DB/Reporting :: Load Primary Key To Listbox?

May 31, 2009

i'm using an sql database, and on my application i load a listbox with data from table1. like:

dim sqlstr as string = "select name, code from table 1"
dim sqlcmd as new sqlcommand(sqlstr, conn)
dim dr as datareader


what i want now, is for the code also to be loaded to my listbox, but for it not to be visible to the user, so thet it can in the future be used in where statements.

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DB/Reporting :: Foreign Key Not Populating With Primary Key

Jan 23, 2011

I'm having some major issues trying to figure out What's going wrong with my code.

The general problem is that I can't get the foreign key in one of my child tables to populate the primary key from the parent table. I have a parent table named "ISSUES" and a child table named "ISSDESC". The primary key for ISSUES is ISS_ID which is an autonumber. The foreign key is ISS_ID in the ISSDESC table which is just a number. I'm using MS Access and an OLEDBConnection as the method. I've created the relationship in MS Access and also created the datarelation in the VB.NET code.

I am able to submit the information into the database into the two tables but the foreign key isn't being populated therefore not being linked to the other table.

I think it's probably a very simple fix, but it's been eluding me for a good 8 hours or so. I am using a dataset and 2 data adapters, one for each table.


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DB/Reporting - SQL Pick A Random Number Of Primary Keys

Oct 28, 2008

anyone know how sql pick a random number of primary keys, I know get max number and call a random number work but what if there a missing numbers like 1,2,4,6,7 so max 5 and random will missing 6 and 7 also there a error if 3 and 5 come up.

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DB/Reporting :: Master - Detail Data - Overwrite The Primary Field Value In The First Grid And The Detail Records

Jul 13, 2010

I have made several posts on here lately regarding master/detail or parent/child data setups but no one has been able to help. It seems like a subject people don't like to tackle BUT I really need help.

I'm having a real hard with the DataView.RowFilter functionality and it is driving me insane.

For the most part, I have the basic master/detail functionality working. When you select a record in the first grid, it shows the correct data in the second grid. When you enter a record in the first grid, you can enter related data in the second grid. I accomplish this by using a dataview and row filter bound to the 2nd grid. When you change the record in the first grid, the rowfilter for the 2nd grid is restated and reapplied.

The problem arises when I overwrite the primary field value in the first grid and the detail records become orphaned. You would think all I have to do is change the ID in the 2nd grid to match the new ID in the 1st grid but this is where I am having problems. I wrote a loop to change the ID of each record currently loaded in the 2nd grid to match the newly changed ID in the first grid. The code is here:

Dim I As Integer

For I = AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows(I).Cells(0).Value = StrEmployeeID

I have used this code before and it works great. It has to step backwards through the grid because when the ID's are changed, they no longer match the RowFilter criteria and they disappear from the grid. They still exist in the dataset. The problem is, while the code "works" the intended effect does not. Some of the records completely disappear from the dataset and do not reload when I restate the row filter against the new ID number.

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LinqToSql Contains On Multi-column Primary Key From In-memory List Containing Primary Keys

Aug 23, 2011

On a client i have an anonymous list containing a multi-column primary key previously selected from the DB.Then i need to select all the records from the DB that equals the primary key list i have stored in the memory.[code]

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Import Row From TABLE1 To TABLE2 Without Primary Keyfield Or Adding Correct Value To Primary Key

Mar 2, 2012

How i can import row from TABLE1 to TABLE2 without primary keyfield or adding correct value to primary key

i tried with two different codes, but result is same, it says: "In the column "Key"a constraint on the uniqueness.[code]...

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DB / Reporting - Create The XML That A Record Set Can Load

Mar 7, 2010

I have a dataset; I want to create an equivalent record set. What I really want to do is create the XML that a record set can load; I have no other use for the record set per se. I want to be able to load recordsets on other machines (which use VB6 ins of vb.net) with this data. I found some code that loops through the columns in the dataset and creates the fields in the record set; that's executing. However, the code given to open the record set fails with "incompatible or incorrect parameters" or some such. [Code] I can see that a recordset is a construct meant to bridge between running code and a data store of some sort, but in this case the data is "stored" in the dataset, not anywhere else. I want to put that data in the XML form that the recordset uses, so that other code that can only use recordsets (ins of datasets) will be able to read it.

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DB/Reporting :: Load All Controls From A Database?

Jan 5, 2009

I'm working on a emulator program where I load all controls from a database. My database looks something like this :


IDPageTypeControl_Indexnr Property Data
1131Label 1 Text Lbl1
1161Label 2 Text Lbl2


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DB/Reporting :: Load An Xml File In A Datagridview?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a problem with sorting in datagridview. I load an xml file in a datagridview and I sort the collums for check. when I try to sort it according to it's number the sorting goes like this:


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DB/Reporting :: Load The Options For A Combo Box?

May 6, 2009

i am new with visual studio 2008 and basic I have a combobox1 and combobox2 that are representing cities Combobox1 represents departure city and combobox2 destination city.Now i have a combobox3 that i want to load when i click it and run this sql query:

SELECT time_departure
FROM routes
WHERE (departure = Combobox1.value) AND (destination = Combobox2.value)

so when running the .exe of the application ,after selecting departure and destination ,when i click on the combobox3 ("hours") it will generate the results of the upper sql query as options to select.All i need is the code between this:Private Sub ComboBox3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.Click End Sub

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DB/Reporting :: Cant Set Current Cell On Form Load

Jul 17, 2009

I am using this code at the last line of my form load. I want the position 5,5 to have the cursor set at it. It works when then datagrid is already open:[code]However, when I use it on the form load, you can see that it was selected on the datagrid, but the cursor is set at textbox1...which happens to have the first tab order on the form, even though I have acceptstabs off. Can anyone tell me why this would happen? Basically, it is setting the cursor at the cell I want, but after the form loads, it jumps to textbox1 and highlights the text.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Save / Load Info In DataGridView

Nov 30, 2009

I'm working on a simple "sports management" game just to test out whether I could make an actual one some time in the future, but for the life of me I haven't been able to figure out how to save the contents of the datagridview. I want it to be saved in a format that doesn't require the user to have Access or any other program, so that the only thing users need are the .exe and the database file. Another question about the datagridview: How do I access the content on specific rows and columns of the datagridview? If I want TextBox1.Text to be whatever is written on Row 4, Column 2, how do I access that information?

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DB/Reporting :: Load A Text File In A Datagridview?

May 8, 2008

I load a text file in a datagridview. The problem is that I want to make some validations to it after I import it.


AA / Code / Value
1 1111111 12
2 222222 22


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DB/Reporting :: Load Up Just The First Field (tuneName) Into A List Box?

Mar 7, 2008

I've got a database with the fields: tuneName, Artist, Sales and yearIssued I'm trying the load up just the first field (tuneName) into a list box. I've managed to load the database into VB but I dont know the code to do this specific thing.Also I want to be able to select one of the items in the list box and the rest of the fields to appear in text boxes on the form.

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DB/Reporting :: Load A Variable From A Dataset Record Entry?

Mar 15, 2011

How do you load a variable directly from a db record entry Thought it would be something like this

Dim TempUserName as string
TempUserName= Me.TblUsersBindingSource.List("UserName").Tostring()

Apparently not....

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DB/Reporting :: Adding New Record On Form Load - Show Correct Row ID

May 5, 2008

In an attempt to learn VB I'm trying to build a database project for a friend's business. This db will be used to track customer information, predominantly for targeted marketing purposes. So far, the development has been slow (I'm still trying to adapt from VBA to VB), but its all starting to make sense now. I'm using two different forms for adding new customers and reviewing the information of existing customers, mainly because the database will grow by about 2,500 customers per year and we wanted to be able to search the records without returning every record when the forms load. Most of this works so far, but I'm having trouble with two issues.

When I open the new customer entry form, I want the form to automatically begin entering data without clicking the "Add New" button. The second problem involves the row ID from the database. It keep showing up as "-1", "-2" etc. The row ID records properly in the table, so no big deal. I have read that this problem is a bug in VB and that its nothing to worry about. However, down the road I will need to access the correct row ID from this same form in order to print out a report for the customer (as needed).

For what its worth here is the code I have so far:
'Update current record when the form closes
Private Sub frmNewCustomer_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Database ListBox And TextBox?

May 29, 2011

The listbox is populated like something from database with 3 fields - ID, Name, Date

ID - Name
1 - John
2- Susy


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DB/Reporting :: Populate Listbox With Objects?

Apr 24, 2012

I am writing a database using OOP, i have created my classes ect and i am able to input data.

I have four textboxs, and two listbox's. The first listbox lists all the categories which i have managed to do. Now when the user selects a catelgory a list of objects under that category are listed in the second listbox which the user then selects to display any related data and this is the problem i am having.


Public Class BaseClass
' ScrName is the name of the script file.
Public Property ScrName() As String


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DB/Reporting :: Query Result In A Listbox?

Oct 28, 2008

I'm trying to run a query and display the result in a listbox. I can do it for a datagridview but not for a listbox .

Private Sub frmNieuweActie_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
strSql = "SELECT Acties.Actieid, Acties.Actie " & _
"FROM(Acties) " & _


I get the correct amount of items in my listbox but it displays "System.Data.DataRowView" as item .

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DB/Reporting :: Database Table To Show On Listbox?

Jul 25, 2008

I'm using VB studio express 2008. I have created a combo box which the user uses to search a client, how do i program it so that when the client is highlited in the combo box it will show in a listbox with all the details of this client wich has been added previously to the database.

in short..

User browse a client in combo box. Selects a client. Information is shown in a listbox. example. telephone number, address, ect.

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Load Xml To Listbox?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm load file XML to listbox It have old value in new line how to edit it.


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.net - Load From File Into Listbox?

Jun 8, 2011

in my program i am trying to make it so that when you press a button it opens a "choose file" popup(where the user can choose a text file) then after the user chooses it the program will automatically load each line of the textfile into a listbox.But i have been researching it and the only thing i have been able to find is a file>open thing. So how cold i make it open a "open" dialogue on the press of a button and since i haven't been able to find anything on the open dialogue i haven't looked for anything on the loading each line of it into a listbox?

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How To Save Load A Listbox

Aug 4, 2011

how can i save load a listbox? [code]

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Load Ip's And Ports In Listbox

Apr 6, 2009

I am trying load a text file that contains ips and ports in the format of Ip:Port
this is the code i have so far...its gives me an error of.... Is operator does not accept operands of type 'Boolean'. Operands must be reference or nullable types.


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Load Text To Listbox?

Jul 14, 2011

i want to load a text file to my listbox. Chosen using a openfiledialog, so it wont have to be on a fixed location. However, i dont know how to do this. I know how to save a text file from a listbox, but not how to load one into it.

Next question, When loaded into the listbox, how can you select the next line?

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Load Textfile Into Listbox?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to load a textfile into a listbox. On button click it would pop up a window where you'd browse to the folder and file and then select it and it would populate the listbox.[code]...

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Load Web Images In Listbox?

Nov 19, 2009

I'm having trouble loading images in a listbox. Is this possible? I don't want the listview. I only need the images, not the images as icons for something else. Also these are image from urls.

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Add Item To Listbox In Form Load?

Dec 26, 2009

I want Add Item to Listbox in Form Load, I Mean Before I Start The Program It Already Shows Items in The Listbox also i want to know how to create a search button so that when i click the search button it search from the items in the listbox if it available it say found it if not it say error !

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How To Load Info From TXT File To ListBox

Nov 9, 2011

How do I get my info from a .txt from my website to load into my listbox?! Like if I were to do this...
Dim client As New Net.WebClient
client.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error : " + ErrorToString(), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
It just adds a straight line of my multi lines that are in the .txt file...

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Load A Listbox From A Text File?

Sep 6, 2009

I am trying to load a listbox from a text file, I have debugged the routine and have used the "step into", I have the routine in the Form Load section, it shows the names being loaded but will not show in the listbox itself, please please give me some ideas I have been racking my brain for days on this,


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