Creating Sequential Consignment Number In Listbox?

May 22, 2010

I have built a system for a shipping company to use that takes user input from various sources (Textboxes, RadioButtons etc) and displays it in listboxes below. What I need to do is create individual shipping numbers for each of the consignments added based on certain criteria, that being:When adding a consignment, the system should generate the consignment number automatically in the format XY12-xAB, where x is a number that increases by 1 for each consignment, AB is the Shipment Type (EA, SA or SF) and XY12 is the Office ID.

So far, I have this:
Private Sub GenerateConsignnmentNumber()
Dim sConsignmentNumber As String


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Way To Generate Sequential Number

Apr 21, 2010

How i would generate sequential number in[code]...

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Date Based Sequential Number Generator

Nov 25, 2011

I have a ticketing application and I want to create a date based, sequential, ticket number.I'm leaning toward something based on Posix time as this generates a sufficiently large number and the likelihood of any two ticket numbers overlapping is slim to none (two people would have to just happen to hit the button at exactly the same time on two perfectly synchronized systems).Has anyone done anything like this or have any code snippets/ suggestions? At the moment, I'm just using a UNIX time converter someone posted elsewhere: [code] This works fine (although it's not POSIX time), but I wanted to see if anyone else had any feedback as well.

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Filling A Listbox With Data From Sequential File ?

Feb 11, 2011

I have this assignment which has to read the names from a sequential file and store them in the names array. Then i have to sort the array in descending order and listbox. Only I'm having a problem when i try to implement the sort method. Theres no syntax error but the sorts not happening.


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Load A Sequential Text File Into A Listbox

Apr 14, 2009

i'm trying to load a sequential text file into a listbox, and for some reason it won't move onto the next line? instead i get square characters instead

It appears like:

Where the square characters are, i want it to be an extra line as opposed to just that? here's the

Dim YOUREFILE As String = "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsPROJECTFILESYOURSTUDENTSCORES.TXT"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(YOUREFILE)


Here's what the file looks like:

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Listbox Populated With Data From A Sequential Text File

Mar 14, 2012

In my program i have a listbox populated with data from a sequential text file. [code] Mary, Murphy, 16, 893782, Douglas etc.From here the user selects the person they wish to see displayed in the datagrid with all all other relevant details from the text file displaying. Problem is I cannot figure out how to refer to the selected person and then get it displaying on its own in the datagrid. [code]

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Select Multiple Files From A Folder - Rename Them - Add A Sequential Number To The End?

Aug 28, 2011

I'm trying to figure a way to select multiple files from a folder and rename them and also add a sequential number to the end.Example: Take img_001.jpg, img_002.jpg and rename them to picture1.jpg, picture2.jpg and so on. There is a maximum of 50 files in each folder..

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Passing Array Values (sequential) To A Range (non-sequential)?

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to copy the values to another sheet but not in any sequence eg.A1,B2,C4,D7 ........and so on. I am trying this slick way of doing it by the code below ( found on the web) without success so far but I got a feeling I am close to the solution. I am new to any kind of Programming. This is my first attempt. (so a chuckle or two is ok after seeing my "difficult" problem)

(This is an excel VBA Prblem)
Sub justdoit()
Dim s As Variant


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File Access - Read A Sequential File Into A Listbox

Jul 6, 2009

I am stuck on an easy problem I'm sure, but for the life of me i cannot figure it out. I need to read a sequential file into a listbox. I can read the file into the textbox but i want to format the data in the listbox. for example i want to PadLeft(10), delete the excess commas, and give a heading for each column. here is the code i have and attached is the text file.

Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1

Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click


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Adding Number In A Listbox Then Multiplying By A Number Using One Button?

Oct 14, 2011

adding all the numbers in a list box then multiplying it by a %.theres one listbox and two buttons, and two textboxes.i've completed everything but this and can't fibd it in my book. I just looking for pointers. this is what i have which i know isn't right

Dim sum, cost As Double
sum =
cost = sum * 0.06
lstbox.Items.Add("Total Commission =" & cost & ".")

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Arrange A Number - When Push Button All The Number Appear In ListBox

May 21, 2011

I have a 3 digits of number in Multiine TextBox


that mean from left to right(small to bigger) and from top to bottom(small to bigger)

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Creating A Number Base Converter?

Nov 3, 2009

Module Module1
Dim Bf, Bt, Lgt, Total, Pwr, Valu, Val2 As Integer
Dim InNum, Temp, OutNum As String


I, will just explain a few areas of this to ease the process of understanding it:

1-The conversion Subs are to be used for values such as A7 in Hexadecimal

2-The Err Boolean will hopefully be used to link back to the top in the event of an error

3-Apollogies for the abreviated variable names, it simplifies things in my mind but winds my fellow students and teacher up no end.

This code is not fully functional yet, however I believe it should give an answer for my test value of 800 Base 10 to Base 8 (1440), however when the program runs in debug mode I can enter the three inputs but then it leaves two lines and gives an unresponsive flashing cursor.

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Creating A Random Number Or Object?

Jan 23, 2010

I have an application with 6 cars 'racing' across the screen. Ideally I would like the random function to move only 1 of the 6 objects (cars) at one time and then loop until one car reaches a predefined finish line. However I'm not sure if this is achievable. Would I need to create a random number then create if statements?

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Loop For Creating Number Of GroupBox

Dec 9, 2011

i have to create for loop that create each time a new GroupBox with new name and location this is not a is a personal Application to manage my information [code]i have to change the name of the first Dim in the loop each time , but i couldn't.

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Creating A Word Table With A Different Number Of Columns In Each Row?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm working with Microsoft Word and trying to generate a table with headings that may span one to three columns. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. The table should look something like the following:Counters

Times (hrs)
Flows (gals)
Well Starts


To get it to look this way, I'm not exactly sure what to do from VB.

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Creating Program To Display All Factors Of A Given Number?

Feb 9, 2011

I am working on a simple program to return all factors of a given input integer.nfortunately I am stuck. THe code is

Dim x As Integer
x = txtInput.Text
Dim factor As Integer


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Creating A Routine To Decode A 0-255 Number Into Specific Values?

Oct 22, 2011

This is kind of a brain twister. First, what it involves. I'm writing an application that is working with values sent to and received from an 8 bit micro-controller. There are 8 bits of specified values. Here they are. bit1 = 1, bit2 = 2, bit3 = 4, bit4 = 8, bit5 = 16, bit6 = 32, bit7 = 64 and bit8 = 128.I made a routine that uses 8 checkboxes to add the values for sending them to the micro-controller. That wasn't too hard. In my appp there are 8 checkboxes. Each checkbox assigns one of the specific bit values to a variable (or subtracts it when unchecked). The total of the variable is then displayed in a textbox and ready to send.Now the hard part that ed to take any number between 0 and 255 apart in values that will be a combination of the numbers (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128) above and show each checkbox which is assigned those numbers to be checked.

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Dynamically Creating An Unlimited Number Of Background Workers?

Sep 7, 2010

I am dynamically creating an unlimited number of background workers and would like to handle errors from them.

In a try statement I am using the following:

Catch ex As Exception
'Me.BeginInvoke(New UpdateTextCallback(AddressOf Error_Text), New Object() {Message, Account})
Exit Sub
End Try

I have commented out the BeginInvoke command because I can not get it to work. I get an error the the handle has not been created. This subroutine is in a module and I can not figure out how to get the invoke to work.

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VS 2008 Creating Own Security For App / How To Get Unique Computer Id Number

Apr 16, 2010

I've seen threads on this topic posted before but they didn't come up in the search that I did. What's the best way to get a computer id code of some kind that is unique for each computer so I could use that to create a unique software activation code?Does Visual Basic have any staements that can give you this kind of information.

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Creating A Filter / Search Function For A Listbox

Nov 14, 2009

i am trying to create a search function/filter for a list box basicly when i type a letter or letters into a text box i want the listbox items to be filtered so say i have 5 names in the list box as follows:


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Creating User Control Using Datagridcell With Listbox

Nov 22, 2011

I want to show a Listbox below the cell of datagridview, for that i inherited a

DataGridViewColumn and added an object of listbox called LstBox .

Now i can get all property of listbox in property window for the control which i

added on form, but i cannot see the Listbox when i run the form. how to make visible Listbox.

I use this code

Public Class DataGridViewTLBoxColumn
Inherits DataGridViewColumn
Private WithEvents LstBox As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox


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Add Number For Each Item In Listbox?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a listbox with items, for example the list box have 2 items, the name of the first item in john and the name of the second item is smith i want to add a number to the items that makes them to be like 1. john and 2.smith...etc.

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Arrange Some Number To Listbox?

Oct 18, 2010

How to do in coding...

TextBox -----------------------------------------> ListBox
05,11,22,24, 31,37,41,44,52,59, 72,80 05,11,22,24,31,37


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Count Number In Listbox?

May 23, 2010

I have two listbox.listbox4 have a number from 0 to 10.i want to count that number and put into listbox5oid to count item 1 - 10 in listbox4.start count from item 11.



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Extracting A Number From Listbox To Add Them?

Jan 25, 2010

i'm trying to do a workshop selector that adds price of each workshop selected and puts the type of workshop the place and the total price then adds the sum of all workshops together.i'm trying to figure out how to extract only the price from the last list box and add them to get the final sum and display in a text box. I have a loop to add it but it only works when the workshop and place is not in the listbox.

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From Listbox Put Number In Textbox?

Jan 4, 2012

I want to sum the first column put the textbox1, second column put the textbox2,third column put the textbox3 I have only cod to break items from listbox1. Dim m, n, c As String


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Sort Number In Listbox?

Jan 27, 2011

How to sorting number in Listbox.

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Creating A Backup Database To A Specified USB Flash Drive (Using Serial Number).

Apr 25, 2010

i have a question concering USB flash drives. I am building a Record Book with an Access 2007 database. When a user changes some information in the database i have built a procedure to create a backup of the database on a second hard drive. I was wondering if there is a way to find my USB flash drive serial number (either through coding or alternative ways) and specify that USB with that serial number as the location of the backup. As my program is at the moment, the backup is created from C to D. This can be a problem if on other computers there is no D drive or it's not a hard disk. By specifying the serial number to save the backup database to, should work on all pcs (theoretically). I am just not sure if this is possible in any way.

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VS 2010 Creating A Shift Rota System For A Small Number

Dec 7, 2010

i am creating a shift rota system for a small number of staff basically there is a 3 week rota

week 1 - late
week 2 - early
week 3 - off

i am getting confused on how to calculate which week the member of staff is currently on eg week 1 / 2 / 3 i think i need a datediff with a mod to calculate it but thats where im getting confused (if im even right on that part)

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VS 2008 Creating A User-drawn Listbox Class?

Aug 1, 2009

having trouble trying to add different items to the listbox. What happens is that the item that's in the listbox gets redrawn every time I try to add new item, why is that?
Public Class ColoredListBox
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ListBox


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