DLL Or Code For Class That Can Be Added To An App To Pull Movie / TV Info Down From IMDB?

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a DLL or code for class (documented) that can be added to an app to pull movie and TV info down from the IMDB? I have see a lot of older stuff, but nothing documented or working outside of a semi-functional Python piece and am just not ready to wade my way through Python.

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VS 2008 Scrape Movie Ratings From Imdb From A Movie Title Name?

Nov 2, 2010

imdb scraper for my movie organiser. Ok so how do you scrape movie ratings from imdb from a movie title name.

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Get Info From IMDB?

Oct 9, 2009

i want get information from [URL] , i enter url of film and program show me rating etc..how to code this ?

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App - Added The Form Class Code And The Designer Code

May 25, 2009

I've been working on a project the last couple of day with the help of a lot of you out there. I've more or less finished the design of the interfase, but there are stange this happening with the form. I can say much about what is wrong because I dont understand it, but I would like to. I have added the form Class code and the Designer Code, is that enough or is more required? Theres a msgbox that popup in the form Load event which I placed there to see what I could learn about the GraphicsBuffer.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.BufferedGraphics
Imports System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext


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Pull Info From Sensor.dll?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying to get my hands on my ThinkPad T500 tilt sensor data.So the (unfinished, but works (i'll get three values, state,x and y)) code is:

Public Class Form1
Private Structure AccelData
Dim stat As Integer
Dim x As Short


With debug.print I'll get the correct information, but as soon as I try to insert the outcomes to label.text I'll get error:

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

So, how can I pull the information from dll to label text?how to use the sensor.dll to extract information?

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.net - LightSwitch: On New Row, Pull In Parent Info?

Aug 12, 2011

I have a database with two tables in it: People and Logs.I have created a Details page that displays Person information and additionally includes the associated logs records. All of this has just been done by adding a standard details page - not custom coding, etc.When a user clicks on the green + to add a row to the Logs for that person I want to autopopulate a few of the columns. To do this I've opened the Log class and added the following:

Private Sub Log_Created()
Me.Create_Date = Date.Now
End Sub

This works great. But I also want to pull in the card number associated with the person. In the end my code should look something like (pseudo):

Private Sub Log_Created()
Me.Create_Date = Date.Now
Me.CardNumber = SelectedPerson.CardNumber
End Sub

However, I'm not sure exactly how to accomplish this in code?

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Pull Info From An Existing Website?

Mar 25, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way of pulling text from a website and the displaying it in a label, text box, etc.My idea isn't malicious in nature, I just want to be able to pull text from a specific page and then compare it with another page.

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Pull The Amount Of Memory By Using My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory?

Dec 27, 2010

I know I can pull the amount of memory by using My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory but I would like it to show like it does under My Computer properties. What do I need to do this?

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Checking If Info Already Added?

Feb 17, 2011

If the user adds an info and it is already in the database it should not add that info. My code basically checks only the first row, and when I add another data(From another row) it inserts. I have a/n autonumber in my id field.
If reader.Read Then
If reader.Item("SchoolName").ToString = txtSchool.Text Then
MsgBox("Information Already Added!!")
Exit Sub
[Code] .....
I tried using while but it will not stop and it is still adding(A lot!!).

View 6 Replies

Load A Movie Path Into A Flash Movie Player Activex In Background?

Aug 21, 2011

I'm in the need to fill a FlowLayoutPanel with about ten flashmovieplayer activex, but this not the trouble...

The trouble is that i'd like to load each flashmovieplayer movie path (with the commands movie or loadmovie) in the backgroundthread running and not in the form thread...

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Create Quick Info And/or Parameter Info For Own Code?

Jul 23, 2009

how to create Quick info and/or parameter info for own code?

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Pull Data From The Class For The Specific SocketID?

Jul 28, 2009

I am having a problem with an array of objects, it is not creating a new class for each time the array is used.

Here is my code:

Friend UserInfo(0 To SOCKETS.MaxConn) As clsUserInfo
UserInfo(NewSocketID) = New clsUserInfo()

When i try to pull data from the class for the specific SocketID the data stays the same.

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Pull Object And Its Code From 1 Form, And Display It On Another?

Dec 14, 2009

I might be going about this all wrong, but i've been reading up on some stuff, and am venturing into stuff i've never dealt with before. example: when people do things like, dim xxx as new form1

then xxx.show...how do you design that xxx form? and get the objects placed where you want it? Design an object on form2. Say Panel, populate it the way I want it. Code it the way I want it.Then, say on form1, i push a button, and it will display the panel(on form2) on form1?

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How To Pick Data From Imdb

Oct 11, 2009

How to pick data from imdb

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Asp.net - User Enters Code Into TextBox, Code Gets Added To URL (using Session)?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using ASP.net 4.0 VB,I am using a session variable to add a user entered code into the url of each page. I can get the code to show up at the end of the page's URL that my textbox is on, but what do I add to every page to make sure that the session stays at the end of every URL that person visits during their session? This is the code from the page that the user enters their user code.

Protected Sub IBTextBoxButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles IBTextBoxButton.Click
Session("IB") = IBTextBox.Text
Dim IB As String = Session("IB")
End Sub


This is what I have in the page load of one of the other pages. What else do I add to make sure that variable is added to the URL of that page?

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim IB As String
IB = Session("IB")
End Sub

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MS Access: Pull Data But Can't Pull Field Name?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to work with an access database. If this line pulls data from a dataset and puts it into a textbox: TextBox1.Text = Me.A_DataSet.a_Table.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString How would I pull the field name? For Example, in this database I have 3 fields:


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Pull Data From A Websites HTML Soruce Code And Use It In A VB Windows Form?

Nov 13, 2009

the "text", such as that you would find in a forum, and use it in a Visual Basic Windows Form.Everything in bold is finishedGrab theHTML source of a web page and store it into a string variable.Next I need to search that string variable for two HTML syntax, and place the text between them into another string variable

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Added To Each UserControl (different Instances Of The Same Class), A Little Map?

Apr 28, 2009

I have a form whose purpose is to let the user to load map files.The form may manage a variable classes of maps, and each class have his own UserControl.To make it more user friendly, I added to each UserControl (different instances of the same class), a little map, showing a small picture of the map, and some data, as bound coordinates.

The problem is, that it looks really ugly. The maps are so big, compared with the rest of the UserControl (who contains just a button and a textbox to search for files).I wish to fix it, but I din not see an elegant way to include the pictures and info.I attach a form screen capture with two UserControl.I would like to get some tips for more experienced users. There are some guidelines?

View 5 Replies

Asp.net - Added Reference Class Is Still Not Defined?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a web site project where I need to use the System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml class. I added the Dll System.Security as a reference and imported the namespace into my project. It compiles successfully but when I debug the project I get a compilation error:

Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml' is not defined.

What gives? Edit: I run Windows XP Pro 64bit OS

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Using Class Function Added As Resource

Jun 7, 2009

I have created a class and I have added it as a resource and imported yet I don't seem to be able to use any of its functions.

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Passing Class Info By Value Rather Than By Reference

Apr 30, 2010

Public Class Form1
Public Contestant As New ContestantClass
Public HighScore1 As New ContestantClass
Public HighScore2 As New ContestantClass
Public HighScore3 As New ContestantClass
[Code] .....

The problem I'm having is the first time I take a value, it gets inserted in the right section. The second time I insert a value, it inserts it in the correct place AND updates the previous value I inserted with the new value. So apparently when I'm doing:
HighScore1 = Contestant
It's pointing contestant AT highscore1 rather than taking the name, company, and score from contestant and then storing it in highscore1. How I can pass that info by value rather than by reference?

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VS 2008 Class ParamArray Info

Apr 24, 2009

I'm building a class, and i let the user select several options to show or hide some features in another form.In my class i declared an enum with 5 values, and in one of my class constructors i declare an paramarray of the type of the enum.Now i want that when i declare a new object of this type, when the user put the "(" char, a popup/tooltip/intelisense (don't know what to call it), show all the options available. Like in the classes that allready exist in the framework...

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.net - Derived Class Members Not Available When Added To Custom Collectionbase?

Apr 28, 2009

I have a Base Class, called primitive Graphics. derived from this class are several different types of graphics, squares, rectangles, lines, etc. I am storing those graphics in an object that inherits collectionbase. This causes a problem because I cannot access any of the members in the derived class when they are added to the collection. Here is the default property for my primitivecollection class


My current workaround is to just put all of the public members in the base class, however this is starting to look ugly as I add more derived classes that need members available to the derived class only

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Serial Port Added In One Form Not Accessible From Another Class?

Apr 19, 2011

I added a serial port com1 to my vb.net form. I created a new class and wrote a method to open the com1 and created its object in the main form and called the method and its opening.THen i created another class wrote a method to write data to the com and same way created an object and called it but i am getting the error as port is closed. What am i doing wrong.

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StreamWriter Class - Writing Info Into Log File

Oct 26, 2010

I have an issue with StreamWriter class. Basically, in an application running as a web service, I need to write info into a log file. When I send 2 web service calls simultaneously, the entries created in the log file are not correctly written. For example,
in call #1, ID 1 - xyz is to be written to the log file. In call #2, ID 2 - abc is to be written. When I viewed the log, it shows ID 1 - xyz & ID 1- abc. Looks like there's some memory data being shared and mixed together, even though it's totally 2 separate web service calls. From my understanding, each call (i.e. each will be process under a different application instance) should have its own set of memory allocation for data processing... If I am to make this application as a Console Application, it looks like everything is processed correctly.

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Win32_CdROMDrive Class Can Give Info About CD / DVD Disk

May 8, 2010

Win32_CdROMDrive class can give info about CD/DVD Disk..?


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VS 2005 - Compressing A Dataset Converted To XML Using The GZipStream Class Added In 2.0

Mar 25, 2009

I am compressing a dataset converted to XML using the GZipStream class added in 2.0. There are a few things bothering me about this. Here's the code I am using to decompress the XML file:

Using inFile As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(inFile, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress)
Dim buff(999) As Byte


This seems inordinately awkward, as I am taking the stream, reading it out into byte buffers, then writing those byte buffers to a memory stream that is then passed to the dataset.ReadXml() method. The reason for this seems to have to do with what is happening in the line colored red. That line is adding a closing > onto the end of the stream. Without that, ReadXml complains about an unclosed dataset. I found out that the > was missing by writing the stream into a string and pasting the string into WordPad. Without that missing >, it appears that I wouldn't need to be using that memory stream at all, and could simply pass in the GZipStream to ReadXML, but as far as I can tell, it's impossible to look at the GZipStream to be sure that the > is not there, and it may be impossible to add it (I haven't tried).

So why is the > missing? Here's the code used to create the file that is being read into the filestream in the above

VB Using ms As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.Write)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(ms, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress)

ds.WriteXml(zStrm, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
End Using

The real kicker to all of this is that while I was dissecting the first chunk of code, I added a line to check for cnt<1000. My intention was to see the last buffer that was being written into the memory stream to see whether the final > was actually there, or not. To my surprise, I reached the cnt<1000 twice. That means that one read did not read a full 1000 bytes, but read only 675. The next three or four reads were a full 1000 bytes, then the final read was just a few hundred bytes. It is my understanding that Read will return a full buffer if there are that many bytes left to read, and there were, so why did it return only a partial buffer? That suggests that there might be a hole in my XML, though with a half meg file, it's a bit much to read through it looking for something missing. However, the XML that was returned was turned into a dataset that I then merged into some existing data using code that has been working with uncompressed XML files, and I got an error that I should never have received. That may indicate that the XML was, in fact, missing something, though I will have to study the matter further to figure out whether or not that is the case. My major question has to do with the missing '>' at the very end of the file.

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DNN Dal+ - Retrieve Individual Info Class Collection Items?

Dec 30, 2010

I can't seem to find any answers that work. Here's the setup:

Info class: Public Class ProductStageInfo


maybe I just don't understand the whole collection/index/thing. All the examples I've found are regarding single dimension collections - 'how to find name within this collection', and the responses use strings to search through them, but somehow the Info class is being treated differently, and I'm not sure how to translate this..

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Generate Info (wrapper) Class From Stored Procedure

Feb 26, 2010

I am trying to speed up the development phase by using codesmith for generating the business class DAL and info class for the tables of my project. There are about 50 tables with relationships parent child many to many and for retrieving data I have to code several inner joins in stored procedures. I have to combine fields from many tables and this makes working with the info class difficult. Is there anyway to generate info class from stored procedures or to be more exact is there a way to parse the result set of the stored procedure and to generate the info class with properties for every column in that result set.

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Alter Items Added To Generic Collection (as Property Of Custom Class)

Jun 19, 2009

I have several custom classes in a VB.NET (VS2008) project which are related to each other through generic list collections. The lower tier classes refer directly to some of the parent classes (to make it easier to refer backwards up the chain). My question is, is it possible to add the reference to the parent class when the item is added to a collection, when that collection is a property?

Below is some sampling of code to illustrate.
Public Class FlexServer
Private m_FlexLicenses As List(Of FlexLicense)
Private m_Modules As List(Of FlexModule)
Public Property FlexLicenses() As List(Of FlexLicense)
[code] .....

In the code above I have the FlexServer class which refers has two lists as properties, one for FlexLicense and one for Modules. The FlexLicense class has a property to refer back to the FlexServer class that "owns" it. In order to update this property in code, I have to add the FlexLicense to the FlexServer.FlexLicenses list AND set the FlexLicense.FlexServer property. What I am looking for is, is there a way (in the property definition or wherever) to both add the item to the list and alter it at the same time?

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