Crystalreport Design Changes Doesn't Work In Runtime?

Apr 12, 2010

For some reasons that I don't understand all my design changes won't show up when I hit F5 and run the application. I can put how many new fields and labels with som "hello" text that I wont but they are not displayed at runtime. But all database changes the report i connected to will be displayed.

How can that be? What is wrong with my report when all datachanges runs thru but not my design changes?

I am using VS 2008 and the built in crystal report and viewer.


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Tooltip On Windows 7 Doesn't Work VB2010 - Thecolor Doesn't Change ?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of a tooltip

I am using tooltip.backgroundcolor = color.colr

No errors but thecolor doesn't change

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PerformClick() Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have an application that requires data be entered, and after entering, a button is clicked to process that data. Clicking the button works just as it should--the data is processed properly. In constructing a test module, I provide a set of data values, followed by:


Nothing happens. I have used this syntax for years, and it has always worked flawlessly. I have triple checked everything else and isolated the problem to the failure of the PerformClick(). The PerformClick() is in a test subroutine that does nothing but fill textboxes and labels with default data, then calls the PerformClick() on the button to begin processing. Again, the button works fine, the data is entered as it should be, but the PerformClick() does not fire the click event.

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Have To Save To See Design Changes At Runtime

Mar 23, 2012

Just started with VS2010. (vb)
Coming from VS2005. (i skipped VS2008)

My question is this. Why do I have to hit save before every build in order to see design changes at runtime? Example: I change the text on a button at design time. I click on run and the text does not reflect the change. But if I saved the form before clicking run, than it does. Also like to add VS2010 runs much slower compared to VS2005 running on the same computer. I understand VS2010 can do more, but a lot of times you don't need it to.

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MicrosoftReportViewer Doesn't Show Up In Form In Design View

Jun 6, 2011

I have created a form and dropped a MicrosoftReportViewer onto the form. It appears in the control panel on the bottom of the design view but it will not show up in the form. This is the second form I have done like this. The first one is fine. I can see the report viewer in the form and reports work correctly. For the second form nothing. Something I did notice is that in the first form the ReportViewer1 has a name in properties. In the second form there is no line with the name of the control.

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Design Time Changes Not Affecting At Runtime

Jul 26, 2010

In some of the forms ,whenever i change some properties using the Properties Window of some controls or the form they get reflected in the Properties Window but will not get changed at Run Time.

I am facing this in quite many of the forms, hence i am applying the property changes in form load, this is causing performance breach .

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IDE :: Design Mode Backcolor's Look Different Than Runtime

Nov 26, 2011

Converted an VS 2003 VB Application to Visual Studio 2010. Conversion seemed to work great. Having trouble with the Backcolor of buttons. In design mode they are a light gray (I have them set to transperent and they are on a VBPowerPack.Blend Panel) - but in Runtime they turn the correct color (Steel Blue). How do I get design time to look the same as runtime? Also, they stay light grey in run time if I check Enable XP Styles. Makes me feel better to see the same colors at Design time

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VS 2008 Form Design At Runtime?

Jul 24, 2009

I have a question regarding the manipulation of a form at runtime. Let's say I created a simple form in the form designer before runtime containing a couple of buttons, text boxes and labels. While the program is running, I would like to change properties of these controls, while having the ability to move them around, along with the addition of newer controls, say a listbox.

After the form is 're-designed', I would like to save the new settings of my form, in either a database or settings file. Whats the best way to implement this?

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IDE :: XSD Design Editor Work In VS2010 B2?

Nov 30, 2009

If I double click on an existing XSD file in a VB project to display the XSd file in Design mode, I get a menu and some instruction, but none of the menu buttons work and my XSD file is not displayed. Does this XSD design mode work properly in VS2010 B2? How do I display the contents of my XSd file?

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VS 2005 Design App To Work With Different Database Backends?

Jun 22, 2009

I'd like to get some feedback what you think is the best way of designing a VB 2005 application that can be set up ("scaled"?) to work with different database backends (say MS-Access vs. SQL Server vs. Oracle). For example, where would you store the connection info, where should the repository of SQL statements (which will vary slightly from DBMS to DBMS) reside, etc.

View 9 Replies

.net - Images On A TabControl Show At Design Time But Not At Runtime?

Apr 19, 2011

In a VB.NET winform App I want to place icons on each tab header of a TabControl.I set the ImageList property of the TabControl and for each Tab I set the ImageKey property.My icons show as expected on each tab at design time within the IDE but when I run the App, my icons don't show (an empty space is shown instead).

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C# - Reset Runtime Changes To A Dataset With A Design Time Schema .NET

May 16, 2012

I have a small dataset which has most of its schema defined at design time, but I add a few columns to one of its tables at runtime. My problem is how do I reset those changes? he dataset is not linked to any datasource. It just has its own table which I "manually" populate. The static columns have been added to the datatable at design time. However, I add a few columns as runtime based on a list of categories. Like this:


The dataset is used in a small dialog that pops up within my application. I add the dynamic columns when the dialog is opened by using the Load event. Everything works great the first time. But if you close the dialog and reopen it, there are problems. My startup routine tries adding the dynamic columns again, but an error is thrown saying the column already exists. I have tried a lot of things and did some reading but I can't figure out a way to reset the dataset when the dialog is closed. The only solution is to close the whole application and reopen it. I have tried the following in the Leave event of the dialog form:


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Error Handling Works In Design Time But Not In Runtime

Jul 1, 2012

I use try catch finally to handle errors in my program. And these work fine when i debug application, but when i install it, error handling does not work?!

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Runtime Versus Design Time Added Controls

Apr 8, 2011

I want to ask a question about adding controls in design time (controls may be any win form control or a user control) and adding the control in run time.

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VS 2008 : SQL Query - Works At Design Time But Not Runtime?

Aug 16, 2010

I've created an SQL Query using the query builder. In the query builder, you can test the query by clicking the button "Execute Query", and entering the desired values in the parameter fields.

My query returns the correct results when I do this, but when I seemingly pass the same values at runtime, I get 0 records returned.The query is designed such that you can pass nulls if you don't wish to filter data by that particular parameter.
SQL Query:

SELECT ID, UPC, Quantity, Manufacturer, Style, Color, Size, Category, DateReceived, Cost, OriginalRetail, Retail, LocationID
FROM Inventory


In the query builder "Execute Query" dialog, I enter a value I know that the db contains in the "Size" field, "1/1/1900" & "1/1/2199" in Dates A & B, respectively, and nulls for all other fields. This returns 1 record, which is just as I expected. It works correctly.But when I pass the same values into the method created by the designer, I get 0 records returned. I can't figure out where the problem lies. Even if I enter nulls for all fields other than the dates, it returns 0. This tells me that the dates are causing the problem, but I can't figure out why, because I'm passing strings equivalent to what I entered in the query builder.

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VS 2008 Form Displaying Different At Runtime Compared To Design?

Aug 9, 2010

Im having odd problems with how my form is displaying at runtime...if you look at the 2 attachments you can see at runtime the labels disappear under the check box's, but at design time they are positioned perfectly.

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IDE :: Form Exists As It Opens In Runtime But I Can't Seem To Open The Design View?

Jun 23, 2010

I created primary/start up Form for my VB2005 app (called Admin.vb). Now when I go back to the solution explorer, I can see Admin.vb but it doesn't have the form icon and clicking it doesn't open the form. Instead it opens the code.All of my other forms are fine and have the right icons and open in the [Design] view ...The form obviously still exists as it opens in runtime but I can't seem to open the design view for it.

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Setting Background Both At Design Time And Then Runtime - Program Just Closes

Aug 13, 2011

I'm using .net 2008 Trying to create a small graphic component, I have a problem setting background both at design time and then runtime. I derived a panel like this


But it isn't working! If I don't Overrides Property BackColor, this is working as expected but I really need to group in my custom tab.

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VS 2010 - Creating Menu At Design Time And Populate At Runtime

Jun 19, 2011

Is it possible to create a menu at design time and populate it at run time and then display it at the mouse pointer when I click on a cell in a datagrid?

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.net - Label Control Behaves Differently At Design Time Versus Runtime?

Jul 8, 2009

I am creating a custom Label control (by simply Inheriting the standard Label control and re-painting the background and text) because I need a very specific background and border. In the constructor of the control, I set the AutoSize property to false so I can have a standard default size for the new label.

Public Sub New()
/*Set the default size of the control to 75x24*/
Me.Height = 24


In my application that uses this control, if I create the new custom label at run time (in code), the AutoSize property stays False, and it works properly.If I try to add the new custom label to my form at design time, it comes in with the AutoSize property set to True, and I have to manually set it to False in the properties window. It's not a huge problem, but I don't understand why the behavior is different.

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.net - Datagridview Doesn't Work

Sep 13, 2010

Possible Duplicate: Datagridview doesnt work! I have written code to show records in a datagridview but it shows nothing. I have tried to debug & when it step into GetData function following codes

Catch ex As Exception
returnData = Nothing
If connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If

become gray & it shows error sign. When I take my mouse pointer on it it shows message. It says "Cannot open database SUIMT requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MY-PCJames'".

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form34
Private Const ConnectionString As String = "Server=.SQLEXPRESS;" & _


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.net - VB 2 Streamreaders, One Doesn't Work?

Oct 11, 2011

So I have 2 data files, single dimension, that I'm trying to populate two rtb. If I comment one streamreader out the other will print. This also works in the vise versa situation. Does anybody see where I'm going wrong with this? They won't run together.

Dim Alpha As New System.IO.StreamReader("alpha.dat")
Dim Beta As New System.IO.StreamReader("beta.dat")
Dim strLine As String


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.NET: Why Doesn't This Nullable Work

Dec 15, 2010

dim str as nullable(of string) is this syntax incorrect?

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AxAcroPDF Doesn't Work When Using MDI?

Nov 26, 2010

i'm working on a MDI application and need to view a ".PDF" files in a MDI child form, but when using the AxAcroPDF control it doesent work, note that it works fine when viewing the form separately from the MDI application.

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Backgroundworker Doesn't Work?

Aug 21, 2011

this is my code:

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
For i = 0 To 1000


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Dll Doesn't Work On Any Other Computer

Mar 15, 2012

Has anyone succeeded in creating a class library solution/project in VS2010 4.0 Net Framework for COM to run on WindowsXP Excel 2003. I created a dll which changed specific data in an excel worksheet. The dll worked just fine on the development computer but wont work on any other. I downloaded .NET 4 framework onto the target PCs and used RegAsm.exe to register both the .dll and .tlb files in the registry. That worked OK and the dll is visible as a reference in excel and can be ticked. The error message I get is RunTime Error -2147024894(80070002): Automation Error The System cannot find the file specified.

I also tried creating a Setup and Deploy project in the original development solution but this created just a vbproj setup file which the target PC cannot read (no VS installed), I hoped the project would create an EXE file I could use. Does anyone know any links that describe how to do this type of stuff as most links I have tried are either for Windows Forms projects are are way above my knowledge. Maybe someone out there has already succeeded with this sort of activity?

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Express DLL Doesn't Work On Other PCs?

May 24, 2012

I have Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition. I'm using it to evaluate functionality before purchasing the real thing, but I'm having trouble. I want to build a DLL that can be used on PCs other than my development PC, that I can call from VBScript.

I follow the hundreds of examples out on the intranet and things still don't work.I have built a simple HelloWorld DLL with a function that returns "Hello World".I've been through all the stuff about making the assembly COM visible, and the threads about Register for COM Interop checkbox missing. One person suggested editing the .vbproj file and adding a tag to turn on Regiser for COM Interop (which was not needed because it was already there).

Anyway, if I build my project and run my VBScript:

Set testdll = CreateObject("HelloWorld.Class1")

wscript.echo testdll.HelloWorld()

Everything works great. But....if I copy the DLL to another PC and register it with RegAsm, the VBScript fails with a "File not found" error on the CreateObject line of the VBScript.

In fact, if I unregister the DLL on my development PC and then register it with RegAsm, the VBScript now fails on my development PC. RegAsm said everything was okay and if I look in the registery using RegEdit, things look good, but it still doesn't work. The only way to get it to work again is to rebuild the DLL (which in turn, registers the DLL).

I'd like to be able to build a DLL which I can be registered and used on other PCs (without requiring those PCs to have Visual Studio 2010 EE and without requiring them to have the source and build the DLL).

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If Statement Doesn't Work Right

Oct 13, 2009

a As Date? = Nothing
Dim b As Date? = If(a Is Nothing, Nothing, GetValue(a))

I thought b would be Nothing, but it is it a bug?

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IsDBNull Doesn't Work

Dec 3, 2009

I am getting a datarow from my dataset and some columns can be NULL.So I am trying to check for this using the IsDBNull function, but it just won't work. I have tried almost every possible combination. Can someone please explain to me how to use this properly?ser is a datarow and GUID is a column with data type: unique indentifier (so a Sytem.Guid)

user.GUID.Equals(DBNull.Value) Then .GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid
I tried using above, IsDBNull(GUID), guid = dbnull.value, guid is dbnull.value etc etc I am just getting this error: The specified Cast is not valid.


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OOP-inherition Doesn't Work?

May 13, 2009

why this code doesn't work?


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