Create And Edit Corel Draw File?

Jul 22, 2009

Create And Edit Corel Draw File

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Make A Simple Image Editor Were You Can Draw And Edit Images

May 27, 2011

Is it possible to make a simple Image Editor were you can draw and edit images in If so how would you do that? (Its would also have to compile the image as well into an image format)

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Create And Edit Pdf Files?

Dec 31, 2010

How to create and edit PDF files in

this can be some library or third party non-commercial tool (free to distribute) that can be included to setup package and should work when installed to any compatible PC with pdf reader. I want to be able to draw lines circles etc. within the document... or maybe draw within image and then print to pdf.

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How To Create An 'edit Menu'

Dec 9, 2011

How do I create an 'edit Menu'? I am trying to delete bookmarks. I have learned that to do so I must put an edit menu symbol on the tool bar and then do an "edit menu / bookmarks / toggle, clear, add, ..." but I can't find an edit menu on the tool bar and have been unsuccessful trying to create one.

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Create / Edit / Delete From SqlExpress?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm setting up a home database. I'm using sqlexpress. I want to use a programme to manage the database and currently added the database to my data sources. How would I create data for the tables? ( Tables are already set up )


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Create Macro To Edit Registry?

Mar 25, 2010

Oasically outlook express now uses windows search to keep a count of emails sent. Whenever you get to 100 it forces you to manually compact them.

There is however a counter in the windows registry which can simply be set back to zero. I was wondering if i could create a macro that would load on windows startup that would reset the counter automatically in the registry whenever it got past say 75.

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Create / Edit A Resource Once Application Is Compiled?

Nov 30, 2009

How can i make it so when my application has been compiled, a user can press a button, and then save a file within the exe its self (thus, a resource). Or text in a text document (not a setting, because when the exe changes places on a user computer, it will loose its settings. The main need for this is so that the exe can change locations / computers, but still retain the origional data (or text) stored in it.

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How To Create/edit Datatables, Save/load To XML

Oct 14, 2010

while this is first time I need to use some kind of database and I think that database is the way to go here while...

I need 'datatable's' that will be filled by user run time in a next way:
-Folder (fixed)
---User 1


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VS 2010 - Draw Two Sets Of Dots Using HatchBrushes To Create VS2010-like Interface

Aug 13, 2010

This is a followup to this thread, where I'm trying to draw two sets of dots using HatchBrushes to create VS2010-like interface. If you take a look at the zoomed image of the IDE background (blue with dark and light blue dots): that is what I'm trying to draw using GDI+. In the previous thread ForumAccount find the correct HashStyle to use (Percent20), but there is a problem: I need to draw two sets of these hatchstyles: once with a slightly darker color and once with a slightly lighter color, at an offset of one pixel downwards.


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Cant Create Or Edit Projects Code Parsing Error?

Oct 23, 2010

The file 'C:Documents and SettingsMirkoMy DocumentsVisual Studio2008ProjectsWindowsApplication1WindowsApplication1Form1.vb' does not support code parsing or generation because it is not contained within a project that supports code.

Instances of this error (1)
1. Hide Call Stack


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Create Console Apps Like The Edit App In CMD With Visual Basic Or C#?

Feb 26, 2009

Im still working on my scheduling program and Im thinking of how to get it where it dont add my agent until they actually leave for lunch and not just t the time they are "supposed" to. So sine my program sends emails Ive been thinking of making it where the agent replies with #lunch sh250080 and then when my program receives it it adds them to the lunch list.

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DB/Reporting :: Display / Edit And Create Insurance Records

Mar 14, 2008

I'm using Visual Basic 2005 and I have created a program to display, edit, and create insurance records. Right now I am using an access database and it is hosted locally. What I want to be able to do is host it on our server here at our office and have the program installed on every computer on the network.

My connection string at the moment looks like this:
Public con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:Insurance ProgramInsurances.mdb"
'Opens connection

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Create An Add/edit/delete Master Detail Form Using Sql Server?

Jun 25, 2009

I was using access but I want to upgrade as access doesn't handle bulk inserts well. I end up with orphan child records at times.

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Create Button That Opens Form To Read / Edit App.config

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to build a form that has a button on it that will open up a 2nd form that allows me to view and edit the connection string. I believe the connection string is also called app.config, and can see that in the Solution Explorer for the project.All I have managed to do is drag a button onto my main form and relabel it. I have no idea how to create code to access the connection string.

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Create, Delete, Edit Files And Folders On A Remote Web Address?

May 31, 2009

i'm developing a program that must be able to create, delete and edit files or folders on a remote web address such as [URL]

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File I/O And Registry :: Show The Content Of The Dnsredir.ini File On The Forms And Able To Edit It?

Dec 17, 2008

What i am trying to do now is to show the content of the dnsredir.ini file on the forms and able to edit it.

The dnsredir.ini file file looks like this

;Configuration INI file for DNS Redirector v6.4.7


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Create Usercontrols In Txtbox / Button,namelist Edit Grid And User Form

Apr 20, 2009

i create usercontrols in txtbox,button,namelist edit grid and userform. all contrils working properly. but user form not working. how to use this userform.

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Get DataGridView To Draw The Way A Professional Control Should Draw?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the DataGridView to perform the way it should perform. I'm new to the .NET environment, but I learn fairly quickly. However, I find it difficult to decipher themassive black box of the DataGridView control enough to make it do anything other than what it already does--Draw very slowly.

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Edit App.config File - Get File Path?

Dec 6, 2011

I have existing file named myapp.exe.config . What I would like to do is have a little app where user could specify path to app database. I know how to get file path but I dont know how to change existing line in myapp.exe.config file. No changes during runtime. Just simple app to change string in app.config file. I would like to enable user to select path to database and store that path in app.config file. Line which I would to change has a string "|DataDirectory|mydatabase.accdb" and i would like to change it with for ex. "C:Myappmydatabase.accdb" ( if it is selected file's path).


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Create A Database Administrator Form To Register, Remove, Edit User Accounts In Visual Basic 2010?

May 11, 2011

create admin form to register, Remove, Edit user accounts in the system connected to Microsoft SQL Server R2 2008 or access database ? any toturial videos or instructuions step by step ?

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Draw A Waveform Of A Wave File?

Aug 28, 2011

how to draw a waveform represenatation of a wave a wavefile and/or an MP3? Even better, can it be drawn in real-time while the file is playng?

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Draw Rectangles To Make A Map File?

Dec 11, 2009

I have an automated electrical tester, I want to create a type of map file so that way the user can select a subset of devices to test. So basically I want to create a type of grid that the user will be able to highlight specific rectangles in the grid so that way the tester knows to test only those specific locations. To start I want to create a 4X4 grid and each individual rectangle in the grid will contain some coordinate information. Does anyone have a tiny example of how I can draw a 4X4 grid, or any thoughts on the best way to do this? The real final map I will be making will have over 50K devices.

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Edit A .txt File?

Dec 12, 2009

i want to EDIT an existing .txt file, but i dont want remove the lines above the new lines, i wish do it, on visual basic. how can i do it?

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Edit A Xml File In Vb?

Apr 22, 2012

trying to edit an xml file in vb, i try-ed to find answer around but those did not worked as expected, what i'm trying to achieve is that for those transport_orders that have negative , replace the negative value with its positive.Keep in mind that the values is a number with 2 decimals and it's positive shouls remain in the same format.

Source xml looks like this:



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Edit Some Xml File?

Sep 17, 2009

I have a problem to edit some xml file.this my xml file[code]...

all i want to do is only add some tag and information like that.

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How To Edit A .cfg File

Apr 27, 2011

i have a file located in "c://nakahiru/config.cfg"inside the file at line number 13 there is a line call (bind "0" "slot10")i just want to replace that line with textboxt1.txt

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How To Edit A File In VB

Jun 1, 2009

I have a CPP file. I am using VB in VS2005. I have opened that file using the FileSystemObject. I am reading each and every line in that CPP file. I have to comment all the lines until I encounter a return statement. I am using the scripting.textstream to read a line from the CPP file. But I have no idea as to how we can add a // comment to the beginning of every line that I read or even a multiline comment from the beginning till a return statement.

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How To Edit It In .reg File

Jun 12, 2011

I need to edit registry in (2010) i know how to edit it in a .reg file but not in visual basic 2010 if it helps this is the code [code] on the system may be monitored. Any unauthorized use of the system may result in disciplinary action, civil or criminal penalties." [code]

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How To Edit The Xml File

Jul 19, 2009

I have the following code (which creates the XML file, and reads the XML):


how to edit the xml file? I have come up with that so far but don't know how to edit a item.

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How To Draw Simple Image And Save As GIF File

Nov 16, 2009

I need to create a function which accepts a single value of integer which specifies the width/height of the resulting image, which will only have a single black pixel in the upper left corner and the rest being transparent and saved as a gif file.

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