I have installed Visual Studio 2010 and Oracle 11g in my Window 7. Oracle seem to be fine because i can connect to System user, Create user and create database. But the problem is that I can not connect the Oracle to my VB.net project and there is no System.Data.OracleClient Namespace. Do I need to install Oracle Client in my computer even though i have installed Oracle Server?
I am trying to connect a simple VB program (Form, button and label) to my local oracle 10g XE and keep getting errors. The most recent errors is the TNS listener
"Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified "
Here is what I have done:
Went to control panel > odbc and created a connection to 10g XE and called it:
oraconn (this was from other tutorial so it is not used in code but still resides)
Copied tutorial about connecting to oracle and have the following code:
I need to have a 32 bit oracle client installed my test PC which is acctually a 64 bit machine.when i try connecting to oracle in my window application in vb.net ,it does not open the connection.
I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in vb.net and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.
can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.
I had an application wich connects to an oracle DB (built in VB 2008). Now..I am using VB 2010 and the oracle client is obsolete. Therefore I want to change my application to connect to an oracle DB the right way.
The value of strDateTime_Stamp is #1/19/2011 9:42:22 AM# I'm getting an error ( "ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string") because I don't know how to correctly assign the AM/PM tag on the end -- you'll notice it just says "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" in my code. I've tried a bunch of different things but nothing works. I also find it odd that if I change the "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" to "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" (little m for month) it gives me a 42 for the month value, not a 1. The capital M's fix that but I'm curious to know why.how to I get it to show the AMPM on the end?
I've written several loading programs in the past, but never with VB.NET, always VB 6.0.I need to load a text file (actually, there are 24 per day), into our Oracle database. I have the file open and I can read it no problem, the question is, what's the best way to load it?
In the past, I've always read a record into an array and then passed the array as a variable into the Oracle statement in my code - basically loading one record at a time. I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this, specifically in the new world of VB.NET. Is there a way to load everything at once, rather than running an INSERT statement for every record individually?
I'm new at vb.net programming so be gentle. I have the flowing code
Dim dAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from items", dbConOra) Dim dTable = New DataTable() dAdapter.Fill(dTable) BSourceItems.DataSource = dTable DataGridVew1.DataSource = BSourceItems
Does someone here experienced this error: ERROR [58005] [IBM] SQL0902C A system error (reason code = "") occurred. Subsequent SQL statements cannot be processed.sQLSTATE=58005..I'm Trying to make a program that will retrieve data from IBM i Series DB2.I established a code below that will check if the program can connect to the server but the error message above appeared.[code]The error will appear on CheckDB2.Open()
i have never used visual basic to connect to web pages so i don't know where to start. I want my programme to connect to cleverbot.com and allow me to talk to that bot and let the cleverbot reply back onto my programme. how would i get around doing this?
I have created a form that is supposed to fill in the labels with information from a connected database. I have been able to get the PubId field to rotate with the Publishers Names -- dropdown list. However, the rest of the labels do not change as the drop down list name changes.
I'm looking to have a program connect to a specific website, enter data, and then return something but without using the WebBrowser.For instance, I want it to:
Connect to a website Login to the website Return if it logged me in or some error etc
I'm kindof new to VB so I'm not sure how to go about this Edit: I read up a little bit about using WebClient and I understand a small bit of it but not much
I am trying connect to a SQL Server database i have created using Visual Basic.Both reside on my local machine (PAUL-PC).Here is what i have done so far but i am missing something (or more worryingly i have got it completely wrong).[code]So i have an MDI form and i want to make a connection to SQL Server when that form loads.I do not want to use a DSN if possible so am trying to use Oledb. Not sure also of the DataAdaptor declaration as in previous versions i used many years ago it was recordset.I would like to use a trusted connection to connect.
i am having a issue with my database connection. I have connected the database itself without much issue but i want to be able to edit, add and eventually delete from the atabase using Visual basic interface. This is for an A Level computing course that i teach, i remember a long time ago when i did the course this was fairly simple to do however i cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it at the moment.
Possible Duplicate: Creating a Serial Port in code in VB.net
I wanna connect RS232 to vb in order to set an input for motor such as the steps and motion. I'm really new with VB. I'm using VB2010 express. Can you help me with the coding?
I want my vb application to communicate with a MySql database on server on a LAN. What connection string can i use? Also, what syntax can i use? My application is installed on many computers in LAN with one central MySql database. I want all data to go to the database.
Possible Duplicate: Creating a Serial Port in code in VB.netye. I wanna connect RS232 to vb in order to set an input for motor such as the steps and motion.
Having a bit of a problem connecting to a 2010 access database. Im using the following connection string which works fine for earlier versions of access. Can anyone give me a pointer to where im going wrong. [Code]
How to connect a combo box and an enum which is kept in another class? I have searched google a lot but the only solutions I can seem to find involve declaring an enum with the combo box. I however want to keep my enum elsewhere, not in the main gui element handling form. The closet thing I could guess was: Combox99.DataSource = System.Enum.GetValues(GetType(MyBookList.OptionsList) With MyBookList as a previously defined instance of the BookList class.