DB/Reporting :: Unique Username In User Table

Aug 25, 2008

how do i create restrictions whereby there cannot be two similar username in the table, while registering? i am using SQL server.

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MySQL - Select Points Column From User Table (Entered Username)

Jun 27, 2012

I have this MySQL Query glitch in my VB.NET program. Here is the query in VB.NET:
"SELECT Points FROM user WHERE Username = '" & UsernameText.Text & "';"
It will select the points column from the user table from the Username they entered. When I deploy this it will set the value for points to 0 on their account. I'm not even inserting anything in.

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DB / Reporting - Create Table When User Creates Account?

Jan 4, 2012

How can I add a user to a table in a mysql database without datagridview? I already have this:
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
'connect to DB
conn = New MySqlConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "server=localhost; user id=root; password=test; database=test_addtable"
[Code] .....

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"update Login SET Password=@password,username=@username Where Username=@user"?

Jun 21, 2010

send a solution for this "update login SET password=@password,username=@username where username=@user"

while executing i got the error"syntax error in update statement "

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Error When Deleting A Record From Table (table Which Stores Username And Password)

Apr 26, 2009

I got an error when I tried to save a deleted record in a table which I use to store username and password.

I can delete with no problems but the error message popped up when I clicked on the update icon

My login code is like this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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DB/Reporting :: Column 'TYPE' Is Constrained To Be Unique?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using vb2005. I'm writing a little application which allows a person to type in a new value in a combobox (which I've bound to a field in a table) which can be updated to the database. I then refresh the dataAdapter by clearing it and re-filling it again when the user saves a new item. That part works fine. My problem occurs when the user selects a stationary item from the combobox. The first select works fine until they try to select another item. Then I get the following error: ConstraintException was unhandled: Column 'TYPE' is constrained to be unique. Value 'False' is already present.

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DB/Reporting :: SQLite Insert Return Unique ID

Feb 3, 2010

I am using SQLite and what I am doing is passing a simple SQL statement to the database, however I want to also return the Unique ID that the insert statement has been entered to, however I am not sure how to do this within a single SQL statement.

My code is below:
Dim mySQL As String = "INSERT INTO DisplaySetFolderTbl (parentID, folderName) VALUES ('" & selNode.Tag & "','" & Trim(Me.txtName.Text) & "')"
Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand(mySQL, MISData.Instance.dbDRV)
Exit Sub
End Try
MISData.Instance.dbDRV is the connection string

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DB/Reporting :: Authentication - Login Using Your VBulletin Username And Password

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to make an authentication before my visual basic 2008 project, a login window. You have to login using your vBulletin username & password. The username and password from my community, which is a vBulletin forum. So, I'd like a form that ask you to login using your username and password from my vBulletin forum, so you'd have to register before...

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DB/Reporting :: Attach A Dataset To A Table (MS Reporting)?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to do something like this:

'create a dataset and a table
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Connect To A Table To Get The Next Unique Id?

Jun 6, 2012

In my app, I connect to a table to get the next unique id (t_IDs). The code basicly looks up a specific table name and returns the next value. This is fine in testing, but the application is going to be used between multipul sites. I can see an issue where this may cause the app to slow down while it waits the next id before saving all the data to another table.

My question is, Is there away to set a SQL trigger to go and get the next id value and update the record when a new record is created? BTW - I did look at the uniqueidentifier option (NewId()) but the Id is too long. I need 1,2,3,4 etc.

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Know If The Table Column Is Unique?

Mar 15, 2012

currently, what i want to do is, add a column in a table "default" during runtime. Well, I've got that covered already.

The problem is, the column names are actually taken from the users input through a textbox or drop down list and of course, if the same column is added already in the table, it generates an error since it has to be unique.

That is why i wonder if it is possible to know if a column already exists without viewing the form which contains the grid view of that table?

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Put Unique Value To Column In A Table?

May 21, 2011

Is there a quick way to put unique value to column in a table? Assuming I want numeric values starting from 0.

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Insert Only Unique Value In Table Through Application?

Sep 17, 2009

I am using vb.net code and sql server 2005. I have textbox in my application which is linked to a sql column. Now I want to check that it should not insert any duplicate record in table. I mean everytime it insert in table the value should be unique. data is inserted in table on button click.

I am using objectdatasource for sql connectivity and FormView for dataentry.

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VS 2008 Generating Unique IDs In A Table?

Dec 6, 2009

creating unique IDs for each row in a table, to avoid duplicates when inserting the data to a server. The table looks like this:

| brikkenummer | tid | post | anvendt_tid |
| 3086360 | 09:43:02 | 98 | 09:43:02 |


"Brikkenummer" is the number of a device that each person carries with him/her, and "tid" is the time the runner has passed a specific post. The post he/her has passed is described in the column "post".Out of these three columns, is it possible to generate some kind of unique ID? The ID that is generated have to be the same if a row is displayed twice or more, to avoid duplicate entries.

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Generate Unique Id Per User?

Mar 19, 2011

I have a webpage Default.aspx which generate the id for each new user after that the id will be subbmitted to database on button click on Default.aspx...

if onother user is also entering the same time the id will be the same ... till they press button on default.aspx

How to get rid of this issue...so that ... each user will be alloted the unique id ..

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Error: #1066 - Not Unique Table/alias: 'Messages'

Feb 1, 2011

im trying to join two tables together, (this messaging system) and im having trouble with the query.

Select Message_ID, Firstname, Surname , Subject , Message FROM messages, guardian_users INNER JOIN messages ON guardian_users.User_ID = messages.Sender_ID WHERE messages.receiver_ID = 3

and im getting this error: #1066 - Not unique table/alias: 'Messages' (joining tables Messages and guardian_users)

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Creating A Unique Database Per User?

Nov 30, 2011

I am currently creating a windows form app with a database.The database hosts links that the user can customize.When I go to publish the file, if user A changes the Link to their liking user B also see's the changes and will cause a clash if user B does not need the link that user A has put it.

I wish to be able to have a unique database for each individual and for the life of me cannot figure out how.Currently I am having the person upload to an access DB. This is not required but I am lost for ideas


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Using A Table And Fields With Username And Password And Also Usertype In It?

Jan 23, 2012

What i'm trying to do here is login using a table and fields with username and password and also usertype in it. If the user is an Admin then it displays the the command button cmdAdmin and if not admin it disables it. This is the code that i currently have at the moment Hope someone can help me out and also i want to get rid of the username and password that's currently in it and use database instead.?


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Generate A Unique Number From DB Table ID, Time And Selected Product?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm developing a policy administration system and I need to generate a unique policy in this formart


Where R is the Region i select from a Combobox, P is the product the client chooses and the auto generated six digit number and HH is the hour when the record was entered in the system. I want the auto generated number to be the ID in my ClientDetails table in my DB.Here is my code of what I have done so far.They want to be able to tell the region and the product by just looking at the policy number.

Private Function PolicyNumber(ByVal intRegion As Int16, ByVal intProductCover As Int16) As String
PolicyNumber = intRegion.ToString & intProductCover.ToString & "000000" & "/" & Hour(Now).ToString
End Function


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Require Each User To Have A Unique Id - Adding New Users ?

Aug 15, 2011

For my user system, I require each user to have a unique id. The reading in and saving of the user data is all done, but now I'm focusing on adding new users. In my add user dialog, I have the information fields required to create a new user, one of which is the ID (which must be unique). For this I have created a function that I thought would always give a unique id but it does not. paste the code below:

Function getnextuserid()
Dim id As String
Dim unique As Boolean


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Connect Username Form Of Program To Table Of Sql 2005?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm new in vb I just wanted to learn vb so I have to search. I learn vb in a self study way(using youtube and other tutorial sites) . but I have this problem i want to connect my login form of vb.net 2003 to the table namely login.db in sql 2005

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VS 2008 - Selecting Username Value From Table And Assign To Field

Jul 11, 2009

I'm trying to select a 'Username' value from a table called 'tblUsers' where the 'UserID' is 1 and assign it to the 'Text' property of a field. The SQL command is fine, but I don't know how to assign the value to the file. I've changed the SQL command to select the value I want. I just don't know how to assign it to a field:

'Use these import statements, so you don't have to fully qualify the Oledb Object names:
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data
Public Class Register
Function Register()
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Table Columns Into Table Adaptor?

Jul 7, 2011

Rather than running numerous queries in Access I am trying to write a front end for a DB2 database. The Access database is getting to a size that it is causing Access 2007 to have reliability issues and frequent compacting is required. I have created the Dataset, the Table Adaptors, and the Connection String already, but when I put in a bit of code in to fill the Table Adaptors the remote connection I have to work is going crazy (chewed up about 180MB before I realised it was pulling data from work).

Before I started the project I copied the .accdb to my local PC HDD and I pointed the connection string to it, but it still looks like it is trying to pull data from the work network. If it was a small database I wouldnt be concerned but it is pulling major data every time I run it. I have only 2 out of the 4 Table Adaptors running and it didnt fill them even after 10 minutes.

Here is the code I was trying to run... Server name has been substituted for Server for obvious work reasons.

Because the tables are so large I was looking for a way to pull only the columns I need to from the tables, I tried adding .SOFT_ID to the first line of code but the TA spat the dummy message below...

Value of type 'System.Data.DataColumn' cannot be converted to Application_Name.DS_DB2Database.Server_SOFTDataTable'.


I would also like to pull just the data columns I need to speed up the query.

Note: In case youre wondering why I am not connecting directly to the DB2 database. I currently dont know where it is stored and while leveraging Access I am trying to put a level of separation between the app and the db for the time being, later I will try connect directly.

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Identify User's Computer Username

Apr 14, 2009

I am trying to get my program to identify the user's screen name and input it into a file path. I use vb2008, and here is what i have: Dim strUser As String = My.User.Name This works but retrieve the info in this format: ('Computer Name'/'Username') Is there any way to code the program to get rid of the first part of My.User.Name (the 'Computer Name' part)? Or is there another way that i don't know of where i can identify the users username.

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Tell The User That Their Username Already Exists In The Game?

Jun 12, 2011

I am having a problem that dtAsia.rows.count>0 doesn't count at all. All I want to do is tell the user that their username already exists in the game but I'm having a bad time now because for example: I entered a valid username and its success... I entered an invalid username and got the CATCH part of this code.. So if i entered a valid username again. I still got the CATCH part of the code until the end even if I enter valid or invalid username still got the CATCH part.

If (dtAsia.Rows.Count > 0) Then ' wont work
MsgBox("Username: " & Trim(txtUsername.Text) & " is already exist.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Message :")


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Username Of Logged On User When Run With Other Credentials?

Sep 12, 2010

I have a client/server application running in a windows domain environment, the client application is started at log on by a scheduled task using domain admin credentials, i need to be able retrieve the username of the user who logged onto the workstation but all the methods i have tried returns the user that was used to execute the program.I have tried:


All of these return the account i used to run the application, not the user who is logged on.

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[VS2010] My.User.Name To Return Only The Username

Oct 14, 2010

I'm trying to get the My.User.Name to display only the windows username in a textbox. By default it returns domain name plus the username. How do I make it to display only username, without the domain name?


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[VS2010] User.Name To Return Only The Username?

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to get the My.User.Name to display only the windows username in a textbox. By default it returns domain name plus the username.How do I make it to display only username, without the domain name?

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VB Code For Creating User Account With Unique Email, Name?

Apr 25, 2010

does any one have a sample code for creating user accounts in project?

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Visual Studio - Give Unique Number In Each Receipt Of Payment In One Table Of Database?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a database, 3 or more tables and a one of them with 3 or more columns.In this table i have ID column, Name Column, Date Column etc.I like to select one record for printing and give to the person one or more Receipt of payment (bill).But every time i like the number of Receipt to be unique. For all persons in my table and all payment.

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