View Users Of Local Group?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to view the users of a local group on my machine so I can eventually change their read/write permissions... what code can i use to display the users?

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Add Domain User To Local Group While Logged In As Local Account?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone know how this can be done? The problem is that when you run the script to add a domain user to the local group as a local user you have no permissions to query the domain. Is there a way to pass a user name and password when doing this? [code]...

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Urgent Add Activedirectory Group To A Local Group?

Apr 6, 2011

anyone have some quick code on how to do this?

wmi is not a option.

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Find Users In Group?

Oct 20, 2010

I have some code that retrieves users from our domain:

Dim DirEnt As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://,DC=My Domain,DC=local")
Dim searchResults As New DirectorySearcher(DirEnt)


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Get A List Of Users In An AD Group

Nov 23, 2011

Im trying to get a list of users in an AD group. My code is [code] I think the line causing the problem is the filter ("(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=MyGroup))").Could anyone confirm or advise how to get the list of members please?

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Not A Member Of The Debugger Users Group?

Apr 3, 2011

got this error while trying to debug on a different computer"Access is denied. Verify you are the administrator or member of the Debugger Users group...." etc.I am an admin on this computer and i think i tried adding myself to that group by right-clicking on the project -> properties -> security etc. but nothing happened Also not getting any clear or relevant answers from anywhere els

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C# - Get The Local Group Name For Guests/administrators?

Jul 9, 2010

to add a windows user.The problem is i need to add the user to a group, but the groupnames are localized.E.g. the MS-example uses an english computer, which means you can get the guest group like this:

grp = AD.Children.Find("Guests", "group")

But on a non-english computer, the 'Guest' groupname is localized, meaning for example on my german language OS, the group name for Guests is "Gäste".Which means for the support example to run on my computer i need to change that line to

grp = AD.Children.Find("Gäste", "group")then it works.Now if the OS is any other language, how can I find the name for the guest user ?Or how can i get the guest user name from a sid ?

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Comparing Active Directory Group Users

May 4, 2012

I have bunch of users in one of the Active Directory Group. I am adding users from one of my Sql Server table. I want to compare the Active Directory group users with my sql table users and add the users to that group only if they don't exists in that group.

Here is the code I am adding to the AD Group from sql table.
Public Sub adUserToGroup()
Dim sDomainName As String = ("")
Dim adUserFolder As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry(",DC=foxeg,DC=com")
[Code] .....

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Develop A Tool To Add Users To The Appropriate AD Security Group?

May 28, 2010

I am trying to develop a tool to add users to the appropriate AD security group for their department (so that they have the right access to their network folders)I have a list of departments (e.g. A1, A2, A3, B4, Sec, DirGen) and there are 3 AD groups per department. One for Managers, one for secretaries and one for normal users. Each group grants different levels of access on the network folders.

So, I'm trying to decide the best method of presenting this data to the user (and, in turn, storing it in my application).At the moment, I have a Combobox for the department (with a fixed list of items) and a combobox for the user type (e.g. Manager, Secretary, User). Once these comboboxes are selected I populate a CheckedListBox with the relevant AD groups names.


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Add Domain User To Local Administrators Group?

May 17, 2012

I need my program to add all users selected in a checkedlist box to the local administrators group.I will be logged in as a domain admin when doing this , if soeone tries to run this without permissions it should prompt them for domain admin creds[code]...

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Get And Set Value Of Local Group Policy Editor Using Vb Scripts

Nov 19, 2009

I want to be able to get and set values of Local Policy Editor using vb scripts (or for that matter any other command line thing). The problem is that for my requirement I cannot rely on the machine in question having anything like powershell. I want to be able to run a script/command and get/set the values of things inside Local Group Policy Editor.

eg. I want to be able to set things like running gpedit.msc and set the value for "\Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesNetworkOffline FilesDefault Cache Size", and I want to do this without manual intervention.

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Remotely Add Domain User To Local Group?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm in the process of writing a script for use in our lab. I need it to remotely add a domain user to the local group "Remote Desktop Users" on some remote desktop servers we use to bridge two subnets. The person adding the user would have admin rights for that remote server. I would use GPO, but we don't control the domain and it'd be damned near impossible to convince IT to set aside a OU for us with just those machines. I've been looking at using WMI in the script I've been working on but I haven't got the slightest clue how I'd implement it.

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LDAP Query To Return All Users In A Specific Group?

Feb 24, 2010

how i can get a list of users who are members of a group in Active Directory. A example would be great. I can list all users in AD, but cannot get just the users in a group.

Also do anybody know of a really easy tutorial on LDAP queries with examples.

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VS 2008 Users Controls - Insert The Same Group Box In All Forms

Jan 15, 2010

i want to implements users control. i have the same informations in a group box in a lot of forms. i would like to insert the same group box in all my would i do?

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VS 2008 - Possible To Get Network Users Local IP?

Jul 9, 2011

Is it possible to get all my network users' local IPs using VB 2008?

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Add A Domain User To A Local Group On Remote Computers?

Mar 6, 2009

add a domain user to a local group on remote computers

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C# - Failed Logon Counter For Local Users?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there a way to programmaticly get the failed logon count for local Windows users in XP and later? Alternatively, is there a way for my service to get a message when a failed logon occurs? Currently coding in VB.NET, but will take any suggestions in any language.

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Local And Network Printers For ALL Users On A Remote Pc?

May 30, 2012

I have this partially working but only shows printers for one user, need all local and network printers mapped for ALL users on a remote pc so I can migrate them, I know I need to do some sort of for each method but not sure what will work


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IDE :: Creating Data Entry System For Local Community Group?

May 14, 2011

I am trying to create a data entry system for a local community group. I am working with VB.NET 2010 and MSAcess 2000. I am completely new to using a DB in VB.Net. I have created a form with the membership table bound as details on the form and the classes they are attending as a DataGridView. I used all the Visual Studio GUI tools for this. It was reasonably straightforward once I got the hang of things. My problems arise when I try to ensure that a user cannot move to a new record or create a new member without first saving any changes they have made.

I am using ColumnChanging events in the ...DataSet.vb class to set flags to indicate whether any data values have been changed on the form. My problem is that the ColumnChanging events for the classes DGV fire immediately on changing the data whereas the ones for the member details don't fire until I start to move to a new record. I don't know if it is important but my member navigation is achieved by means of a combobox on the form that lists the member names from the table. I have absolutely no idea why this works - it just did; the form updates as soon as the user selects a new member in the combo box.

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Local Group Policy Editor - Force Shutdown From Remote System

Aug 3, 2010

The following steps give a Guest shutdown policy.

1- Click run, and type the gpedit.msc, to start "Local Group Policy Editor".
2 -Expand "Computer Configuration" -> "Windows Settings" -> "Security Settings" -> "Local Policies" -> Then click "User Rights Assignment".
3- In the Policy window, Select "Force shutdown from a remote system", double click it, it will pop a properties window.
4- Click "Add user or group button", add a user and name it Guest.

I need to know if it's possible to manipulate and add the user or group programmatically. I'm using Visual Basic 2008.

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Use Directory Services For Listing The Members Of The Local Administrators Group On A Remote Pc

Sep 22, 2010

how to use directory services for listing the members of the local administrators group on a remote pc in the following format?


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View Network Group Using .net?

Mar 11, 2010

is that possible to view workgroups computer using this and manipulate their processes?

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System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement - Error Adding User To Local Administrators Group But Not Other Groups?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to try to add a local account to the local administrators group with the following code but am getting the error below on the group.Members.Add(usr) line. Both usr and group are created as objects and if I create a Test group, I can add the user to the Test group. I know the group object is the local administrators group and not the domain group because i changed the description on the local administratrors group and the group object is correct so it appears to be something specific to the local administrators group.

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Get A Linq To Sql Group By Query Into The Mvc View?

Dec 23, 2009

I have the following query that groups parking spaces by their garage, but I can't figure out how to iterate the data in the view.

Public Function FindAllSpaces() Implements ISpaceRepository.FindAllSpaces
Dim query = _
From s In db.spaces _
Order By Ascending _


The controller is taking the query object as is and putting it into the viewdata.model and as stated the view is not currently strongly typed as I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. I have run the query successfully in linqpad.

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Assign An Item To A Group In List View?

Mar 23, 2009

I am trying to develop a recipe manager that allows a user to create a shopping list. I've already determined that I want to use a list view for this job. I want to be able to group the items in the shopping list by the appropriate grocery aisle (i.e. Dairy, Bread, Canned Goods, etc.) I'm not sure how to assign the items to the appropriate group as the user selects each item.

I haven't started actually building the application yet as i'm still in the development stage, but i have been testing the list view out to figure out how it works. i've figured out how to add items. i just don't know how to specify the group that each item should belong to.


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How To View Computers Connected To A Local Network

Jun 8, 2011

Here is my Prob- we have a main router from which we use a distributor or hub for internet connection distribution, ever computer connected automatically obtains IP address of format say - to access net connection.if any connected computer has different IP format than the given one, it cannot access internet.

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Users Pressing Run In The Excel View Macros List Corrupts The Workbook?

Sep 26, 2011

I need to stop users from running macros from the View Macros list. I have a security program that stops editing the macros but allows selecting the macros and running them.My code is too long to go into a single procedure. It fails to run and I got the following information when clicking the Help button:
***Code for this procedure exceeds 64K when compiled. ***Break this, and any other large procedures, into two or more smaller procedures.If I split the code into 2 macros, the user can press Run in the View Macros list on the 2nd macro which then corrupts the workbook.


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Clock - UTC - Give The Users Current Time Zone/local Time

Jul 22, 2011

So I currently have the following:

2 timers

2 labels

1st label is "Clock" this pulls the time from the users current time zone/local time

2nd label is "UTCClock" Which would be UTC time

Now I have this for the first label: clock.Text = Format(TimeOfDay, "hh:mm:ss tt")

Which would give the users current time zone/local time. As for the UTC.. how would I add in for the UTC time from where the user is located at? I did some searches.. but couldnt find what I was looking for.. IM pretty sure its not as easy as getting the users current time zone/local time.. So im assuming that Theres a "bit more" code into getting UTC time..

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Hide/Show Items - Possible To Hide A Group Of Text Boxes From View In A Form

May 5, 2012

I'm curious if it is possible to hide a group of text boxes from view in a form until a particular condition is met, and to have a custom set of text boxes for that condition. To give an example; I want radio buttons offering choices for a manner of searching records, the user selects one and then a specific set of text boxes are displayed for the user to utilize, if a different option is chosen a different set of text boxes will be shown. Is this something that can be done?

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See If Current User's Group Name Matches A Specified Group Name Using Active Directory Roles And SID's?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to match up a specific group name and see if it exists for the currently logged in user using Active Directory roles. If the Group Name exists for the Current User, I want that group name to be displayed in a drop down list. Example: If current user is in BIG Group, display BIG in drop down list.Problem: All I am getting is SIDs and I'm not able to get anything to match up to the group name and nothing will show up in the drop down list.I also get the following Error:Error: Object variable or WIth block variable not set.How do I fix this?? here is the code I am using:

Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that


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