Controlling Multiple GroupBox Items?

Apr 6, 2009

I was wondering if there is some type of code that could control mutiple textboxes in multiple Groupboxes, basically what I want to do is be able to trigger all the textboxes in each of the groupboxes to become non visible based off of a choice in a is what I have so far but i'm still way off

Private Sub Combo1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles Combo1.SelectedIndexChanged.


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Groupbox Items - Store Minimum 20 Linklabels In A Groupbox?

Jul 28, 2010

i have a sort of problem when i try to add some linklabels in my groupbox. I used this


I can only add 4 linklabels no matter how big is the groupbox, i tried autoscroll but nothing. How can i do to store minimum 20 linklabels in a groupbox? Here is the whole code i used:

Imports System.Net
Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Forms[code]....

Is there any way, maybe with a specific reference to put a control that records what plays wmp activex and to save somewhere on your computer?

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Controlling Multiple Downloads

Nov 30, 2011

When I use My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile this will sometimes start downloading two copies of the file simultaneously. I wonder if there is a code to check whether there are more than one file being download at a moment, and if there is a code to cancel some of the downloads.

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Controlling Multiple Sliders At Runtime?

Dec 27, 2011

In a form, I have 10 Slider control (I am using dotNetBar) and I want to reset all of their values to 0 but I am getting into a snag when I send the control the command. here is my code:

Dim ctrl As Control
dim temp as string
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls


while .name statement works, the .value gives me an error. and it isn't recognized as one of the possible properties in the pull down list after typing the "."

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Use One Timer For Controlling Multiple Forms?

Oct 28, 2009

I am playing with VB 2008 using .Net 2.0 as the target to compile to and am trying to figure out if it is possible to create multiple countdown timers one in each form using a single timer.I have attemtped but the logic escapes me. If this is not possible I know how to use a timer on one form for that form.

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VS 2008 Controlling Events From Multiple Program Instances?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a solution to my problem, and its probably because I don't know exactly how to ask the right question - can anyone here point me in the right direction?

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Controlling Multiple Textboxes From Single Function - Passed In By Reference?

May 1, 2011

Is there a way to write a single function that will control validating the input to any textbox? How to pass control of it.

E.g.: My second try was to:
Dim CurrentTextBox As TextBox << Declare a global
Write a function that uses the global textbox and takes in 2 parameters, one determining the length it has to validate and the second telling it what to do once the input is verified

Public Sub ConfirmInput(length As Integer, which As Integer)
If (CurrentTextBox.TextLength < length) Then
CurrentTextBox.BackColor = vbRed
ElseIf (CurrentTextBox.TextLength > length) Then
CurrentTextBox.BackColor = vbRed
[Code] .....

My first try was to pass a textBox parameter to the ConfirmInput function but I believe that's the same problem as above.

View 4 Replies

Select Multiple Radio Buttons Inside Groupbox?

Jul 18, 2011

Is there a way to select multiple radio buttons within a groupbox. I have a case where I need to disable the mutually exclusive feature.

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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Group Box On Top - Second Groupbox Does Not Appear And Is Directly Behind The First Groupbox

Jun 22, 2010

Here using VB .Net 2008. I seem to be having trouble getting group boxes to appear when I click a radio button.

For example:


This indeed brings up the first radio button however I have other groupboxes underneath which with the same code will not appear when the radio button is checked.



The second groupbox does not appear and is directly behind the first groupbox. The Top code doesn't seem to be working either.

View 5 Replies - How To DataBind Multiple Items

Mar 12, 2011

I'm running the following query:

' Show which halls they are eligible for.
Dim dbRooms As New pbu_housingEntities
Dim gender As String = Session("gender").ToString


View 1 Replies

C# - Get A Boundingbox For Multiple Items In Wpf?

May 24, 2011

I have several items, i want to calculate a minimum rectangle in which they can be fit, but items are rotated to some degree, or skewed or both. So how do i get the least rectangle which can contain all ?

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Change A Value On Multiple Items?

Feb 3, 2009

I have not programmed since the late 90's (VB 6.0)Using Visual Basic 2008 Express, I'm creating a simple program but have one question:Is there a quick way to change a value on multiple items? For my program, I need to make a group of text boxes (anywhere from 14 to 546 unique boxes) "Enabled = True" or "Enabled = False" depending on a user selected value.

In a little more detail: The user selects the number of data rows on one tab. On the other tab are 40 rows of text boxes (14 boxes per row). If the user selected 15 rows, every row below 15 should be "Enabled = False".Thus far, I've coded a bunch of if-thens that run each time the user changes the selected rows (a line for each text box that makes it enabled or not). There are then 40 if-thens with lots of code in each.
I am sure there is an easier way to accomplish my goal without using hundreds of lined-up text boxes.

View 19 Replies

Add Items In A ListView That Has Multiple Columns?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a ListView called lv with three columns. What's the quickest and easiest way to add items in it during runtime? I am using WPF.

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Add Multiple Items To A Dynamic List?

Apr 19, 2010

How would I add multiple items to a dynamic list without having to use the .Add method for each one?[code]...

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Adding Multiple Items From One Listbox To Another?

Jul 12, 2011

I am able to only move single items from one listbox to another with this code. I tried with both MultiSimple & MultiExtended SelectionMode.

How do I select multiple items and then move them?
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs


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Adding Multiple Items To A Listbox?

Aug 10, 2011

(Visual Basic 2010)I'm trying to add multiple item to a listbox from a text file. The program will show help for computer tasks.


Add new event to calender#Sync calender to phone#Print something from the internet


Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


View 7 Replies

Adding Multiple Items To Listview?

Sep 17, 2010

So, i'd like to ask you! How can i add new listview items to a ListViewItemCollection (or something better), and than add the items in the collection to a ListView. The point of all this is to add listviewitems from a background worker.

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Disable Multiple Items From DropDownList?

Jun 6, 2011

I would like to disable a specific items from DropDownList. I have below code but it does not working. DropDownList have 5 items.And,I'm getting error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
Dim X As Integer = 0 <> 1
DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False
End Sub

But, if I add a different value for X, then it disable 1st and 2nd item.

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
Dim X As Integer = 0 or 1
DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False
End Sub

My goal is if I would have a 365 items in DropwDownList to disable items for example between 120 and 150.

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Gridview Templatefield With Multiple Items?

Jun 19, 2012

I am creating a web application in and I have an issue with the gridview.Currently, I have the gridview populated with data from the DB and I've also coded the update button to allow the user edit any necessary information through a form that pops up.[URL]...

What I'd like to do, if possible, is add a button to the two right columns(I already put one in the Dock Out Time column) which will be invisible if the column is set or will set the current time to the column. Setting the time for those two columns is already handled through the update form, but my supervisor asked me to try and see if this was possible.

Those two Time columns are Templatefields(since I format the display time from what is actually in the DB) and I added an asp button in the ItemTemplate for that Set Button in the picture.Is this even possible to do and if so, how would I access this button in the code behind so I can add functionality(setting the time and hiding it if the column is not null)If it's not really possible to have two items like this in a templatefield I can just make 2 extra columns for these buttons but I think this would look much cleaner.

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How Can Select Multiple Items In ListView

Oct 6, 2011

I have a ListView box on my project, which is filled with another function.I need it so that when you press Button1, messageboxes pop up with all of the selected items in it.

So basically, I select multiple items in my ListView, press Button1, and the MsgBox appears showing me what I've selected.[code...]

View 7 Replies

Listview Remove Multiple Items?

Jul 10, 2006

i've got this code to remove all selected items in a listview... but i like to know if there is any more simple code to do this ...

My code:

Dim i As Integer
With frmMain.FeedsList
For i = 0 To .Items.Count - 1


View 14 Replies

Remove Multiple Items From Checkedlistbox

May 9, 2009

How do i delete multiple items that matches some words, Like [code]

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Removing Multiple Items From A List Box At Once?

May 2, 2010

If I have 3 times selected and when I click "submit" for example I want all my selected items to be removed, but when I try to do this only my first selected item is removed.


How do I remove all 3 items from the list box at the same time?

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Saving Multiple Items To SQL Database

Nov 1, 2011

I have some items in my listbox which I will store everyone of them into my database, what I am doing now is looping the box and call my database saving logic to save every single item. I thought this is pretty inefficient, is there anyway that I can use to batch save my items so that I don't open and close the connection as many times as my items.

For Each item In outletToBox.Items
.CamCode = Items.ToString
.CamCampaignAutoID = retID
.CamRemarks = uitxtCamRemarks.Text.Trim
'---use savetable object to save to database table---

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Selecting Multiple Items Using Checkbox?

Aug 26, 2011

i just need to select from multiple checkboxes, this checkbox contains days from Monday to Saturday. Here is the idea on what will happen if I select Multiple days, it will save on a field on my database with colon(;)

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VS 2008 ContextMenuStrip With Multiple Items

Feb 1, 2010

I have 9 small PictureBoxes that all have the same ContextMenuStrips. I need to be able to change the Backcolor property of the PictureBoxes via a ColorDialog. How would I determine which PictureBox has been selected so I can apply the correct PictureBox with the chosen color?

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VS 2008 For Each Multiple Listbox Items

Oct 3, 2011

I got 3 listboxes.


So basicly I want to loop all items from listbox1 with each item in listbox2.

View 9 Replies - Error Cannot Have Multiple Items Selected In A DropDownList?

Mar 14, 2012

This is my code and i am getting an error ..Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList. when the page loads it select "ALL" in DDLModality but when i change DDLModality.selectedvalue to any "value" then no error but again when i change to "ALL "getting the error.

onchange of DDLMODALITY submit the form = "";
form1.action = "";


View 2 Replies Iterating Over Multiple Repeater.items Collections?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a number of idential repeaters, and I need to iterate through all of the items. I currently have:

For Each item In rpt1.Items
.do some stuff

Is there a simple way to reduce this to a single For Each ... Next loop?

Edit: There are a number of local vars involved in "do some stuff", which is why I can't just pass the item into a function - the call would have to include about 8 ByRef params.

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