Cos Coming Up With NaN?

Jun 4, 2009

BeforeInverse= ((2nd.Text ^2 + 3rd.Text ^ 2 - 1st.Text ^ 2) / (2 * 2nd.Text * 3rd.Text))
Calculation.Text = Math.Acos(BeforeInverse/ Math.PI * 180)

The above is using the cosine formula which has been rearranged to solve for the angle. When i calculate, it comes up with NaN and i'm not dividing by 0. What does NaN mean and is there an error with the above code?

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ADVERTISEMENT - .net An Error Is Coming

Apr 6, 2010

Compiler Error Message: ASPNET: Make sure that the class defined in this code file matches the 'inherits' attribute, and that it extends the correct base class (e.g. Page or UserControl).

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C# - Why Assembly Namespace Coming Twice

Sep 6, 2010

I am calling my business layer project in Web Project. I added refress business layer project to Web. When I call class in BL project, I need to write twice this namespace. I dont know why it is coming.


I suppose to call


In my BL project I defined all classes namespace is MyCompanyName.HRHead.DataLayer?

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Decrypt A Files That Is Coming As Pgp?

Jan 29, 2009

I would like to decrypt a files that sis coming to me as pgp, is there anyway of doing this. without the pgp command or any other third party dll. or I rememeber A long time ago there was a .dll called NSDpgp3.dll but it only works with vb6 ( sdpgp3 was free)

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Intellisense That Are Are Coming Out Are 'created'?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to create a view but when i'm typing CREATE the only intellisense that are are coming out are 'created', 'createobject', and 'createparams'

when i try to type 'create' only.. there is a wiggly line on that word..

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Keep The Result Keep Coming Even After Did It After The First Time?

Sep 18, 2011

See the result just stops at the first one, I want to try and overflow it so then it can do other commands as well. By the way, here is my code. Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim var As String


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.net - MsgBox Is Coming Below The Splash Screen?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a splash screen set using the Application Framework. In my main form, I check for some conditions in Load() event of the MainForm and display a MsgBox if some of them fails.

But the problem is, the MsgBox comes below the Splash Screen.

View 2 Replies Difference Of 2 Dates Coming Out Wrong

Feb 7, 2011

I am changing the row color of my gridview based on how many days the task is from today. But it is not working date1 is todays date and date2 is the due date of the task.also when i sort i click on the column headers to sort, the rows change colors..[code]

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Cancel All The Other Sound Which Is Coming Out Other Than The Voice?

Mar 30, 2010

Problem I'm facing now is when the call is going, there is alot of noise coming out form the speakers. I want to cancel all the other sound which is coming out other than the voice. I want to cancel echo.How can I do that?

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Coming When Control Is Trying To Added Into The Page?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using 3.5, An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Additional information: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))

This exception is coming when control is trying to added into the page i.e Me.Controls.Add(CntrlName). I have registered.Then also i am getting error.Please help me.Its urgent.

View 4 Replies

Detect The Frequency Of Audio Coming?

Mar 25, 2009

I am looking to be able to do life frequency detection in I must say I don't really know where to begin here. I have looked into, but that seems to only work with pre-recorded audio. I need to be able to detect the frequency of audio coming in over the line in or mic input in near real-time.

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Domestic And International Figures Keep Coming Out To Zero

Nov 24, 2011

Does anyone know why the domestic figure is showing up in both the domestic and international textbox? And why the totals of the domestic and international figures keep coming out to zero? [Code]

View 4 Replies

Error Coming Up Almost Everytime Run Application From VS

Dec 20, 2011

see the pic. and advise why this error is coming up and how to fix it.

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Forms :: Coming From A VB6 And C In Micro Controllers?

Oct 4, 2010

I know it will sound like a dull question, but, coming from a VB6 and C in micro controllers it might be quite reasonable:


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IDE :: Installer Class Is Not Coming In Project?

Sep 20, 2011

OS: windows xp sp 2 visual studio IDE: VS 2008

I have found this link for creating custom Install of setup in vb .net[URL]...To create the custom action

On the File menu, click New Project.In the New Project dialog box, select Visual Basic Projects in the Project Types pane, and then click Class Library in the Templates pane. In the Name box, type OpenWeb.

The project is added to Solution Explorer.

On the Project menu, click Add Class, and then in the Add New Item dialog box, select Installer Class.Accept the default name of Installer1.vb. Click Add.Switch to code view by clicking click here to switch to code view on the design surface (or by right-clicking the design surface and clicking
View Code). In the Code Editor, add the following code (which opens a Web browser) to Installer1.vb, under the constructor:

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Measuring Volume Coming Out Of Application

Feb 7, 2010

How would I get it so every time a timer ticks it measures the ammount of sound coming out of the application and puts it into a progress bar? it's any help I'm using an "axprogressbar" set to go vertical.

View 6 Replies

Add Record In My Database When It Is Coming From A Checklist Box Control?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm having trouble on how to code this. First I need to assign a value for every item in the list (1 for the first item, 2 for the 2nd and so on). Does this control have a separate field for the value aside from text?

Second, I need to insert this into my database(MSSQL 2008) in this format:

insert into table values(ID,selectedvaluegoeshere)

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Auto Email Coming From Person That Entered?

Aug 26, 2009

how to code the "from" portion when an email via I could easily do "mm.From="...but for this project it needs to be sent automatically depending on which user is entering the information. So I have lets say a group of 10 users, anytime a specific user sends in an update on a project form, the email is sent to the manager from the person who it's been updated from. Any suggestion? They all have specific ID's. How would I code it to where I could get the program to find them by their ID and then get their email address from their ID?

Protected Sub SendEmail()
Dim ToAddress As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("AstMgr").ToString()
Dim mm As New Net.Mail.MailMessage("", ToAddress)


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Browser Keeps Going Backwards Like 8 Pages And Then Coming Forward?

Mar 12, 2011

My WebBrowser1 keeps going backwards like 8 pages and then coming forward, I don't get it.


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CheckBoxList.Selected Keeps Coming Back With False Value

Jun 13, 2012

I have a CheckBoxList on my page that isn't behaving very well.The idea is that once the submit button on the form is clicked, the app should clear the database table of all rows pertaining to the specific user and then re-insert new ones based on the user's CheckBoxList selections.The problem is that regardless of whether or not any (or all) items in the CheckBoxList are selected, the app keeps getting Selected = False.[code]I'm aware of the potential for SQL Injection here. I'll be going over to using Parameters as soon as I have the loop working.

View 3 Replies

Error Coming Up Retrieving Messages From Outlook

Apr 22, 2010

I keep having this error coming up. Im retrieving messages from outlook. But it bring up this error.

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Export A Data Coming From Listview To Excel?

Jun 6, 2011

i manage to export a data coming from listview to excel here is my code

' Open output file
Dim os As New StreamWriter(filename)


how to set the size of the cell in excel? i mean how to change the width?

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ListView - How To Do Check On Date (Coming Up Birthdays)

Jan 9, 2010

I am new to <acronym title="Visual Basic">vb</acronym>.net but i have been writing my first Application. The application is a customer database. I have a contacts form and in one of the fields the user puter their date of birth. Alk data is writen to a SQL database. I also have a listview on the right when the application lauches. I want this listview to show birthdays that are coming up in say the next 30days. This is so the user can send a card/ present.

Here is my SQL Update
"update Contacts set contactname='" & tbName.Text & "', PostalAddress='" & tbAddress.Text & "', PhoneNumber='" & tbPhone.Text & "',MobileNumber='" & tbMobile.Text & "', Email='" & tbEmail.Text & "',DateOfBirth='" & Format(dtpDOB.Value, "dd MMM yyyy") & "' where contactID ='" & localContactID & "'"

Then my listview has the select
"SELECT ContactName, DateOFBirth, ContactID FROM Contacts"
I did try
Dim todaysdate As DateTime
todaysdate = Date.Now.AddDays(+30).ToString("dd MMM yyyy")
But it is looking at the YYYY and for it to show evey year the YYYY has to be ignored.

View 14 Replies

Make A Window Change Instead Of A Whole New Form Coming Up?

Jan 28, 2011

make a window change instead of a whole new form coming up(EX: when I press the next button, the layout of the page changes, but no extra forms)Well, If it is not worth it, it is not fun - you say programmers are boring but i say they are worth it.

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Select All Characters After A $ When The String Coming In Is Always A Different Length

Jan 8, 2011

The following string could be: dsafk$asdlfdl or odldl$ldlkfjdsljfdslkjfdslkjf I need to do the following. Select everything to the rigt of the dollar sign, move it to the left of the dollar sign, and then put a second string that is coming into this function to the right of the dollar sign where the old string was.

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Serial Data Coming Cuts Off At 16 Characters

Mar 17, 2012

Using open source code and trying to modify to parse data out into 6 different text boxes. Sample string expected in looks like this, "01+11111 02+22222 03+33333 04+44444 05+55555 06+66666" Main receive box shows all of it but when I try to work with it the data cuts off at 16 characters. I've tried many ideas without luck. Some of my code will show this. [code]...

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VS 2005 - System.DateTime - No Date Coming Through

Jan 24, 2011

Weird problem that just started, I am using an OleDbCommnad to create a dataadapter then fill a table everything from a .csv file, works fine except no dates are coming over? I added a datagrid view to my project just to see and any column that should have a date value is empty. I confirmed that the column is of System.DateTime value so I am at a complete loss?

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VS 2010 - Results Coming Out Numbers Reversed

Feb 28, 2012

I've created a program that allows a user to input numbers and then outputs the highest and lowest number when the user is done (the user indicates this by using a sentinel value of -99). My only problem is that it keeps putting out the numbers reversed (largest as smallest and vice versa).

The code is below.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Declare Variables
Dim number, smallestNumber, largestNumber As Integer
'Get numbers from user
[Code] .....

Is it a no-no to have a module within a module like I do there? So far there is no mention of such in the book but I can't find an example of it happening yet either? The instructor wants modules to perform the input and return of information and the only way I could figure out it doing both of those things (rather than using the main module for user input) was to call the module that figures hi/lo within the module that asks for the numbers. I'm really unsure on this part.

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Capture The Actual Traffic Coming From The Firewall On The Network

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to write a program that captures log information from my Cisco 5510 firewall. I have a service working where it will perodically write text to a file. What I need now though is how to capture the actual traffic coming from the firewall on the network. It uses UDP port 514 to send it. I need to know how can vb capture that traffic and write it to the log file. I am a beginner to so please be patient with me if it seems like I am asking too many simple questions.

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Create A Graph For Amount Of Data Coming Per Second In Computer From LAN?

Jun 17, 2009

how to create graph using .actually i have to creat a graph for amount of data coming per second in my computer from my LAN ?

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