Communications :: [VB2008] Find The IP Address Of A Game Server

Mar 17, 2009

I whould like to find the IP address of a game server that sends UDP packets to my PC. Of this server I know the fixed Port number, but not the IP address

I can read the netstat -anp udp data and store them in a text file... but this command don't displais the IP Address and the Port number of the external servers, only lots of asterisks

the question is: how to retrieve this IP address?

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Communications :: Find Device On Network By Its Mac Address?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a small embedded web server and to setup its network parameters I use a serial port, however this is giving me a lot of trouble due to USB to serial adapters (in some computers work in other doesn't).

However the other day I saw that Buffalo has a little program to find their NAS boxes (or network drives) when you don't know their IP address or got the wrong one so I assume they do it by looking for mac addresses.Is there any way of doing this with VB 2005 or higher? Basically I don't know the IP of the embedded server so I need to find it on a network, how do I find it?

a) I could do a general IP scan assuming it is on the same subnet than the host computer
b) if it has a different subnet... a general IP scan is not going to work, is it?

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Communications :: Determining IP Address

Aug 5, 2009

Is there any easy way to determine the IP address for the computer that an app is running on. I looked through the System.Net namespace and didn't see anything of the sort.

Basically, I want to display the IP address to the user, instead of walking them through how to do an "ipconfig". They then can put that IP address into another app, so the one app can talk to the other via UDP.

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Communications :: Incrementing An IP Address?

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to make a simple port scanner to scan a rang of IP's so like to I am using Visual Basic.Net 2010 and am having trouble converting the IP from a String to a Long so that I can increment it and convert it back to a String. For some reason VB.Net 2010 doesn't include the winsock controller and therefore I am having problems finding a method that works similar to inet_addr() which makes conversion much easier. I found an example on one of the forms here

Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click


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Communications :: Getting Local IP Address In Vista

Jul 14, 2008

I'm running into a problem with this code:


The problem is that I'm running on Windows Vista and the above code seems to want to return the IP V6 information and not the V4 information. How can I force it to return the V4 information?

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Communications :: IP Address Static Or DHCP?

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to write a quick utility that will find out if a Windows XP computer is set to Static or DHCP and write a log file c:computername_static.log or c:computername_dhcp.log.

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Communications :: Null Exception Physical Address

Apr 8, 2010


Anyone know why, Every time I try calling something with this PhysicalAddress it says Null Exception, and the debug always displays nothing inside the Var's, Is this a bug or something? Im using Framework 2.0 >:O

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Communications :: Ping An IP Address And Store The Response Times?

Apr 12, 2010

Is there a way to ping an IP address from VB.NET and store the response times?

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Game Programming :: (Vb2008) Stop Clock And Webtime

Sep 26, 2008

I have used "Search" but nothing came out so i making a thread here. I want to make a project with 2 labels and 2 buttons(maybe 1/2 timer/s). The first label should have the time and the second should be 00:00:00 for a stop clock. The 2 buttons should have Start Clock and Stop Clock. But i dont know how to realise that.(I knew how to make the webtime but i have forgotten it already)

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Game Programming :: VB2008 - Space Invader Collision Detection?

Dec 28, 2010

i've looked up several tutorials on what i should do to create a collision detection, but im not too positive on how to function my ideas and convert them to code.Basically, i'm creating a space invaders like-game that is 2D Mario-themed (sprites used).I am using a panel for my enemies and Mario is being controlled by the movement of arrow keys and space button shoots.The problem is I can not make my bullets collide with the enemies to make them disappear. This piece of code is what i've got so far with the collision detection :

' Collision occurs whenever the pctShoot(podoboo) hits any of the enemy
' When blnTrue, both pctShoot and the enemy disappear


While I'm at it, i have another question in concern; but this is not really related to collision but:How do you make an object move down automatically using a timer but make it appear randomly?Like any space invader game, the enemies are shooting back at the hero to make it appear more challenging right?(using Visual Basic 2008)

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Communications :: Find Files On Website?

Oct 21, 2008

I want to make a program that scans a website to find an extension (.png), then tells me all of the files with that extension on the server.Which displays them in a list box. so lets say the website is


and i need to find the files, but file browsing is off on the server.So I pretty much need a web crawler. How can i do this?

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Code For Making A Score On A Game Of Rock, Paper, Scissors On Vb2008

Oct 23, 2009

What is the code for making a score on a game of rock, paper, scissors on vb2008 and how do you make sure it works?

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Communications :: Cannot Find MComm Control In List

May 16, 2010

I am using VB10 Pro. I am trying to add an MSComm to a project. I have tried to follow this example: [URL] which utilizes VB6 but cannot. Instead I right clicked the mailbox, selected Choose Items, but could not find Microsoft Comm Control 6.0 in any of the tabs. After doing a search I found another example.
From that one you go Project | Add Reference | COM.
But again Microsoft Comm Control 6.0 does not show up in the list. Where is MSCOMM? Doing some further research, I do not have mscomm32.ocx in my C:WindowsSystem directory.

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How To Load A File From Server By Server IP Address

Dec 1, 2008

desktop application I need to refer and load some files to manipulate (Like dBase III .dbf files) or to show (ESRI .shp files). As the number of my files changes, I need to have these files on a server and then when I want to load them in my desktop application give the path on my server based on IP address and Port number

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Communications :: Basic TCP/IP Server

Dec 6, 2006


The &H30D? i know its a hexadecimal value and may represent a message but i cant find anything about why someone would need to use one, and not just "As Integer = 703". I've found nothing in the VB.NET library or windows messages/functions docs.

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Communications :: Limitations Of A Tcp /udp Server

May 27, 2010

For my next project i'll have to create a TCP or UDP server based application. I know how to program a server but i am interested on the limitations of such servers.

how many connections a server may be able to handle at the same time. I suspect that this limitation is based on the type of transfer and how much data or how often it is send to the server.

I also read somewhere that a windows program is limited to 25 threads (connections) per core so if i would have a quad core i can have a maximum of 99 connections granted that the server itself is also a thread. Is that correct?

If the above is correct i wonder how to handle let's say 200 users at the same time. There must be some form / way to handle bigger request loads.

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Communications :: Polling A Server For A Value Using TCP

Jun 3, 2008

We have a server in the building that we can poll for barometric pressure using TCP. Another developer uses LabVIEW to do this, so it may be a little more straightforward for him.

Here are the instructions:[CODE...]

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Communications :: Writing To A FTP Server?

Dec 2, 2008

I have a real time application (by real time I mean physiological SLOW data) not ultra-fast gaming... and I would like to serve the parameters I read to an FTP server (website) so that the data can be reviewed remotely.

I have seen a few tools out there that will do the trick, but was wondering if anybody here has experience with this, and what path(s) you recommend I take to do this in the simplest of fashions.

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C# - Handling Client/server Communications Over TCP?

May 25, 2011

I'm setting up a basic TCP client/server system and I'm wondering how the back-and-forth communication should ideally work. In my specific situation, the client will have to submit login credentials, and make specific requests from the server (the server interacts with a remote database).Here is what I would THINK to do.. and I'm just looking from input from other devs.

SERVER: Wait for new connections
CLIENT: Connects to server
CLIENT: Once connected, send login credentials with an instruction code.


And another scenario.. let's say the client wants to request a log of what's happened on the server recently (the text of a console application window).

CLIENT: Send request message to server for recent log
i.e. $REQ$,105
SERVER: If instruction = $REQ$ and request id = 105, get window text and send to client
i.e. $DATA$,105,<data here>
CLIENT: If instruction = $DATA$ and data id = 105, parse data and display to user

The data being requested could be plain text, or a .net datatable translated into XML, etc. It could be a variety of things.

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Communications :: Auto-detect Dns Server Ip?

Jan 29, 2009

retriving the DNS server ip of my computer. But with my codes i only manage to the IP address of my computer.

Dim IPAddress As IPAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName).AddressList(1)
Dim strIPAddress As String = IPAddress.ToString
TextBox3.Text = strIPAddress

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Communications :: Displaying Jpg Images From Web Server

Jan 11, 2010

A webserver periodically sends JPG images from a webcam via HTTP post. How do I open and display the images on a VB form from an another computer?

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Communications :: Sending Packet To Server

Apr 12, 2012

i want ask how i can send hex packet to server .i am able to connect IP and port [code] here we can see that for 3 hex 33 is used and for char "." 00 07 13 and many others are used and for its 0F used [code] it sends same Hex for each "." in packet but i want to send other values as there in original/so i want to create a byte to send from hex code/

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Communications :: Server / Client Chat?

Aug 18, 2010

I have been searching far and wide for knowledge regarding how to make a server program with a client program.Think like Msn ( Messenger ) You have the client and you send a message which is then send through the client to the server, and then to some other client (a friend might be ).I want to make a semilar program where ill make the server and the client myself, i just need a hint or two to get started.

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Communications :: Test Availability Of Server?

Jul 26, 2010

This is in reference to my previous thread :


Is there any way to detect if the DNS server is not responding for sure. That is because if I ping the server while my torrent downloads are in progress, I get a "Request timed out".

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VS 2010 Server/Client Communications?

Jul 19, 2011

I have started to learn how to use the TcpListener class to create a server/client chat facility, But im having some issues as to how to perform this at the moment i have the following code for the server.

Dim counter As Integer
ListBox1.Items.Add("Server Started!")
counter = 0
While (True)


Client Accepted (I understand would most likely need a new thread for each client who is accepted, Once accepted , Return to the main loop to check for more clients.) No Client Connecting I understand that this may have to be done in a thread but ive not looked into using a seperate thread for this to infinitely run.

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Can't Find MdiList Property In Vb2008

Jul 2, 2010

I'm working on a project that has to do with making a parent mdi form. I'v created the form but I can't set the MdiList property to true cos I can't find it in the property window. For this reason, my windows menu can't list the opened child windows.

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VB2008 Find A Mark In An Image?

Jul 14, 2009

Lets say I have opened image on the screen. I want to find coordinates of little object on that picture. I know pixel pattern of that object.


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Communications :: Make A Code Which Will Navigate To Website And Find If There's A Newer Version Of Launcher?

Apr 8, 2009

I`m making a program.I`d like to know how to make a code which will navigate to my website and find if there's a newer version of my launcher..I`ll search some codes now, If I find some interesting codes i`ll post here so u can upgrade or tell me how to correctly use them for my auto-update.I cannot publish my Launcher unless I`ve an Auto-Update in my Launcher.

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Communications :: Basic Server With TCPListener - Not Responding

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to build a sort of basic server thing and I cannot seem to get the thing to work properly. I have a client and a server. The client sends a string, the server receives then replies. I cannot get the server to continue responding.
It works in one direction Client -> Server
But because the server is continuously listening the form becomes not responding, thus I cannot send messages from the server. Although it says that its not responding I know that it is just using all of the processing for listening because when I send something from the client the server responds, just the form is stuck because of the listener.

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Communications :: Download File From Apache Server?

Mar 23, 2010

I recently set up an apache server in a small computer (its an ALIX board) and i need to download some files that are going to be stored in that machine. The web server is running and I can create a file called "moo.txt" and if i go to the web browser I can see its contents Now, I need to create a application to communicate with this machine and download that file So far I have tried the following

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Module Module1


This gives me "error accessing site an exception occurred during a WebClient request"

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