DB/Reporting :: VB Textbox To Sql Field?

Sep 12, 2008

I am using VB 2005 pro and sql 2005 express.I have a form linked to a sql database. and linked a sql field to a textbox. All I get when the program is running is what is in the database displayed.

But what I would like to do is take a value from a textbox and add that to the chosen field database.

I am a beginner and looking for simple code.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Show Every Record In A Field In A Textbox

Jan 23, 2009

I am using VB 2008 and SQL Server 2005. I have a texbox in which I need to show the field 'domain' from the table x. I am getting the field in the format needed from a stored procedure.Below is the Vb code that I am using in which I am getting an error message: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.at this line sDomain = sDomain & " " & v_DR!Search


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Check If A Field In A Data Table Is Null Before Creating A Textbox Bound To That Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I am building a data based application using VB 2008 an SQL Express. I need to create textboxes on my form using code, (With & End With) method. I need a simple code string that will allow the app to check if the field to wich the textbox wil be databound is Nul, If so the textbox will not be created.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Add Field In CR At Runtime

Jul 5, 2009

I have a form in whcih users will be able to select the required field that has to be printed.. can u tell me how to add field in CR at runtime ?

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DB/Reporting :: Add A Field For Accepting Images?

Mar 31, 2010

I've placed this on a VB2008 project but it's telling me adNumeric,adVarChar & adBoolean are not declared, I'm assuming I need to "DIM" them, but what as? plus I need each field to accept NULL values, how do I do this? Also I'd like to add a field for accepting images.

Dim cat As New Catalog()
Dim col1 As New ADOX.Column
Dim col2 As New ADOX.Column
Dim col3 As New ADOX.Column


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DB/Reporting :: Field Is To Small For Data?

Oct 30, 2008

This error has me completely baffled. There is no indication (that I ca FinD as to what field won't handle the information. Heres the situation:I am using an Accees query to insert a new record in a table with 49 fields. Of these fields, 1 is an integer, 7 are booleans and the other 41 are text fields. The text fields represent either Time of Day or a Timespan.

My field sizes are:

For time of day 8 digits(example 08:00 AM)
For a time span 5 digits(example 03:30) I will never exceed 2 digits for

I have checked every field in the dtatbase and they are all as noted. I am at a loss as to how to proceed.

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DB/Reporting :: Setting Field Value From Code?

Feb 19, 2008

I have an open database (dataset) with two tables. It is binded to toolboxes, but I have one field, what I have to calculate about other parameters. I have binding navigator, and I can set field values from controls (eg. toolbox). I can step my rows, with binding navigator. I can update my database. But how can I set field value from code?

I want a code line:
database.fields("fieldname") = something - or something like this

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DB/Reporting :: Calculated Field In Report Table?

Dec 3, 2008

I have a RDLC report with a list that contains a table. I require a calculated column whose value depends on values from previous rows. Outside of a report I accomplish the same thing using code in a DataGridView's DataBindingComplete method.

From within a report how do I refer to specific cell values from previous rows? embedded code, but I have not had luck (#Error).

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DB/Reporting :: Database Data Field Into A Text Box?

Apr 23, 2008

I am using Visual studio 2008 to build a web application. What I am trying to do is retrieve data from a database and populate text boxes based on the results.

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DB/Reporting :: Load Up Just The First Field (tuneName) Into A List Box?

Mar 7, 2008

I've got a database with the fields: tuneName, Artist, Sales and yearIssued I'm trying the load up just the first field (tuneName) into a list box. I've managed to load the database into VB but I dont know the code to do this specific thing.Also I want to be able to select one of the items in the list box and the rest of the fields to appear in text boxes on the form.

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DB/Reporting :: Select A Field But With SQL It Doesnt Work

Apr 6, 2009

I have a database and I wanna select a field ..I usually do this with access:

dim chosen as string
chosen = textbox1.text
Dim querysql = "select * from table where field = " & chosen & ""

But with SQL it doesnt work =S I really need to make this work .

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DB/Reporting :: Simple Database Field Editing?

Jul 22, 2010

I know this sounds simple to the majority of the database gurus out there but I am finding it difficult to find anything related.I am using Visual Studio 2008 VB.net winforms application.I have a form which contains a datagridview. what I want to do by push of a button is set the field "OnHand" either to default or 0. The 'either or' is really for you guys. Which ever one works the best in terms of reducing code or functionality is obviouls prefered.Once the 'OnHand' Fields in every record has changed then I would like to save all the data back to the database'This is more than likely very simple I just cannot find anything that discusses this kind of thing.

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DB/Reporting :: Updating A Single Field In A Database

Mar 20, 2009

I'm using an access database in a program that I'm making for my school, the user is able to select an item from the menu, then it sends it to a list box, there is also a textbox to put a quantity of how much of the item you want. I have a field in my database called Amout Ordered, I want to update it with the amount of each item ordered, and I can't figure out how.

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DB/Reporting :: Crystal Report That Fails On A Formula Field?

Apr 14, 2008

I have a crystal report that fails on a formula field but I cannot see why.

Here is my code:

Public Function CreateReportPDF(ByVal dsReport As DataSet, ByVal CrystalReportPath As String, _
ByVal reportSize As String, ByVal landScape As Boolean, _
ByVal dsParameters As DataSet, ByVal filePath As String, _
ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean


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DB/Reporting :: Database Unrecognized Field, Can't Insert Data

Apr 19, 2009

I've been staring at this and can't seem to come up with a solution. I've tried several different methods that i found on the web but to no avail. I'm hoping you all could take a look at the code below and give me some direction as to why I'm receiving the error "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: 'Deposit_Date' . Make sure you have typed the name correctly and try the operation again. Sorry if it's kinda jumbled below


Dim SQL As String = "INSERT INTO Deposits ( Deposit_Date, Deposit_Time, Location, Miscellaneous, " & _
"Miscellaneous_Adjustment, Dispense, Dispense_Adjustment, " & _
"Replacement_Card, Replacement_Card_Adjustment, Deposit, " & _


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DB/Reporting :: Different Message Based On Table Field Contents?

May 8, 2008

I am working on a 1-page report, that basically consists to select 1 record from table and bind values to proper fields (eg. =Fields!name.Value).However, I have one field in the table that will be just "Y" or "N".When this field will be "Y" I would like to show in the report "Yes, I do."; otherwise I would like to show "No, I dont."

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DB/Reporting :: Select Entire Row When Click On A Field In Datagridview

Apr 23, 2008

This is the only code I could find and it doesnt work:

Private Sub DataGridView1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.MouseUp
Dim pt = New Point(e.X, e.Y)


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DB/Reporting :: Update The Count Of A Field In A Table Via Subquery

May 24, 2008

I wrote some code to update the count of a field in a table, but it is very slow. So I'm trying to do it in a subquery to speed things up, but I'm not very good with subqueries. I'm getting the error "Subquery returned more than 1 value".


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DB/Reporting :: Field To Be Blank Until The User Enters A Valid Date?

Jun 20, 2008

Using VB2008, Access

I have 2 fields defined as date/time (short date).

I need to store dates fields which may at times be blank (null), how do I go about that?

I tried using:date.minvalue and that stores the value of 12/30/1899. I would like the field to be blank until the user enters a valid date.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Update A Money Data Type Field Using Vb 2005

Aug 18, 2009

I am linking to an SQL table with 'Money' field. When i try to update this field in VB.NET I get an error message that "Can not convert a character value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax".


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DB/Reporting :: VB2008 - Select Mysql DATE Field From Datetimepicker

Sep 16, 2011

I need this for displaying in my crystal report here's my code:

Code: cmd.CommandText = "Select * from pos where date= '" & datetimepicker1.text"'" and nothing displays on my crystal report, I need the right query for that...the field value is DATE...I need the conversion for the 1/11/2001 format from date time picker to 2001-1-11 in DATE field

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DB/Reporting :: How To Check If String Entered In A Text Box Matches A Field In A Data Table

Apr 17, 2010

How to check if string entered in a text box matches a field in a data table.I have a form with two text boxes for users to enter their Username and Password. When they enter their details and click the 'Login' button I want their details to be checked against data in a data table to see if they match or not. I am using an 'if...else' statement but can't work out the syntax to use. My code is as follows:[code]The fields I want to match the textbox strings against in my database table are called 'Username' and 'Password'.

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Sql - Matrix Reporting Services - Use A Cross Tab Between Store Names And Just The Month Of The Date Field?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a matrix with rows indicating a name (Ex Store name) and I have data pertaining to that in the DATA cells. I also have another date field in this format (MM/DD/YYYY). I would like to use a cross tab between Store Names and Just the Month of the date field.


is there any expression I can use to get the month format on the header of column.

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DB/Reporting :: Master - Detail Data - Overwrite The Primary Field Value In The First Grid And The Detail Records

Jul 13, 2010

I have made several posts on here lately regarding master/detail or parent/child data setups but no one has been able to help. It seems like a subject people don't like to tackle BUT I really need help.

I'm having a real hard with the DataView.RowFilter functionality and it is driving me insane.

For the most part, I have the basic master/detail functionality working. When you select a record in the first grid, it shows the correct data in the second grid. When you enter a record in the first grid, you can enter related data in the second grid. I accomplish this by using a dataview and row filter bound to the 2nd grid. When you change the record in the first grid, the rowfilter for the 2nd grid is restated and reapplied.

The problem arises when I overwrite the primary field value in the first grid and the detail records become orphaned. You would think all I have to do is change the ID in the 2nd grid to match the new ID in the 1st grid but this is where I am having problems. I wrote a loop to change the ID of each record currently loaded in the 2nd grid to match the newly changed ID in the first grid. The code is here:

Dim I As Integer

For I = AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows(I).Cells(0).Value = StrEmployeeID

I have used this code before and it works great. It has to step backwards through the grid because when the ID's are changed, they no longer match the RowFilter criteria and they disappear from the grid. They still exist in the dataset. The problem is, while the code "works" the intended effect does not. Some of the records completely disappear from the dataset and do not reload when I restate the row filter against the new ID number.

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Asp.net - Displaying A Table's Field In A Textbox?

May 6, 2009

I have a table and I want to select a field in it and then display it in a text box

something like:

SELECT userName
FROM userTable
WHERE (userLogged = 'ON')

how can I display the selected username in a textbox?

BTW the userLogged indicates wether the user is logged in or not

if the user is logged in then the userLogged will be changed to "ON"

if the user is not logged in it will be "OFF"

I know it's not that practical but I'm still practicing.

I'm using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express I use table adapter procedures for querying

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Get Textbox Content To A Mysql Field?

Aug 8, 2011

Im trying to push (for what of a better word) the output of a button which is in a text box to a field within mysql. I have followed the tutorial on here for connecting to a mysql database. And I have also followed and it works the tutorial for getting data from mysql to a form. But I cant find anything on how to achieve the reverse of this - populating a field with data/text from a textbox.

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Pass The Value Of Access-Field To A Textbox?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm using VB2005 and I got a message error in a runtime: Abstract does not belong to table tblBooks. I don't think that the problem is its datatype. I'm currently using MEMO datatype because I need to load it more than the capacity of string. Is it possible to use this code in order to accomplish it? txtAbstractInfo.Text = MyTable.Tables(0).Rows(Counter)("Abstract").ToString

txtAbstractInfo is the name of my textbox and my field's name is Abstract.

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Retrieve Data Into A Textbox Field?

Mar 11, 2009

I could connect to the database alright. My problem is how to retrieve data into text boxes. In Vb 6.0 i could use the ADODC control to retrieve onto the textboxes as follows[code]...

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Setting Hidden Field Value From Textbox?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm using vb.net 2005. I've a textbox , a hidden field and a button. My textbox is setted to password mode. While editing an existing password, in order to display the password in password mode, i wrote txtPassword.Attributes.Add("value", strpassword)

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DB/Reporting :: SUM From Table In A Textbox?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a database called Houses.mdf , in it is a table called House with ID , NAME , PRICE.

I want to SUM all the PRICES and get a total price of all houses. I also want to display the result in a textbox.

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