Converting .xls To .xlsx In .net?

May 22, 2012

im having an issue with some files we created in the older versions of excell coming in with the controls in the file having upside down text. i found a fix involving converting the file to a .zip and then deleting some "flip:y" instances but i have thousands of files so i need to automate it. im looking for a way to convert the .xls file to the compatable .xlsx version without using Excel.

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IE6 Opening XLSX File As An XLS?

Jul 14, 2010

My application generates XLSX files based on a users requirements.

After the XLSX file is generated the user is redirected to where the file is saved using Response.Redirect...


When the user then opens the file... they recieve this message.

The file you are trying to open, 'filename.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?

As a temporary fix I've instructed my users to press "Yes" when they receive this message and the file opens perfectly fine.

Does anyone have any ideas why IE6 is trying to open an XLSX file as an XLS?

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IMPORT .xls - Xlsx To Datagridview

Dec 29, 2009

i try to import data from EXCEL to DATAGRIDVIEW. Consider in EXCEL i have data;


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Settings - FTP An .xlsx File

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to FTP an .xlsx file. I have to code uploading the file, but it is uploading it in a zip folder. how I can fix this? Is it a setting I am seeting with my code, or is it a setting the the FTP page itself? The code shown below is the code i am using to FTP the file. It was posted to my other thread by bdbodger.


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Code To Convert Xlsx To Csv Using Vbscript?

Apr 15, 2012

give me a code to convert xlsx file to csv using vb code?

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Excel - Traversing An Xls / Xlsx File?

Jun 12, 2009

Is there a simple way in to load an excel file and read it? perhaps there is a way to load the file but have it not be visible to the user?

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Read Excel XLSX Through DotNET?

Nov 22, 2011

how to Read Excel XLSX through DotNET?

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Unable To Import Xlsx File In Asp Net

Jan 17, 2011

I am unable to import xlsx file in Asp .Net getting below error:-

Could not find installable ISAM.

I am using below code for importing xlsx file[cod]e...

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Connection String To Read .xls & .xlsx Files

Jun 9, 2011

I would like to get the connection string for both 2003 excel (*.xls) and 2007 excel (*.xlsx). I want to read both files depends upon the selection.

When I was using this code

Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & a_sFilepath & ";Extended Properties= Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;")

I get an oleDB exception "Could not find installable ISAM" and also I would like to know wheather we can use same connection string for both .XLS and *.XLSX

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Connection String To Read .xls & .xlsx Files?

Jun 5, 2011

I would like to get the connection string for both 2003 excel (*.xls) and 2007 excel (*.xlsx). I want to read both files depends upon the selection.

When I was using this code Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & a_sFilepath & ";Extended Properties= Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;")

I get an oleDB exception "Could not find installable ISAM" and also I would like to know wheather we can use same connection string for both .XLS and *.XLSX

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Import Data From XLS,XLSX,CSV,XML Excel File To .NET?

Jul 5, 2010

How do i this?Import data from XLS,XLSX,CSV,XML excel file to .NET?

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Super Fast Export From Datagridview1 To Csv/xlsx/xls?

Feb 26, 2010

I've tried absolutely everything and i've searched for a while on here too datagridview1 object on my form however it has appro 130,000 records and i need to export them to the following .. csv / xls / xlsxI've tried several pieces of code and searched for at least a day trying to find something suitable and quick enough to export all records.

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VS 2010 - Conversion From MDB Files In Folder To XLS / XLSX

Apr 11, 2012

I am working on a project where I want to convert all the mdb files in a folder to xls files in C# or VB. Here user will select folder and then all the mdb files in that folder should get converted to excel files having same name. Also mdb file can contain many no. of tables and and I want each table in mdb file must be converted to different sheet having same name as that of table.

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.net - Opening XLSX File Via OleDb Works In WinForms But Not Always Via ASP.Net?

Apr 18, 2012

I've built a simple library to import data from XLS/XLSX files. The code runs perfectly in my WinForms app but occasionally throws exceptions when I run it from ASP.Net. The "occasional" part seems to based on file size. My test file is about 16,000 rows and 18 columns totaling about 4MB as an XLSX file. If I drop rows (down to about 12,000) it works or if I drop columns (down to about 12) it works or certain combinations of these (14,000x14, etc) it works. This leads me to believe that I'm possibly running into a memory constraint somewhere. Below is the distilled code that's not working:

Dim dsn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=""c: est.xlsx"";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0"
Using Con As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(dsn)
Con.Open()'Exception thrown here
End Using

The exception that I'm getting is:External table is not in the expected format Searches for this all talk about getting the DSN correct and since it works on the desktop I know I've got that right.My test machine is a Windows 7 64-bit with the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable - 32 bit installed. (My machine has Office 2010 32 bit installed which is why I have the 32-bit ADE installed, it won't let you install 64-bit.) I've set my IIS app pool to allow 32-bit applications which I needed to get ADE to work in the first place. I'm running the v4 Framework and as far as I know my IIS settings are pretty much standard.Like I said, the code works every time when I run it through a WinForms app but occasionally fails through on the same machine.

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Access Excel Worksheet Pre Defined With Name Books.xlsx Through .net?

May 6, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to access excel worksheet pre defined with name Books.xlsx through i have taken a form with one command button i wrote below code in that:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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Open An Existing Excel (.xlsx) Spreadsheet Into MemoryStream?

Apr 23, 2010

I want to know how to open an existing Excel Spreadsheet into a MemoryStream to that I can write to the Response object.

Dim ms As MemoryStream = CreateBasicWorkbook(True)
Dim FileName = "\Ihe-webprod1tvinjurytrackingdocuments$ExcelSpreadsheetsHours.xlsx"

I need the code to get File the xlsx file to a memory string



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Code To Convert .doc To .xlsx - Underlined Words Aren't Declared

Feb 10, 2012

Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Partial Public Class _Default


I am getting error in the sheets and iffset liness.. it says

Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)Offset(1, 1).End(xlToLeft).PasteSpecial(xlPasteValues), underlined words aren't declared

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Function Be Used To Open A Particular Worksheet Called Report1 In The Report.xlsx File

Dec 15, 2011

I have used the Process.start function to open an Excel file as shown in the code

Process.Start("report.xlsx") and it works perfectly well.

My question is can this function be used to open a particular worksheet called Report1 in the report.xlsx file. If so what would the code be.I have spent many hours trying to research this topic but without success.

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Import Xlsx File Into Using TransferSpreadsheet When Path Is Constant But Filename Is Variable

Oct 1, 2009

I use the followoing code to import an xlsx file into an Access 2007 table. It works fine when I enter the exact file name.However, part of the file name is a date which will change every week.The file location does not change,just the date in the file name.[code]I've tried using a wildcard but I get a Run-time error 3011.Db engine could not find the object. Make sure the object exists.

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Make A Zipped Copy Of A Spreadsheet Create In Xlsx Format In Access2007?

Nov 8, 2010

I need to make a zipped copy of a spreadsheet I create in xlsx format in Access2007. This needs to follow the creation of the spreadsheet as the path and file name are also created programmatically.

My code at present is:


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Converting File Into Bytes And Then Converting Those Files Back Into Its Original Form?

Aug 22, 2011

my goal is to

1.Take an file(exe,dll,etc)

2.Convert it into hex that hex values in a stack

4.Execute the values inside the stack to its original form(i.e. take the elements out of stack and then convert it to a compile format)

Imports System.IO
Sub Main()
Dim fileName As String = "ABC.exe"


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Access Excel Worksheet Pre Defined With Name Books.xlsx - Exception From HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

May 6, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to access excel worksheet pre defined with name Books.xlsx through i have taken a form with one command button i wrote below code in that:


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Error - Microsoft Office Excel Cannot Access The File 'D:OfficeStationaryV0.2ReportTMPReportItem.xlsx'

May 19, 2011

I used Visual Studio 2005. It works well when testing, but when I publish it got error: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'D:OfficeStationaryV0.2ReportTMPReportItem.xlsx'. There are several possible reasons: - The file name or path does not exist. - The file is being used by another program. - The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.

my following code is:

Dim ExcelApp
As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook
As Excel.Workbook


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ADO.NET 3.5: Write DataSet / Table To Excel 2007 .xlsx Spreadsheet (ping Paul Clement)

Sep 19, 2011

I am attempting to write the entire contents of an ADO.NET DataSet to an Excel 2007 spreadsheet and, while having partial success, I am unable to dump the contents of the DataSet into the .xlsx file. "Partial success" meaning that I can generate the spreadsheet(s) ok, but cannot get the DataAdapter.Update to work.


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X86 App On Machine With Office X64 Installed Read Xls, Xlsx, Mdb And Accdb Files Using System.Data.OleDb?

Apr 19, 2012

Question: How do I programmatically determine which provider to use (Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 vs Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0) when my app runs as a 32-bit process on a machine with Office x64 installed?

I'm developing a WinForms app in VS 2010 and targeting both x86 and x64.The app processes data from xls, xlsx, mdb and accdb files using System.Data.OleDb:Dim oConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=...")

The x64 version of the program works as expected. The x86 version works as expected on a system with Office x86.When I run the x86 version on a machine with Office 2010 x64, I get the following exception when trying to open a connection:

The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.I believe this is because I'm running Office 2010 x64 so the x86 data access components are not installed.I can get it to work for Office 2003 files (*.mdb and *.xls) by changing the provider to Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0.

How do I figure out which provider to use when running as a 32-bit process on a machine with Office x64 installed?Ideally, I'd like a function:If ProviderIsAvailableFor("Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0") Then

Else If ProviderIsAvailableFor("Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0") Then

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Display Excel Data With The .xlsx Exstension In Windows Application Using Data Grid View?

Sep 28, 2011

I have an excel file that I would like to load into my form and display there.

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Visual Studio 2010 Exporting To Office 2010 Xlsx?

Feb 14, 2011

I need to write from VS 2010 dataset into a newly created xlsx file.

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Import Xlsx Data Into Data Grid View?

Sep 28, 2011

I just started using Visual Basic and Visual studio and I was wondering how can I import .xlsx data into the data grid view.

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Reading ".xlsx" Files From A Web Browser?

May 11, 2012

I am uploading ".xlsx" files to one of my web page in a calendar. While reading the file i am getting a message "Excel found unreadable content in 'test.xlsx' Do you want to recover the contents of the workbook? If i say YES then the content is loading properly. How to avoid this message while opening the xlsx files. I am able to open xls files normally

If objDBReader.Read Then
If objDBReader("UploadFileType") = "doc" Then
Response.ContentType = "application/msword"


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Reading ".xlsx" Files From Web Browser

May 17, 2012

I am uploading ".xlsx" files to one of my web page in a calendar. While reading the file i am getting a message "Excel found unreadable content in 'test.xlsx' Do you want to recover the contents of the workbook? If i say YES then the content is loading properly. How to avoid this message while opening the xlsx files. I am able to open xls files normally.

Here is my code.

If objDBReader.Read Then

If objDBReader("UploadFileType") = "doc" Then
Response.ContentType = "application/msword"


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