Use Textbox As Choice For Setting?

Dec 24, 2009

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


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TabPage Schedule - Setting Time According To User Choice

Mar 4, 2010

How can I edit the time on my form. I have a one tabpage Schedule on which I want to set time according to user's choice. (I know how to display current time). If current time is 5.50.55 PM then user can set anything for eg. 6.45.12 AM according to he want to schedule.

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VS 2008 4 Drop Down Lists, Select A Choice In One, All Get Same Choice?

Mar 12, 2010

I have four drop down lists here and I've assigned the datasource and displaymemberproperties so they are populated by a table. When I run the program and select a choice, all four of them get updated with the new choice.

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Setting A Value To A Textbox In Another Form?

May 4, 2010

Form1 shows form2 and form2 shows form3. From form2 I can change the value of the textbox in form1 but from form3 I can't change the textbox value in form2.Please can you look at the application and correct it so I can change the value in the textbox of form2 from form3.

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VS 2010 Setting A .txt Value To A Textbox?

Jan 6, 2012

I am not going to explain my whole project or why I want it do this...Ok... so for example my myfile.txt file would contain the word "hello"ashuming this would work (which it didnt):dim myfile as String = application.startuppath("/myfile.txt")on form1 load: textbox1.text = myfileunfortunately instead of it sending the value of the file it sends to file location.

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Error With Setting Textbox Values

May 12, 2012

I am trying to set a rich text box value with this


but it does not work...WHats wrong

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Forms :: Setting A Value To A Textbox In Another Form?

May 5, 2010

I'm doing an application for a school to help them keep track of student attendance and because I'm rather new to VB 2008 .NET I'm sure I'm missing something simple.see the screen shot and attached sample application showing the problem I am having.

The screen shot shows 3 open forms. I'm not able to get the value from the 3rd open form into the Student ID textbox of the 2nd form even though my messagebox shows a value is really in there.The attached application has 3 forms similar to the production application I'm writing which also includes 3 forms. Could you look at the application and tell me what we are missing to get the textbox data in the 2nd form to show up?

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Setting A TextBox Buffer Size?

Jan 20, 2009

How can a TextBox or RichTextBox buffer size be set? I have data that goes to a TextBox continuously, but I want to set a maximum size of buffer for the TextBox. I read in one forum someone suggesting to set the TextBox MaxLength property, but the questioner replied that he had tried this, and when the MaxLength was reached no further data input was possible, and what he wanted was the situation where new data could still come in, but the oldest data was then deleted, i.e a rolling buffer, which is precisely

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Setting Different Color For Each Line In Textbox?

Mar 23, 2011

My Code:
For Each dr In dt.Rows()
If (cnt = 0) Then
tx_control2.Text = dr("Name").ToString.Trim
tx_control2.Text = tx_control2.Text + Environment.NewLine + dr("Name").ToString.Trim
End If
cnt = cnt + 1
Next ' for row

Using above code to add all names from datatable to Textbox using Environment.NewLine. This is adding all names in Textbox. Now I want different color for alternate names. I used :
tx_control2.ForeColor = Color.Maroon
But above solution change the color of all names.

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Setting Hidden Field Value From Textbox?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm using 2005. I've a textbox , a hidden field and a button. My textbox is setted to password mode. While editing an existing password, in order to display the password in password mode, i wrote txtPassword.Attributes.Add("value", strpassword)

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Setting Position Of Text In Textbox?

Jun 9, 2010

I want to set Set position of text in textbox..
set "5" to x=25 in line of Textbox
Is it possible?

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Setting Text Of Textbox In A Webbrowser?

May 26, 2009

I have this code which should set the text of the E-Mail textbox when you login

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("text", "")


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Setting Up Array And Putting It In Textbox

Nov 21, 2011

Any hints on how to place these monthly sales numbers in an array so they show up in 3 separate text boxes (one for domestic sales, one for international sales and one for total sales. (i.e .User enters Month number in a month text box and the above information should show up in the3 individual text boxes).

'Basic Info:
'Month Domestic International
'1 100,000 150,000
'2 90,000 120,000
'3 75,000 210,000
'4 88,000 50,000
'5 125,000 220,000
'6 63,000 80,000

Public Class MainForm
Private totals(,) As String = {{"100,000", "150,000"},
{"90,000", "120,000"},
{"75,000", "210,000"},
{"88,000", "50,000"},
{"125,000", "220,000"},
{"63,000", "80,000"}}

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VS 2008 Setting Focus To A Textbox?

Mar 12, 2012

OK in the frmMain_Load sub I have this: tab page control with two pages. On page 1 I have a textbox.I also have the following Set the focus to the first textbox control on the first tab page.txtbMonthlyUsage.Focus()I can not get the focus into the textbox although its Enabled = True, TabIndex = 1, TabStop = True.

With all that I can not get the focus to work.But when I activate the 2nd page and come back to the 1st page when the form is displayed, it works like its supposed to.What am I missing?Do I need to activate page 1 as the form is loading? How do I do that?

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Setting Textbox Text Equal To Textbox Text On A Different Form?

Aug 6, 2009

is it possible in design mode to set the textbox text property to the text property of a textbox in a different form in

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Binding A TextBox To A Setting Withoute Using Code?

Aug 18, 2011

How can I bind a TextBox to a Setting withoute using code like this below?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles MyBase.Load

TextBox1.Text = My.Settings.MyString


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Forms :: Setting Value Of A Textbox In A Webbrowser Control?

Sep 20, 2011

I am having one heck of an issue with a webbrowser control I am using. As part of my job, I am working on creating a tool to automate an older system that we still use. The part that is being automated is web-based, and the group running the automation does not have access to any automation tools like QTP. In order to give them something they can use, the idea was to build an application just for them. In this application, I have everything working perfectly, with the exception of the most important part: the entry of a policy number. The policy number goes into a textbox, and then the user presses a button. A part of the automation sequence involves the use of a timer.

If I manually navigate to the appropriate page and put the .SetAttribute statement in a button action on my form, it works perfectly fine. However, if I put the .SetAttribute statement anywhere that is being controlled by the timer ticking, it does not work.So, this works:

Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
Me.wbPrestige.Document.Window.Frames("WORKSPACE").Document.GetElementById("policynumber").SetAttribute("value", "1234567")
End Sub

but this does not:

Private Sub timerLoad_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timerLoad.Tick
Select Case currentStatus
Case Status.wait_for_retrieving


As a note, I do not have the Select statement in the Tick action; I have it in its own little sub. However, since it functions the same way no matter where it is, and to save space, I combined everything here. Also, at the time of the timer firing and setting things into motion to enter the policy number, the page is already fully loaded, so I don't think it is an issue with that, though I could be wrong.

It does not throw an error. The "1234567" above is passed in as a string, and doing a watch on it at run-time does show that the value is actually in there. It just seems like the .SetAttribute is not registering on the textbox. I have tried a few things ranging from "what-if" all the way to "that-is-so-dumb-it-just-might-work." Nothing seems to do the trick. I have tried sleeping everything for a few seconds just to see if there was an issue there. I have tried issuing the .SetAttribute command a few times in a row thinking it just wasn't taking the first time. Since setting .Focus() didn't seem to work for it, I even went so far as using SendKeys to move focus to the textbox on one attempt and API calls for mouse clicks (to click inside of the textbox) on another attempt. As a last crazy attempt, I had the Select statement doing a .PerformClick on btnTest (which works if I navigate to the page manually).

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Interface And Graphics :: Setting Focus To A Textbox?

Sep 13, 2009

I have a problem setting focus to a textbox...My code is realy simple:

textbox1.visible = true

But this dos not work...I am pretty sure it is because when calling focus(), textbox1 is not visible yet, ant thous, focus has no effect?

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Setting A Textbox To Only Accept Numeric Values?

Dec 9, 2010

I am looking into data validation as I need a way of setting a textbox to only accept numeric values. I have had a search for this and it doesn't seem as straight forward as I had hoped.

I have found a couple of possible methods, although the sites which I found them where very unclear on how they actually work. I feel strongly that I should know how all of my own programs work >_>

I have no actually got this to work with my program yet. Are there better methods than this?

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim allowedChars As String = "0123456789$,"


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Setting An Interval For A Timer In A Textbox On The Form

Mar 31, 2010

I don't know much about so I'm hoping this is something that can be done fairly easily. We currently have a system where valves are fired by checkboxes (representing each valve) being checked at certain intervals and when the last valve is switched the timer restarts in order for the sequence to repeat itself. We would like to be able to have a textbox in the form where we can just type in the interval at which the valves (checkboxes) switch without having to change the interval manually in the code each time we want to change it. Currently in our code we just have a set interval. Here's the code:


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Setting Autocomplete Multiline Property Of Textbox

Feb 3, 2009

i want to set autocomplete textbox, but if multiline property of textbox is true, i can't do it.

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Setting ElementID String Into A Textbox (webbrowser)?

Apr 20, 2009

I did this before but I completely forgot how I did it... I have a website that has a 'div id', I want to get that text and put it in my textbox on my app.

I think it was something simpe like the following;
TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("IDname").GetAttribute("value") = TextBox1.Text


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Setting Focus On Textbox When Form Loads?

Aug 16, 2007

I have a problem.I want to set the focus on TextBox1 when the form loads. TextBox1 has a tab index > 1. I put this line in the form load subroutine:TextBox1.Focus()It does not work! However if I make a button and put the above line of code to its click event procedure, then TextBox1 get the focus.

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VS 2008 Setting Focus To An External Textbox?

Mar 26, 2010

Essentially what I would like to do is press a button, this then triggers a code to focus on a certain program, focus on a certain textbox and input the text from the clipboard not via pasting.

Now I have been able to achieve all of the above fairly easily except for one crucial component, focusing on the desired component. This program is essentially to automate some data entering for users via hotkeys, therefore I can't simply simulate tabs as it will not always be in the same position. So now comes the question, how do I focus on specific textboxes/controls in other programs?

I've been able to find huge walls of code with no explanation beyond "this is a concept". However no documentation or relevant examples.

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Forms :: Resize Event - Setting Button In Textbox?

Apr 30, 2009

So I am playing around with the resize event. My form is 500 wide, my button.left is at 100. If I use:
Dim int As Double
int = button1.Left / Me.Width ' this = 0.2
'resize event
'Button1.Left = (int * Me.Width)
TextBox1.Text = (int * Me.Width).ToString
The number in the texbox is correct - proportion wise, but it won't set the button1.Left to this number. I'm sure this is because int is a Double where .Left is an integer?

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VS 2008 Setting The Mouse Cursor Position From A Textbox?

Feb 22, 2010

I need to be able to take some co-ordinates from textbox and set them to the mouses position. I have tried a few things such as trying the 'new POINT' but i get the following error RDU.Form1.POINT has no constructors'What i am doing is sending the co-ordinates to a listener which then goes into a textbox and i want mouse to go to them co-ordintes.

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Weird Behavior Setting Color In Rich TextBox

Dec 17, 2010

I am adding characters to a RichTextBox one character at a time and setting the format of that character after it is added. The following code is a distillation of the actual code but reliably repeats the problem I am having.[code..]

While that is odd to me and unexpected, where it happens in the code is even stranger. By stepping through the code, prematurely going to the End Sub and then displaying the form, I was able to determine that when i = 3 and the line "Me.RichTextBox1.Text
= Me.RichTextBox1.Text & "S" is exceuted, the color of the first two "S" are changed from Blue and Red to all BLUE.

I do not understand.a way to add characters to a RichtextBox and set the formatting of those characters?

This example is just color. I the real project I am setting Size, Color, Bold and Italics. I do not know if the solution to this color problem will affect the other formatting information.[code...]

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.net - Setting Textbox So User Cannot Type In Non Numeric Characters Or Spaces?

Apr 19, 2012

Is there a way to set a textbox in vb such that it does not accept a space or a non-numeric character entered by a user? I am writing a program that has a textbox called "phoneField" in which the user should type in only numbers and if the user trys to type a non-numeric character or space, nothing should be displayed in the textbox. How could that be done?

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AutoTyper - Setting Number Of Times For Word Written In Textbox?

Jan 31, 2009

I want to make a autotyper and I was wondering how would I make The words I am writing in the textbox be set to a number of times? EX.- say I want to write a word only 10 times instead of it keep repeating..

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Binding A Textbox's Text Value Setting To A Variable In Configuration File?

Jul 22, 2009

I am binding a textbox's text value setting to my a variable in my configuration file. I only consider the input from this textbox to be valid if it's an integer number bigger than 1. Right now what I was doing is letting the user write whatever he wanted in the box, and I'd only let him save the settings after calling a validation function. The problem seems to be that my binding variable in the Settings class seems to be being updated as soon as the textbox is being edited, and that's a behaviour i'd like to skip. How can I do this?

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