Create Temporary Sql Table From A Select Portion Of Data On Server?

Feb 9, 2012

I am wanting to pull data out a select table and wanting to use it locally as Read Only data I am stuck on how to write the data to the local Temporary table[code]...

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Create Temporary Table And Insert,delete,update,read In Temporary Table

Mar 15, 2008

i am using visual studio 2005 and database sql server 2000. i want to read table of database and readed data insert in temporary table again update that inserted record.

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C# - SELECT, Manipulate Data Temporary Using SQL SERVER

Aug 9, 2011

The DB has a field "end date" and 1753/1/1 is supposed to be the value representing nothing, as we cannot assign null to datatime in sql server..

In reporting application the select querry used, gets the data including those 1753 date values. good

Problem 1753 date causes hell with report calculations. there are a lot of calculations in the report and changing the code to ignore 1753 will be a headache, so i was thinking Is there a way to tell sql server,


CRUDE EDIT (donot have access to debugger currently)

i cannot remember but i get an error like "nothing should be mapped on something" when i insert record with null date! THIS HAPPENS ONLY WHEN USING VB.NET in csharp it works fine. do you know why??

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Select Data From Sql Server 2005 DB Table?

Mar 11, 2010

VB.NET:i want to select data from sql server 2005 DB table and displaying into text box that depends on combo box selection using VB.NET

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Manipulating Data From An Oracle Temporary Table

Sep 7, 2010

I have a VB.Net application that populates an Oracle 11g global temporary table. I can see data in the temporary table by loading it into a grid and everything looks correct.However, when I call an Oracle stored procedure from VB.Net that would manipulate the data in this temporary table, the stored procedure reports that my temporary table is empty.I understood that data in an Oracle global temporary table should be visible to all sessions.

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Create Temporary Data File?

Oct 2, 2009

How knows how to create a temporary data file in without using sqlserver.

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Create Table Button Which When Clicked Creates A Table In Sql Server?

Sep 17, 2009

I am working with a 2005 application. On the application I have a Create table button which when clicked creates a table in Sql server with the code shown below;

Code: Private Sub BtnCrtTable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCrtTable.Click


This is really a pre-defined table and the data is already specified to be inserted to the table. However, my primarily task is to read a flat file which has the data and consider the first line as the column to be column names.

Therefore, initially I created an open dialogue to browse for the text file and store the path such as E:Datafile est.txt, in a TextBox1 visible at run time. Now the task is to change the above "create table" to read the txt file (column names are on the first line) and then create the table in the database.

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Load Jpg's Into The SQL Server Table And Just Select The Jpg File Itself For The Picture Box?

Oct 20, 2009

I have written a program that requires a particular image to appear in a picturebox. The image will be 1 out of 114 possibilites and the correct one is determined at runtime. I have all 114 images loaded into resources and I have the program correctley selecting the name of the jpg. I have the name of the jpg set to a variable (string) named gsSBdetail and I can make the name of the jpg file appear in a textbox. What code would I write to make the jpg in resources with the name assigned to gsSBdetail appear in a picturebox? NOTE: I have all of the names of the jpg's in a table in a SQL server database and use a multi parameter query to select the correct jpg file name, which in turn is assigend to the gsSBdetail variable. Is ther a way to load jpg's into the SQL server table and just select the jpg file itself for the picture box?

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Preventing Auto-selection - Select A Portion Of A String From A RichTextBox

Apr 2, 2010

I have a problem when I select a portion of a string from a RichTextBox. For instance, if I have the following string: (23*6)+5 and I want to select (23*6) the "+" is also selected. I have search for a means to correct this problem, but I have not been able to find a solution.

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Crystal Report & Temporary Tables - Print The Table Data Through Crystal Report?

Jun 21, 2010

I m using .net , I create some temporary tables at run time, how to print these table data thru crystal report

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Select Excel Files And Import To SQL Server 2008 Express Table?

Jan 14, 2009

Does anyone has a sample code that do like,Open and select excel file and select the exact excel sheet to import then connect to SQL server 2008 and append all the data from the certain sheet to the SQL table?

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Create A Table In Sql Server 2005?

Nov 16, 2010

I have one problem in which i simply want to know how i can create a table that can easily Used as a back end for my solution that is in Vb 2010.

I also want to know that when we choose a data source in a that is for sql server Which we want to choose....simply which can be used Because there is 2 or 3 with little different name...

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Create Table In SQL Server 2005?

Jun 8, 2011

I am developing a project where i have to copy a table from ms-Access to ms-SQL Server, for which i wrote a code and it goes like this


Here every thing is predecided, i.e i have already created a table in SQL Server with name Test and Assigned fields same as that of access.

But i want to create a table in SQL Server 2005 dynamically with same table parameters or Structure of Access table

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Create Table In SQL Server From ListView

Jun 14, 2011

how to create a table in SQL Server database with field names and its datatypes in ListView..I am able to create only one column, but i could not do for all.

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Create A Temporary File In Vb 2005?

Jan 21, 2010

I just need to know how to create a temporary file for each line of a file when it is selected in a listbox, so that i can split it and assign each part to textboxes.

1) create temporary file from variable for each line of a current file (each line represents a contact, and temporary file's name is the contact's fullname(variable as string))

2) listbox SelectedIndexChange = search fullname.dat (temporary file)

3) split the content of the fullname.dat file and assign each part to display in textboxes the only thing i got a problem with is creating the temporary file.

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Create New Projects In Temporary Directory?

Jun 8, 2012

Basically I've been using the VS2008 Express editions for the last few years. With the express editions (with the exception of C++), by default when you create a new project, the project files are all stored in a temporary directory. When you select "Save All" for the first time, VS would prompt for a project directory and then you could save the project into your regular project directory.This is behaviour I found exceedingly useful, as many times I create very quick, simple programs to do 1 thing for me before never needing them again.Once I close VS, it prompts me whether I want to save the project, I select "Discard" and everything's all good; my project directory doesn't get cluttered with useless directories for 1-time projects and everybody wins.

However, with VS2010 Ultimate I've noticed that the default behaviour has changed and all new projects are created directly into my Project directory (yes I'm aware I can change the directory when creating the project, but that's a needless waste of time). This has led me to reverting to express editions whenever I want to write a small program, which isn't too bad at home, but at work we only have VS2010 professional. Every time I create a simple project I have to remember to delete the directory later or face having a directory of "WindowsFormsApplication1000232131231".

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Create Temporary Tables In MS ACCESS?

Oct 10, 2010

Is it possible to create temporary tables in MS ACCESS using VB.NET?

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How To Create Temporary Text File

Nov 7, 2011

I want to create temporary text file because after I use the text file, I want to delete it. But I just create the text file and write into th text file and at the end of the process, I want to delete it. However, the system won't allow me to delete it as it being use my

Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\Blind Holes.tmp")


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Select A Specific Bit Of Data From A Table In Access Using Sql?

Feb 21, 2010

im trying to select a specific bit of data from a table in access using sql in My select statement so far is sql = "select [UserAccessLevel] from Member where username = '" & tusername & "'"Useraccesslevel and username being columns in the table and tusername being a variable that stores the username im using to look up the useraccesslevel in the table.

Was wondering if any of you knew anything about select statements.

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VS 2010 Select Data From Mysql Table?

Aug 3, 2011

Im trying to fumble my way through selecting data from a mysql table and populating it to a combo box. I feel Im almost there, could someone look over my code and see whats going wrong?

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim con As New MySqlConnection


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Select Data From Sql Server 2005

Mar 11, 2010

VB.NET:i want to select data from sql server 2005 DB table and displaying into text box that depends on combo box selection using VB.NET

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Create A Dynamic Table In Sql Server 2005?

Feb 18, 2009

To create a dynamic table in sql server 2005 with all its privilages(constraints,..) from a xml file.

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Select Data From DataGridView And Save To A Different Table In Database?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a form that displays data from a table in a DataGrid.I put an unbound Check Box Column in the DataGrid.Upon a user's selection of the various check boxes within the DataGrid, I need to save this checked data to a different table in the database.

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Create Table In Mysql Server 2005 Dynamically?

Jul 8, 2009

how to create table in mysql server 2005 dynamically through

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How To Create An Image Column In SQL Server Table And Retrieve It

Mar 22, 2012

I want to know how to create an image column in a SQL Server table and retrieve it in ASP.NET using VB.NET create table Tbl(ID int primary key,Name varchar(20),Image ....)

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How To Create ' Temporary' Graphics With Text Changed Event

Feb 27, 2011

I'm in an upper level industrial engineering class in which we're learning some entry level VB programming. We're working on building a program to solve the travelling salesmen problem (finding the shortest path through a collection of cities while visiting each only once) and I'm trying to add some 'fancy' to it so I can learn some more skills. The basic program is designed to load a bitmap file of a map into a picture box and a text file with the xy coordinates of any city positions. From there, the user can plot the cities with red squares, draw a random tour through the cities, or tour the cities by always visiting the nearest neighbor not yet visited. The modification I'm working on is a method of pointing out a specific city with a black square by entering the city's number (determined from the coordinate file) into a text box.

Private Sub TxtFindCity_textchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TxtFindCity.TextChanged
Dim ObjFindCity As Graphics = picShowMap.CreateGraphics
Dim City As Integer


So far, the program works, but I want the black squares (but none of the other graphics) that are created to go away once the text box is cleared. As of now they just hang around on the screen until I refresh the entire image with a 'clear map' sub. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

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Connect To Sage Data, To The Stock Table, And Select Certain Columns Such As SKU?

Mar 29, 2011

I want to connect to Sage Data, to the stock table, and select certain columns such as SKU, title, description, sales price and then select the rows I want and send these to an excel spreadsheet formatted in the style required for upload as product feeds to google shopping, shopzilla, amazon and Ebay etc.Each feed is formatted differently and I have to create these manually all the time so I want to try and automate the process. We would have much better control of our ecommerce if I could do this quickly with custom program.

So far I have managed, after a lot of disappointments, to connect to the sage data through the sage ODBC and populate a datagridview. I've only got this far by luck, with many errors due to me and system and software problems. I thought this would be relatively easy as I once used an app to create a word document programmatically with a very thorough guide, it's not looking so easy now. I have also added a check box column to the datagridview for selecting rows and thats as far as I have got.I was thinking perhaps of passing the selected data to an array and then creating and populating the to get selected rows from DGV.

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Returns Information In Data Table When I Type Select Statement

Jul 28, 2011

I am working on a front-end application program and cannot figure out what is giving me this error. The program is accessing an Access Database and filling a text box on the form. The error i keep receiving is "Index out of range", "No row at position 0". I have information in the data table, and when I type the select statement into a query in Access, it returns the information in the data table.[code]...

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Create A LogBook For An Online Server - Connect To The Databse Table?

Aug 24, 2009

What is my question? Well I believe its not a really hard one for those who know Basic.

Im trying to create a LogBook for an online server. What is the purpose of it, its simple. Right now we are doing it in a forum each one posting in a Log Thread, which game server they did the activity on, date, and time spent.

I have created the program so far, and what i would like to know, is if it would be possible that in the Texboxes i have, once you click submit, you will send the info to a Databse table.

How do i connect to the databse table?

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Create A SQL Server 2000 Table In ASP.NET Bottom Click Event By Using VB?

May 7, 2012

I am just beginner in ASP.NET programming, I am trying to prepare a small billing project by using ASP.NET and VB.NET. I would like to create a SQL Server 2000 table by passing table name and number of rows in textbox control.How I can achieve this?

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