Count The Numbers Thats Less Then Avg In A Listbox?

Apr 22, 2012

i have already calculated the avg of the values in the listbox, and now i have to count all the values thats less then avg (in a function), anyone that knows how to do that? help please. i looked at google to try and get a clue but could not find anything.

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Allow A User To Enter Some Number (n) And A Choice Of A Count Up Or Count Down For That Many Numbers

Dec 10, 2010

designing a Windows based computer program that will allow a user to enter some number (n) and a choice of a count up or count down for that many numbers. So for example, the user enters 5 as their number and selects the count down option, the message box displayed would contain the message: "Here are your numbers: 5,4,3,2,1,0"

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Sum Numbers In Listbox - Add All Numbers Together And Display The Result In A Label

Jan 10, 2010

I'm using VB08. I've populated a listbox with numbers and I want to add all those numbers together and display the result in a Label. I've heard about using parse but I don't understand exactly how it works.

This is the code that I have that i think should work.

Dim lblTotal As Decimal
Dim sum As Double
For Each decAdded As Decimal In Me.lstRunningTotal.Items
sum += Double.Parse(decAdded)
lblTotal = FormatCurrency(sum)

When I run it, nothing happens. My "For Each" statement I'm not sure if it's doing what I think it's doing. I can't believe I spent 6 hours banging my head against the wall but I finally got it figured out.

This is my revised code:

Dim sum As Decimal
For Each decAdded As Decimal In Me.lstRunningTotal.Items
sum += Decimal.Parse(decAdded)
lbl_Total.Text = sum

Just some suttle changes made the difference

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How To Count Numbers

Mar 15, 2012

I don't have idea how to resolve problem from the picture:


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Count And Add All Numbers That Are Divisible By 2,3?

Apr 13, 2011

i need to count and add all numbers that are divisible by 2,3 and 5 inclusively ( the answer is 30, 60, 90 sum is 180). I tried running a loop and a true false isnumber. what am i doing wrong? all i have is two textboxes and a button Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Display Grades In A ListBox Based On Numbers From Another Listbox?

Jun 23, 2012

I enter Names and scores from a text box. Once i press "show me the array" my listbox gets populated with the names and scores. [code]...

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Loop To Count And Accumulate Numbers Does Not Work?

Mar 23, 2011

My loop that needs to count and accumulate the numbers from a list box does not work. When I debug it reads the first line of the Do While loop then jumps to the code where it would average the numbers. Here is my code:

'calculate average
'get first item in list box
lstListBox.SelectedIndex = 0


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VS 2008 Count A Large Amount Numbers In Short Time?

Nov 23, 2010

I need to count a large amount numbers in short time.As a result the CPU jumps to 40-60% on 4-core PC.Which is extremely high.I have any idea that will lock up the thread for some time, but not actually slow or reduce the amount of files that are allowed to be counted per a giving time period.

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Count Digits To Listbox?

Sep 2, 2010



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Count How Many Days In A Listbox?

May 16, 2011

Basically i have a textfile that is loaded into a i have to count the number of days in the listbox..


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Count Number In Listbox?

May 23, 2010

I have two listbox.listbox4 have a number from 0 to 10.i want to count that number and put into listbox5oid to count item 1 - 10 in listbox4.start count from item 11.



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VS 2008 Listbox Count

Apr 19, 2010

I have an array with strings in it such as Car, Boat, Plane..[code]How can I count and group them so I have

-CarCount = 4
-BoatCount = 1
-PlaneCount = 1

View 8 Replies

Forms :: Count Limit In Listbox?

May 6, 2010

basic question which i cant figure out is i have a listbox and i total up all the values in it and send it to a text box. but in the listbox i cant have more than 10 items in it i at the moment have a message box telling me how many items i have in the listbox which is simply MsgBox(ListBox2.Items.Count()) when the 10th item is entered i need it to not allow me to enter anymore so i know it needs to go 0-9 but not sure how to implement it.

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How To Do A Count Of Number Of Thing In ListBox

May 6, 2009

Imagine i have a listview1 and inside i populate 6 item how to write a code to count ?than a (" you have 6 files ")

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VS 2008 : Count The # Of Items Containing (U) In A Listbox?

May 23, 2010

in a list box which is populated by the end user using this code

Dim lb1s As String = Form1.Folder.SelectedPath
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(lb1s)
Dim mydirInfoArray As IO.DirectoryInfo() = di.GetDirectories


I have 3 text boxes i want to display the number of items in the list box which contain certain words,So for example in textbox1 i want it to display the total number of items in the list box which contain "(U) or [u] or [ntsc-u]" etc, this will be triggered via page load or a button which ever works best.

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Line Count (File Qty) From Listbox Items?

Jun 4, 2012

Here is the current code I am using to add files and check the number of lines in each file that was selected (file qty). This is also added into a seperate listbox for viewing.

Dim selectedItems = (From i In ListBox2.Items).ToArray()
For Each selectedItem In selectedItems


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Listbox Items Count Check Failing

Feb 21, 2009

I don't know what is wrong with this code, but it is not detecting when there are no items in the listbox. It ALWAYS returns that there is something in the listbox, even when there is not and keeps erroring on the line of code in BOLD.[code]

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Bound ListBox Item Count Changed Event

Feb 22, 2011

I'm using a textbox to supply a filter for the datasouce which is bound to a listbox. It works (mostly) with a few exceptions, one being i was to restrict the height of the listbox to the number of entries (upto a maximum number), so a bit like a combobox (which in effect is what I'm writing). One of the problems is when the number of entries changes there does not seem to be an event raised, although the OnDrawItem is called for the items to be displayed (the displayed ones!) Is there anyway to find out (in a derived listbox) when the number of entries has changed in the datasource?

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IDE :: IntelliSense Shows () After Count Property For ListBox.Items?

Apr 21, 2009

I am a student in a Visual Basic class. We were working on a project using the Count property of the ListBox. I'm using Visual Studio Professional Edition 2008. When I enter a line in the editor that looks something like this: If lstResults.Items.Co

IntelliSense will generate a little balloon that says 'Public ReadOnly Property Count() I saw the () after Count and thought that meant that was the proper way to code it. So that is what I did. The code seems to work with ...Count() or just ...Count. I was wondering if there is some reason why the parens show up after the description of the Property in IntelliSense.

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Count The Number Of Times A Button Is Pressed While An Item Is Selected From A ListBox?

Feb 8, 2012

The List Box has three candidates and a record Button. Every time the record button is hit I need it to add those button clicks for each candidate that is selected in the List Box. My code keeps counting all the clicks no matter which candidate I am selecting in the List Box. How can I differentiate between each selected item in the List Box. Here is an image of how the application should look: [URL] Public Class Form1


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Read Text File And Display In Listbox And Also Count Number Of Line In It?

Aug 25, 2009

When the user clicks the Process Files button, do the following:

Read and process the contents of each of the 6 files.

Each file contains data in a different format.

and display them in arrylist. In the list it should contain name of the file and number of person in the text file example below.[code]...

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Visual Studio 2010 - Count Listbox Items While Running A For Each Loopt?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a list of links and need to check some data in it.

i placed all the list in a listbox and each item is verified for some result

now i want to see how many items are processed and how many are still need to process

Example: in a label it must display total count of items and items completed and it must change once a item is finished.

over view of my code is:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
For Each item In ListBox2.Items


Once an item is finished label must change the count.

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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Add Random Numbers To Listbox?

Jul 19, 2011

i need to add random numbers in list box like


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Averaging A Set Of Numbers From A ListBox?

Jul 1, 2012

I've recently made a thread about this, but now my case is different.I enter a name into a text box as well as a score from a test into a seperate text box.I then click 'add to array' and it store is awayafter ive eneted my desired amount of scores i then press "view arrays" and a parallel array is shown with 2 listbox's. one containing names and the other scores.I then press "Average" button and the scores are then averaged.Heres my code for it all:

Public Class frmCreateArray
Dim Names(22) As String
Dim NamesCount, ListCount As Integer


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Even Numbers Listbox Display?

Dec 1, 2010

The program must display numbers 0 to the highest number entered into one of the textboxes which are even division of bigger number by smallest number.The program isn't quiet done, but I have the rest of it figured out.The problem is that for some reason the program won't change the label status text and display numbers in the listbox if number1 is negative and number2 is positive. But if number2 is -10 and number2 is 3 it works. Also it ignores any other If statements I made.

Public Class Form1
Dim number1, number2 As Integer
Private Sub btnExecute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExecute.Click
If (Not (IsNumeric(txtFirst.Text))) Or (Not (IsNumeric(txtSecond.Text))) Or (txtFirst.Text = Nothing) Or (txtSecond.Text = Nothing) Then


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ListBox Same Numbers And Position?

Jul 21, 2010

I have more then 100 listbox on my Form what I need ...when push the button the Label1 show which one the listboxs same numbers and position bellow I try to illustrate


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Sorting Numbers In ListBox?

Sep 26, 2003

I used a ListBox control, and I assifned to it a list of random numbers, then I sorted the ListBox by usign ListBox1.Sort = True BUT the sorting operation is NOT right! Example of Random numbers: 1,5,7,11,12,4 After sorting: 1,11,12,4,5,7 Whixh is not right, How to make it: 1,4,5,7,11,12 Q: How to make a ListBox deal with numbers as numbers NOT as text!?

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Add Numbers That Are In A Listbox And Display Them In A Textbox?

Jun 2, 2011

when i click a button , an inputbox should come up taking say 10 numbersthen is it possible to add the numbers that are input into this inputbox and display it into a textbox or msgbox
oafter inputting the numbers they will be stored in a listbox and then they will be added together and displayed in a textbox or msgbox

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Add Total Of Numbers Inside A Particular Listbox

Oct 24, 2010

i need some help i want to add the total of the numbers inside a particular Listbox and the total should be in in Label form Like (Label1.text = "Total").

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