010

I'm developing a finance software and I want the user to enter a bill and pick the due date via month calendar. I getting it to work was the easy part, but now I only want one month calendar, for each time a user enters in a bill and picks a date.every time the user goes to pick a due date I have to call one of the several I have on screen.Here is my code that I have so far:Add due date button:


The month calender:


.TxtDueDate3.Text = MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.Start.Date.ToShortDateString()Me.TxtDueDate3.Text
= MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.End.Date.ToShortDateString()[code].....

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Populating ComboBox Based On Selected Item In First One

Jan 10, 2012

I want to populate the combobox based on the selected item in the first combobox. The following code is written in 2008

Public Class Form1 Sub fillcombo()
strsql = "select * from device"
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
cmd.CommandText = strsql
cmd.Connection = con
[Code] .....

For this code I am able to populate the first combobox and when I select the specific item in combobox then the second combobox shows only the first element of that item.

In MS access 2007 I have created 2 tables:
1) Contains the device ex:computer
2) Contains the device and its parts ex: cpu, monitor so here the device has duplicate values
Table names are device and parts.

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Change Date Format - Month Part Is Not Showing The Month Of The Exact Month

Jun 22, 2009

I changed the date of datetimepicker format to yyyy-mm-dd in custom format...but it displays 2009-00-22...the month part is not showing the month of the exact to change the format of the date?

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Load Data Based On A Selected Month By The User ?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a vb .NET 2005 form that needs to load data based on a selected month by the user. Because there is a large amount of data in the table (60k+ records per month) it is taking the query a long time to pull the dataset back and populate the form. how I can decrease the overhead associated with querying a large dataset to populate a base form?

Note, I have created an identity key on the main table but haven't yet indexed any other fields (Though I could use some suggestions on how I should index).

See the following example of the Stored Proc that is run before my .net form is launched:

Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim TheDatabase As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection


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Alert User A Month Before Due Date?

Jun 25, 2010

i'm currently using 2005 with an Oracle 10g db.1. Alert the Admin by displaying on the main page a list of users who are due for re-certification if there are any. - I've managed to do this except my date calculation for the alert is wrong. When a user is certified say on 25-06-2010, they will be up for re-certification in 25-06-2011. I need my program to start alerting the Admin a MONTH before the user is due for re-certification. So basically start the alert on 25-05-2011.Currently this is my logic in VB.

Reason = Get value in Reason field (If this field is not empty, then don't raise alert for this record)
Renewal = Get the re-certification date
Sysdate = Get current system date


Alert the Admin via email - I've managed to create an email (stored procedure in Oracle) that contains the skeleton. I say skeleton because althought the mail executes fine, I've not managed yet to include the list of users due from the db. I created a Curser and dumped my results in there, but not sure what to do after that.

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Populating A Date Time Picker When A User Enters An ID Number Into A Textbox

Jan 25, 2012

I am using a vb windows application I need to allow a user to enter their ID num in a text box and it need to automatically populate their date of birth

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Forms :: New Date Doesn't Get Set Until User Has Already Selected A Date

Mar 10, 2009

I have a form that collects user parameters to print a report. There are two DateTimePickers to let the user select a date range for the report. The selection of a date range is optional so I set the From picker to a date before any data could be present. If the user wants to select a date range, the from field is set to a very old date so it takes a long time to get to any current dates. Whe I'd like to do is when the user drops down the picker, reset the date to today and let the user scroll from there.I tried the dropdown even in the picker, but the new date doesn't get set until the user has already selected a date. Any suggestions on how to get this type of UI behavior? Also any better suggestions to streamline the process?The main objective it to collect from and to dates from the user is they want to select them and collect wide ranging dates if the user doesn't enter any.

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DateToString() Gives Day/Month/Year When Converting To Date It Switches The Day And Month?

Aug 11, 2010

Currently i have a ReturnSystemDate in a module, so that whenever i need the current date and time i call this method, however my data is saving as in 1 format and displaying in another. I have my variables set up as dateTime to store the current date and time, when calling i get 11/08/2010 Time, however when casting to Date as in CDATE() i get 08/11/2010 time. How can i stop this?

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Date Time Picker Control - Day As 1st On Any Value Selected By The User

Jun 21, 2010

An issue.For my date time picker control I want the day as 1st on any value selected by the user.(day of date part should be 1 for any date).

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Use The DateTimePicker To Extract Days Diff From A Date Selected On DateTimePicker1 To A Date Selected On DateTimePicker2?

Mar 4, 2009

I am traying to use the DateTimePicker to extract days diff from a date selected on DateTimePicker1 to a date selected on DateTimePicker2. I have no problem substracting the daydiff in numbers of days. The problem I have is that I need the DateTimePicker to tell me how many of those days are weekends (friday, saturday) and how many are weekdays.

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Get System Date And Add Some Day Or Month Or Year Then Want Next Date As Per Requirement?

Jun 22, 2010

when i get system date and add some day or month or year then i want next date as per requirement.

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.net Date Displaying In M/d/yyyy If Date Or Month Is Less Than 10?

Jan 21, 2010

How I can I display it always in mm/dd/yyyy in

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Populating ComboBox That Is Connected To Another Combobox

Apr 15, 2012

Populating the combo box with the list of items from the one of the column in table from database.Based on the selection of item in the combo box, the another combobox should be populated with value corresponding to the selected item in the first combo box.[code]The problem with this code only the first row that is populate in the 2nd combo box.

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Selected Month And Year In Datagridview?

Dec 14, 2009

i have combobox named year and combobox named month and a datagridview

i use acces as datasource if i select a year in the combo and a month in combx month i would like to see the selected year and the selected month of that particular year selected in the datagridview and also on top of the datagrid and not on the bottom

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Displays The Number Of Days In A Specific Month?

Dec 9, 2009

I am supost to code a program for my homework using an one-dimensional the program you enter the number of the moth and it gives you how many days are in that month. and I'm just kind of lost?

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Get A Given Date As 1st Of Next Month?

May 22, 2012

Here is a example for my work.

if a date ---> 20/03/2012 should be shown as 01/04/2012
16/12/2011 Should be shown as 01/01/2012
02/05/2008 Should be shown as 01/06/2012

My requirement is to get a given date as 1st of next month.

I know to do this with IF conditions. But I want to know, is there any already define function for doing my work like DATEDIFF. (DATEDIFF can get date difference)

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Get Last Date Of The Month?

Sep 9, 2009

how do i get the last date of the month with format 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss', i have this:

Dim end_date As String = String.Format(DateAdd(DateInterval.Second, -3, DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, DateDiff("m", Date.MinValue, Today()) + 1, Date.MinValue)), "MM/gg/yyyy 23:59:59")
but i can't get it to be in the format i want, it stays as "dd/MM/yyyy"

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Find The Month Of The Selected Year Within A Datagridview?

Jan 4, 2010

I,ve build an agenda within acces and now i use acces as a datasource now my question is how can i find the month of the selected year within a datagrv this my code


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Populating A ListBox With Selected Files In A Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

The idea is to click Button1, for it to open a browser window, then select 1 or more files from a directory and add them to ListBox1.Currently I'm using a very basic method that adds all files from a directory to my ListBox

Dim files() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:Users")
For Each file As String In files


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.net - Number Of Saturdays And Sundays Of A Specific Year And Month

Nov 16, 2010

Using Visual Basic .NET, how can you find the number of Saturdays and Sundays of a specific year and month?

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Get The Number Of Saturday And Sunday Of The Specific Month And Year?

Nov 16, 2010

how to get the number of saturday and sunday of the specific year and month. I am using visual basic 2008

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VS 02/03 Populating Combobox?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a combobox which populates information from a textfile, however I was wondering if it would be possible to only populate the fourth field? each field in the text file is separated by tab (space).

For example the text file has the following information

orange yellow blue brown green
pink purple green yellow black
red purple pink black neon
green blue purple gold silver

The combobox I want to display brown yellow black gold I have the following coding in place however it shows all fields in the combobox.


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Populating A Font List And Removing Specific Items?

Sep 23, 2009

I've gotten a listbox control to populate with a list of installed fonts, but I need to be able to click a button and remove the selected item from the listbox. How do I do this? Every time I try, an exception is thrown.

Here is the code:

Public Class Form1
Dim fonts as New Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Add One Month To Current Date?

Sep 5, 2009

I have to add one month to todays date and have to get date after 1 month.

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Get All Sundays Date Within A Month?

Jun 28, 2011

How can I get all Sundays date within a month? For example, in June 2011, Sundays date are 1st June, 8th June, 15 June, 22 June and 29 June

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Get Date Of Sunday Within A Month?

Aug 1, 2010

How can I get the date of first Sunday in a month?

For example in January, the first date of Sunday is 7. What code is needed to retrieve first Sunday date in a month?

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Get First Sunday Date In A Month?

Jul 31, 2010

how can I get the date of first Sunday in a month? For example in January, the first date of Sunday is 7.What code is needed to retrieve first Sunday date in a month?

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