Read JSON Data From A Server To A Dataset Object?

May 18, 2009

I am trying to read JSON data from a server to a dataset object, any idea on how this can be done. I have tried using the DataContractJsonSerializer class but it only seems to work for objects.

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",


The code above works to an object, but I want to parse the JSON data to a dataset object.

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Deserializing JSON Into Byrefrence ParametrizedConstructor Object With Json?

Nov 12, 2010

Below is my JSON formated String

{"AliasName": "ysiCountryInfo", "DataClass": {"Description":"United States 111","Code":"usa","WriteOffTaxPointAdjustment":0,"IndexationRounding":6}}
I would like to deserialize object into below class


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Receiving Json And Send Back Json On Server-side?

Jul 28, 2011

how to receive and send back json. Hope someone can help me on this. I understand by examples.

On my clientside, I am sending a ajax json string "name":"theName" to the server side and would like the server side to return a string saying "welcome &name ".

Client-side code
<!DOCTYPE html>


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Convert JSON String To JSON Object?

Jan 18, 2012

I have a JSON response from a web service that I need to be converted to an object then to an array. My response is similar to the one below:

{"status":{"error":"NO","code":"200","description":"none","message":"Request ok"},"geolocation":{"lat":"38.89515","lng":"-77.0310"},"stations":[{"country":"United States","regPrice":"0.00","midPrice":"0.00","prePrice":"0.00","streetAddress":"1401, I St[code]....

I am doing this is VB.NET within a console for now. Basically I am trying to create a simple way to test my API calls and output the information. What I am trying to accomplish is having to loop through the JSON array and list the stations.

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Insert Data Into An Object And Have It Spit Out A Json Formatted String?

Mar 28, 2011

I am looking for a library where I can insert data into an object and have it spit out a json formatted string, and also take the string in again to rebuild the object.I am not that concerned with mapping it to preexisting objects.I have searched around and every single library I've found either can't read the strings in again, interprets them as one long string instead of breaking them up into parts, or fails to work entirely ( can't even find any public members).

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Web Service To Deserilize JSON Http Request - Pass To Stored Procedure To Retrieve Data From SQL Server

Aug 23, 2011

I have a task to create a web service to receive client-side app's http request(with rpc={json data} in the end), deserilize it and put he parameter in stored Procedure in order to retrive data from sql server. the procedure query and client-side's app are already there and the return data to client-side app is JSON too

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Passing A JSON Object As A Dictionary(Of String, Object) To WCF Web Service?

Sep 8, 2011

I'm trying to setup a WCF web service to be consumed by JavaScript using JSON and jQuery.I've noticed that you can send JSON without a DataContract if the service method parameters match the naming structure of the JSON object:



View 1 Replies - SQL Dataset To JSON?

Nov 12, 2010

Alright I have been trying to figure this out and I read the MSDN page on the JavaScriptSerializer. However, I still can't figure out how to get this to work on an page. I want to convert my dataset into a json string so I can graph it using FLOT(graphing tool) imports System.Web.Script.Serialization

dim myObject = dataset.getxml()dim jsonString = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(myObject)

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Cannot Read Data Using DataSet In ASP.NET

Sep 5, 2011

I have added a DataSet to connect with my SQLDatabase. Test Query displays correct values but when I programmatically try to display the value of a certain field using following code

dim vrName= dsTest.Tables(tblTest).rows(0).items(0)

I get Tables is not a member of dsTest.

how can I use dataset to read, write, edit and delete data as we use in WinForms?

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Convert Custom JSON Object To A .NET Object?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a JSON object that looks like this.

//* Array of err1 objects


PD: I'm currently using Newtonsoft's JSON.Net library.

Public Sub New(ByVal jsonText As String)
Dim jObject As JObject = jObject.Parse(jsonText )
Dim jErrors As JToken = jObject("Errors")
Dim jS = New JsonSerializer()


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C# - Parse JSON String Into DataSet?

Nov 16, 2011

I have to the replication.That time have to pass String as JSON

{"Table1" :
{"Name" : "MyCustomer","Description" : "cutomer","Status" : "1"}, {"Name" : "Kiraa","Description" : "My","Status" : "1",}[code]......

This is my format of JSON result. I want to convert to DataSet.I have installed JSON.NET library. I am using

public bool convertJSONToDataSet(string strBusinessUnit, string strExecutiveCode, string strTableName, String jsonContent)
DataSet dataset = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<String>(jsonContent);[code].....

here this statement is wrong DataSet dataset = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<String>(jsonContent); how to covert to a JSON string to a Dataset.

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Data Manipulation (INSERT,UPDATE) Using DataSet Object?

Nov 7, 2009

I am writing a program with VB.NET, there I have to select data from one table. Then I have to update about 4 tables and insert to 2 Tables. Which approach will be ok for me? I'm thinking to use DataSet.

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Read JSON With ASP.NET 2.0?

Jan 13, 2011

How can I read JSON with ASP.NET 2.0? Unfortunately we are unable to upgrade the application because of backward compatibility issues.

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Object Object Error In Using JSON

Nov 17, 2011

I have a problem in returning a value in JSON in vb .net.[code]My scenario is that, when i pressed the button then it should alert the value returned by the getValue function but in my case it always alert an error of [Object Object].

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Use Dataset For Sql Server For Adding/modifying/deleting Data?

May 11, 2009

I want to use dataset for sql server for adding/modifying/deleting data from sql server.

View 8 Replies

Read JSON In VB 2010?

Apr 18, 2012

How to read JSON in Visual basic 2010?

View 6 Replies

Read Xml And Convert To Json?

Dec 6, 2011

I recently made a transition to VS2010 from vb6, it's quite a change for me and I'm still learning most of the functionality.I have a project that reads a web server for xml files and saves them into a file directory, works great in vb6, but I haven't a slightest idea how to achieve the same thing in visual studio. I've read a whole bunch of threads on the topic and wrote a few lines of code without any success. For example there is an xml file that resides on the web [URL] how can I take it down and most importantly convert it into json? I've read about but I can't find a single example with syntax.

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.net - Deserialize JSON Into An Object?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm having an issue with getting some of the values from with this json string:

"kind": "shopping#products",
"etag": ""YZWJaKE3MHROIW8rCIlu9mAACLM/6qxBB-GwuSPy5L3_zVS6sS2NYFI"",
"id": ",2010:shopping/products",
"selfLink": "


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Could Not Deserialize JSON Object?

Feb 23, 2010

We are trying to consume WCF service which returns employee details in JSON


From code behind when I am trying to deserialize it it's stating that "Expecting state 'Element'.. Encountered 'Text' with name '', namespace ''."

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Read Data From XML Into Object Class?

Aug 14, 2011

I want to read data from xml into memory. My code works fine providing I only have one record in XMl file. If I have more than 1 record the program fails.[code]...

View 12 Replies

Deserialize JSON To LINQ Object?

Mar 24, 2011

In VB.Net class, I have a JSON data as string. I want to convert them to LINQ class Object.[code]....

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How To Get / Evaluate Object From Json String

Jul 15, 2010

[code] please help me how to get and/or evaluate object from this json string with VB.Net.

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Returning Json Result With Object Name MVC?

Oct 28, 2010

When a json result is returned by the controller the object name seems to be missing, I normally wouldn't mind but the flexbox jquery plugin requires the json result in a particular format.


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Send Resposne Using Json Object?

Sep 8, 2009

I am working on a project in which a server page is called through XMLHttp and now i want to retrieve response the called page in json object.and i never used json

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Sql Server - SQL Read Data From Table In Vb?

May 23, 2009

I'm trying to get a single field back from the data. (I am searching by a primary key so I should get 0 or 1 answer). Please help. The table that I am querying has one entry with user = someone, input to several columns with the ans column having "a good answer"

Dim reader As SqlDataReader
Dim par As SqlParameter
Dim result As String


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Javascript - Create A Json Object In 2005?

Sep 8, 2009

I want to create a json object in to send the response back javascript function to do something?

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Read Data From Sql Server And Write In .csv File?

Jul 30, 2009

how i read data from Sql server and write that in .csv file with , after that saving the .csv file with my own name and path? what must i do? for information data in sql like this one:


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Read XML Data From SQL Server (xml Datatype Column)

Dec 26, 2008

how to work with XML.I need to create an multilingual application and need to save the controls captions in sql table with xml data typei started the following:[code]I know this is not very professional but thats all i did until know in SQLNow i have a problem in VB.NET i don't know how to read an xml data type (How to get the value from variables).If somebody can give me an exmaple how to read the xml than i would continue translating for each objects in the form where name is like the variable "btnLogin" and give it the controls.text property to the variables value.

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VS 2008 Read Server Data From A Client App Through A DLL?

Sep 9, 2009

I need to solve the following problem:- Create a server application which generates a random number every second- Have any number of client applications access the current random number through a dll (associated to the server) at anytime How would I do this? Anyone has a prototype VB.Net code for the server which does this kind of thing? I'm pretty sure I know how to write the client code.

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Retrieving Data From SQL Server Db Using RecordSet Object In VB

May 13, 2011

I am kinda new to VB, but have used C# to pull data from a SQL Server db using DataTables and Reader, etc, however I am at a loss as to how to accomplish this in VB.I have a variable, which the user specifies, that I wish to use as a parameter in a SQL string, much like the following: "SELECT x FROM y WHERE x = '@param'" The result will then be stored in a string variable and I wiill do what I have to do with it.


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