DB/Reporting :: How To Save / Load Info In DataGridView

Nov 30, 2009

I'm working on a simple "sports management" game just to test out whether I could make an actual one some time in the future, but for the life of me I haven't been able to figure out how to save the contents of the datagridview. I want it to be saved in a format that doesn't require the user to have Access or any other program, so that the only thing users need are the .exe and the database file. Another question about the datagridview: How do I access the content on specific rows and columns of the datagridview? If I want TextBox1.Text to be whatever is written on Row 4, Column 2, how do I access that information?

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How To Load / Save Info In Browser

Sep 14, 2008

I currently have a vb browser and cant for the life of me find out how to load a "favorites list" the furthest I've got is add text to link label and save text in a location. I also cant find an if statement stating that if a label has type in it you move to next label.

Private Sub Favourites_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim savef As New System.IO.StreamWriter("c:Program FilesAmaza Browserfavourite links.txt")
[Code] .....

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Save / Load Info To - From A Txt File Without Going Through Savefiledialog?

Mar 2, 2010

How can i save or load info to/from a txt file without going through the savefiledialog.

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VS 2008 Have A Code For Load Info To Textboxes And Save To Ini File?

Jun 6, 2010

have a code for load info to textboxes and save to ini file.like takes info from hello.ini file and when i load rhe program it will take the info to the texteboxes...

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DB/Reporting :: Load An Xml File In A Datagridview?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a problem with sorting in datagridview. I load an xml file in a datagridview and I sort the collums for check. when I try to sort it according to it's number the sorting goes like this:


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DB/Reporting :: Load A Text File In A Datagridview?

May 8, 2008

I load a text file in a datagridview. The problem is that I want to make some validations to it after I import it.


AA / Code / Value
1 1111111 12
2 222222 22


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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView - Save On Change?

Oct 17, 2008

I have a datagrid bound to a datatable. The datatable will then be written to an xml file using the built in "WriteXML" function, which is sweet!

What I would like to do is update the table then overrite the existing XMl file when a cell value changes.

The problem is the "CellValueChanged" event is fired before changes are actually committed to the dataset. I do not want to use the "CellValidated" event because it will fire for each row when the file is forst loaded into the dataset and displayed in the datagrid.

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView: Save And Restore Re-ordered Columns?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a utiility that users can re-order DataGridView Columns in to their hearts content. I want them to be able to create a named list so they can have multiple Column Patterns to choose from.When I restore though the re-ordered Columns are not where I saved them.

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DataGridView Save And Load?

Nov 9, 2010

DataGridView i will like for DataGridView to Save when i close my application and i will also like to Load when i open my application.

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DataGridView Save And Load From.ini File?

Apr 12, 2012

Instread of using SQL Connection is there a way to save and load the rows from an .INI file and if it can, mind showing me how?

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Save And Load Items In My Datagridview ?

Jan 13, 2010

How can i save and load items in my datagridview ?

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DB/Reporting :: Save Button The Data Doesn't Show Up In The DataGridView Until Close The Application

Sep 21, 2009

I have a form that has around 4 txtboxes. Data is inserted into these boxes and then a "Save" Button is pressed. I have a GridView added to my form and want to view the entries. The issue I am having is that when I click the save button the data doesn't show up in the DataGridView until I close the application and then re open it.


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MS ACCESS/ Save And Load Database From Main Form To Child Forms' Datagridview

Jun 10, 2010

I build my project and i got some problems. First i want to print barcode for books(toolstripmenu item). but i cant. here's the code that i found:


second problem is printing again. i want to print my MS ACCESS .mdb from child datagridview's records.

third one i want to save and load(with dialogs) my database from main form to child forms' datagridview.and the last one is help provider. i prepare my own .htm help file, when press F1 it opens. but i dont know how to call provider to toolstripmenuitem and help provider keep my computer's path so when i call provider another computer, the programme cant find the path.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Include DB Info In RichTextBox

Jul 27, 2009

I have connected my database to visual basic.I have a form1 which allows me to scroll through all the data in my database (i.e. the name, account no, address etc)My form2 contains a calculation involving payments which involve the previous account.My form3 needs to contain this calculation PLUS the database information in a RichTextBox. My question is how do I include my DB info in a RichTextBox? (i.e how do I pass the information from form1 onto form3)

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DB/Reporting :: Get Info From MDB Database When A Button Is Clicked?

Nov 17, 2009

What I am trying to do is get specific info from a database and what I am getting is the first entry.

I have made a database connection, made the top bar not visible and I have inserted a text box and multiple labels. My MDB database has 3 columns (street, city, postcode) and multiple rows.

What I want is when a user enters a postcode in the text field the other labels get the info related to it. I.E. when a user enters "FY1 3DL" the labels update to "King street" and "Blackpool". With the code below I get the first row from the database.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub

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DB / Reporting - Using A Datareader To Retrieve The User Login Info

Jun 4, 2008

I need to convert a large VB6 app to vb.net which does a lot of database work and produces a Crystal Report. The initial form is simple a login form which validates the user. I am trying to use a datareader to retrieve the user's login info but it won't compile on the statement where I'm trying to get the Connection String from the app.config file. It complains that the ConfigurationManager is not declared on the dim statement. Where and how do I declare the ConfigurationManager? I thought it was just pointing to the app.config file but apparently that is not correct. [Code]

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DB/Reporting :: Writing A Program And Loading Info Into A SQL Database

Feb 17, 2009

I'm writing a program in VB.Net and loading the info into a SQL database. Debugging it works fine on my machine that I am programming it on, it connects to the database and runs through all the info perfectly. However trying to get it to run on another machine it will not connect to the database. I realize the reason for this is the connection string, it's looking specifically at the file directory for the database. How do I change this so that it will function on any machine. The program is only intended to run on one machine at a time and not over the internet.

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TimeZone Info Object Reporting Daylight Savings Rules

Feb 2, 2011

I need to write some code to tell the user when daylight savings starts and ends in another timezone, this is what I came up with but it keeps selecting the last Else line. The other lines are working fine, the problem is only with the lines, daylight savings today and not tomorrow. There is probably a much neater way of doing this but I thought this would work.

Private Sub Auto_Time_Change()
Dim sydneyTime As TimeZoneInfo = (TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("AUS Eastern Standard Time"))
If TSSlblTimeZone.Text = "Normal Time" Then
If CurDate.AddDays(1).Day = "1" Then
[Code] .....

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How To Load Info From TXT File To ListBox

Nov 9, 2011

How do I get my info from a .txt from my website to load into my listbox?! Like if I were to do this...
Dim client As New Net.WebClient
client.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error : " + ErrorToString(), MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
It just adds a straight line of my multi lines that are in the .txt file...

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Vb 2008 Load Folder Info/ Titles?

May 27, 2009

I want a list of folder names, i want a list of the names so i can remeber what projects i have on the go.
so example,lets say i have 3 folders in my on my desktop and the names are A, B and C i want get a list of theose names so i remeber what projects i have created.

If you don't understand ill try to re word it more specific

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Save Various Info Into A File?

Dec 21, 2009

I'm looking to add a save function to my game, and one of the problems that I have come across is, saving the amount of items the player carries, making it so that the amount # corresponds with the item itself.[code]....

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Load Up A Text File Which Has Employee Info Separated With Commas?

Apr 13, 2009

I'm new to Comma Delimited values. What I'm trying to do is load up a text file which has employee info separated with commas

like 1/1/09, John Smith, (555) 555-5555, 101 S 1st Street and has numerous rows of info like this

so what I want it to do is just write this info to 4 different textboxes

like txtdate would just have all the dates of employees listed in rows or multilines

then another text box for names and so on.. Right now I just have it all being written to one text box.

I'm not sure how to separate all the information accordingly.


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Take Info From A Text Box And Save It To A File ?

Aug 19, 2009

where can I find information on how to take info from a text box and save it to a file and later retrieve the info and print it out on a printer or back into text boxes? Also creating a database.Example. The Database will contain a list of customers. Within each customer profile there could be any number of databases for just that customer. and with in each database there is a system to keep track of different things.

Main Database = List of different Customers

Customer Data Base = List of different key systems.

Customer database key systems = list of key generated and if the have used that number or not. (Along with other info)

Where is a good place to start.

Basic File saving to complex file saving.

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Asp.net - Unable To Put Info Into To Save To The Database?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a gridview with four template fields that I need to be able to put info into to save to the database. When I hit the edit button and my columns change into edit mode I can enter information just fine. But when I try to loop through the control to get the information it doesn't pick anything up?

Private Sub gvOLIAdj_RowEditing(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles gvOLIAdjst.RowEditing
gvOLIAdjst.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex
End Sub

Here is the update event that I have so far... any ideas? Am I just not doing this right?

Private Sub gvOLIAdj_RowUpdating(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles gvOLIAdjst.RowUpdating
Dim dts As DataTable = DirectCast(Session("BudgetsTable"), DataTable)
Dim row As GridViewRow = gvOLIAdjst.Rows(e.RowIndex)


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Loading Game Save Info?

Jan 19, 2009

I'm making a kind of rpg game which has variables that i need to save. I saved them like this..


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VS 2008 Program That Can Save Info?

Aug 21, 2009

How could I make a program that goes soemthing like this

1. I open program
2. I log in with my user and pass (User doesnt have to be case sensative)
3. A form shows up where I can store Usernames to differnt things
4. It gets saved into the form

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Load The Files In A Folder Into A Box And Display The Songs Info Into A List View?

Feb 23, 2010

Okay I'm making a song organizer and I have a program that will load the files in a folder into a box and display the songs info into a list view. That part works fine but when you click the button to make it do anything it will get the variables that it need from the tags on the cells for each song but for some reason the one for the Album just disappears... I tried having it just show the value in a message box and it works fine. Just when I try to combine it with another variable then it wont show at all. Heres my code


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DB/Reporting :: Displaying DataGridView Text Column In A Mixed Bound/Unbound DataGridView?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView (dgv) on a Windows form (VB.NET) which is bound to a datatable. One of the bound columns is a an ID (Foreign Key) to another datatable. All I want to do is Hide the ID column and populate an unbound column with the Name (ParmName) for the user. I searched the foreign value in the datatable and retrieved the information. I set the Value of the cell in the Datarow. All works well, but does not display. The cell accepts the value...I can even Debug.Print the values to the console. They are there just nothing displaying in DataGridView. Nothing odd about DataGridView. Should be straight forward...

My Code
Dim dtParm As DataTable = MyDataSet.tblParameter
Dim dgv As DataGridView = Me.dgvResultNum_DataGrid


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Save All Info For A Button On One Line Of Text?

Dec 8, 2010

Is there a way to save all info for a button on onw line of text.example:

txtbtnInfo = Button1.ToString

I will then save txtbtnInfo to a settings file. Then when the form loads reset the button with

Button1 = txtbtnInfo

I have an app were the user can edit the size, color, and text of a button and I am hoping for an easy way to save this infomation. I am now saving the properties separately.

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Using A Button To Save Info Input In Textboxes?

Apr 19, 2009

this application I'm writing is for Employee Data. I have 7 texboxes and 1 combo box.With the file menu I have used that function to save info inputed in one texbox. However for this application I need to use btnSave button to save the record.

here is what I used for the file>save menu:

Dim result As DialogResult
'find input file
With OpenFileDialog1
.Title = "Find Input File"


How can I implement this with a button?

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