How To Save Load A Listbox

Aug 4, 2011

how can i save load a listbox? [code]

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Load Save Listbox Items?

May 26, 2009

I've got a problem, I'm making a program that gives you the choice to add items to a listbox, these items are text. When the form loads, i need it to load text from a file into a listbox. For every line I need it to add that text to the listbox. My problem is when it loads, there's an extra line, but that's only after I close the form and open it again. The reason it happens when the form unloads is because the listbox items are saved on form unload. Now, I believe the problem is my code to save the items:

Dim Env As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
For Each item In Form1.TP1.Items
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog()


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Properly Load And Save Data From A Listbox?

Sep 15, 2008

i currently am running vb 08 and need coding help about how to save text from a listbox and load it on app start up.i also need a code to automatically place a .txt file into a folder when installed

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Made A Mp3 Music Player - Save And Load With Openfiledialog And Listbox?

Jul 17, 2010

i made a mp3 music player and i used listbox to let the users see what songs they have added but i want them t be able save and load their song list. How can i do that?

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Search A Listbox And Save All The Results In Another Listbox?

Jan 27, 2012

for now, i am using this code but it doesnt give me what i want.. for example i want to list all the items with the string "1"

Dim x, count As Integer
x = ListBox1.Items.Count
count = 0


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Load Xml To Listbox?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm load file XML to listbox It have old value in new line how to edit it.


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.net - Load From File Into Listbox?

Jun 8, 2011

in my program i am trying to make it so that when you press a button it opens a "choose file" popup(where the user can choose a text file) then after the user chooses it the program will automatically load each line of the textfile into a listbox.But i have been researching it and the only thing i have been able to find is a file>open thing. So how cold i make it open a "open" dialogue on the press of a button and since i haven't been able to find anything on the open dialogue i haven't looked for anything on the loading each line of it into a listbox?

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Load Ip's And Ports In Listbox

Apr 6, 2009

I am trying load a text file that contains ips and ports in the format of Ip:Port
this is the code i have so far...its gives me an error of.... Is operator does not accept operands of type 'Boolean'. Operands must be reference or nullable types.


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Load Text To Listbox?

Jul 14, 2011

i want to load a text file to my listbox. Chosen using a openfiledialog, so it wont have to be on a fixed location. However, i dont know how to do this. I know how to save a text file from a listbox, but not how to load one into it.

Next question, When loaded into the listbox, how can you select the next line?

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Load Textfile Into Listbox?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to load a textfile into a listbox. On button click it would pop up a window where you'd browse to the folder and file and then select it and it would populate the listbox.[code]...

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Load Web Images In Listbox?

Nov 19, 2009

I'm having trouble loading images in a listbox. Is this possible? I don't want the listview. I only need the images, not the images as icons for something else. Also these are image from urls.

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DataGridView Save And Load?

Nov 9, 2010

DataGridView i will like for DataGridView to Save when i close my application and i will also like to Load when i open my application.

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Load And Save Settings?

Jan 26, 2009

I wanna save and load my color selected by ColorPicker like this[code]...

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Save & Load Buttons

Mar 16, 2010

I have been playing around with Visual Basic for about a week now. I created a program that I use at work basically just to organize my day.

The program consists of buttons that link to programs and spreadsheets that I use often, as well as a checklist of tasks I've completed and text boxes that I use for reminders. Other buttons affect GroupBox texts and Label texts.

What I'd like to know is how I can implement a Save and Load button? I'd the current state of the program to be saved so it can be loaded in the event that I have to shut the program down. (Check boxes checked, Text in Text boxes, Labels, etc...)

I've been looking online for HOURS and I've messed around with the SaveSettings feature... nothing seems to work.

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Save / Load To XML File?

May 6, 2010

I have a treeview control that contains an Active Directory OU structure and I want to save this to an XML file, and load it again later.

When I save an OU that has a space in the name, I get an "XMLException was unhandled" error. The description is "The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name.".[code]...

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Save And Load Data?

May 23, 2012

I was wondering what is the easiest way to save and load data through different forms in vb. I just want to save 3 textbox.text that a user saves and be able to load it on a different form.

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Save And Load Listview From / To XML?

Nov 13, 2009

I'm building a web browser But im haveing an issue saving the Bookmarks and reopening the book marks

and also reopening the url when its clicked

i have a multi-colum listview

with 2 Coulums "Name" And "URL"

i want to save it on from close to a XML file and then reload them on form open but i dont know how to do it

also i want to set it so when you double click the site name it opens the URL

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Save And Load System?

Feb 4, 2011

It's a game that continues for a long time and isn't done in a hour, so it is pretty annoying that if the player re-opens the game he has to do everything over again. So, does anybody know how I can make a save/load system? Like that on the first form of the game there is a "Save" and "Load" button. If the player presses the "Save" button, the program automatically saves the progress of the player in a file somewhere on the harddisk of the player, and if the player presses "Load", the program automatically loads the file he saved, so the player doesn't have to start all over again.

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Save And Load Value From Registry

Feb 11, 2011

I have an application where the user select configuration, I need to write to function one to save the configuration when the application is closed and other load the configuration when the application is loaded, i need to use registry would you able to help me by giving me 2 small example how to save and to load from the registry.

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Add Item To Listbox In Form Load?

Dec 26, 2009

I want Add Item to Listbox in Form Load, I Mean Before I Start The Program It Already Shows Items in The Listbox also i want to know how to create a search button so that when i click the search button it search from the items in the listbox if it available it say found it if not it say error !

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DB/Reporting :: Load Primary Key To Listbox?

May 31, 2009

i'm using an sql database, and on my application i load a listbox with data from table1. like:

dim sqlstr as string = "select name, code from table 1"
dim sqlcmd as new sqlcommand(sqlstr, conn)
dim dr as datareader


what i want now, is for the code also to be loaded to my listbox, but for it not to be visible to the user, so thet it can in the future be used in where statements.

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How To Load Info From TXT File To ListBox

Nov 9, 2011

How do I get my info from a .txt from my website to load into my listbox?! Like if I were to do this...
Dim client As New Net.WebClient
client.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error : " + ErrorToString(), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
It just adds a straight line of my multi lines that are in the .txt file...

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Load A Listbox From A Text File?

Sep 6, 2009

I am trying to load a listbox from a text file, I have debugged the routine and have used the "step into", I have the routine in the Form Load section, it shows the names being loaded but will not show in the listbox itself, please please give me some ideas I have been racking my brain for days on this,


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Load All The Users In A Listview Or Listbox?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm making an irc client (working)Now, I load all the users in a listview or listbox (I can choose)So I need the listbox or listview the be sorted by the ranks of the user.The ranks are in the listbox, but I just want the users with '~' the be at the top & the ones with '&' under those,

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Load Data Into Listbox From Text Box?

May 7, 2012

Add the items from text file into TextBox and ListBox.[code]...

Where, ";" is the Delimiter and data is just one line only. "A" has to load in TextBox and "Cat,.....,Bird" has to load in ListBox, one line per animal.I've already read the text file and load "A" into text box. But couldn't figure out how to load rest of the data into list box.

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Load Ini To Listbox Versus Formload?

Mar 6, 2012

i have a issue when i load my ini to my listbox and 'this my load ini to listbox

im a As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("movieextlist.ini")
Dim b As String() = a.Split(vbNewLine)

try to scan for extentions it crashs, BUT if i do on formload listbox add every ext 1by1 it works. if i use the load and hit scan it crashes

Using FB As New FolderBrowserDialog
If FB.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
For Each Ext As String In ListBox1.Items


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Load Picture Through Listbox Selection?

Mar 3, 2011

This is my first time to be here and is a total newbie with Visual Basic 2008. I have background in VBA Excel and would like to try Visual Basic 2008. I would like to start off on a certain project and I am currently in trying to load image (in jpg format) into the picturebox thru listbox selection. I have found this code here and is trying to modify it to suite my needs but is having quite a tough time to set it right. [code]....

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Read .txt File And Load Them In Listbox?

May 28, 2009

I can't really explain what I'm trying to say but here is an example.

Created 1 Listbox named Box1
Created 1 Button named Load


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Save/Load Text To/from File?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a made a simple program with multiple forms and multi text boxes in each form where the user inputs text into textboxes. I would like to be able to save the data into a file and then be able to load the text from that same saved file.

Is there a code template that would allow me to do this?

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DataGridView Save And Load From.ini File?

Apr 12, 2012

Instread of using SQL Connection is there a way to save and load the rows from an .INI file and if it can, mind showing me how?

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