DWM Flip3d Policy TopMost?

Oct 23, 2009

I just read a recent article here at the code guru about the flip-3d feature available on Vista and Windows 7.It allows, you to place an application above, or below the windows being flipped.

Here is a VB example of that code really neat code.

Const DWMWA_FLIP3D_POLICY As Int32 = 8


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Making The Second Topmost Window The Topmost Window?

Oct 18, 2009

I am making an app that hides the topmost window, but when i do this, it leaves no current window selected. how can i make the highest unselected window selected?

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Create Group Policy And Link To OU

Aug 3, 2009

I'm not shure that this is the right forum. If there are other more sutible forum please post a referance to it.My task is to generate dynamicaly 130 Group policies and link then to more then 260 OU's I have created.How do I create an empty GPO and link it to it's designated OU?

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Programmatically Create A Group Policy In AD?

Apr 1, 2011

There are a few forum topics that start to discuss this but no concrete how-to's or step by step's. Is it even natively possible?

I need to create a software installation group policy using VB 2010 (or C# for that matter).

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Referencing DLLS In The GAC And Policy Files?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a project/app released which references a dll from the GAC folder. The project is looking for version 1.0 of the referenced dll.

I want to release version 2 of the dll without having to re-release the app and have all users re-install.

I had thought if i deployed a policy with the new dll which redirected calls for the dll to the new version this would be ok. However I think I am missing something. IT seems the redirect is not working as when I test on a users machine, give them the version 2 dll and the policy dll but take away the version 1.0 the app fails. It seem calls to the missing dll are not redirected by the policy dll to version 2.

Policy config which is used to create the policy.1.1.CorpReportsClassLibrary.dll
is as below.

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


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Use A Windows Installer To Set Group Policy

Feb 18, 2009

how to build something like the following:I have an application that will reside on Kiosk style PCs that are out there in public settings. While the application is running on the Kiosk I'll need to restrict the access to certain PC features (reboot, command prompt, download files, etc.) so they don't mess with the PC. I need to build a Windows Installer that deploys the application and does all the set up needed to lock down the PC. The installer needs to do all the work; there can't be any manual steps besides running the installer. The installer will install the application, this part is standard. In addition it will create a local user and use Local Group Policy Objects to restrict the user's access to the machine. Then the machine administrator will log in as that local user and run the Kiosk application under this account. The hope is that the account is locked down and people playing with the application won't be able to stop the application or do anything malicious to the PC.I have been looking for a way to create GPOs in C# code. This way I can implement the GPOs as a CustomAction in my installer. So far I am not finding the right API for GPO management so I'm starting to wonder if I'm even on the right track.If you know of a nice solution for how to accomplish the Kiosk lockdown via a Windows Installer or you know something about managing Group Policy in a C# application

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Get And Set Value Of Local Group Policy Editor Using Vb Scripts

Nov 19, 2009

I want to be able to get and set values of Local Policy Editor using vb scripts (or for that matter any other command line thing). The problem is that for my requirement I cannot rely on the machine in question having anything like powershell. I want to be able to run a script/command and get/set the values of things inside Local Group Policy Editor.

eg. I want to be able to set things like running gpedit.msc and set the value for "\Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesNetworkOffline FilesDefault Cache Size", and I want to do this without manual intervention.

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Where Is Code Access Security Policy Configured

Jul 14, 2008

I recently did a clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium and a reinstall of Visual Studio Professional 2008. I can't find the Framework Configuration anywhere. I have looked on the Start Menu and in the Control Panel and in Administrative tools. I need to find it so I can fully trust the network where my projects are located.

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Find Date/time Of Last Group Policy Refresh?

Nov 28, 2011

how I could retrieve the date/time of the last Group Policy update. I have a crude routine that will search the Event Log for Event 1704, but this runs slower than I'd like. I was hoping there might be a way to get this info via Registry, WMI query, etc. that would work faster in my VB2010 program.

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Application Attempted To Perform Operation Not Allowed By Security Policy

Sep 27, 2011

When I try to run my DLL in Autocad, I got the message below.Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission, contact your.I know there are many threads on this error, but Im not sure about one thing.Can I resolved this on our FilesServer or I have to do something on each computers that will use the DLL ?

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C# - Using Evidence, Security Policy And Permissions To Prevent Assembly From Loading On Web Server?

Mar 11, 2010

Assume a .NET class library code that, for example, writes to the Windows registry. Then this code has problem to run over internet, because default Internet policy does not give access to write to the registry.By adding a RequestMinimum statement in the assembly we can specify that the code requires permission to write to write to the registry. This will not alter the fact that the code does not have the permission, but will stop the assembly from loading; the runtime will throw a System.Security.Policy.PolicyException and identify the permission that is required.Do you now any other examples of using evidence, security policy and permissions (the key elements of code-access security) to prevent an assembly from loading on a web server?

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Local Group Policy Editor - Force Shutdown From Remote System

Aug 3, 2010

The following steps give a Guest shutdown policy.

1- Click run, and type the gpedit.msc, to start "Local Group Policy Editor".
2 -Expand "Computer Configuration" -> "Windows Settings" -> "Security Settings" -> "Local Policies" -> Then click "User Rights Assignment".
3- In the Policy window, Select "Force shutdown from a remote system", double click it, it will pop a properties window.
4- Click "Add user or group button", add a user and name it Guest.

I need to know if it's possible to manipulate and add the user or group programmatically. I'm using Visual Basic 2008.

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VS 2008 Application Attempted To Perform An Operation Not Allowed By The Security Policy?

Jun 10, 2010

This error occurs when I want to add my app to the startup keys
My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", True).SetValue(Application.ProductName, app)


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Finding The Topmost Form?

Oct 4, 2009

How do I find which form is currently on top? (child forms in a MDI parent form)

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Get MainWindowTitle From Topmost Window?

Jun 19, 2012

Let's say the user has both Firefox and Chrome running. I'd like to get the MainWindowTitle from the browser that is the topmost, even if none of them have focus.The code below works fine if the user only has one of them running, but I'm not sure how to the get MainWindowTitle from the topmost firefox/chrome window when the user has both of them running.

Dim pProcess() As Process = Process.GetProcesses
For Each pr As Process In pProcess


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Getting The 'topmost' Keyword To Work

Feb 4, 2012

I am aware of the 'topmost' keyword in VB.NET for specifying a window to be brought to the front or top of the display windows showing. However, specifying 'xlApp.topmost' is resulting in a compile error in my VB 2010 Express project; most likely because my project doesn't include a reference that it needs for 'xlApp.topmost' to start working. What reference do I need to add?

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Interact With Form Behind Topmost?

Aug 25, 2011

I am trying to write a program that displays a medium opacity image as the topmost form. that I can handle, the part that is giving me trouble is that I want windows to "ignore" the topmost picture form and allow me to interact with any forms behind it (mine or otherwise) as if the see-through form isn't there. I have searched all over but cant seem to find a way to do this.

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Set Topmost For Open Exe File?

Jun 7, 2009

i use this code to open powerpoint file :

Shell("C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11POWERPNT.EXE C:Cacthuattoan.ppt")
but when it is opened , it only show in tasbar. i want to it appear with max window.

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VS 2010 Exception To Topmost?

Feb 8, 2012

I'm writing a program that's supposed to keep the employees at my work away from doing things they're not supposed to on the computer. So I made a "launcher" window that's only closeable with password. I also disabled task manager. However when I start an application from my launcher window, the launcher window goes over it because of its topmost property.

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Winforms - Toggling TopMost In VB?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a form that has to be on top for a period of time, and then can be set behind other windows normally. Is there anything in addition to setting Me.TopMost to True or False that needs to be done? I ask because it doesn't seem to be working.

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Cannot Be Scrolled Out And Stay Topmost While The Whole App Is Focused

Mar 18, 2010

With that program, it has extra dialogs within it. They cannot be scrolled out and stay topmost while the whole app is focused. How can I do that?

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Force User To Use The Topmost Form

Dec 10, 2011

I'm programming a Minesweeper clone in Visual Studio 2010, with VB.NET, as a Windows Form Application, and I'm having trouble with the Game Won and Game Lost forms. When I show those forms, I want the game form to still be visible, so that the player can see where the mines were, but I don't want the game form to be enabled until the Game Won or Game Lost form is closed. Exactly like Windows Minesweeper does when you win or lose.


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Forms - Any Way To Limit TopMost Property?

Sep 11, 2011

Is there a way to limit the topmost property? I have two forms and I only want to one form form topmost to only one form. I don't want it to be topmost to all of the windows in my computer.

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Get What Application Is Connected To The Topmost Window?

Aug 25, 2010

My VB.NET application is suposed to monitor what application currently is running in the topmost window. I have tried the following approach using a timer:

Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As System.IntPtr
Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As System.IntPtr
Public Declare Auto Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" _


By this I can see that for example Outlook or Internet Explorer is the topmost window as the name is in Window's title bar. However, if the user crates a new mail in Outlook the title of the window is "Untitled message" givning no hint of what application is running in the the window.

How do I get what application is connected to the topmost window?

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Make Form Topmost Just In Application?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to make one form in my application always on top of other forms. Not the 'topmost' property, I want it on top JUST within the application.

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Set Window TopMost Of Main Form?

Feb 18, 2010

What I need to do is Set my new form to be the top most form of only my application while still having click access to the main form. Right now I have tried the property Topmost = True but the thing about that I really do not like is it puts the form above every single windows form. I only want the form to be the topmost of my application. The showdialog also will not work because I no longer have access to my main form with click events.

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VS 2008 Embedded Form As Topmost

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to embed a form, which works, but it's under all my controls. It should appear on top of everything.

Dim frmEmbedded As New frmLogin()
frmEmbedded.TopLevel = False
frmEmbedded.TopMost = True

I don't know why this happens, am I missing something?

If I set TopLevel to true, it deosn't show up at all.

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[vb2010] Topmost ONLY For A Specific Window?

Jun 4, 2011

If I set the TopMost property of my form =True , it becomes and remains the top most window over ALL the desktop windows.how to make my form TopMost ONLY for a specific window (external to my program), knowing the Hwnd of the external window itself?

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MainForm And ChildForm TopMost Activated/Deactivated?

Feb 24, 2011

I have 2 FormsOne is my mainform, one is a "child" form.The childform has no control box.he mainform has a toggle button to show and hide the childform.

Private Sub ButtonShowHideChildForm_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonShowHideChildForm.Click
If ChildForm.TopMost Then


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Make Any Program's Window TopMost From Mine?

Sep 1, 2010

I have so far been able to write the program that glasses the windows I want (via a global keyboard shortcut).

I now need a way to replicate Glass2k's feature which makes glassed windows stay on top of all windows irrespective of which program I switch to (more like setting a WinForm's TopMost property to True. Is there any way of doing this in .NET?

I'm prepared to get down and dirty with DllImports and all so any suggestion is welcome as long as it is in VB.NET or C#.

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