DB/Reporting :: Multiple Entries From A Database Displayed In A Single Textbox / Label

Sep 2, 2010

I am working on getting a multiple values from a single column displayed in a single textbox or label. I know I should be able to find the information I need online, but I am coming up empty. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2005. For example, I want to pull all the email addresses, that have a value, from a table and display them together. The output I am looking for is like this:


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User Makes Multiple Entries In A Single Day?

Mar 19, 2012

i have an access 2007 database in wich i have a table named abc_PersonalLog, wich also has three columns: Id (auto number), StarDate (text) and LogEntry (Memo). It is a Diary application. So, when the user makes a log entry, the StarDate column receives a string formed of concatenated year, month and day, i.e. if date is 20th march 2012, the string will be 120320, and the Log entry column, the text entered by user in a textbox.My problem is that, somehow, i have to retrieve that data, when the user will want to read log entries he made. I managed to assign the text property of a label to the LogEntry text for a given date.But, if the user makes multiple entries in a single day, the table will have several rows containing the same string in the StarDate field, but different text in the LogEntry fields. How can i display ALL the LogEntry texts for all the rows containing the same StarDate value? Here is my code so far:


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DB/Reporting :: Taking Information Out Of A Database And Putting It A Textbox Or A Label?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an online database, and I have a program to insert information into database and to login using the information in the database, now I am wondering how to take something from a database and display it in a label, lets say if I log in with my username and password I want it to display my e-mail address from the database in a label, this is the code that I have for the register:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form2


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Getting The Data From MSA Displayed On A Textbox /label ?

Jun 11, 2011

Im on my FORGOTPASSWORD codings. i have two TEXTBOX and one Ok button. textbox1 is for the user to input his/her username, then clicking ok button will display his secretquestion from the database? textbox2 or label? will display secret question

Public Class ForgotPassword

Private Sub SecretQuestion_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SecretQuestion.Click


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Save A List In A Listbox With Multiple Textbox Entries?

Jun 11, 2011

I have 7 textbox entries and I would like to add them to a listbox and when I close my application it would save them, I have the code for the 7 texboxes and everything like that has been done, but I just dont know how to add multiple textboxs to a listbox then save the list box so when I close the application and reopen it, itll still be there. I know I need a button to add the list to the listbox, but how do I save them, so theyll still be there?

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Algorithm - Take A Database With Multiple Entries Of 11 Digit Number?

Jun 21, 2011

I am trying to take a database with multiple entries of 11 digit numbers and run a check sum algorithm that adds the 12th digit to the 11 digits as an output.The algorithm is as follows:

Add sum of odd digits starting with first digit, then multiply by 3.

Add sum of even digits, then add to result of odd digits multiplied by 3.

Take result and divide by 10. The remainder is the check sum which needs to be added to the end of the original 11 digits.

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Have Multiple Color For Text In Single Label Controller

Nov 11, 2011

I wanted to have multiple color for text in single label controller


label1.Text = " $ 480.00 "

What I want is character $ in Red color and other digits or character after $ in color blue.

I cannot have separate labels for digits and $.

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Have Multiple Color For Text In Single Label Controller?

Nov 11, 2011

I wanted to have multiple color for text in single label controllere.g.

label1.Text = " $ 480.00 "

What I want is character $ in Red color and other digits or character after $ in color blue.

$ 480.00

I cannot use separate labels for digits and $ due to limitation?

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Forms :: Multiple Color For Text In Single Label Controller?

Nov 11, 2011

I wanted to have multiple color for text in single label controller


label1.Text = " $ 480.00 "

What I want is character $ in Red color and other digits or character after $ in color blue. $ 480.00 I cannot use separate labels for digits and $ due to limitation

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[2008] Multiple Results - Data Entries In My Database That Have A Common Field

Jan 31, 2009

I have data entries in my database that have a common field. For example:

account_id type user_id

1 new 1
2 old 3
3 new 1
4 old 1

I am using a query like this(mysql): SELECT account_id, type, user_id FROM table WHERE user_id = 1

This is just all theoretical. The problem that I am having with this is it is only returning the first result in this case account_id 1. How can I get it to find all the results with the user_id 1 because in the way I am thinking that it is failing is that it is finding only the first result and then ending?

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Retrieving A Single Word From An Array And Into A Label/textbox?

Jul 18, 2011

Retrieving a single word from an array and into a label/textbox?

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DB/Reporting :: Updating A Single Field In A Database

Mar 20, 2009

I'm using an access database in a program that I'm making for my school, the user is able to select an item from the menu, then it sends it to a list box, there is also a textbox to put a quantity of how much of the item you want. I have a field in my database called Amout Ordered, I want to update it with the amount of each item ordered, and I can't figure out how.

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Set The Displayed Item Of Acombobox To The Value Displayed In A Label?

Oct 8, 2009

When a user clicks the + button on the binding navigator, I want to set the displayed item of acombobox to the value displayed in a label. The combobox is bound to a field in the table. Theproblemis that when the user clicks to add a new record the combobox is cleared and they forget to select a value before they click save.

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Data From Database Is Displayed On Listbox And Sum Of It On A Textbox

Feb 21, 2012

I'm having a problem with my software.

This is are the parts of my system where my problem occurs:
- Search Button
- List Box1
- TotalTextbox
- Button
- SQL Database with a Column named "Amount" and it only contains numbers Datatype is System.String

So, basically a user clicks the Search button and searches for a data in the SQL Database, and the result of the search displays in different Listboxes including the "Amount" Column from the database, which has it's own Listbox named "Listbox1". the Listbox is now filled with numbers.

Goal: The goal is to get the Sum of all the "Numbers" Displayed in the Listbox1, and the Total is then Displayed into a Textbox via using Click event or automatically.

The Code:

Dim sum As Double
For x As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
sum += CDbl(ListBox1.Items(x))
TotalTextBox.Text = sum.ToString

And i got this Error: Conversion from type 'DataRowView' to type 'Double' is not valid.

I ended up with this..

Dim sum As Double
For x As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
sum += Val(ListBox1.Items.Item(x).ToString)
TotalTextBox.Text = sum.ToString

But the values are not adding up, the total is always at 0. i've been searching for hours now from the net to a better way of doing this.

Here's a quick Flow on what im trying to accomplish here. Record from Database -----Displays on---> Listbox1 -----User Clicks--> Button1 ----Displays Total sum on----> Textbox1

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Data From Database Is Displayed On Listbox And Sum Of It On A Textbox?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm having a problem with my software. Im totally new to Vb.net and only learning through ebooks and google.This is are the parts of my system where my problem occurs:

- Search Button
- List Box1
- TotalTextbox


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Removing Single Entries?

Feb 15, 2012

in application am using list box i load items from a text file i want to remove single items from list and want to keep duplicate items in listbox?

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DB/Reporting :: Multiple Textbox RowFilter?

Sep 7, 2009

I can filter when I'm only checking with one textbox, but when i try to use multiple text box filters its does not work the way I want it to. I understand what is going on here but i don't know what to do to fix it. Basically I have my main form with the datagridview, there is a button on this form called filter. When the user will hit this button a small form will pop up with 5 text boxes, I want to give the user the ability to enter into any text box they wish and the datagrid view will update accordingly.The problem is when they enter into one text box it works fine, but when the try entering into a second test box the filter is only filtering from the original datatable and now the dataview.

Public Class Form2
Dim dvFilter As DataView


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Multiple Applications Updating Single Database?

Feb 19, 2009

I have an application which takes input on a local machine and sends it to a database stored on a server. I'd like to be able to deploy my application over a number of computers (all on the same network), all of them updating the same database (on the network server).First of all, will this be possible without putting together a completely new application to handle all connections to the database and sorting the entries?

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Inserting Multiple Records In Database Using Single Query?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using vb.net and sqlite as database. I am using below scenario to insert multiple records in database using a single query.

INSERT INTO TableName (FirstCol, SecondCol)
SELECT 'First' ,1
SELECT 'Second' ,2
SELECT 'Third' ,3
[Code] .....

For less records it is working very well.But when I am inserting about 800 records at a time, executenonquery is throwing the following exception:
SQLite error
Too many terms in compound SELECT.

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DB/Reporting :: Clearing A Table An Clicking Entries?

Aug 8, 2008

ok i have a dataset with two columns one column is "NAME" the other colulmn is called "URL". The entries in the URL column are displayed as linklabels. So how do i clear the table and save the table: I tried this


it works. it clears the table of all rows but when i close and re-open the program the data shows in the table again (i.e. it isnt cleared so how do you fix this.Also how do i put code into the click event for each linklable in the URL columns?

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VS 2008 Updating A Single Column, Multiple Rows In An Access Database?

Aug 25, 2010

I have an access table that I'm loading into a dataset, then I'm binding the dataset to a bindingsource. The bindingsource is the datasource for a datagridview. I can use a command builder to update the entire table, but I need to update all the rows (or changed rows) in specific columns. I have a column called "dPrint" which is Boolean. I'm not sure how to use the bindingsource as my datasource in an Update Command. I've tried this:

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DB/Reporting :: Accessing Multiple Database Files With One GUI Program?

Jul 20, 2008

how would I go about making the user access different local SQL databases. As in they use a GUI program to access / read / write data in a database but can also use that same GUI program to do the same to multiple database files.Is that sort of setup easy to integrate into a VB program? or does a VB program by nature only try to access one database? To integrate the open and close dialogs into a VB GUI in terms of different database files, is there much involved?

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Single Item To Be Displayed In Crystal Report?

Mar 15, 2012

I have 3 columns in my database (book title, book author, date added). for example Karen Harper has 5 books in my database and Lisa Jackson has 3. I will enter the date added in a textbox (for example 01-15-2011 since all was added on that date) and once I click "show book author's name" my crystal report will display Karen Harper 5 times and Lisa Jackson displays 3.

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DB/Reporting :: Database ListBox And TextBox?

May 29, 2011

The listbox is populated like something from database with 3 fields - ID, Name, Date

ID - Name
1 - John
2- Susy


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DB/Reporting :: Saving To Database / So Many Textbox

Jan 13, 2011

I have a scenario in my vb.net project.I have 70 textbox in my form and planing to save it in the database using access.It's hard to explain y is there 70 textbox there but i will just draw it here [code]5 in the column X 14 in row = 70 Textboxes.What i did is I place all the GRAVEL textbox in the table batch with the attribute name GRAVEL by using a string name called GravelLin.[code]I manage to save the text in this manner txtg,txt2g,txt3g,

1. Since the save data in my table in the database is separated by comma, I know how to extract it and place it in there designated textboxes, but im thinking, or my mistake, its a very long code.Is there a way i can make my code not that long??

2. Is there a better way to save my textboxes? in a way that my code will not that long.

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DB/Reporting :: Textbox Save To Database

Nov 11, 2010

Im using visual studio 2008. I have a form, inside are textbox and button. as i press the button,the text in the textbox will be save in MS Access 2003 or visual studio database. How to connect to the form to the existing access or visual studio database? how to save to the existing access or visual studio database?

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Is Running Multiple Threads Faster Then A Single Thread On A Single Core Cpu

Dec 23, 2009

Say I have a code with 3 methods that do some pretty intensive work. Would executing these methods on 3 seperate threads be faster then executing them one after the other on a single core cpu? And what if it's a dual core or HT?

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DB/Reporting :: Changing The Report Displayed In ReportViewer?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a report viewer that i would like to display different data in depending on the report button that the user clicks. The data is stored in access databases. I am able to retreive the data and display the initial report but i have not been able to change the report/data that is being displayed.

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Label.Visible Could Not Be Displayed?

Apr 9, 2007

i have a label control which i initially set visible = False in the property barThen in my code,try lblItem.Visible = True<code><code><code><code><code><code>catch ex as exception<code>End tryWhen i execute this piece of code, the lblItem could not be displayed until all the code has been run through. By right, it should appear before all the code execute isnt it?Am i missing something here?

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Saving A Value Displayed In A Label For Later Use?

Apr 23, 2011

My game is a dice game where there are 2 players and you try to make a straight by rolling 5 dice. First player 1 goes you try to make a straight(1-5/2-6) in the least amount of rolls due to my roll counter. Checking a box saves the "roll". Once player 1 has their straight player 2 starts.I am trying to save a value from my counter for comparison between the 2 players in my dice game and then display which player won and display the saved value.

Also is there a way to clean up my code with all the boolean statements could i string them all to = a variable and just use that say dice1.checked & dice2.checked = dicesave? Or could I create a variable in a private sub() then just use that variable?

Public Class Form1
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim rndsource As Integer 'Private Property col As Color
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dice1.Enabled = False


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