Create / Update A Text File Using Each Item In A Listbox As Lines?

Mar 15, 2009

I've been pondering upon my idea on how to create/update a text file using each item in a listbox as lines, but I fail each time. I've searched this forum as well as my friend, Google. Still nothing.

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Reading All Lines In Text File To ListBox

Jun 3, 2009

This is my code:
Dim lngLines As String
Dim sr As New StreamReader(opdFileAudio.FileName)
While Not sr.EndOfStream
lngLines = sr.ReadLine
If lngLines.Contains("x") Then
lngLines = sr.ReadLine
[Code] .....

At the moment I want to read all lines in text file to a list box but I don't add strings x, and string y to listbox, and looping in.

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Allow Each Item To Use Multiple Lines In A Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

Oct 22, 2010

Allow each item to use multiple lines in a Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

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Update The Listbox Without Repetition Of The Same Item?

Aug 27, 2011

i have a listbox which can be updated. and another listbox with some denominations concerning the first listbox. i am populating the listbox directly from the database. each item in the first listbox have many denominations given in the second listbox. the problem is when i add new items into the database, the items of the first listbox repeats. so in ma updated listbox, the items get repeated. how can i avoid this repetition.


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Interface And Graphics - Listbox Update Item

Jul 3, 2009

On my form is a listbox. When the user clicks insert (in the menu) then I add a blank item in the listbox. The user then enters the data and then I want to update my listbox with the value(s) the user entered. The problem is that I don't see the update in the listbox, unless I reload it from the database. [Code]

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Get A Bunch Of Lines From A Text File (they Will Be Filenames Eventually) Which Are Split By New Lines And Puts Each One Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..

Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then


The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.

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Read Lines From Text File 1 And Delete Those Lines From Text File 2?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a text file containing lines of data (File 1). I need to delete all the lines in another text file (File 2), which are found in file 1.So I could read file 2 line by line. And then once the line has been read, read file 1 line by line to search for a match. But that's going to be painfully slow.Or I could read file 2 into memory. And then read file 1 line by line and REPLACE the lines in file 2 with nothing, therefore deleting them. File 2 could be 100 mb, so I'm not sure about reading it all into memory.

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Forms :: Automatically Update Value When A User Changes The Listbox Item?

Feb 17, 2009

how can i automatically update my value when a user changs the listbox item. At the moment i have a button click when the user changes the list box item and press the button the values get updated, everytime the listbox item get changed i have to repeat it click the button to update the value. I want something where automitically as soon as the listbox item selected the total value in the text box to change without clicking the button:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "Seafood" Then
TextBox1.Text = 3.5 * ComboBox2.SelectedItem


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Automatically Create A Text File And Folder In A Listbox Input Box?

Jul 5, 2011

i have created a program to view images in a picturebox, i have created two list box's one for folder names/image areas to group certaint images and the second listbox to list the number of pages contained in the image folder/area. when the user creates a new image area, he or she can name it whatever they want, when they do that i would like to create a folder in the c drive for instance with the same name as the image area, and i would want it to create a .txt file aswell to keep memory of what they have done, so when they come back to it the next day they can just carry on from where they left off.

View 14 Replies

Color Item Text In GridView For Non-selected Lines Only?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a GridView with image buttons for selecting rows. I am using an OnRowDataBound event to color selected rows Blue:

e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue

Now that works great as long as I don't set a color either in the CSS stylesheet or on the grid Items themselves. If I do that, then all rows are colored that color and I don't get my Blue selected rows color for selected rows. I would like to color the text in the grid something other than black.

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VS 2005 - Where Clause In The Update Statement While Selecting The Listbox Item

May 12, 2009

i'm doing a desktop application using VS2005 with MSSQL 2005. i have a problem with the where clause in the update statement while selecting the listbox item. this is the code for the listbox in load page:


and this is my update query in the delete button event handler: mySQL = "update Appointment set recordStatus = 'deleted'" how do i put in the where clause in when i have 4 columns in the listbox? so can i do this with listbox or have to do with datagridview?

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Possible To Make List Box Item Height For Item Depending On Amount Of Lines That Item Contains?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a list box on the form which functions as a copy/paste. When you copy something, it is automatically added to the list box as a "clipboard helper". Here is the problem,however: if the text is more than 1 line, the list box does not show all the text.It ends up looking messy.So getting back to my question, is it possible to make the list box item height for an item depending on the amount of lines that item contains?This is a one line sentence in the list box and should take up one line.This is a multi line sentence in the list box and should take up two lines for item height.

View 11 Replies

DELETE And UPDATE Access Database After Remove Selected Item From VB Listbox

Jun 6, 2011

I trying to make a code to Delete and Update Access 2007 database after remove a selected item from a listbox in VB 2008. [using "Remove" button that i create] pervious i already make a button to View data from database and Remove from listbox. but i don't know how to delete and update in database.

The code i using now:


In the database, i have ID,Name and Age (simple database)

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Forms :: Looping Through Listbox Making Calculation To Every Item - Won't Update New Result

Apr 6, 2009

i have 2 list boxes.. Qty and Cost both of these are populated from a sql database. The code is suppose to read through the listboxes and multiple the Cost by the Qty and then replace the Cost with the new result. The Cost listbox is populated with the cost of one item. The reason i am not doing this calculation in the sql query is because the sql query is very complicated filter out a bunch of stuff to show just the qty of the item...


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Blank Lines When Saving Text From A ListBox?

Mar 27, 2012

OK here is what it looks like when it saves


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Remove Blank Lines And Specified Text From A Listbox?

Jun 10, 2011

remove blank lines from listbox?And remove specified text from listbox (text line that i can specify in form code(But if i specify to remove line something like [URL] it will remove the line [URL] but doesn't remove line [URL].

My code for adding items to listbox is:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim PageElements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("img")
For Each CurElement As HtmlElement In PageElements


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Create Ping With Listbox Item And Backgroundworker

Jun 11, 2012

I'm trying to create a small program that will import a list of IP addresses from a text file into a list box and then run a continuous ping on each address (from the list box) and display the results in a label using backgroundworker. The idea is to have a small visual display of the status of network devices.When I try to use a list item I get cross-thread errors.[code]

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Create 1 Folder For Every Item On A Listbox?

May 21, 2010

i have a list box which is populated with the sub folders from a user selected folder, so the listbox item count varies from 2 item to 1000 items etc.The list box code i use to do this is:

Dim lb1s As String = Form1.Folder.SelectedPath
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(lb1s)
Dim mydirInfoArray As IO.DirectoryInfo() = di.GetDirectories

Im trying to make a feature were on a button click the app will create 1 folder for every item on the listbox (named after the list box item)So if theres 3 items on the list box for example:

band 3


And when the user presses the button, the app will create 3 dupe folders (Only the folders, not the contents) in a user selected directory using the same names, ive been tinkering for a little while but cant seem to figure out a way to implement this.

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.net - Reduce The Lag Of Loading A Huge List Of Text Lines To A Listbox?

May 27, 2009

I am using file.readalllines to read the file into a string, then using listbox.items.addrange and splitting by vbcrlf to insert the items. Is there a way to reduce the lag it causes for loading huge lists?

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 Word Wrapping - Formatting Lines Of Text In ListBox

Jan 26, 2012

I have some lines of text in a listbox that I need to format. The text originally looks like this (on one line):
GND,CAL1.2 CAL1.3 CAL1.4 CAL1.5 CAL1.6 CAL1.7 CAL1.8 CAL1.9 CAL1.10 CAL2.2 CAL2.3 CAL2.4 CAL2.5 CAL2.6 CAL2.7 CAL2.8 CAL2.9 CAL2.10 CAL3.2 CAL3.3 CAL3.4 CAL3.5 CAL3.6 CAL3.7 CAL3.8 CAL3.9 CAL3.10 CAL4.2 CAL4.3 CAL4.4 CAL4.5 CAL4.6 CAL4.7 CAL4.8 CAL4.9 CAL4.10 CMS1L.2 CMS1L.3 CMS1L.4 CMS1L.5 CMS1L.6 CMS1L.7 CMS1L.8 CMS1L.9 CMS1L.10 CMS1U.2 CMS1U.3 CMS1U.4 CMS1U.5 CMS1U.6 CMS1U.7 CMS1U.8 CMS1U.9 CMS1U.10 CMS2L.2 CMS2L.3 CMS2L.4 CMS2L.5 CMS2L.6 CMS2L.7 CMS2L.8 CMS2L.9 CMS2L.10 CMS2U.2 CMS2U.3 CMS2U.4 CMS2U.5 CMS2U.6 CMS2U.7 CMS2U.8 CMS2U.9

I need to format it (if it's more than 13 names), then add it to another list looking like this:
NET 'GND' R1-2 R2-2 R3-2 R4-2 R5-2 R6-2 R7-2 R8-2 L1-2 L1-3 L1-4 L1-5 L1-6 L1-7
NET 'GND' L1-8 L1-9 L1-10 L3-2 L3-3 L3-4 L3-5 L3-6 L3-7 L3-8 L3-9 L3-10 L4-2
NET 'GND' L4-3 L4-4 L4-5 L4-6 L4-7 L4-8 L4-9 L4-10 L7-2 L7-3 L7-4 L7-5 L7-6
NET 'GND' L7-7 L7-8 L7-9 L7-10 L2-2 L2-3 L2-4 L2-5 L2-6 L2-7 L2-8 L2-9 L2-10
NET 'GND' L6-2 L6-3 L6-4 L6-5 L6-6 L6-7 L6-8 L6-9 L6-10 L5-2 L5-3 L5-4 L5-5 .....
[Code] .....

View 15 Replies

Save ListBox Lines Into A .txt File?

Jul 17, 2011

What im try'ing to do is when a ListBox item is selected and the value has been given with a NumericUpDown box and the ''Add to orderlist'' button is clicked that it saved it to a file called "orders.txt", not at startup but when the first order is made.

Some requirements:

U can't order the same thing twice ( only edit it within the editor ).

The "orders.txt" has to open on a TextBox1 at Form2 ( the text editor ).

And the user can only change the order amount in the edit program.


Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ListBox1.Items.Add("7226218; Hemlock; 22.55; 0")


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Import Text File To Listbox - Export Items In Listbox As Text File?

Jun 28, 2009

1.In my program I have 2 textboxes.In first textbox user need to put some number.Let's say he put number 10, then in other textbox program need to write numbers from 1 - 10, like this:

If he put 20 in first textbox, in second textbox it should be:


2.I need to do this...Import text file to listbox.Export items in listbox as text file.

View 9 Replies

VS 2005 Reading Lines Of A File, Adding Them To Listbox, And Then Looping?

May 17, 2009

I have a form with a listbox. I'm adding items to the listbox through a file that I saved. When I open the file, I want each line/string in the file to go in as a separate item in the listbox. I've gotten it to work so far but only with 1 string. I need to loop the part where the file is being read to be able to add all the strings that are within the file to the listbox. How do I do this? So far, this is the code I have:

VB .net
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click OpenFileDialog1.Filter =


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Adding Item To Listbox With Value, And Text?

Jan 26, 2009

I cannot figure out how to add an item to a listbox with a specific value. I am able to add a text description without any problems, but how can I give it a specific value?

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Get Listbox Text Using Index Of Its Item?

Aug 19, 2010

In simple terms, I want to compare the value of a databound listbox display member with another string. However; I need to convert the listbox databound items to an array first as I may have to do 1,000's of comparisons on this.

I have a databound listbox from a sql server table that populates fine. I'm trying to retrieve the display value of a listbox item without selecting the item. My goal is to compare items in listbox1 with items in listbox2 and if item is in listbox1 matches an item I want to load into Listbox2, then I do not add the item to Listbox2. Listbox 2 is not databound but contents I'm loading come from a datatable.

So, I iterate through the items in listbox2's datatable but as I'm adding the items from the datatable to the listbox2, I check if the item exists in listbox1. The data that is being compared is the Displaymember of Listbox1 and a string value I want to manually load into listbox2.[code]....

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Get The Text Of A Item That Is In A Listbox

Nov 19, 2009

Im trying to get the Text of a Item that is in a listbox. I basically want to use


But instead of getting me an integer, I want it to give me the Text of the selected Index/Item

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File I/O And Registry :: Read One Text File And Put Lines In Different Text Boxes?

May 12, 2009

i have 5 textboxes in a form. I have a streamwriter that writes all of their text to on text file like this:

Dim xfile As String = Application.StartupPath & "/Set.txt"
If File.Exists(xfile) = True Then
Dim writex As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(xfile)


I was wondering how to get the text under the each number and place it in the corresponding textbox.

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Change An Item Text In A Listbox Using A Textbox

Aug 5, 2011

l am trying to do this listbox1.selected item.text =textbox1.text.l am using 2010 , that syntax doesn't work.l just want to be able to change an item text in a listbox using a textbox.

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Forms :: Removing Certain Text From A Listbox Item

Apr 22, 2009

Im trying to remove a certain bit of text from my listbox item..

heres my code..

If ListBox1.Text.Contains(".zip") Then
ListBox1.Text = ListBox1.Text.Remove(".zip")
End If

and when i start it and it tries to remove it, it comes up with an error saying

Conversion from string ".zip" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
ive tried, this code..
If ListBox1.Text.Contains(".zip") Then
End If

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Loop A Listbox And Grab Text Value If Each Item?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a listbox that contains a bunch of email addresses from a SQL database.I have some code that I use to send an email with some values from my app.How can I loop through my list box and grab the email address to use as my string I have this and it loops twice because Thats how many addresses I have in my test listbox.

For i = 0 To Me.lstbxEmailListR.Items.Count - 1

Looking for a line of code that I can use to set a string to the listbox text


I don't need to use a listbox, But I figured it was easy to use to grab the email addresses from my DB.

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