Create COM-object On Server In C#

Mar 5, 2012

I need to create a COM object on server.In VB you can do this: (tutorial)xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application", "\MyServer")But how to do same thing on C#?I know how to do it locally: var infsrv = new InfoServ.TInfoServerClass();But don't know how to do it on server..

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Event Handler Code Cause A Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object. Error (only Present On Live Server, Ok On Dev)?

Mar 4, 2010

Here is the code for the button click event;

Protected Sub CompetenciesButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CompetenciesButton.Click
Dim con As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("foo").ToString()


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Create A Global Object But Have The Events Within That Object Fire On A Separate Thread?

Oct 26, 2009

I have an object that is defined as a global variable based on custom class. Within that class I have an event that gets fired a certain intervals. These events are fired on the same thread as where the object is declared. How do I create a global object, but have the events within that object fire on a separate thread?

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Microsoft Activex Component Can't Create Object While Initializing An Object Of SoapClient30

Jan 12, 2011

I am trying to write an VBA application in Excel 2010 using "Microsoft Soap Toolkit 3.0" on 64 bit Windows 7 to consume an web service. But i got an error while initializing an object of SoapClient30.

Error message is :: Runtime error '429' :ActiveX component can't create object.

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Failure To Create Data Controls To Access Database Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

May 3, 2011

I was create Access database with Access 2003. I create VB project with Visual Studio 2005 Standard With connection wizzard I create coonect with this Access database, select all tablesI see this database inside Data sources and inside Server explorer Test connection is OK When I drag and drop table from Data sources, Wizzard don't create DataGridView, DataSourceBinding etc .. and I see popup window with mesage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object and then "game over"

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Constructor String - Create An Object And Use The Object To Display All Methods

Sep 21, 2009

Under component services, a COM+ component is used by the company, right-clicking it and choosing 'Activation' tab will show the 'constructor string' that is used for DB server connection by all applications. How can I access it the simplest way possible?


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Dynamically Create An Instance Of An Object When Passed The Name Of The Object As A String?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a class library that contains a number of classes. I would like to dynamically create an instance of one of these classes, set its properties, and call a method.


Public Interface IExample
Sub DoSomething()
End Interface
Public Class ExampleClass


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VS 2008 Create A Bitmap Object From A Graphics Object?

Jun 3, 2009

i have drawn on a object and now want to transfer the drawn stuff onto a bitmap object how can i do this?

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Create An Object From The Class - Use The Object To Interact With The SQL Db?

Apr 12, 2006

I am developing an IT Asset Tracking application using VB 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express edition. Will I need to create classes to represent objects such as Computers, Printers, Scanners/Faxes, Contracts, Purchase Orders etc or are there any other approaches.For example, if I am correct, I will have a class called Computer and its properties will include Make,Model,CPU,Hard Disk,Memory etc. Is this the right approach.

Computers can be split up into Desktop PC's, Servers and Notebooks. Would I have to create separate classes for these as well or would they be ok under the Computer class.Once I create an object from the class, how can I use the object to interact with the SQL db.I am a beginner to VB.NET 2005 therefore I am slowly getting to grips with OOP.

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VS 2008 Object Data - Create A Class And Create A Instance Of CarData?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to create a class is it where I can do...


How do I do this? Do i create a class and create a instance of CarData? but how do I add Color and Year etc to it?

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Create A Simple Chat Server Using An Echo Server

Jul 21, 2011

I am trying to create a simple chat server over vb that can relay messages back and forth using an echo server. Could someone point me in the correct direction to begin?

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Unable To Create New Smart Device Project Due To An "object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object"?

Feb 29, 2012

I am attempting to create a new mobile app using VB in visual studio 2008. I select "File" "New Project". Select "Smart Device" in new project window. Select the "Smart Device Project" from templates. Select ".NET Framework 3.5". Select "OK" and get the dreaded "object reference not set to an instance of an object"

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No Such Object On Server Error

May 10, 2012

I have an no such object is found on the following code i reposted from my earlier code because I decided to start a new thread instead of post to the old one again:

Dim results1 As SearchResult
AD = New DirectoryEntry(LDAP://,OU=Staff,DC=garrard,DC=ketsds,DC=net,"","", AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
AD2 = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP:// Resources,OU=Staff,DC=garrard,DC=ketsds,DC=net", "", "", AuthenticationTypes.Secure)


When running the code results1 = ADFind.FineOne returns no such object found on server from the above code Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - "Sherlock holmes" "speak softly and carry a big stick" - theodore roosevelt.

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Com Object Failing On Server.createobject?

Jun 12, 2006

I am having problems calling a Com object that I created under Visual Studio 2005 with Standard ASP I registered it using regasm.exe.Below is my code (VB) . have tried creating the object two ways.What am I doing wrong ?

Server.CreateObject("TestCom2.TestFunction") and
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed


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Passing User Object To Remote Server

Oct 9, 2011

I want to make a button like this:The first image is a normal button, but the second is a button with mouseEnter event fired. The bottom part of the button in the second image is not clickable and it acts like a tool tip. How can I make this kind of a button? Do I need to use a tool tip? Please give me some code examples.

EDIT:Here's F Ruffel's code which I modified:


Now the last problem is: the expanded part pushes all controls down, and that's what I don't want. Please modify this code to make the extended part overlay controls that are below it, just like in the image.

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Passing User Object To Remote Server?

Oct 7, 2010

My project uses .NET remoting. The client connects to the server hosted in IIS to do database operations.

We have a class library that is referenced both by the client and the server. This contains basic static (shared) functions used throughout the project. An example would be a function that takes a customer/invoice number and pads it with zeros/spaces to our desired format. This works fine. There is a copy of the dll with the client and on the server in the IIS virtual directory. Both the server and the client can call these functions and they work correctly.

Now, in that same class library, I've defined two things: an enumeration (enum) and a serializable class. If I try to call a function on the server from the client that passes/returns an instance of either the enumeration or the class, I get the following


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Retrieving Data From SQL Server Db Using RecordSet Object In VB

May 13, 2011

I am kinda new to VB, but have used C# to pull data from a SQL Server db using DataTables and Reader, etc, however I am at a loss as to how to accomplish this in VB.I have a variable, which the user specifies, that I wish to use as a parameter in a SQL string, much like the following: "SELECT x FROM y WHERE x = '@param'" The result will then be stored in a string variable and I wiill do what I have to do with it.


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Send Serialize Object From Client To Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to send an Arraylist over to my server to broadcast to all other clients but I am not sure after serializing it, how do I proceed to send across. [code]....

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Create Client-server App, In Which Client Can View Files On Server?

Nov 15, 2011

basically i just want client to say "C: emp" ENTER

then, server must reply with all its files in c: emp

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Read JSON Data From A Server To A Dataset Object?

May 18, 2009

I am trying to read JSON data from a server to a dataset object, any idea on how this can be done. I have tried using the DataContractJsonSerializer class but it only seems to work for objects.

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",


The code above works to an object, but I want to parse the JSON data to a dataset object.

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Sql Server - Access A Shared Function From An Instance Of An Object?

Dec 28, 2010

The context of this question is that I am trying to debug performance issues (apart from the obvious ones I already know about and can find).I inherited a code base (VB.NET) for an ASP.NET app. This is an app that was developed way back in .NET 1.1 days, and was the first .NET app for a lot of the developers who worked on it.

In this code base is a class called DatabaseUtility that contains several Shared Public methods as well as non-Shared Public Functions and Subs for CRUD operations to the database (SQL Server).

It is common in my "BL" that a method creates an instance of the DatabaseUtility which essentially figures out what the connection string should be and opens a connection, as well as giving the developer a handle to the other methods contained within it.Dim utility as New DatabaseUtility()

Once I have that, I start to create parameters that I am going to pass to one of the methods in DatabaseUtility (like GetDataSet). There is a Shared method in my DatabaseUtility called CreateParameter which does essentially that. It creates a SqlParameter object so I can add it to a Parameters collection.

Now, the code base is littered with a lot of this:

utility.CreateParameter(...)However, because CreateParameter is a Shared method, I am not sure what is going on behind the scenes. I know because it is a Shared member that an instance of the DatabaseUtility is not created when I call it like this:DatabaseUtility.CreateParameter(...)

However, because I am calling it from an instance (utility), does that change the behavior at all?

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Sql Server - Long Pause Trying To Close ADO.NET Connection Object

Oct 14, 2011

I am performing a simple exercise of opening an SQL Server database connection, pulling the first record of a table from a DataReader object, and then closing the object. However, I have noticed that theres bit of a delay, about 5 seconds or so, in closing the connection. However, the delay only occurs after the command object executes the specified query. I've worked in a setup like this before and don't remember there being such a long delay while closing the connection. [Code] The connection closes almost immediately. What gives? I have narrowed it down to the where the .ExecuteReader line that causes the delay in the connection close. Whats causing the delay and how do I resolve it?

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DB/Reporting :: Object Reference Not Set When Retrieve Data From Selected Server

Jun 9, 2008

I have a combobox where the user can type the sql server name. Then a connect button that, when the user click, I want it to populate another combobox with all the databases from the server in the previous combobox. Unfortunately, I am getting the error object reference is not set....!

Here is where I am getting the error:
For Each objDB As Database In Me.SMOServer.Databases
I am new to VB ...I'm using vb2008 connecting to sql server 2005.

Here is my complete code:
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Public Class Form1
'Public Class frmSQLConnection
Private m_objServer As Server
[Code] .....

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Possible To Spoof Referrer Of A Webbrowser Object That Is Posting Data To A Server?

Aug 14, 2010

Is it possible to spoof the referrer of a webbrowser object that is posting data to a server? I would change to WebRequests, but this needs to be done via a browser.

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Server Object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid Class String?

Jun 21, 2010

When i am running my ASP Page I got the following error.

Error Type:Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)

Invalid class string /Test/setup.asp, line 15

I register all required Dll's and I create the corresonding components too

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Sql Server - Saving A New Object With An Empty PetaPoco Fails To Do An Insert?

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to save a new object to the database using petapoco.I have an object that uses a Guid for the primary key.Here is an example of the objects primary key property.

<PetaPoco.Column()> _
Public ReadOnly Property Primkey() As Guid Implements IStandardDocument.Primkey


Here is an example of the save method.

database.Save("Reservations", "Primkey", reservation)

The sql that is generated is an update with a primkey of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 instead of an insert. So new records are never inserted.If I have an existing object with a valid guid the update and delete all work correctly.

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Create A Business Object?

Apr 19, 2009

Due to a discussion in another thread , I am starting to use business object in an 3-Tiered windows app. As a starting point, I am trying to build objects/classes on a table from my database.

The database table has the following columns:



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Create A COM Object To Use In Excel?

Jul 21, 2010

I am using VB Express 2008, and I am trying to create a COM object to use in Excel. I have looked at the walkthroughs, but it seems they only apply to Visual Studio.

Is there a way to create a COM object in VB Express?

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Create An Object During Run Time?

Feb 3, 2009

I want to allow my user to add certain small pictures into a form which has a bigger pictures. My idea is to simply allow the user to move small pictureboxes that is set on the top of the form to wherever she wants it to be. My problem is that she may want more than one instance of the same picturebox. I am wondering if I can create a picturebox (complete with the picture) during run time?

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Create An Object With Controls?

Feb 15, 2012

What would be the best approach to create the following: A groupbox that contains several labels a groupbox with an array of 8 labels in it

Then the main form would have 4 of these groupboxs (object?) and I would need the ability to change the color and text of all the various labels within any of the groupboxes, using an index similar to what we could do with control arrays in VB6.

I would think an object would make the most sense but can you have control elements in an object and display them on the form?

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