Create Command Link Buttons (with Multiple Lines Of Text) In Program?

May 6, 2012

I know how to use the default buttons item, but is there any way to achieve the style of multiline buttons (or maybe rather, "clickable text"?) like shown below?

The situation is that I have an interface for the user to select what kind of file he wishes to establish, and there has to be a brief description under the larger, main line of text.

I'm only planning to run this on Windows 7, so I don't need to worry about backwards compatibility with older versions of Windows

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Writing Multiple Lines To Richtextbox With Link Label

Apr 11, 2011

And just a FYI, I've spent about an hour looking this up... and I just can't seem to get it to work the way I wan't to. My application is simple, I have a "batch file editor". It has a richtextbox, a couple buttons for Open/Save/Test which are working fine.All I'm wanting to do is...


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VS 2008 Show A Message Box With Multiple Lines Before Buttons

Aug 28, 2009

I've been looking all over and i can't find an answer to this syntax problem. I want to show a message box with multiple lines before the buttons. This is my latest try:[code]How do you do this? Also, is there a way to have text AFTER the buttons?

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HotKeys - Create A Program - Click On Certain Buttons Software That Will Copy The Text?

Sep 7, 2010

how i can create a program Once I click on certain buttons software that will copy the text I will indicate(like Ctrl + c)

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Triggers An Event After Multiple Command Buttons Are Pressed In A Certain Order

Nov 16, 2010

I've been searching for the answer for this all over, but I can't seem to find the solution. I have no idea how do this. A code that triggers an event after multiple command buttons are pressed in a certain order. For example: I press Command1, then Command2, then Command8, then Command5, then an event happens. It's kind of similar to entering a code to activate something.

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Running Program When Executed With Command Lines

Sep 3, 2009

How do I make a program run only when it is executed with a command line? For example, if you press WINDOWS KEY + R, and then type in
"firefox.exe -profilemanager"
It will open up Firefox's profile manager. How do I make my program do that, except, if it's command line is "program.exe -letmein" it'll open form2. And if it's opened manually, (by doubleclicking or anything else) it'll open form1.

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Create An Array Of Command Buttons With Express 2008?

Nov 21, 2009

When I used to play wiith VB 5.0 I was able to create an array of comand buttons on the form. This allowed me to have one routine that knew which of many buttonshad been clicked and I could then take specific action based on which button was clicked. I can't see how to do this in VBE 8. Is this possible?

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Adding Text To Command Buttons On Runtime?

Jan 20, 2010

I have 14 command buttons on my form. what i want to do is change the text of the form based on the current date. button1 should have todays date.button2 should have tommorows date.button3 should have day after tomorrows date and so on. I want this for fourteen buttons.I can do it manually by assigning each button.text to each date... i want to do it using a loop. is it buttons are named , button1,button2,button3,button4, and so on toll button 14.and the text i want on them is from the current date to 14 days later...basiocally want to display the dates on the it possible though a loop.m using visual studio and

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Put Multiple Lines Of Text Into A CString?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm creating a button on my project that when clicked it will enter the information in the comment "" area and store it into the clipboard to be pasted.

My issue is whenever I try to put the multiple lines in the comment field I get a syntax issue.[code]....

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Tab Control That Has Multiple Lines Of Text?

Jan 22, 2010

Tab control that has multiple lines of text

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Entering Multiple Lines Of Text In .NET Label

Oct 2, 2010

In previous versions of VB, you could click on a label to gain the focus, and then type multiple of lines of text. In VB 2008, clicking on the control does not open up the control for editing. You can use the text property, but can only enter a continuous string of characters. How do you insert blank lines between paragraphs?

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Getting Multiple Lines Of Text To Show Different Images At Once?

Dec 2, 2011

I'm having difficulty with an assignment for my class. I need to have certain images show up depending on which text is input in the text box. This is the code I have, but I can't figure out how to get it to work properly.

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSales.TextChanged
txtSales.Text = "Devin Thomas"
PictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile _


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Linking Multiple Forms - How To Program Response Radio Buttons

Nov 29, 2009

I have 1 project with about 7 forms. On each form I have 6 x 4 responses radio buttons (i.e. a multiple choice quiz). If the correct response is selected, the examinee gets 1 point, else 0. At the end of the quiz, the examinee can click a button that will add up all the correct responses & display the % correct. How do I program the button to do this given that data are on 7 different forms? [URL].

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Cannot Save Text In Rich Textbox If On Multiple Lines?

Apr 15, 2011

here is the code i am using to read from a rich textbox:

Dim mydir =
IO.Path.GetFileName(mydir + "
ecord" + tb_name.Text + ".txt" )
Dim linebuffer() As String = IO.file.ReadAllLines(mydir + "
ecord" + tb_name.Text + ".txt")
casefiles.rb_casefile.Text = linebuffer(0).Trim(""""c)

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Display Multiple Lines Of Text In Subitems Of Listview?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a listview, it's view is Details and it has gridlines, in that listview, I am including addresses with multiple lines (ie.):

John Doe
123 Street Dr.
City, State, 123456

and would like for it to display that way, instead of:

John Doe123 Street Dr.City, State, 123456

I'm sure this is something simple, but I just can't figure this out.

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Split Up Multiple Lines Of Text And Place Them In Textboxes?

Dec 11, 2011

I was developing a antimalware, and wanted to read Signature from a Signature.txt file, and place all the strings into different textboxes, my viruslist has 90069500 malware (Took Almost A Year Collecting Them) signatures and if I start typing then like:

If buff.ToString = "000008298FC27014ECF5610F163277E2" Then
txtvirname.Text = "Trojan-GameThief.Win32.OnLineGames.tvl"
txtrisk.Text = "Moderate"


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VS 2008 Deleting Multiple Lines In A Text File?

Sep 20, 2009

I need to be able to search through a text file and find a line of text, then delete that line and the 7 previous lines and also the line following the searched line. Basically the program creates student records to a text file and asks if the user wants to mark the record for deletion then when the user exits the program, I want it to find the records mark for deletion and delete them.The records in the text file look like this:

Name: Some, Students, Name
Age: 20
Phone Number: (555) 555-5555


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VS 2008 Replacing Multiple Lines Of Text In A File

Jul 9, 2009

Sorry if this seems like I haven't searched, however I have. Maybe I'm not understanding something or maybe I just haven't found what I need. Anyway my question is this. How would I find multiple strings in a text file and replace them? So far I've been able to find out how to replace a single string with:


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Read Text File And Output Multiple Lines To A Textbox?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm trying to read a text file with multiple lines and then display it in a textbox. The problem is that my program only reads one line.

Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
Public Class Form1


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VS 2010 Pass Multiple Strings To A Command Prompt .exe Program?

Dec 16, 2010

I need to open up a cmd prompt, then run a file called adb.exe which opens a shell to communicate with my android cell phone...

Heres what I need:

My Form1

Label1.Text = "adb.exe shell"
Label2.Text = "su"
Label3.Text = "mkdir /etc/folder"


Heres the problem... I can execute any normal dos command automaticly, but once i open the ssh prompt (adb.exe shell), i dont know how to keep putting commands in there...

The commands are stored in strings, and i need to take the commands from the strings, and type them into the command prompt like above.

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Interface And Graphics :: Special Characters In Multiple Text Boxes Via Buttons

Nov 14, 2008

I need to be able to add (specific) special characters to text boxes. Problem is, there are five of them spread across two forms and three tabpages. What I'd like to do is bring up a form when the user presses something like "F2" while the text boxes are focused, then on that form would be a grid of buttons. When the user pushes a button, the character is added to the box. How do I get this form to reference the box that called it without passing a global variable or calling a public function? I tried Form3.Parent.Name, but that always seems to refer to nothing. Also, once this is done how can I get it to just insert a character where the cursor on the calling box is? It probably shouldn't even be on a form either since that will take the focus when it's called (which I don't want)

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Create Link To Open User Control In Program Form To Use At Design Time?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got a VB.Net form application that dynamically loads user controls based on which navigation link the user clicks on. I'd like to make it easier to use at Design time by putting a link of some sort to open the User Control at design time. The link would go onto the form in the space where the User Control will be going. This just saves a little time from having to browse through the files to open the correct file.

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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Create / Update A Text File Using Each Item In A Listbox As Lines?

Mar 15, 2009

I've been pondering upon my idea on how to create/update a text file using each item in a listbox as lines, but I fail each time. I've searched this forum as well as my friend, Google. Still nothing.

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Read Certain Lines From Text File In Program?

Mar 11, 2010

I would like to read a file and display certain lines ( like from line 5 to 10) in a label. i know how to read the file line by line but not the specified line i want.

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VS 2010 : Create A Program With The CMD (command Prompt) Window Inside Of It?

Jan 30, 2011

Basically, I am looking to create a program with the CMD (command prompt) window inside of it.Along with a drop-down list, containing a few pre-made codes.For example;Is the easiest way to kinda accurately show what i'm attempting.Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txtResults' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Remove Lines That Repeat In A Text File For Program?

Jun 30, 2009

How would you program it in VB 08:

What i have here in my text file is[code]...

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VS 2008 - Create A Form With Radio Buttons - Text Boxes - Labels

Jun 22, 2009

I need to create a form with radio buttons, text boxes, labels, etc.. This information needs to be pulled from a database. For instance, I have a form that displays information that needs to be inputed to a database, based on what test is being done for a specific product. Each product requires different tests. So each product may or may not have the same information that needs to be inputed..

What I have done is made a database and filled a table with each product and what tests apply. I then call that database after the product has been selected for the tests. It will then fill an array for that products information for what texts boxes and labels need to be shown. I wanna take this further and have it create a form through code and align all the controls to specific spots so that it will look nice. For example I wouldn't wanna create a control and have it be cut out of the form, or have other controls overlapping others.


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Create A Rudimentary Text Editor With Buttons That Can Implement The Cut, Copy And Paste Commands?

Jun 12, 2011

I am attempting to create a rudimentary text editor with buttons that can implement the Cut, Copy and Paste commands. I was able to use buttons on a toolbar and menu to implement the Cut, Copy and Paste commands using the "Command="Cut"" command in the XAML of the buttons on the toolbar and menu but have been unsuccessful in using regular buttons to implement the commands. When I attempted to use the "Command="Cut"" command for regular buttons the buttons appear disabled when debugging the application. Does anyone know if the Cut, Copy and Paste commands are disabled for regular buttons?

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Can Whip Up A Program That Deals With Text Boxes, Buttons, Checkboxes

Apr 21, 2009

I can whip up a program that deals with text boxes, buttons, checkboxes, etc. fairly easily. I know how to deal with arrays and stuff like that, and I am just barely able to open/write to files (I don't quite have it down, but almost). However, when it comes to drawing graphics. Right now all I'm looking to do is create a function that will draw a pixel or really tiny rectangle at my command to use as the building block of drawing images. I saw some example code here:

Of how to have it draw a rectangle upon opening a form, and I was able to do that. But I guess I'm not quite sure how to make a function like that be performed when I do something like press a button (or just anywhere in a segment of code).It's probably because I don't understand this line:


I understand that it makes a non-public sub called Form1_Paint, but I'm not quite sure about the arguments passed and what "Handles Me.Paint" really means. I'm not sure how to make this (if I can make it) into a function that I can call anywhere (in the code, for example) to make it display a pixel.

how I could do that? Either that, or just explain what the piece of code above is actually saying?

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