Get And Set Value Of Local Group Policy Editor Using Vb Scripts

Nov 19, 2009

I want to be able to get and set values of Local Policy Editor using vb scripts (or for that matter any other command line thing). The problem is that for my requirement I cannot rely on the machine in question having anything like powershell. I want to be able to run a script/command and get/set the values of things inside Local Group Policy Editor.

eg. I want to be able to set things like running gpedit.msc and set the value for "\Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesNetworkOffline FilesDefault Cache Size", and I want to do this without manual intervention.

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Local Group Policy Editor - Force Shutdown From Remote System

Aug 3, 2010

The following steps give a Guest shutdown policy.

1- Click run, and type the gpedit.msc, to start "Local Group Policy Editor".
2 -Expand "Computer Configuration" -> "Windows Settings" -> "Security Settings" -> "Local Policies" -> Then click "User Rights Assignment".
3- In the Policy window, Select "Force shutdown from a remote system", double click it, it will pop a properties window.
4- Click "Add user or group button", add a user and name it Guest.

I need to know if it's possible to manipulate and add the user or group programmatically. I'm using Visual Basic 2008.

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Create Group Policy And Link To OU

Aug 3, 2009

I'm not shure that this is the right forum. If there are other more sutible forum please post a referance to it.My task is to generate dynamicaly 130 Group policies and link then to more then 260 OU's I have created.How do I create an empty GPO and link it to it's designated OU?

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Programmatically Create A Group Policy In AD?

Apr 1, 2011

There are a few forum topics that start to discuss this but no concrete how-to's or step by step's. Is it even natively possible?

I need to create a software installation group policy using VB 2010 (or C# for that matter).

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Use A Windows Installer To Set Group Policy

Feb 18, 2009

how to build something like the following:I have an application that will reside on Kiosk style PCs that are out there in public settings. While the application is running on the Kiosk I'll need to restrict the access to certain PC features (reboot, command prompt, download files, etc.) so they don't mess with the PC. I need to build a Windows Installer that deploys the application and does all the set up needed to lock down the PC. The installer needs to do all the work; there can't be any manual steps besides running the installer. The installer will install the application, this part is standard. In addition it will create a local user and use Local Group Policy Objects to restrict the user's access to the machine. Then the machine administrator will log in as that local user and run the Kiosk application under this account. The hope is that the account is locked down and people playing with the application won't be able to stop the application or do anything malicious to the PC.I have been looking for a way to create GPOs in C# code. This way I can implement the GPOs as a CustomAction in my installer. So far I am not finding the right API for GPO management so I'm starting to wonder if I'm even on the right track.If you know of a nice solution for how to accomplish the Kiosk lockdown via a Windows Installer or you know something about managing Group Policy in a C# application

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Find Date/time Of Last Group Policy Refresh?

Nov 28, 2011

how I could retrieve the date/time of the last Group Policy update. I have a crude routine that will search the Event Log for Event 1704, but this runs slower than I'd like. I was hoping there might be a way to get this info via Registry, WMI query, etc. that would work faster in my VB2010 program.

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Add Domain User To Local Group While Logged In As Local Account?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone know how this can be done? The problem is that when you run the script to add a domain user to the local group as a local user you have no permissions to query the domain. Is there a way to pass a user name and password when doing this? [code]...

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Urgent Add Activedirectory Group To A Local Group?

Apr 6, 2011

anyone have some quick code on how to do this?

wmi is not a option.

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C# - Get The Local Group Name For Guests/administrators?

Jul 9, 2010

to add a windows user.The problem is i need to add the user to a group, but the groupnames are localized.E.g. the MS-example uses an english computer, which means you can get the guest group like this:

grp = AD.Children.Find("Guests", "group")

But on a non-english computer, the 'Guest' groupname is localized, meaning for example on my german language OS, the group name for Guests is "Gäste".Which means for the support example to run on my computer i need to change that line to

grp = AD.Children.Find("Gäste", "group")then it works.Now if the OS is any other language, how can I find the name for the guest user ?Or how can i get the guest user name from a sid ?

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View Users Of Local Group?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to view the users of a local group on my machine so I can eventually change their read/write permissions... what code can i use to display the users?

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Add Domain User To Local Administrators Group?

May 17, 2012

I need my program to add all users selected in a checkedlist box to the local administrators group.I will be logged in as a domain admin when doing this , if soeone tries to run this without permissions it should prompt them for domain admin creds[code]...

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Remotely Add Domain User To Local Group?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm in the process of writing a script for use in our lab. I need it to remotely add a domain user to the local group "Remote Desktop Users" on some remote desktop servers we use to bridge two subnets. The person adding the user would have admin rights for that remote server. I would use GPO, but we don't control the domain and it'd be damned near impossible to convince IT to set aside a OU for us with just those machines. I've been looking at using WMI in the script I've been working on but I haven't got the slightest clue how I'd implement it.

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Add A Domain User To A Local Group On Remote Computers?

Mar 6, 2009

add a domain user to a local group on remote computers

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IDE :: Creating Data Entry System For Local Community Group?

May 14, 2011

I am trying to create a data entry system for a local community group. I am working with VB.NET 2010 and MSAcess 2000. I am completely new to using a DB in VB.Net. I have created a form with the membership table bound as details on the form and the classes they are attending as a DataGridView. I used all the Visual Studio GUI tools for this. It was reasonably straightforward once I got the hang of things. My problems arise when I try to ensure that a user cannot move to a new record or create a new member without first saving any changes they have made.

I am using ColumnChanging events in the ...DataSet.vb class to set flags to indicate whether any data values have been changed on the form. My problem is that the ColumnChanging events for the classes DGV fire immediately on changing the data whereas the ones for the member details don't fire until I start to move to a new record. I don't know if it is important but my member navigation is achieved by means of a combobox on the form that lists the member names from the table. I have absolutely no idea why this works - it just did; the form updates as soon as the user selects a new member in the combo box.

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Use Directory Services For Listing The Members Of The Local Administrators Group On A Remote Pc

Sep 22, 2010

how to use directory services for listing the members of the local administrators group on a remote pc in the following format?


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System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement - Error Adding User To Local Administrators Group But Not Other Groups?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to try to add a local account to the local administrators group with the following code but am getting the error below on the group.Members.Add(usr) line. Both usr and group are created as objects and if I create a Test group, I can add the user to the Test group. I know the group object is the local administrators group and not the domain group because i changed the description on the local administratrors group and the group object is correct so it appears to be something specific to the local administrators group.

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DWM Flip3d Policy TopMost?

Oct 23, 2009

I just read a recent article here at the code guru about the flip-3d feature available on Vista and Windows 7.It allows, you to place an application above, or below the windows being flipped.

Here is a VB example of that code really neat code.

Const DWMWA_FLIP3D_POLICY As Int32 = 8


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Referencing DLLS In The GAC And Policy Files?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a project/app released which references a dll from the GAC folder. The project is looking for version 1.0 of the referenced dll.

I want to release version 2 of the dll without having to re-release the app and have all users re-install.

I had thought if i deployed a policy with the new dll which redirected calls for the dll to the new version this would be ok. However I think I am missing something. IT seems the redirect is not working as when I test on a users machine, give them the version 2 dll and the policy dll but take away the version 1.0 the app fails. It seem calls to the missing dll are not redirected by the policy dll to version 2.

Policy config which is used to create the policy.1.1.CorpReportsClassLibrary.dll
is as below.

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


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Where Is Code Access Security Policy Configured

Jul 14, 2008

I recently did a clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium and a reinstall of Visual Studio Professional 2008. I can't find the Framework Configuration anywhere. I have looked on the Start Menu and in the Control Panel and in Administrative tools. I need to find it so I can fully trust the network where my projects are located.

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Application Attempted To Perform Operation Not Allowed By Security Policy

Sep 27, 2011

When I try to run my DLL in Autocad, I got the message below.Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission, contact your.I know there are many threads on this error, but Im not sure about one thing.Can I resolved this on our FilesServer or I have to do something on each computers that will use the DLL ?

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See If Current User's Group Name Matches A Specified Group Name Using Active Directory Roles And SID's?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to match up a specific group name and see if it exists for the currently logged in user using Active Directory roles. If the Group Name exists for the Current User, I want that group name to be displayed in a drop down list. Example: If current user is in BIG Group, display BIG in drop down list.Problem: All I am getting is SIDs and I'm not able to get anything to match up to the group name and nothing will show up in the drop down list.I also get the following Error:Error: Object variable or WIth block variable not set.How do I fix this?? here is the code I am using:

Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that


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Enumerate If An Active Directory Group's Member Is User Or Another Group

Jan 31, 2011

Enumerate if an Active Directory group's member is user or another group

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C# - Using Evidence, Security Policy And Permissions To Prevent Assembly From Loading On Web Server?

Mar 11, 2010

Assume a .NET class library code that, for example, writes to the Windows registry. Then this code has problem to run over internet, because default Internet policy does not give access to write to the registry.By adding a RequestMinimum statement in the assembly we can specify that the code requires permission to write to write to the registry. This will not alter the fact that the code does not have the permission, but will stop the assembly from loading; the runtime will throw a System.Security.Policy.PolicyException and identify the permission that is required.Do you now any other examples of using evidence, security policy and permissions (the key elements of code-access security) to prevent an assembly from loading on a web server?

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VS 2008 Application Attempted To Perform An Operation Not Allowed By The Security Policy?

Jun 10, 2010

This error occurs when I want to add my app to the startup keys
My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", True).SetValue(Application.ProductName, app)


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Reference A Group Of Controls Inside A Group Box?

Jan 1, 2011

I am writing an application and I do not know how to reference a group of controls inside a group box. I will include the code I have written so far and a picture with a detailed explanation as to what I am trying to do. Feel free to comment on any discrepancies that you may notice in my code.


Public Class Form1
' The following class-level constants are used
' to calculate the price of the model
Const decCOUPE As Decimal = 18000


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Remove All Items In A Listview Group And The Group Name?

Sep 25, 2011

I want to remove a group (include all items in this group) in ListView, but unsuccessful, the code is below, why?


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Divide The Content In My Application To Groups Each Group Has Its Own Rectangle Border With The Group Name Located At The Top Border

Jul 22, 2009

I want to divide the content in my application to groups each group has its own rectangle border with the group name located at the top border, i've seen it before and i'm not sure what is the correct name of this control, anyone knows what I'm talking about ? EDIT: Ok, I found the Groupbox Control but how do i use it? should i just drag other controls inside it or i should add controls directly into it?

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Remove AD Group From Group?

Jul 25, 2011

I have this code I've used multiple times to add and remove users from AD groups, but when I try to use it to remove an AD group from another AD group it fails with "The server is unwilling" [code]...

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Algorithm For VB Editor?

Dec 26, 2009

is the algorithm for VB editor released anywhere? because i'm trying to create my own editor that gives various options like Linking and self defined array functions (see below) such that one edit can update several others in various places, but i do still wish to have the auto formatting VB editor provides us example of a self defined array function (count):we can transform this:

Public Class test
Private Shared number_of_methods As Integer = 2
Public Function get_number_of_methods_juz_an_example() As Integer
Return number_of_methods


well of course instead of the code it would be just click and select (i wrote out the code in <> just to show what's happening)

View 5 Replies - Using Javascript In CK Editor?

Oct 7, 2011

I created a web form in .net. The form need to use WYSIWYG editor. So, I have decided to use CK editor. Now, I have gotten a problem that the CK editor lets to use javascript in the textarea. I don't want to let this. How could I do that?

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