Control The Looping Sequence?

Nov 25, 2010

Dim mControl As Object
For Each mControl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf mControl Is TextBox Then
If mControl.Text = String.Empty Then


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User Control And Holding Form Priority Code Sequence?

Jul 21, 2010

I put the control in the form every thing works fine, but the problem is the priority of the sequence that the code performs for example:In the Cancel Click event there are some code inside the control it self, and in the form which hold the control I also put some code it goes fine but it first perform the code in the form and then it perform the code in the control.My question is there a way to tell the click event to perform the code inside the control first and then the code inside the holding form, (priority sequence)

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VS 2010 Loading A Sequence Of Images From A Selected Folder Into A Picturebox Control

Dec 30, 2011

i have a simple photo viewer application where i want the user to click a "load sequence" button and then i want something like a folderbroswerdialog to appear then the user can pick a folder with images in it then the images get loaded into the picturebox and the user can click a "forward" button to go to the next image in the sequence and a "backward" button to go to the previous image in the sequence, it's kinda like windows 7 photo viewer.

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Looping Through Controls With A Control Name?

Dec 18, 2009

I have 20 controls that I created on a form. the names are like btnRing1, btnRing2, btnRing3, etc.

So I have a do while loop , and I have my variables in place. One line of code is "btnRing1.Start = PlrName" So PlrName is a variable, pulling that info from a database. I don't want to list each btnRing1, 2, 3 in each block of code in my loop.

Is there a way to use the name btnRing + 1, or something like that so I don't have to list all 20 controls in my code.

I know I can dynamically build the controls, but I can only have 20, so I need to have a little control on the numbers. So I need to have the controls already built.

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Looping Through Each Control On Winform

Feb 11, 2012

I have a winform and i have about 30 labels and 30 picture boxes on it. What i would like to do is fill each label and picturebox with a value and image from a backend database. I could have easily done this in vb6 using control struture , for eg.

for x = 1 to 30
picturebox(x).image = value from database
label(x).caption = value from database
next x

Is there something similar i can do in I search a lot but found only complex programs difficult to understand and too much of OOP.

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Looping Though The Properties Of A Control At Runtime?

Apr 11, 2009

How can I read the properties for a given contol type at runtime without having the masive overhead of specifing the each property for each type of control in code.

For example supose you are building an application where the end-user selects a contol type form a drop-down list in a combobox then the properties (Read, Write, Runtime, Designtime) for that control are displayed in a listbox.

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Looping Through Control Properties At Runtime?

Apr 11, 2009

How can I read the properties for a given contol type at runtime without having the masive overhead of specifing the each property for each type of control in code.

For example supose you are building an application where the end-user selects a contol type form a drop-down list in a combobox then the properties (Read, Write, Runtime, Designtime) for that control are displayed in a listbox.

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Looping Through A Repeater Control To Get Values Of Textbox In

Aug 12, 2011

I am trying to loop through my repeater control and get the textbox values.However, I am getting an error: {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}

my code is:

Dim txtField As TextBox
Dim j As Integer = 0
'Confirm if user has entered atleast one quantity
For Each item In rptRequestForm.Items


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VS 2008 Looping Through The Contents Of A ListView Control

Jul 3, 2011

I'd like to go through all the items of a ListView control in order to ... well execute some code. I suppose I have to use the "For i=1 to ..." statement , but I am not familiar at all with this control. As I said , I'd like to check all of the items (the elements in the first column) and for each of them that has "Yes" on the third column , I would like to run the rest of the code .

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Looping Controls / Migrating Among Controls In Control Array

Jun 19, 2009

i have created control array , now i wann to loop around as well wann to find which control has triggered the respective event my code :


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How To Generate A Sequence

Jan 25, 2010

I'm very dumb in or any .net languages. Actually while I was creating a package using SQL Server Integration Services, I had a problem. This problem can be solved using script.

Here is my scenario
I've a database table like this
ColA ColB ColC


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Make A Web Sequence In VB?

Dec 2, 2010

What I need it to do is that when you press a button, the following will happen:

1. Get the first link from a list of links.

2. Open it.

3. Wait a random amount of seconds.

4. Close it.

5. Wait a random amount of seconds.

6. Open the next link and so on...

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Run Processes In A Sequence?

May 7, 2012

I'm building my first application in VB2010, this application consists of running 3 different programs; one after the other. I use a progress bar for task progress. My question is on how to make the application go to the next program after finishing with the previous one? Here is some of the code:

Private Sub Timer1_Tick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If ProgressBar1.Value = 3 Then


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VS 2010 If Then Sequence?

Feb 28, 2011

Im coding a program to grab 3 names and 3 times and display the persons name with the lowest time in the corresponding text box. The program works but only if my values fall within the rules. Im trying to make it so that it displays the correct winner.Quote:

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
'Calculate who came in first, second and third place


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Extract Numbers From A Sequence ?

Nov 19, 2009

I want to extract numbers from a sequence. Example: if the number is 1890928 i want to extract "1" or "89" or "909". I think it's something with left or center but i don't know how.

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Generate A Sequence Over A Group?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm very dumb in or any .net languages. Actually while I was creating a package using SQL Server Integration Services, I had a problem. This problem can be solved using script. Here is my scenario


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How To Generate A Sequence Number

Jul 7, 2011

i have to generate a sequence code for my project it should be 8 bytes acii value.[code]

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How To Make Number Go In Sequence

Jun 28, 2011

New to programming completely,on VB 10 Express. I am in the process of creating a keypad which I can punch in numbers 1- 9 to enter a password. I have 9 buttons for the numbers. I've got the keys to print the numbers into the textbox above but when I press a second key it replaces the first number in the text box.

My question is, how do I make the numbers go in sequence, so instead of
(Press 1) - 1 -
(Press 2) - 2 - (clears 1)

I want it to go like
(Press 1) - 1 -
(Press 2) - 12 -
and so on...

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LINQ To XML - Sequence Contains No Elements

May 25, 2011

I have this XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="[URL]" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="[URL]" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
[Code] .....

And I also have this method, where I take two files and take some values from them, and then I merge all the values into an object in the second query:
Public Shared Function RetrieveTranslation(ByVal filefrom As String, ByVal fileto As String) As List(Of clsTranslation)
Dim valuefrom = (From l In XElement.Load(fileto).Elements("data") Select l.Element("value").Value).FirstOrDefault
[Code] .....

So, the problem is that when I run the code, there is an "Sequence contains no elements" error in the first query(valuefrom). I debugged and it says that there is nothing in the query, but I don't understand why? I'm curious to know if it is well done to do something like I did, create an object from two queries, putting the first value in the second query.

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Namespace Of Sequence Class?

Feb 28, 2009

While going thru an msdn article, I found a reference to System.Query.Sequence class. But when I try to use it, I get error "Query is not a member of System"
Public Sub Linq65()
Dim numbers = From n In System.Query.Sequence.Range(100, 50) _
Select New With {.Number = n, .OddEven = If(n Mod 2 = 1, "odd", "even")}
For Each n In numbers


The above code is version of this code from msdn. So what is the correct namespace of this class? Or I'm missing something else?

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Saving A .txt File In A Sequence?

Mar 24, 2009

Dim c As Integer Dim savef As New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:UsersOwner emplog" & CStr(c) & ".txt") c = c + 1 savef.Write(TextBox1.Text) savef.Close()

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Sequence Not Working Properly?

Jan 21, 2012

I have 6 textboxes (named textbox7, 2, 3 , 5 and 6) and i want to switch the values put in them (7 in 6, 6 in 5, 5 in 4, 4 in 3, 3 in 2, 2 in 7) by clicking a button.Actually this should be a volley formation scheme :Pi wrote this

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
TextBox7.Text = Replace(TextBox7.Text, TextBox7.Text, TextBox2.Text)


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VS 2010 Sequence Check?

Jan 12, 2012

i have a file with a serial number in it and i need to check if it is in sequence or not and then print a report stating no errors or if there is errors what line they are on.


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Xml - Invalid Byte 1 Of 1 Utf-8 Sequence

Aug 25, 2009

From my Windows Service I am passing a well-formed XML string to a Java Web Service. The Java Web Service will process the data and return me a status code. Though I am passing a well formatted XML file. I am getting an error from the Java Web Service of:


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XML Reading Rows In Sequence

Feb 19, 2010

I am creating a program which needs to read a regularly updated online XML file. I am using the XDocument type to do this and currently need to read each row and its attributes' values from XMLs like this one:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<eveapi version="1">
<currentTime>2007-12-12 11:48:50</currentTime>
<rowset name="characters" key="characterID" columns="name,characterID,corporationName,corporationID">
[Code] .....

My first thought was to use a statement similar to this but apparently it is invalid:
For Each d...<rowset>.<row> In d...<rowset>
The reason that this code fails is that it never even enters the for loop, although I'm sure the if block code is wrong too which is why I put a comment there, but my main issue is making the loop work for reading each row in order.

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.net - Creating A Sequence In Each GET/POST Request?

Jun 2, 2012

I want to create an integer sequence in each page request.Here is my code:

Public Class Test
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load[code]....

My requirements are just created the sequence using VB.NET code and of no database help. The sequence must be started at 1 and incremented by 1. My attempt to solve this is by using STATIC variable within the Page_Load which can retain the sequence value.But someone told me that my approach is risky because it's not thread safe. Is that true? Or how do I create a sequence for each request that is free from any problems be it thread safe or others?

UPDATE: I attempted to solve the problem another way. But I'm not sure the thread safety of my new solution. Here is my code, the call to Singleton.Instance.Sequence function will generate a new sequence value:

Public NotInheritable Class Singleton
Private Sub New()
End Sub[code]......

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.net - Function That Always Returns The Next Integer In A Sequence

Feb 10, 2012

I need top create a function that gets the next integer in the sequence of 1 to 60. Each time the function is called, I need it to increment from what the last value was and return the next number as the result. It also cannot return the same integer in 2 consecutive calls. When the count gets to 60, the sequence needs to reset back to 1. I would like to function to have no parameters.

I have created a function that does this using the cache to store the last value that was returned, but I am worried that with concurrent calls to the function that it might not work as I expect and 2 calls could get the same integer.

Is cache blocking the correct method to use in this instance or is there something other method I am not thinking about?

Also, stuck using .Net 3.5 and this is a web application.

I just wrote this function based on using SyncLock. Any obvious problems with it that I don't see? I am using the Cache to save the last value that was returned.

Private Shared Function GetNextNumber() As Integer
Dim o As Integer
Dim r As Integer


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.net - Shortening A Repeating Sequence In A String?

Jun 30, 2010

I have built a blog platform in VB.NET where the audience are very young, and for some reason like to express their commitment by repeating sequences of characters in their comments.


..and so on.

I don't want to filter this out completely, however, I would like to shorten it down to a maximum of 5 repeating characters or sequences in a row.I have no problem writing a function to handle a single repeating character. But what is the most effective way to filter out a repeating sequence as well?This is what I used earlier for the single repeating characters

Private Shared Function RemoveSequence(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
sb.Capacity = str.Length


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.NET WinForm - Tab Sequence And .Enabled Property?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a situation with several TextBox controls on a WinForm. "Rules" are processed on the Leave event of one TextBox (TextBox1) which can disable or enable the very next textbox in the tab sequence. It appears that if the "rule" disables the next textbox, focus remains on the prior textbox. In this case, the focus is in the wrong place AND, if user clicks "{TAB}" again, no events fire for TextBox1. I am looking for a solution that does NOT require hard-coded knowledge of the tab sequence to make tab navigation (and events) work properly. See small code sample below that demonstrates the problem:

private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text == "bob") // simulating a "rule"


The problem was first identified because of rules triggered in a class entity that was "bound" to the form controls, but data binding does not seem important to the symptoms.Is this a quirk/limitation of the WinForm event model?Rhino907

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C# - Column Sequence And The Entity Framework?

Dec 28, 2009

So, when you bind a collection of Entity objects to a grid component, the grid displays those fields in the sequential order they are found in the SQL Table they came from. This shows that the ordinal position of the fields are associated with their corresponding entity properties... somehow or other.

So here is the question: How can I obtain the table field ordinal position by reflecting over an Entity Framework Entity's properties? Let me tell you what I know and what I have tried. Apparently, each data field property in an EF Entity is decorated with a System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute. This attribute appears to have an Order property. However, I have discovered that this property does not contain what I am looking for. The value for all Data Properties in an Entity seems to be -1. What ever order is, it isn't ordinal position.

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