Creating An Excel File?

Feb 24, 2010

I have this peace of code, where I want to make an excel file:

Dim filename As String = ""
Dim sheetname As String = ""
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application


The problem is that this only works if the file and sheet already exists. How do I create a new Excel file?

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Close Excel Instance After Creating .xls File In VB

Oct 28, 2009

I am creating an excel file in my vb app. Below is the code I am using to do this. But when the application is closed, I still have an instance of Excel running in the background. How do i close it? I can do it with the xlWBook but not the xlApp.

'create empty excel file
xlApp = CType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application)


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VS 2008 - Creating / Saving Excel File In BGW

Jun 4, 2011

I am trying to use the BGW to save a DGV to excel file, but don't know how to do it correctly, specifically setting the savefile name this code doesn't work gives me:

'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred
- Make sure the specified folder exists.
- Make sure the folder that contains the file is not read-only.
- Make sure the file name does not contain any of the following characters:

Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process. I also tried doing the Save in the BGW RunWorker Completed event but then there is no file name. It seems I need to pass the file name the user inputs in the SaveFileDialog to the BWG WorkerCompleted event somehow

Private Sub excelexp_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles excelexp.Click
ProgressBar2.Visible = True
Saving.Visible = True
Dim saveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()
[Code] .....

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Creating Excel File - Force As String Type?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a app that I create an excel file with from sql data. It creates it fine but for cells that have a social security number, it makes that cell numeric and removes the leading zeros. Does anyone know how to force this cell as a string when adding it to the worksheet? Is there a property or method I can call to do this in my vb app?

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VS 2008 [2005 Code] Creating Excel File?

Oct 6, 2009

I need my app to create a excel file, but I am getting a error running this code. While running this in debug, on the line "xlWorkSheet.SaveAs("C:vbexcel.xlsx")" there is a error saying "ComException was unhandled" and "Exception from Hresult 0x800A03EC"

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,_
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


View 2 Replies Using Oledb To Export Excel File Returns Empty Excel File

Feb 24, 2010

I am using oledb to export information to excel file. I encounter problems when the information to export becomes too big, in this case the code I have given below, the excel file generated becomes an empty spreadsheet.If I changed the loop to 1123 for insertion of the rows. The generated excel file is fine, 1125 rows, and 4 columns shown.A test program in windows form is also working fine regardless of how many rows.[code]I couldn't find a solution to my problem as well. What I did eventually was to run the process using another separate windows service. The code works perfectly fine running from a windows form or service program, but not, not sure why.

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Export To Excel Excel Could Not Open The File Because The File Format Is Not Valid?

May 8, 2012

I have this issue that occurs with me and driving me crazy i have a report that contains thousands of records and i need to export it to excel , but the excel normal extension .xls

is showing missing records at the end of the file , so i save my file as an .xlsx extension it saves correctly but when i open the file it generates an error

"Excel cannot open the file '<var>filename</var>.xlsx' because the file format for the file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."but when i test the file i drag it and open it in an empty notepad all the records shows up correctly

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C# - Excel Not Creating?

Mar 31, 2010

i am trying to run the following code :

Excel.Application xlApp;
Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;


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Creating DLL And Using It In Excel

Jul 21, 2009

I was having problems creating a DLL and using it in my Excel application. Here's what I've found which has worked for me immensely: [URL]

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Creating A Macro In Excel Using Vb?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm creating a macro in excel using vb?What the macro is doing is checking if the row and column headers are same, and if it is then I want it to save the row header (the date in this case) AND the value (a number) into an array, and this is done in a for loop and goes on.... I dont know if I should use 2-D array or a 1-D array that stores 2 values....Not sure at all !Then after the outer most FOR LOOP is done, I want to print those values stored in the array.

Here is what I have so far, this works actually however i'm using 2 seperate arrays, one to store the row header (the date) and another array to store the value. But really I want to make it simpler, shorter and use only one array that stores both of these values as we go through the for loop and at the end of the for loop, all the values from beginning which are stored can be printed out.

Here is my code :

Sub Test ()
Dim sys_arr() As String ' declaring the array to store the values
Dim sys_date_arr() As String 'declaring the array to store the dates


This totally works but with 2 different arrays, all I want is just 1 single array (not sure if it is 2-dimensions or still stays as 1 dimension but with 2 different variables)... and then the array can store the date and variable correspondant to the date, and goes to the next row, and do same thing... So the output results should be like for eg :

2/12/2010 37
2/13/2010 41
2/14/2010 66
and so forth

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Creating Dropdown In Excel

Jan 15, 2012

Using VB.NET I created an excel sheet with list of items in dropdownlist.[code]But i can able to view the listbox upto "testing", rest of the items are not diplayed in the listbox why?Is there any limit for dropdown list items, If so how to increase the limit?

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Creating Excel Chart Using .net?

Jun 5, 2011

it is possible to enter values using and sending it to excel and displaying graphical representation of the values from excel to my vb form?

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Creating Pivotable In Excel Via VB?

Sep 25, 2010

My program exports a datatable to excel and then selects the cells in excel that have been populated with the data. I need to create a pivotable using those cells (not the datatable). The below is the code I have so far, but I cannot get the pivotcache section to work. I have looked to the VBA forums for help as well, but I don't think those are helpful since I'm creating this as VB program. Other threads I've been using as reference are:


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Creating/Working With Excel Fro .NET?

Apr 30, 2012

Creating/Working with Excel fro .NET?

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Creating A Worksheet In Excel From 2008?

Aug 30, 2010

I am attempting to create a worksheet in an existing excel spreadsheet from visual basic 2008 but it does not create it. My code is below.

Dim strFilename = "C: est.xls"
" [" & strFileName &
";].[Sheet2] ;"


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Creating An Excel Sheet From A .NET Application?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a pet project of mine that I'm working on; basically, it's for scouts during FIRST FRC matches and allows them to enter data about teams into an Excel sheet. I'm having a problem creating said sheet, however. I want the program to create a new sheet, with the filename being whatever the user puts in a textbox I have. the interface takes data about teams one team at a time; when user wants to add a new team, they press "Enter Data" (which puts whatever is in the interface on Row x, then the user will be able to add new data to Row x+1 each time they press said button, etc). The main issue is that when I have the code as follows:


I've narrowed the problem to the "filename" and "filepath" variables. I've Googled around for answers, but the articles that I found about the error above are too vague to help me. Does anyone know why VB.NET is giving me this error? Also, how can I reuse the same Excel sheet for the entire duration that my VB.NET application is running? As in, I want to be able to add ~50 or so teams to the same Excel document (for example, all of it going into "MyRegional.xls").

Sorry if this is an obvious problem to solve or anything; I'm fairly new to programming in general, so I'm clueless as to what's going on with this. Up until this point, my program runs fine and when I comment out "Dim filename..." and "Dim filepath...", the program will run normally. If it helps, I'm running VB.NET Express 2010 in Windows 7 Home.

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Creating Excel Workbook Dynamically Through .net?

Jun 5, 2011

to create excel workbook dynamically where data will be input and manipulated by user. i want graph as well to be created using the data i manipulated and entered.i want as many as work sheets to be added in workbook once it is created.

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Creating Multiple Excel Charts With .net?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm trying to create multiple Excel charts, in one work sheet using is the code:

'creating the chart
Dim chartPage As Excel.Chart
Dim xlPump1Charts As Excel.ChartObjects


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.net - Creating A Pop-Up Calendar In A VSTO Excel Project

Apr 23, 2009

I'm trying to use the System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar control within a VSTO Excel workbook. I want the MonthCalendar to pop up when I click a button in the ribbon, but so far I can't get the control to display at all.

Private Sub DeliveryDateFromCalendarButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles DeliveryDateFromCalendarButton.Click


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Any Good Tutorials For Creating Excel Addins?

Feb 26, 2011

Does anyone know of any good tutorials for creating Excel Addins?

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Coding In Excel Creating A User-form?

Mar 1, 2009

I've created a User-form in excel and I need help in the coding part of it.Currently I have coded the User form, as shown below:

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r As Integer[code].....

The section which says 'Find first free row from A21' up to'Cells(r, 4).Value = Me.txtQty2.Value' (highlighted in bold) is where I need help. I currently have 3 combo-boxes called 'cboProduct, cboProduct2 andcboproduct3' and next to each one of them I have a textbox called 'txtQty1,txtQty2 and txtQty3'. I am trying to get the first combo-box to find the first free row starting from A21 and go to cell B21 and the first textbox to go to D21. For the second combo-box to find a free row from A21 and go to B22 if B21 is used and the same applies to the textbox , if D21 is used to go D22.This also applies for the third combo-box and text box. However my coding doesn't work.

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Creating And Editing Spreadsheet Without Excel Installed?

Jan 24, 2012

I am looking for a way that on the form I am designing , there will be a section that displays an excel type spreadsheet that stores rows of similar information as show below.

length(mtr) width(mtr) height(mtr) cubic weight(kg) physical weight(kg)

eg. 0.15m 0.25m 0.35m 3.38kg 5kg I need the spreadsheet to allow the user to select rows and the form can have command buttons to allow then to delete selected row, etc. But I dont want to have it that the system this program eventually runs on to need to have excel actually installed on the system.

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Creating Dropdown List In Excel Cell?

Feb 4, 2011

I am creating an excel file and have to add a dropdown list to a cell. It looks like I need data validation, but my attempt errored on the .Add line.

With wkbSheet.Range("H" & rowCt).Validation
.Add(Type:=Excel.XlDVType.xlValidateWholeNumber, _


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Creating MS Project Addin With Exportation To Excel?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm creating an Addin, specifically to MS Project 2007. This Addin create a toolbar with a button that will allow user to export his project to excel sheet in MS Excel 2003 or 2007. My problem is create workbook with worksheet. I already made toolbar and added the button. My button can open Excel Application but i can't add workbook and worksheet.

<script type="text/javascript">
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop


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Stop Excel Creating Extra Books?

Nov 20, 2009

it seems that every Excel workbook I create in Vb, Excel automatically creates a ghost book with the name Bookn.xls where the n is incremental. After a lot of processing, I could have 20+ blank books open and running in taskmanager!

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VB - Creating - Relatively Simple Code For An Excel Project

Oct 19, 2009

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum or has already been asked, but I'm having a problem creating what should be a relatively simple code for an Excel Project. Essentially, the code is supposed to check if a certain column has Y in it and then copy that entire row onto another sheet and then move on to check the rest of the original sheet. This version of the code seems to do everything but actually populate the cells with the information. Every other attempt I've made has ended with "Application-Based or Object Based Errors". I've worked on this code for a few days now and I just can't seem to get it right. What am I doing wrong?

Here's the code:

Sub PopulateNewSheet()

i = 2

Do While Worksheets("Main List").Cells(i, 2).Value <> 0


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VS 2010 - Creating Rectangular Shape In Excel

Aug 16, 2011

The VBA Code is
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 105.75, 54.75, 114, 65.25).Select
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 441, 57, 117.75, 90.75).Select
For VB.Net, I tried looking the prefix for "msoShapeRectangle" or "msoShapeOval" in
Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoShapeType. But couldn't find it.

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Creating A Excel Chart From Three Rows Of Information Data

Jun 5, 2011

I have this rather stupid litle excel issue which somehow just doesn't go away by itself;I'm creating a excel chart from three rows of information data. Each row has a header, so far so good. The first row exixt of calender data and I planned it to use them as my x-axis labeling. But somehow excel uses them as variables and changes them in to a third bar. Which is not what I had in mind when copied this litle piece of code.[code]

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Creating A Multipage Excel Report In A Single Worksheet Using .Net?

Jun 4, 2010

I am creating a multipage excel report in a single worksheet using VB.Net. I need to display group header information at the top of every page. check whether a cell is the first cell of a page or not.

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Creating An Excel Application In .net Using Visual Studio 2008?

May 11, 2011

I am creating a excel application in using VisualStudio 2008.while adding reference we have both managed ( On the .NET TAB) and unmanaged (on the COM TAB).currently i am referencing the COM tab but it is not showing the errors properly.

can i use the excel interop on .NET tab?which one is the better way to reference and what is the difference between those two?

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