Setting Hidden Field Value From Textbox?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm using 2005. I've a textbox , a hidden field and a button. My textbox is setted to password mode. While editing an existing password, in order to display the password in password mode, i wrote txtPassword.Attributes.Add("value", strpassword)

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C# - Can't Hide The VIEWSTATE Hidden Field In ASP.NET

Jan 20, 2010

I have to hide the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION hidden fields on my page at RUN time.

I managed to remove the EVENTVALIDATION like so.............

<%@ Page enableEventValidation="false" EnableViewState="false" %>

But the VIEWSTATE is still there and I cant get rid of it and I need to. (hard to explain why)

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Cannot Remove Viewstate Hidden Field?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a massive viewstate hidden field that is causing my application to be unworkable. I have tried:

EnableViewState="false" on every control
EnableViewState="false" in page directive
Page.EnableViewState = false in Page_Init


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Getting Null Value Of Hidden Field At Server-side

Feb 18, 2011

I am calling a Java-script function, in that i am passing the value of hidden field, that hidden field i want to use at server-side, but the value of hidden field is null.[code]...

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Setting Visibility Property Of Main Window To Hidden?

Jan 8, 2012

I have set the Visibility property of the main window to Hidden and added the following in Window_Loaded:
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){
this.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
But it doesn't show up the Window.

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C# - Assign Value To Registered Hidden Field In Page ClientScript?

May 15, 2012

I am using Page.ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("hf_Name",value) in an application, how to override or assign a new value to the same Hidden Field 'hf_Name' in code behind?

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Setting A Field Value When The Field Is Anonymous?

May 1, 2009

I need to set a field that i have dumped into a dictionary to a value that is always a string, (well, it came from an xmlElement, so the .value is a string)

Function setMembers(ByRef ClssObj As Object, ByRef nLinkObj as Object, ByRef xml As XElement) as integer
Dim fields As New Dictionary(Of String, FieldInfo)


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Browser Compatible Code Which Take Values From Hidden Field And Pass It Through Query String On To Other Page

Jun 3, 2011

Right now I am using this code on client side.


The values for the hidden fields are already set. I want these value to open a window, in which the fields will be already filled using the values passed by this page. This code is working fine on Internet Explorer, but not on other browsers. Moreover, when I don't pass any value and just open the required window, it works on all browsers.

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Check If A Field In A Data Table Is Null Before Creating A Textbox Bound To That Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I am building a data based application using VB 2008 an SQL Express. I need to create textboxes on my form using code, (With & End With) method. I need a simple code string that will allow the app to check if the field to wich the textbox wil be databound is Nul, If so the textbox will not be created.

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DB/Reporting :: Setting Field Value From Code?

Feb 19, 2008

I have an open database (dataset) with two tables. It is binded to toolboxes, but I have one field, what I have to calculate about other parameters. I have binding navigator, and I can set field values from controls (eg. toolbox). I can step my rows, with binding navigator. I can update my database. But how can I set field value from code?

I want a code line:
database.fields("fieldname") = something - or something like this

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Setting Field Value In Module Using Reflection?

May 21, 2012

How do I set a field value in a VB.NET module using Reflection?

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Setting First Field In A Combo Box To Null?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a databound ComboBox on my form. Is there any way that I can make the first field blank.

I can do this with a DropDownList in the HTML part of .Net but is there a way to do it for a ComboBox?

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Setting Originator (or From Field) In MSMAPI?

Dec 3, 2009

How does one set Originator (or From field) in an e-mail. I have tried setting RecipType to 0 together with RecipAddress and RecipDisplayName but keep getting an error when I try to set the RecipType to 0. Does anyone know how to do this and why is there such a woeful lack of documentation on this control?

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Setting Date Field To Null With DataTables?

Mar 31, 2010

Im writing an app which connects to a SQL Server database, via datasources / datatable.When Im looking at my .xsd I can see DataTables containing DataColumns. Each DataColumn has a 'NullValue' property which defaults to '(Throw exception)'.Because I have nulls in my tables I have gone through the fields and set all System.String fields to NullValue = 'Empty', System.int32 field to NullValue = 0.

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Textbox Hidden Until The User Checks The Checkbox?

Sep 20, 2011

I have the following code: Basically, I have the textbox hidden until the user checks the checkbox, then, they can type the directory of which they want to open (crude approach I know, I'm just getting the feel for it)however with the code the way it is, no matter what I type in the text box, it brings in the same directory every time.. been messing with this for hours at wits end with it [code].....

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Setting Up One That Picks Up An Entry In One Data Table And Then Sums A Field?

Jan 9, 2011

Im pretty use to doing loops (although still relative new to vb) in my code however am having difficulty setting up one that picks up an entry in one data table and then sums a field in another where records have matching criteria. Example:


What i am trying to do is set up a datagridview on a form that shows the summary data. The time is controlled on the form by a trackbar (output to textbox) and I started setting up a loop using (For/Next) to isolate firstly the matching entries in field 3 (time). This works fine. I then used compute to sum the the field 2. However what i want to do is to loop through table 2 and where entries match i.e. where Field 1 in table 2="A" sum matching entries in table 1 where the DateTime matches.

View 2 Replies : Make Hidden Additional Attachment Hidden And Visible?

Mar 13, 2012

I want to make 5 attachment options in that 4 out of the 5 are hidden.but when he clicks "more attachment" link it will show the other 4.Im using ASP.NET with VB?

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Setting A Value To A Textbox In Another Form?

May 4, 2010

Form1 shows form2 and form2 shows form3. From form2 I can change the value of the textbox in form1 but from form3 I can't change the textbox value in form2.Please can you look at the application and correct it so I can change the value in the textbox of form2 from form3.

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Use Textbox As Choice For Setting?

Dec 24, 2009

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


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VS 2010 Setting A .txt Value To A Textbox?

Jan 6, 2012

I am not going to explain my whole project or why I want it do this...Ok... so for example my myfile.txt file would contain the word "hello"ashuming this would work (which it didnt):dim myfile as String = application.startuppath("/myfile.txt")on form1 load: textbox1.text = myfileunfortunately instead of it sending the value of the file it sends to file location.

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Error With Setting Textbox Values

May 12, 2012

I am trying to set a rich text box value with this


but it does not work...WHats wrong

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Forms :: Setting A Value To A Textbox In Another Form?

May 5, 2010

I'm doing an application for a school to help them keep track of student attendance and because I'm rather new to VB 2008 .NET I'm sure I'm missing something simple.see the screen shot and attached sample application showing the problem I am having.

The screen shot shows 3 open forms. I'm not able to get the value from the 3rd open form into the Student ID textbox of the 2nd form even though my messagebox shows a value is really in there.The attached application has 3 forms similar to the production application I'm writing which also includes 3 forms. Could you look at the application and tell me what we are missing to get the textbox data in the 2nd form to show up?

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Setting A TextBox Buffer Size?

Jan 20, 2009

How can a TextBox or RichTextBox buffer size be set? I have data that goes to a TextBox continuously, but I want to set a maximum size of buffer for the TextBox. I read in one forum someone suggesting to set the TextBox MaxLength property, but the questioner replied that he had tried this, and when the MaxLength was reached no further data input was possible, and what he wanted was the situation where new data could still come in, but the oldest data was then deleted, i.e a rolling buffer, which is precisely

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Setting Different Color For Each Line In Textbox?

Mar 23, 2011

My Code:
For Each dr In dt.Rows()
If (cnt = 0) Then
tx_control2.Text = dr("Name").ToString.Trim
tx_control2.Text = tx_control2.Text + Environment.NewLine + dr("Name").ToString.Trim
End If
cnt = cnt + 1
Next ' for row

Using above code to add all names from datatable to Textbox using Environment.NewLine. This is adding all names in Textbox. Now I want different color for alternate names. I used :
tx_control2.ForeColor = Color.Maroon
But above solution change the color of all names.

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Setting Position Of Text In Textbox?

Jun 9, 2010

I want to set Set position of text in textbox..
set "5" to x=25 in line of Textbox
Is it possible?

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Setting Text Of Textbox In A Webbrowser?

May 26, 2009

I have this code which should set the text of the E-Mail textbox when you login

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("text", "")


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Setting Up Array And Putting It In Textbox

Nov 21, 2011

Any hints on how to place these monthly sales numbers in an array so they show up in 3 separate text boxes (one for domestic sales, one for international sales and one for total sales. (i.e .User enters Month number in a month text box and the above information should show up in the3 individual text boxes).

'Basic Info:
'Month Domestic International
'1 100,000 150,000
'2 90,000 120,000
'3 75,000 210,000
'4 88,000 50,000
'5 125,000 220,000
'6 63,000 80,000

Public Class MainForm
Private totals(,) As String = {{"100,000", "150,000"},
{"90,000", "120,000"},
{"75,000", "210,000"},
{"88,000", "50,000"},
{"125,000", "220,000"},
{"63,000", "80,000"}}

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VS 2008 Setting Focus To A Textbox?

Mar 12, 2012

OK in the frmMain_Load sub I have this: tab page control with two pages. On page 1 I have a textbox.I also have the following Set the focus to the first textbox control on the first tab page.txtbMonthlyUsage.Focus()I can not get the focus into the textbox although its Enabled = True, TabIndex = 1, TabStop = True.

With all that I can not get the focus to work.But when I activate the 2nd page and come back to the 1st page when the form is displayed, it works like its supposed to.What am I missing?Do I need to activate page 1 as the form is loading? How do I do that?

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DB/Reporting :: VB Textbox To Sql Field?

Sep 12, 2008

I am using VB 2005 pro and sql 2005 express.I have a form linked to a sql database. and linked a sql field to a textbox. All I get when the program is running is what is in the database displayed.

But what I would like to do is take a value from a textbox and add that to the chosen field database.

I am a beginner and looking for simple code.

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Setting Textbox Text Equal To Textbox Text On A Different Form?

Aug 6, 2009

is it possible in design mode to set the textbox text property to the text property of a textbox in a different form in

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