DB/Reporting :: Database ListBox And TextBox?

May 29, 2011

The listbox is populated like something from database with 3 fields - ID, Name, Date

ID - Name
1 - John
2- Susy


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DB/Reporting :: Database Table To Show On Listbox?

Jul 25, 2008

I'm using VB studio express 2008. I have created a combo box which the user uses to search a client, how do i program it so that when the client is highlited in the combo box it will show in a listbox with all the details of this client wich has been added previously to the database.

in short..

User browse a client in combo box. Selects a client. Information is shown in a listbox. example. telephone number, address, ect.

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DB/Reporting :: Saving To Database / So Many Textbox

Jan 13, 2011

I have a scenario in my vb.net project.I have 70 textbox in my form and planing to save it in the database using access.It's hard to explain y is there 70 textbox there but i will just draw it here [code]5 in the column X 14 in row = 70 Textboxes.What i did is I place all the GRAVEL textbox in the table batch with the attribute name GRAVEL by using a string name called GravelLin.[code]I manage to save the text in this manner txtg,txt2g,txt3g,

1. Since the save data in my table in the database is separated by comma, I know how to extract it and place it in there designated textboxes, but im thinking, or my mistake, its a very long code.Is there a way i can make my code not that long??

2. Is there a better way to save my textboxes? in a way that my code will not that long.

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DB/Reporting :: Textbox Save To Database

Nov 11, 2010

Im using visual studio 2008. I have a form, inside are textbox and button. as i press the button,the text in the textbox will be save in MS Access 2003 or visual studio database. How to connect to the form to the existing access or visual studio database? how to save to the existing access or visual studio database?

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DB/Reporting :: Taking Information Out Of A Database And Putting It A Textbox Or A Label?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an online database, and I have a program to insert information into database and to login using the information in the database, now I am wondering how to take something from a database and display it in a label, lets say if I log in with my username and password I want it to display my e-mail address from the database in a label, this is the code that I have for the register:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form2


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DB/Reporting :: DataBase Search - Users Inputs The Barcode Numbers Into A Textbox

Apr 20, 2008

Scenero: Users inputs the barcode numbers into a textbox, hits the search button and is returned the description of that barcode.

Two fields: Barcode - barcodes in this field
Description - Description revalant to that barcode

Consists: Textbox(Input) - txtBarcode
Button(Process) -btnClick
Listbox(Outut) - lstDetails


Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


This is the code i got to connect to the database itself. Then i got this code for the search part


SQL = "SELECT Description FROM Table1 where Barcode = '" & txtBarcode.text & "'"

What i need to know is:
1) Is the code for the search right.
2) How to get it so the description for that barcode is displayed in a listbox.

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DB/Reporting :: Multiple Entries From A Database Displayed In A Single Textbox / Label

Sep 2, 2010

I am working on getting a multiple values from a single column displayed in a single textbox or label. I know I should be able to find the information I need online, but I am coming up empty. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2005. For example, I want to pull all the email addresses, that have a value, from a table and display them together. The output I am looking for is like this:


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Listbox To Textbox To Database?

Feb 21, 2011

i'm trying to pull information out of my listbox and put them into a set of textboxes. I then want to be able to take the data from the textboxes and the labels i have and save it into my database.

Here is a screenshot of how the form looks


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Data From Database Is Displayed On Listbox And Sum Of It On A Textbox

Feb 21, 2012

I'm having a problem with my software.

This is are the parts of my system where my problem occurs:
- Search Button
- List Box1
- TotalTextbox
- Button
- SQL Database with a Column named "Amount" and it only contains numbers Datatype is System.String

So, basically a user clicks the Search button and searches for a data in the SQL Database, and the result of the search displays in different Listboxes including the "Amount" Column from the database, which has it's own Listbox named "Listbox1". the Listbox is now filled with numbers.

Goal: The goal is to get the Sum of all the "Numbers" Displayed in the Listbox1, and the Total is then Displayed into a Textbox via using Click event or automatically.

The Code:

Dim sum As Double
For x As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
sum += CDbl(ListBox1.Items(x))
TotalTextBox.Text = sum.ToString

And i got this Error: Conversion from type 'DataRowView' to type 'Double' is not valid.

I ended up with this..

Dim sum As Double
For x As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
sum += Val(ListBox1.Items.Item(x).ToString)
TotalTextBox.Text = sum.ToString

But the values are not adding up, the total is always at 0. i've been searching for hours now from the net to a better way of doing this.

Here's a quick Flow on what im trying to accomplish here. Record from Database -----Displays on---> Listbox1 -----User Clicks--> Button1 ----Displays Total sum on----> Textbox1

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Data From Database Is Displayed On Listbox And Sum Of It On A Textbox?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm having a problem with my software. Im totally new to Vb.net and only learning through ebooks and google.This is are the parts of my system where my problem occurs:

- Search Button
- List Box1
- TotalTextbox


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Display Data From Database Into Textbox That Matches Listbox Values?

Jun 6, 2011

Suppose der is one database name Customer which have columns like Cust_ID,Cust_Name,Cust_Mob,Cust_Address And on Form der are one list box which contains all Cust_Id from database and 4 textbox so when user click on the listbox having id as 1 it should display name, mob and address of cust_id 1 in 4 textbox respectively?

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DB/Reporting :: Load Primary Key To Listbox?

May 31, 2009

i'm using an sql database, and on my application i load a listbox with data from table1. like:

dim sqlstr as string = "select name, code from table 1"
dim sqlcmd as new sqlcommand(sqlstr, conn)
dim dr as datareader


what i want now, is for the code also to be loaded to my listbox, but for it not to be visible to the user, so thet it can in the future be used in where statements.

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DB/Reporting :: Populate Listbox With Objects?

Apr 24, 2012

I am writing a database using OOP, i have created my classes ect and i am able to input data.

I have four textboxs, and two listbox's. The first listbox lists all the categories which i have managed to do. Now when the user selects a catelgory a list of objects under that category are listed in the second listbox which the user then selects to display any related data and this is the problem i am having.


Public Class BaseClass
' ScrName is the name of the script file.
Public Property ScrName() As String


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DB/Reporting :: Query Result In A Listbox?

Oct 28, 2008

I'm trying to run a query and display the result in a listbox. I can do it for a datagridview but not for a listbox .

Private Sub frmNieuweActie_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
strSql = "SELECT Acties.Actieid, Acties.Actie " & _
"FROM(Acties) " & _


I get the correct amount of items in my listbox but it displays "System.Data.DataRowView" as item .

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DB/Reporting :: OLE Database Access - Move My Programs And The Database To Another Computer And Hard-disks

Apr 21, 2008

I want to move my programs and the database to another computer and hard-disks. It looks to me as though I nearly have to re-create the controls and rewrite some of the code to make it so the programs still work after the move. At least with ODBC all I would change was the DSN definitions external to the programs. Is there an easy way to move or rename a database without loads of work?

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DB/Reporting :: Copy A Table From A Network Database To A Local Database

Mar 30, 2008

I am trying to copy a table from a network database to a local database. I used DAO and could check if the network table existed using a function that tried to assign a TableDef object to the table in question. If there was no error then I assumed that the table existed and the function returned true...Or it would error out and return false.I could then proceed with the copy or not as the case may be.I am converting the code to ADO.net and need to know how to check for a table. [code]

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DB/Reporting :: Using Service-based Database As Remote Database?

Sep 20, 2011

Recently working in vb 2010 express. I'm using service-based database which is based on SQL Server. This database will be deployed at the server. Is it possible that multiple vb.net programs, which are installed in remote computers or client computers in the same network, connect to this database simultaneously? Does the service-based database support multiple connections?

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DB/Reporting :: SUM From Table In A Textbox?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a database called Houses.mdf , in it is a table called House with ID , NAME , PRICE.

I want to SUM all the PRICES and get a total price of all houses. I also want to display the result in a textbox.

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DB/Reporting :: VB Textbox To Sql Field?

Sep 12, 2008

I am using VB 2005 pro and sql 2005 express.I have a form linked to a sql database. and linked a sql field to a textbox. All I get when the program is running is what is in the database displayed.

But what I would like to do is take a value from a textbox and add that to the chosen field database.

I am a beginner and looking for simple code.

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DB/Reporting :: Filtering A Datagridview With A Textbox?

May 8, 2008

I'm using a DataGridView object that i populate using a series of datagridview.columns.add("xxx") and DataGridView1.Rows.Insert(0,"xxx")

I would like to create a text box that would filter the datagridview accordingly for a given column.

example: i put 'jeremy' in my text box and it returns only the row(s) with jeremy in the 'name' column.

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DB/Reporting :: Multiple Textbox RowFilter?

Sep 7, 2009

I can filter when I'm only checking with one textbox, but when i try to use multiple text box filters its does not work the way I want it to. I understand what is going on here but i don't know what to do to fix it. Basically I have my main form with the datagridview, there is a button on this form called filter. When the user will hit this button a small form will pop up with 5 text boxes, I want to give the user the ability to enter into any text box they wish and the datagrid view will update accordingly.The problem is when they enter into one text box it works fine, but when the try entering into a second test box the filter is only filtering from the original datatable and now the dataview.

Public Class Form2
Dim dvFilter As DataView


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DB/Reporting :: Textbox With Guessing Feature

Nov 18, 2008

How would you make a text box that guessed what you were about to type?...Don't understand what I mean?...for example, look at the Google search box...when you start typing stuff there, previous searches pops up underneath right? How would you make one of those? Would you need a text box to type things in and then a list box that pops up? All the info that pops up is in a database.

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DB Reporting - Post The Result Of A Query In A Textbox

Apr 8, 2009

I would like to post the result of a query in a textbox. [Code] Suppose this is my table, then I would like to post the sum from aantal from in a textbox. For UserID 1 it would be 35, for UserID it would be 35, [Code] but how do I get the result in my textbox?

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DB/Reporting :: Auto-Expanding In Height Textbox?

Mar 29, 2009

Just started trying to convert all my access database into Sql Server databases and also create vb .net application for them all. First problem I encountered was there doesn't seem to be anything like a continous form(I know there is a datagridview). So i thought i would create a flowlayoutpanel. Place lots of textboxes on it and fill each of textboxes with information form my dataset. now on to the problem. one of the textboxes is the item description field. This field can have one word or many words

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DB/Reporting :: Binfing Textbox With Column In DB Ms Aceess

Dec 1, 2008

I'm using VS2005 - Vb.net and connection to DB Ms Acceess. I type to one of Column in DB by number and binding it with TextBox.Text. As I know the properties of TextBox must be a Value not Text to match with that Column. But there is no Value Property.

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DB/Reporting :: Cannot Save Textbox In Multiline Mode?

Jan 29, 2009

I am quite new to visual basic and databases. Im connecting to the database using the dataset wizard in visualbasic 2008. And then dragging each text field on to the form. Everything works well, saves etc., updates ok. Until I have a multiline text box , when I try and save, Iget errors highlighting the table update code and get an error saying it cant be converted to a string. I have changed all the max text limit on the database so its not that. It works ok if I set the textbox back to a single line mode. Does these databases support multiline textboxes?

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DB/Reporting :: How To Show Every Record In A Field In A Textbox

Jan 23, 2009

I am using VB 2008 and SQL Server 2005. I have a texbox in which I need to show the field 'domain' from the table x. I am getting the field in the format needed from a stored procedure.Below is the Vb code that I am using in which I am getting an error message: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.at this line sDomain = sDomain & " " & v_DR!Search


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DB/Reporting :: Loop Through All Rows And See If Any Match What Is In The Textbox

Nov 10, 2008

I'm trying to loop through all rows, and see if any match what is in the textbox. Would this work?

Dim dr As Data.DataRow
For Each dr In myQuery.GetMembers()
If UsernameTextBox.Text = dr.Item("mail") Then


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DB/Reporting :: Querying An Access DB To AutoComplete TextBox

Apr 23, 2009

I am trying to autocomplete a Textbox using the AutoComplete Extender. My Web Service is as Follows:

Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols


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DB/Reporting :: Retrieve Data From A Certain Row And Place In Textbox?

May 7, 2008

I have 10 IP address I need saved so that when the programed is closed the user doesn't have to re type them all back in. To get around this I created a database that would store the values. My table contains one Field "host" and then has all 10 IP addresses listed below that.I'm trying to figure out how to make a text box on my form look at a certain row in a SQLServer 2005 table.

For example:

txtIP1.text = Row 1 of SQL table
txtIP2.text = Row 2 of SQL table

Here is what I have in my Form load Event. This works, but again I need the second rows value to show in the second txtbox.


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