DB/Reporting :: How To Setup A 'Library' Function

Dec 23, 2008

I'm working on a Free, Open Source Multimedia player. I'm hoping if I do it right, I can have it beat out WMP and iTunes. As this is the case, I'm trying to program the whole thing without connecting to either WMP or iTunes through COM or ActiveX, and not use any of the .dlls.One of my current problems is that I can't seem to figure out how to setup a "Library" function. What I'm thinking right now is I want to setup a database, and then connect to it. I was able to create a Local Database, and setup my Table and Fields, but I don't know how to connect to the database; I figured out how to create a new instance of the table, but those get deleted as soon as the program is closed.If anyone has a suggestion on how to do this, or a tutorial they can point me to, that would be fantastic. My only stipulation I have is I'd like to be able to use SQL searches on the database, to make searching for song faster.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Setup Trigger

Sep 14, 2008

I'm having difficulty understanding how to set up a simple trigger. I have two Tables, "Customer" and "Order" Both tables have a "CustomerID" field, where the one in "Order" points to the ID in "Customer". When a record from Customer is deleted, I want all records in "Order" deleted where the CustomerID is the same as the one being deleted from "Customer". Trigger for the Customer Table that would do this?

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DB/Reporting :: Transfer A Textfield Value To A Library Class?

Nov 17, 2008

I would like to check how to pass a textfield value from window form to a class form.

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DB/Reporting :: Charity Library Management System - VS2010

Aug 15, 2011

I have read syedwaqasali95's thread but found it rater confusing so thought I would post my query separately I am trying to build a library system for a local blind person's charity using Visual Basic. Their current system of recording is an Excell Spreadsheet that was created for them by someone else. What they have asked for is something more User Friendly.I thought about using Access first, but I wanted to hide the Data where it couldn't be modified by accident, and I wanted to make it as user friendly as possible so I opted for a VB WindowsFormApplication that will have a simple user interface albeit having to get more complicated under the hood.The library has two types of items that they lend, Audio Books, and Music CD's. Also there will need to be a record of the members creating three tables for my database.I should state that the library has a laidback lending approach whereby it is less worried about how long you borrow a book or CD, rather it just wants to keep a record of the location of said items.

I need help/pointing in the right direction with the following things 1) I want to prevent any ability to directly edit the datagridview data instead I want the user to highlight the entry in the datagridview, and then click an edit button which will open a form containing the record to be edited.

2) I want to be able to call information from the borrowers database, and to be able to apply it to the books data, so that the user can see who has what book at any given time.

e.g. the user highlights a record in datagridview and clicks the "Lend" button, this pops out a form allowing the user to search/choose from the list of members, once a member has been selected the save button (or confirm lend) would add the member info to the book table and close the form

3) I have a large amount of data (1500 records) in the original excel document, I would like to import these (once the database is ready to be compiled) so that they don't have to be re-input.

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Call A Function In A Vb Class Library (dll)?

May 31, 2011

How do I call a function in a visual basic class library?

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C# - MJPEGStream Function Example Of Aforge.Video Library?

May 31, 2012

give me a complete example showing the image of the stream in picturebox using this library written in VB.NET or C#

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Categorizing Functions And Properties In A Function Library?

May 9, 2010

I am currently working on a project witch contains lots of functions and properties. These functions and properties are stored in the dll. If I reference to this from within my project, these functions and properties are all in the same namespace or class. (I don;t know how it is called)Example:If I type the root namespace: Functions. I get all the functions. I would like to organize them in:

Functions.Maths (All the functions involving maths)
Functions.Internet (All the functions involving the internet)
Functions.Language (All the functions involving languages)

I tried using classes but I cant access the properties when they are stored in a class. I don't know why.

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.net - Creating A Hello World Library Function In Assembly And Calling It From C#?

May 18, 2010

Let's say we use NASM as they do in this answer: how to write hellow world in assembly under windows.I got a couple of thoughts and questions regarding assembly combined with c# or any other .net languages for that matter.First of all I want to be able to create a library that has the following function HelloWorld that takes this parameter: Name In C# the method signature would looke like this: void HelloWorld(string name) and it would print out something like Hello World from name To sum it up Create a routine in ASM ( NASM ) that takes one or more parameters Compile and create a library of the above functionality Include the library in any .net language Call the included library function Bonus features How does one handle returned values?Is it possible to write the ASM-method inline When creating libraries in assembly or c, you do follow a certain "pre defined" way, the c calling convetion, correct?

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Setup A Customer Collection Class That Has One Function?

Jan 15, 2012

I am having trouble setting up these classes.I need to set up a customer collection class that has one function GetCustomer(ByVal customerNumber As Integer) As Customer..The customer class reads a file and returns 5 fields and x number of records.My question is do I set up the 5 properties (fields) in the Customer class and if there are 10 records that match how do I return the customer object to the customer collection class. I don't care about exact syntax but could someone show me how these 2 classes should look?

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Setup USB Function At Visual Basic 2008?

Mar 8, 2010

i want to create a GUI which content a button and when the button is clicked, a signal B'0000 0001' send out through USB port.

my pc already can detect my hardware through USB port.

So, i just want to know how visual basic 2008 setup USB port function.

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Retrieves The Address Of An Exported Function Or Variable From The Specified Dynamic-link Library?

Jul 30, 2011

GetProcAddress Function Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL).Lets say I have something like this:

Dim moduleHandle As Integer = LoadLibrary("C:myDLL.dll")
Dim methodName As String = ""
GetProcAddress(moduleHandle, methodName)
DLL should be win32 standard dll or .net dll.

How can I run the exported function if I have the address of it through GetProcAddress().If someone could supply some code it would be great.


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Creating A Crystal Reports Project - Setup The Login To Database Function?

Jan 31, 2010

I am creating a visual basic project for class. It is all running as intended though I am not sure how to set up the login to database function. When you click the link for the specific report it should display the page. But I get a login to database page. I am just wondering how I set that up so that one can actually see the information. ie:


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DB/Reporting :: Mysql_fetch_array Like Php Function For .net?

Nov 28, 2009

i am a php programmer but one of my clients is needing a script I created for him along time ago converted to .net.Anyhow, I got everything converted and working fine but one small issue. In PHP if I wish to update multiple records with -- DIFFERENT -- values, I can use mysql_fetch_array then do a simple loop to update the data in each record with different values.Basically here is what I need todo, Open the mysql database connection, execute my update SQL code.

i.e: update users set last_login_location='" & txtLastLoginLocation.Text & "' WHERE user_id='" & txtUserID.Text & "' This gentleman has many different salesman out in different parts of the country and he wants to keep a record of where they report in at. I know it sounds strange, but hes the client and I am just doing what he asks. He manually runs the report so I am unable todo it at each login.

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Setup A Function Involving Multiplying A Cell By A Set Number And Then Having The Result Round To The Nearest 10?

Apr 22, 2009

I am working in excel trying to setup a function involving multiplying a cell by a set number and then having the result round to the nearest 10. Here's the beginning of my function statement fx=e3*1.026. say the result is 8654, I need it to round to 8650. Also if it comes back 8655, I need it to round to 8660. I have about 2,000 records I need to do this to so I was hoping that one formula or statement could be used for all my data.

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DB/Reporting :: Procedure Or Function Has Too Many Arguments Specified

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to call a stored procedure and get the idn_num as output on entering an input of a name. I get a "Procedure or function 'aaa' has to many arguements specified" error when I try to run my VB.net code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:ParameterProject esttable.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password = "
conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhostsqlexpress;Initial Catalog=PPRT;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False"
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Use SQL Statement To Return Value To Function

May 1, 2012

I have 2 functions that need to work together.1 function is to generate a chart number. The other function is to search via SQL to see if the chart number exists. if the chart number doesn't exist then i need function 2 to return a boolean value so function one can generate a new chart number example code: [code] Now i know that i am probably using the incorrect sql statement, my main issue is that i dont know how return available back to the function.

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.net - Reference A VB Function In Reporting Services Grouping?

Oct 21, 2009

I'm using Reporting Services 2005 to produce a one-time report that will group records according to the PLANCODE field. I've created the following VB function:


How do I reference the above function in a new calculated field so that the report will group data based on the results of this function? The doucmentation states that the expression should be something like =code.PayorGroup. However, when I try this expression in the Calculated Field window, I get the infamous red squiggly line stating Unrecognized Idnetifier.

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DB/Reporting :: MS SQL Cannot Pass Port Forwarding Function On Router

Oct 2, 2008

I have setup a MS SQL server in my computer and enable the sql server to listen to the TCP/IP port 1500. I can use my vb.net program to access to the sql server from another pc within the same LAN by using the following connection string "Data Source=,1500;Database=ABC;UID=SA;PWD=123;

But if I changed the "" in the connection string to the IP address that provided by the ISP (i.e.: "Data Source=<IP from ISP>,1500;Database=ABC;UID=SA;PWD=123 the connection string do not work. I have set the port forwarding function in the router as forward all TCP from 1500 port to IP But it don't work neither......

Then I checked the port 1500 with the webpage below: [URL]
It show that the port 1500 is closed! But if I use DMZ function on the router to explose my computer the internet.... the above webpage can checked the port 1500 is opened! And I can successfully connect the sql server with this connection string
"Data Source=<IP from ISP>,1500;Database=ABC;UID=SA;PWD=123;"
Is that the mssql cannot pass the port forwarding function on the router? I have set the port 8080, 21 forward to another IP on the router and it work fine......

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Setup Project - Run Only Setup, Not Default Setup

May 10, 2012

I want to create a real setup project for my application so when someone want to download it he can run only setup, not default setup that provide me VB . How can I do that?

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VB2010 Class Library: Create A Static Library Instead Of DLL?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a Visual Basic Class Library project. It generates a DLL. Is there a method to generate a static .LIB to which I can do a static link?Alternatively, can I do a static link against a DLL?

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Add Serial Number Requirement To Setup & Deployment > Setup Wizard For Application?

Apr 2, 2009

add serial number requirement to Setup & deployment > setup wizard for VB.net application

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Setup In Win 7 - Using VS 2008 VB And Setup My Application Software In Win XP

Jun 8, 2011

I am using VS 2008 VB and setup my application software in Win XP without any issue. But after installed in Win 7, it doesn't work well (it show one file not found, but I saw the file in the right folder). Could it be the incompatibility of VS 2008 and Win 7? If I upgrade to VS 2010, will the issue be fixed?

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Deploying Application With Setup.exe And Setup.msi?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm a Visual Basic beginner. There are many things that I didn't know about Windows software development as I've been a Mac user for 20 years and just started developing Windows programs several days ago.

Anyway, using Visual Studio Installer (File > Add > New Project > Visual Studio Installer), I have two files inside the Release folder - setup.exe and Setup.msi. I've got some information about these files. So when you publish your software, what do you do with these two files? According to one web site, you can put them together into one with IExpress, which produces a file with an extension of CAB. Another web site suggests SFX Compiler. In the meantime, I downloaded a dozen applications at Download.com earlier. If I click on the download button, the final delivery extension is .exe on most of them. I know that you won't go anywhere by double-clicking on setup.exe from the Release folder without Setup.msi. Meanwhile, Setup.msi is a tand-alone application. But nobody uses this file alone to distribute their product.

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Release Setup Project / Setup

Feb 27, 2009

I've finally got a project compiled and tested and ready to roll out.I have discovered that the "Publish" option is not what it seems, and that we must create a separate "Setup Project" to carry out the task of installing the files.This is not the most intuitive process I've seen, and the online help on that subject is not easy to understand.I was hoping that someone could direct me to a tutorial or guide that would step me through the specific approach I need. Many of the other guides online are vague and address multiple scenarios and do not separate the approaches very well.I have the contents of my project in /bin/release. It runs nicely by iteself with no errors.Here's what I need:

1. To create a setup exe that I can distribute that will install my software, with all of the supporting (resource) files and folders.
2. I need the setup process to force the installer to "agree" to a EULA.
3. I'd would like to provide an image on the installation screen/popup.
4. I would like the software registered in the registry and rely on it being there in the registry.
5. I need it to default to program filesprojectname (it does by default)

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"Setup And Deployment" Wizard Asks For .NET Framework While Running Setup

Jan 22, 2008

I hv deployed my project using "Setup and Deployment" wizard. I hv installed MS VS.NET 2003 Bootstrapper Plugin -> A plug-in for creating deployment projects in Microsoft� Visual Studio� .NET 2003 that contain the .NET Framework version 1.1 and/or Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.7. still it is giving the error The setup requires .NET Framework 1.1.4322. Install the .NET Framework and run the setup again. The .NET Framework can be obtained from the web. Would u like to do this now?


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Setup And Deploy - Setup File Can Just Be One .exe Rather Then A Setup File And A Data File?

Aug 7, 2009

Setup and deploy for my project worked fine for a while allowing you to install my program and uninstall the old version, but now it installs two entries. I don't get it, before I got it do do that it would give an error that it needed to be uninstalled first. Now like I said I get two entries in the programs uninstall window. RemovePreviousVersions = true. I change the version number and update the product code. Even tried changing the upgrade code. I just don't get why it doesn't work anymore, and its really annoying! Also, is there a way that the setup file can just be one .exe rather then a setup file and a data file?

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DB/Reporting :: Attach A Dataset To A Table (MS Reporting)?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to do something like this:

'create a dataset and a table
Dim ds As New DataSet


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How To Pass A Function To A Function Is Functors/function Objects Avaiable In VB2010

Oct 12, 2011

I want to make an numerical integration method with takes in an analytic function and integrate it over a specific interval. For the numerical integration procedure I want to use some procedures in nr.com. The problem is that these are programmed in C++ and they uses functors to pass a function to the integration method. How can I do this in VB 2010?

I want to initialize the function (i.e. set a=1,b=0 for function y(x)=a*x+b) and then pass the function to the integration method. Then when the integration method call the function it only calls the function with one parameter (i.e. x since a,b is already set)

What is the best way to do this in VB2010?I want to make a general integration method where I can pass any single valued function and integration limits.

I have just started using VB, and from what I have found so far it seems like the tools you have is

- to us a delegate for the function
- to use a lambda expression for the function
- send a pointer/adressOf
- to create a function class/structure and submit this to the function

As for now I am most inclined to create a function-class. But I am not really sure how.F.ex. I make different classes for each "uniqe function" I want to integrate, but how can I pass them to the integration function when I need to specify the argument type in the integration-function-call?This seems like a basic problem which applies to many Math operations, so I think it would be very useful to clarify this.

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Function Syntax - Call A Function With 2 Arguments When The Function Is Only Defined For One

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to undersatnd the syntax of calling a funciton and it seem confusing when I'm using a web service in ASP.net. Maybe this question should be in an ASP forum, but it is a VB question. This simple web service allows you to type in your name and it response with an alert box with you name.

My question is, How can you call a function with 2 arguments when the function is only defined for one. I understand that the second argument is actually a method that handling the respons, but how can you interchange function arguments for methods and how do you know that there are methods for

Here's my call:

<script type="text/javascript">

function HelloWorld()

var yourName = $get('txtYourName').value;


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VS 2010 : Convert A DLL Function Call Which Has The Callback Function Routine Called Within The DLL Function Call?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to convert a DLL function call which has the Callback function routine called within the DLL function call.The DLL function call signature is like this:

typedef void *HANDLE;


how to convert this DLL call to VB.NET and also how to create the callback function and send it as parameter to this function

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