Made A Mp3 Music Player - Save And Load With Openfiledialog And Listbox?

Jul 17, 2010

i made a mp3 music player and i used listbox to let the users see what songs they have added but i want them t be able save and load their song list. How can i do that?

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Made A Media Player But When Click Open With It Opens The Player But Doesn't Load The Film

Jun 28, 2011

Public Class EasyPlayer
Private Sub EasyPlayer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Music Player - Playlist - Split The Filelocation From The Filename In The Listbox?

Jun 22, 2009

I got some music player from the web, a cool one, and i tried to add him a playlist. i`ve change the entier interface.

I have like this
- play botton
- pause botton
- stop button
- TrackBar for song
- timer for song lenght
- a volume
- a button for PLAYLIST.

This code is for Play:

Private Sub PlaySong()
If (PlayerControl.URL <> "") Then


It's actualy a shortcut for the button event. It checks if Url isn't empty, and if it isn't, start playing the song from that url. This is the code of the play button:

Private Sub ToolStripButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton1.Click
End Sub

Now i`m gonna talk about the Playlist button. When you enter the exe, the playlist is Visible, when you press the button it's hidden and so on.(it's made with if then condition).

The playlist it's actualy a ListBox called lplst and has some buttons:
- Add
- Delete
- Save
- Load
- Clear

I`m gonna talk about the Add button. This button pops up a dialog box to open mp3 files to that FIleBox. And it get's ONLY the FILENAME! (without the URL or Location of it) This is the code for the Add button:

Private Sub ToolStripButton7_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton7.Click
Dim openfile As New OpenFileDialog


Before , the Add button was adding JUST the location (example: C:\blabla.mp3) and when i selected it and click play, it was playing the song. But now i wanted to show only the file name. I got some code on the listbox change too.

Private Sub lplst_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lplst.SelectedIndexChanged
PlayerControl.URL = lplst.SelectedItem
End Sub

This code changes the URL that plays. Depends what is the selecteditem. i browsed all the web , and i couldn't find anything.

Now the problem: I can change the Add button like this:

Private Sub ToolStripButton7_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton7.Click
Dim openfile As New OpenFileDialog


And this will link me like this: Filename - Filelocation.

But now the PlayerControl.URL = lplst.SelectedItem. code won't run the mp3 file from that location. How do i have to split the Filelocation from the Filename in the listbox?

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Open / Save Listbox With Openfiledialog?

Mar 21, 2010

i'm using VB 2008 and i need to open / save listbox with openfiledialog and savefiledialog. I know how to do it with text files but i need to find out how to open a listbox.

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VS 2010 Playing Music From OpenFileDialog?

Dec 5, 2011

playing an audio file that has been selected by the user.

The program I'm working on is an alarm clock, so that may give you an idea of the problem. Basically, I just want the user to be able to select his/her own song to play when the time comes. So, the user clicks on a button, and an OpenFileDialog pops up. The user selects an audio file, and then that file is going to be the file that is played when the alarm goes off.

I'm not near my Microsoft Visual Studio at the moment, so I didn't have time to test it, but here is a code that I think may work:

Private Sub btnChoose_Click
If OFile.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK Then


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Make Music Player With VB 2008?

Jul 20, 2009

this is my first post. I just recently got vb and wish to learn a lot about it but I have no references...(book, good tutorial etc) I have always wanted to make applications for computers ever since I got on one 5-6 years ago. (I know you need code but I have no idea where to start. But, I am a fast learner.)


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Put A Music Player On My Windows Form App?

Jul 12, 2009

Ok. I want to put a Music Player on my Windows Form App. I have the control on the form but i don't know which Import to use or how to get it to play the music I have on my computer.

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TreeView Music Player - How To Rip And Burn CDs

Aug 29, 2011

I have written a hierarchical treeview music player that reflects the organisational structure of the music files on your disk drive. I just need to know how to rip and burn Cds using (without using any dependencies if possible). So far in my multi-media project, the only dependency currently is LAME.EXE for converting wave files to MP3 files - and even that dependency will go if I can successfully convert certain C++ listings to VB.

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How To Save Load A Listbox

Aug 4, 2011

how can i save load a listbox? [code]

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Music Player - How To Move Trackbar Button

Jan 31, 2010

I making an music player with a trackbar who gets oppdated while the music is playing. My problem is that I have to move a the trackbar button.

This is my code:
Dim TotalSeconds As Long = CLng(Form1.Player.TotalTime) ' 274445
Dim CurrentSecond As Long = Form1.Player.CurrentTime ' 10497
' maxp is the maximum x location on my bar
Dim nyp As ULong = CULng(((TotalSeconds / maxp) - CurrentSecond))
TB.Location = New Point(CInt(nyp), 11)
Why is it return INF?

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VS 2008 Making A Music Player (STUCK!)

Feb 18, 2011

im making a Music Player in VS 2008 and everything is basicly working perfectly as i want, however i seem to be stuck at the "Pause/resume button"

so my question is, in the Windows Media player COM Components, is there a code for Resuming the current state on the Mp3 file and id assume it would be resume,[code..]

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ListBox PreferredHeight - Make ListBox Calculate Correct Integral Height Before ListBox Is Made Visible

Nov 19, 2009

If I set a ListBox.Height = ListBox.PreferredHeight when the control is hidden and IntegralHeight = True, then set it visible:

a) Actual Height reduces by typically 3-5 pixels after redraw (but not 1 pixel per item).

b) PreferredHeight does not not appear to give the correct integral of item heights.

Is there a way to make ListBox calculate the correct integral Height before the ListBox is made visible, so it can be correctly pre-positioned from bottom edge?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

ListBox1.Visible = False
ListBox1.IntegralHeight = True


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Load Save Listbox Items?

May 26, 2009

I've got a problem, I'm making a program that gives you the choice to add items to a listbox, these items are text. When the form loads, i need it to load text from a file into a listbox. For every line I need it to add that text to the listbox. My problem is when it loads, there's an extra line, but that's only after I close the form and open it again. The reason it happens when the form unloads is because the listbox items are saved on form unload. Now, I believe the problem is my code to save the items:

Dim Env As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
For Each item In Form1.TP1.Items
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog()


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Open A Music File In Windows Media Player From?

Feb 20, 2007

Is possible - to open a music file in Windows Media Player from a visual basic program?

If i had 'track1.mp3' for example, does anyone know how to open this from visual basic in windows media player?

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Properly Load And Save Data From A Listbox?

Sep 15, 2008

i currently am running vb 08 and need coding help about how to save text from a listbox and load it on app start up.i also need a code to automatically place a .txt file into a folder when installed

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Make A Gravity Application (with Speed Readings/music Player) For The Car?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm trying to make a gravity application (with speed readings/music player) for in the car.So I've found some sample code to create an event handler in C#, except I don't know any C#. This is the code to add an eventhandler:

motion.CurrentValueChanged += new EventHandler<SensorReadingEventArgs<MotionReading>>(motion_CurrentValueChanged);

How do I do this in VB.NET? as there is no CurrentValueChanged...

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 Make A Music Player That Will Play A Song In The .exe Format

Oct 1, 2010

What i want to do is make a music player that will play a song in the .exe format, so an app will open and automatically play a song. This is to prevent ripping and copyright issues. I made a app using the WMP Com Component but that of course requires the file to be opened.

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C# - Windows Media Player - Enable Play Button Without OpenFileDialog?

Oct 23, 2009

this is probably pretty simple, but I've noticed that when trying to start the Windows Media Player (AxWMPLib), it takes the "player.url = path", and only then does the player's Play-button get activated. Thing is, I want to play sound files taken from the URL of a column in a database. And when clicking on that row, the mediaplayer should update, making it's play-button clickable.

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Image Load Using OpenFileDialog?

Dec 5, 2010

I want to load a picture using a browse button.

Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1


The browse button appears, allowing me to search for a file, but when i select the file and click open, nothing happens.

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VB 2010 - Load Pictures And Play Music File?

Nov 2, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Windows Forms Application I am trying to create an application that will allow a user to choose from a menu option in ListBox, click "Play" button, and the application will play music, and transition between 3 pictures.

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Load TXT Files In Many RichTextBox Using OpenFileDialog In VB?

Mar 11, 2011

I have in my form 2 RichTextBox , one Listbox , one OpenFileDialog and one Button . In those 2 RichTextBox I would like to load two (*.RTF) FILES .

Application Steps :

1- When I click the button , an OpenFileDialog open .

2- I choose those two files (*.RTF) and when I press the OK in OpenFileDialog, the path of those two files are written in the ListBox as Items.

3- After getting the path of those two files , I would like to load them into those two richtextboxs .

The problem is that I don't want to specify the richtextboxs names in order to load the files . What am I saying ? I.E : I don't want to use that code : "RichTextBox1.Loadfile(Listbox1.items.item)" When I debug my application : everything goes well , only when the listbox items are loaded in the richtextboxs control I get only one file loaded on those two richtextboxs. Right Now I have written these codes :

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "RTF Files (*.rtf) |*.rtf"


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Using OpenFileDialog To Load A ',' Delimited Text File Into 6 List Boxes

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to Load data from a Text file, which is "," Delimited into 6 List Boxes.. Want a FileOpenDialog Box so that the user Can chose which Office Id txt File they wont to load into the List Boxes.How it works is;

-The user Enters an Office ID (e.g HH33)
-The user fills out the rest of the program, the data is then generated into the 6 list Boxes
-User then clicks Save to File button.
-The program creates a Text file with the name coming from the Office Id, so if the user enters HH33, the text file is created with name HH33.txt.
-All Data entered by the user under the office name HH33 will be added to the Text File..[code]

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Openfiledialog Automatically Save File?

Jan 9, 2009

I had the following codes,by the default,after i choose a file from the openfiledialog,then savefiledialog will display to let me chosoe where should i save the file.

But,now I would like to do so which is after I choose a file from the openfiledialog,the selected file should be automatically copy to my desktop without showing savefiledialog to let me choose the destination.What should I change from the following code?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fullFilename As String


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Save A File In Different Location From OpenFileDialog

Jun 10, 2009

I'm using a OpenFileDialog to choose a file from the folder and displaying the path on a textbox. I have another save button, I want when I click on the save button the selected file(the path is currently in the box) duplicates the file into another folder. How can I duplicate the folder and can I use SaveFileDialog?? Here is the codes of OpenFile Dialog. I have t

Private Sub OpenFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdBrowseFile.Click
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing


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Dll Load Errors In Python Executable Made From Pywin32

Jun 16, 2011

I created python executables with py2exe with both 64bit python interpreter and 32 bit python interpreter.In my program, I use the module pywin32 com, and so I dl'ed and installed both the 64bit and 32bit versions of the program prior to creating the executable.[code]I tried both versions by running the source directly, ie python and C:python_32python.exe and both work fine.I tested the 64bit exe on a 64bit windows 7 computer and the 32bit exe on a 32bit windows XP computer.

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Open Multiple Files In ListBox From OpenFileDialog?

Mar 15, 2009

When I select multiple paths from openFileDialog in my listBox control enter only one path by try. This is probably because that I use OpenFileDialog.FileName. I wish to load all selected files in one time...but in this case Add(OpenFileDialog.FileNames) give me the value stringArray in same listBox. I suppose that maybe exict peace of code through ItemCollection which give me opportunity that I import all file path in one try in listBox control. It was interesting because how I may implementing matrix between openFileDialog and listBox..

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OpenFileDialog : Selecting More Than One File To Be Added To A ListBox?

Feb 6, 2010

I currently know how to click a button on the application and when I click it, it invokes the OpenFileDialog Event or Object. After It Opens the Open File Dialog, I am able to select only ONE file from a location on my computer. After I click that Single File on my computer, I press the Okay or Open Button on the Open File Dialog, and then it adds that items to my list Box, knows as PlayList_00 and PlayList_01.

Here's what I got so far.

Private Sub addBTN_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addBTN.Click
OFD.InitialDirectory = "C:Movies"


'I have built a Movie Play List, for my Windows Media Player.'But Selecting One item at a time is just fine, but I would really 'enjoy being able to select more than one item at a time, and then 'adding them to my ListBox(s).

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Populate Listbox From Multi-select OpenFileDialog?

Feb 23, 2010

I've spent FAR too long trying to troubleshoot this simple operation.I want the user to select multiple files in an OpenFileDialog (called OpenFileDialog1), click OK, and then have the filenames display in a listbox (called ListBox1). When I run, the openFile dialog allows the user to select mutliple files. However, on clicking OK, the dialog repons allowing the user to select only a SINGLE file. Then, it throws an "outside of array" exception.


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Made To Load A Program With An Incorrect Format" Error

May 3, 2010

My pc is 32bit and run vs2008.Once I try to install my windows app into a client laptop which is 64bit, I got an error said that

An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

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Populate A Listbox When A Selection Is Made

Feb 23, 2011

I am currently using the NorthWindDataSet from the msdn tutorials.So far, here is what I have to populate one of the listboxes on my form:[code] I make a selection in ListBox2 I would like ListBox3 on my form to be populated with that particular person's Order #'s.

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