Controlling Multiple Textboxes From Single Function - Passed In By Reference?

May 1, 2011

Is there a way to write a single function that will control validating the input to any textbox? How to pass control of it.

E.g.: My second try was to:
Dim CurrentTextBox As TextBox << Declare a global
Write a function that uses the global textbox and takes in 2 parameters, one determining the length it has to validate and the second telling it what to do once the input is verified

Public Sub ConfirmInput(length As Integer, which As Integer)
If (CurrentTextBox.TextLength < length) Then
CurrentTextBox.BackColor = vbRed
ElseIf (CurrentTextBox.TextLength > length) Then
CurrentTextBox.BackColor = vbRed
[Code] .....

My first try was to pass a textBox parameter to the ConfirmInput function but I believe that's the same problem as above.

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Function Accessed By Multiple Threads With Parameter Passed By Reference

Apr 29, 2011

I am in and have a function that will be accessed by multiple threads. Everything inside the function uses local variables. However, each thread will pass in its own dataset by reference. From what I have read the local variables should be no problem, but I think the dataset coming in is a concern. How should I control access / execution of this function to make sure that it is thread safe?

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Save Multiple Textboxes In A Single .txt?

Dec 4, 2011

ok i need a code to save multiple textboxes in a single .txt..

TextBox1.Text = ("Michael Rittenburg")
TextBox2.Text = ("United States")
TextBox4.Text = ("Nashville")
TextBox3.Text = ("Tennessee")
TextBox5.Text = ("37203")

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Databinding To Multiple Textboxes With Single Data Source?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm working on a program that is interacting with a simple Access database. When the form loads there need to be multiple text boxes that are bound to the same table and field in the database, Inventory_Table.Quantity, to display the quantity of the inventory. From there, orders are read into the system adjusting the inventory as necessary.

I need to specify what row these are each supposed to be bound to, because right now it is binding them all to row 0, which makes sense but is not what I want. Is this possible? Heres the code I have to bind currently.

txtTopQuantity.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", myDS, "Inventory_Table.QUANTITY"))
txtLegQuantity.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", myDS, "Inventory_Table.QUANTITY"))
txtFastenerQuantity.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", myDS, "Inventory_Table.QUANTITY"))
txtShortQuantity.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", myDS, "Inventory_Table.QUANTITY"))
txtLongQuantity.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", myDS, "Inventory_Table.QUANTITY"))
txtWheelQuantity.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", myDS, "Inventory_Table.QUANTITY"))

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Save Multiple Textboxes To A Single File And Load Each One By Itself?

May 28, 2010

I have a sign up sheet that I am working on for instance;

street address

I've been trying to save the textboxes individually but when I go to load the information everthing is pushed all into one textbox.....I'm also using the SaveFileDialog and OpenFil

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Saving Information From Multiple Textboxes To Single File

May 28, 2009

I am trying to get the information inputted from multiple textboxes to save to a single text file.

Here's what I got.
Private Sub btn_done_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_done.Click
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:UsersTrevorDocumentsDraftAC est.txt"
Dim i As Integer
Dim aryText(2) As String
[Code] .....

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Can A Generic List Of T Be Passed To Function Similar To Way An Array Is Passed?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to pass a List of T where T is an object I've created that has about ten properties (strings, dates and integers).The lst passes to the function successfully. I am also passing an New T of the Object (itm as T).I can see all the values (see image below), but because it's generic I cannot seem to retrieve the property values and I cannot figure out how to iterate through the properties of each itm as they are retrieved in the For Each.[code]

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Function Call For Multiple Textboxes Using Visual Basic Studio 2008

Feb 17, 2010

I am working to make a function that will update the back color of a text box based on multiple variables values. I can write the code to do the calculation, but I am not sure how to make the function realize which text box to update (as I will have about 30 different boxes). Below is the code that I have for each box so far, but I will have quite a few more, and would rather use a function to reduce the amount of code, and also make it cleaner as well.

If sngPreviousPrimaryPropertyTotal >= sngPrimaryPropertyTotalCost Then
txtPreviousPrimaryPropertyTotal.BackColor = ColorProgramLightGreen
txtPreviousPrimaryPropertyTotal.BackColor = ColorProgramLightRed
End If
[Code] .....

Or is there a way that I can tell the function that it's updating the text box that call the function in the first place? Say if txtBox1 has updated text and calls the function, then the function 'knows' to update txtBox1, but will update txtBox2 when it's called by txtBox2.

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Variable Passed By Reference?

Oct 28, 2011

I am working on a little program (game) is called Pig latin. I created a sub procedure and I passed the word to be converted by value and the piglatin word byref.Now when I call the procedure in the button click event I get the wavy green line under the variable passed by reference but the program works ok. Call Convert_to_Pig_Latin(strOriginalWord, trPigLatinThe error message when I hover my mouse over the green line says " Variable strPigLatin' is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime."

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Forms :: Store The Reference Passed To A Sub?

Aug 6, 2010

I've searched a lot on both google and here but sorry, couldn't find.Maybe I'm just asking the wrong question, so I'll try to explain it here to see if someone can help me:

what I'm trying to do is what in C would be as simple as int varptr = &var I have a form that is just a communication watcher/logger. It's just a blank text box with a Pause/Play button and a copy to clipboard button and every new activity on my serial communication is logged. At the moment the form have a timer that once a second do textbox.text = serial1.log ...

but the problem is that I also have serial2; serial3; sql1 that I would like to keep an eye on them, and considering my work here I'm sure I would be re-using this form a lot if I could make it portable. Create one form for each is just stupid, as you'll all agree.

Then I would like to have an sub initialise(byref log as string) that would store this reference into an local variable within the form; so that every new instance of my form could be initialised with whatever log they'll be looking for and the timer just make textbox.text = LogPointer to the actual value of the log string.So, as I said I really wanted a int varptr = &var

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Variable Is Passed By Reference Before It Has Been Assigned A Value

Jul 7, 2008

Im getting the Variable (Data) is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value error.


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Is Running Multiple Threads Faster Then A Single Thread On A Single Core Cpu

Dec 23, 2009

Say I have a code with 3 methods that do some pretty intensive work. Would executing these methods on 3 seperate threads be faster then executing them one after the other on a single core cpu? And what if it's a dual core or HT?

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Controlling Multiple Downloads

Nov 30, 2011

When I use My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile this will sometimes start downloading two copies of the file simultaneously. I wonder if there is a code to check whether there are more than one file being download at a moment, and if there is a code to cancel some of the downloads.

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Controlling Multiple GroupBox Items?

Apr 6, 2009

I was wondering if there is some type of code that could control mutiple textboxes in multiple Groupboxes, basically what I want to do is be able to trigger all the textboxes in each of the groupboxes to become non visible based off of a choice in a is what I have so far but i'm still way off

Private Sub Combo1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs Handles Combo1.SelectedIndexChanged.


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Controlling Multiple Sliders At Runtime?

Dec 27, 2011

In a form, I have 10 Slider control (I am using dotNetBar) and I want to reset all of their values to 0 but I am getting into a snag when I send the control the command. here is my code:

Dim ctrl As Control
dim temp as string
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls


while .name statement works, the .value gives me an error. and it isn't recognized as one of the possible properties in the pull down list after typing the "."

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Use One Timer For Controlling Multiple Forms?

Oct 28, 2009

I am playing with VB 2008 using .Net 2.0 as the target to compile to and am trying to figure out if it is possible to create multiple countdown timers one in each form using a single timer.I have attemtped but the logic escapes me. If this is not possible I know how to use a timer on one form for that form.

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Object Being Passed To Function But Not Received?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm not having any errors from these pieces of code, they're just empty everytime. I'm wondering if I perhaps have created them incorrectly.
Dim l As New Log()
l.Log = "Attempted staff login with username [" & txtUsername.Text & "]"
l.LogId = 0
l.StaffId = 4
l.LogDate = Date.Now()
.Insert() is picked up in my BLL layer by these two functions;
[Code] ......

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Derive Address Of A Function That Is Passed As An Argument?

Nov 26, 2009

ok basically i've got a delegate ByVal function_to_execute As dele0 but instead of invoking it, i wish to add it to an eventhandler

Public Sub test(ByVal function_to_execute As d0)
Dim t As Timer = New Timer()
AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf function_to_execute.address


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Function That Alert When One Month/week Has Passed?

Jun 7, 2011

I need a 2 functions:

1)the first that alert me when one month is passed ex: 25 december 2011 - 25 january 2012

2)the second that alert me when one week is passed ex: 25 december 2011 - 1 january 2012

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VS 2008 Controlling Events From Multiple Program Instances?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a solution to my problem, and its probably because I don't know exactly how to ask the right question - can anyone here point me in the right direction?

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Limit To The Parameters That Can Be Passed ByVal Or ByRef To A Function ?

Jul 2, 2009

Is there a Limit to the parameters that can be passed byVal or byRef to a function or procedure in vb .net ?


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VS 2010 Identifying Bytes Vs Integers When Passed Through A Function

Sep 20, 2011

My issue is regarding overloaded functions of the already provided IIf function that would handle specific types. As you all know the IIf function provided returns objects, rather a specific type so for my needs I created a few overloaded function to do just that but with a specific type in mind. So having said I have IIf functions for types of booleans, strings, bytes, integers, etc etc.

Now my problem is when I'm trying to pass a byte value to this function that would return one of the two byte values. When I do this the designer keeps confusing my values as an integer value and calls for me to convert it to a byte. If I did this then it would defeat my entire purpose for creating these functions-which is to avoid any conversions. The only way I can solve this is by converting the whole statement itself or the true/false parameter parts individual to specify to the designer that these values are bytes. I'm just hoping there's a way of identifying the difference between bytes and integers..

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ASP.Net VB Javascript Function: Calculate Height Of Content Passed To IFrame

Jan 26, 2012

I'm trying to convert an old ASP.Net 1.0 application to ASP.Net 3.5 and am running into trouble with a JavaScript function. The application passes in content into an within a table cell. The function is supposed to calculate the height of the content and size the table cell appropriately.

way of accomplishing this with the

JavaScript function

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function calcHeight() {


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Retrieve Current Function Arguments List Including Passed Value?

Sep 28, 2011

I wrote a Log class that details the exception, including the method name and its arguments list,but I couldn't find any way to programmaticly retrieve the arguments some forums it was said that its impossible mission. I find it very arguments list looks like:

argA As String = ?
argB As integer (Opional, Default value = 2) = ?

etc. only actual values are missing.

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Creating Multiple Forms At Run-time - With Variables Passed To Form

Oct 4, 2011

I'm making a IM LAN Chat, and I don't want to limit it to a specific number of chats that can be open at any given time (By re-producing the forms and setting variables once a chat is open).


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Use Single Requiredfield Validator For Two Or Three Textboxes In

Dec 6, 2010

How to use single requiredfield validator for two or three textboxes in ?

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Reference To The String In The Heap Is Passed Even When You Pass The String ByVal To A Method?

Mar 2, 2011

So strings are reference types right? My understanding is a reference to the string in the heap is passed even when you pass the string ByVal to a method.

String myTestValue = "NotModified";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(myTestValue); /* myTestValue = "NotModified" WTF? *[code].....

And what is going on under the hood? I would have bet my life that the value would have changed....

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Multithreading - Single WinForm Displaying Two TextBoxes

Jun 15, 2010

Here's the setup: I've created a class that represents a temperature and humidity monitor. This class handles all of its own operations (connects to the monitors via TCP, reads the temperature and humidity values at set intervals, logs the data, sends email notifications, etc.). I've got a single Windows form that has two textboxes for displaying the values of temp and humidity. When I start the application, I simply instantiate an object of this class and let it do its thing. Every five minutes, it opens up a socket connection, pulls in the data I want, sets the Temp and Humidity properties of the object to the values it obtained, and fires a DataUpdate event which is captured in an event handler in the Windows form.

When this event occurs, the textboxes on the form are updated with the values from the Temp and Humidity properties of the object. Works like a champ. However, I've been playing around with multithreading. Since a disconnected device will cause my entire application to block when it tries to connect, I decided to place the socket connection/data acquisition method into a separate thread. If it can't find the device, no big deal -- at least it doesn't lock up my UI. This thread is instantiated and started inside the object code, NOT the Windows form.

Here's my question, the socket connection/data acquisition method is run inside this new thread and sets the properties of the object when it's done. So, why do I get an illegal cross-thread exception on my Windows form, now, when I try to update the textboxes? It seems to me that the instance of the monitor class is running in the same thread as the Windows form. I only employ a separate thread when I want to run the socket connection/data acquisition method. Is my understanding flawed? I can display the updated property values in message boxes that are called from the Windows form. I just can't manipulate the textboxes.

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Validate Two Textboxes At Single Button Click Using Program?

Nov 22, 2010

How to validate two textboxes at single button click using ?[code]...

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.net - Variable 'cl' Is Passed By Reference Before It Has Been Assigned A Value For DataView Variable?

Feb 1, 2012

I have the following code passing a dataView variable to a function and I am getting the following warning:"Variable 'cl' is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime."

Function Editclass()
Dim cl As DataView
Bindclass (SqlConnection2, cl)


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